Upon the dreaded realization mail in ballots were sent this week, I now get to be inundated with political...
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The Ultimate October Surprise
We’re entering this disturbing hellscape where Donald Trump is the Antichrist. This is my review of the...
No Sleep Til Brooklyn
Weird things going on in the Empire State. No, I am not just talking about the Old Man with Candy, he should...
Nevermind Your P’s and Q’s
Another stunning example of using Science!(TM) to oppress your enemies. By enemies, I mean British Subjects....
Eating Dogs
”I really can’t do this right now.” I said. ”BROWN MAN ON FOREST LAWYER PODCAST. STARRING STEVE SMITH, esq....
Not the Game for Weenies
Its the time of year when we can put aside out differences, come together and all agree Dak needs to leave...
Toxic Emissions
I guess sometimes we can get into the weeds with the more, shall we say technical aspects of beer culture....
Ackounting of A Time Amongst Savages: The first attempt to cash in on those “Rednecks in the Mist” articles.
Remember several years ago when they tried to figure out why everyone voted for Trump? No? Okay do you...
Ah! Five Dollar Footlongs!
Another sign of impending economic doom, or was this just poor planning? Why not both? This is my review of...
The Epitome of Evil
Ever look at something and feel bad you laughed about it? This is my review of Destihl Brewing True Evel...