This may be the seventh (!) installment of this annual feature, but the first in the new Wordpress editor....
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Friday links of double checking luggage
What a baseball game last night. Big Christmas getting a two run homer in the bottom of the 9th with two outs...
¡Hombres que no hablan una palabra de español!
Upon the dreaded realization mail in ballots were sent this week, I now get to be inundated with political...
Friday links of Horror.
As I mentioned, I live in a neighborhood where quite a few people get very involved in their Halloween...
The Ultimate October Surprise
We’re entering this disturbing hellscape where Donald Trump is the Antichrist. This is my review of the...
Monday Morning Oatmeal Cookie Links
Recently your editorial staff got into a heated debate about oatmeal cookies. Many of the staff are members...
No Sleep Til Brooklyn
Weird things going on in the Empire State. No, I am not just talking about the Old Man with Candy, he should...
Friday links before another busy weekend.
This time of year, my weekends always seem to fill up with activities. It's the story of my life that I have...
Nevermind Your P’s and Q’s
Another stunning example of using Science!(TM) to oppress your enemies. By enemies, I mean British Subjects....
Friday Afternoon links of the Cleveland Gaming Classic
Another busy weekend here. Heading out to the Cleveland Gaming Classic tonight and tomorrow (BattleTech...