Wednesday afternoon pre Thanksgiving links!

by | Nov 22, 2023 | Daily Links | 161 comments



I’ll eat whatever’s on my plate, as long as there are many gravies.

The sentient tumor where SugarFree gets all his creative content from needed to travel for Thanksgiving, so here I am. No, you may not mash me, unless you are hot, then we can talk.




Well, this just happened. And they’re already calling it terrorism.


Vlad blinks?


Society has broken down.


Sorry folks, I just consider this to be self inflicted misery.


I love up lifting articles during the holidays.


Let’s finish up the links with a lovely nut punch from California.


Okay, that’s good enough for me. Since I’m not traveling today, I’m off for a lobster/crab roll with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. All y’alls have a great, safe Thanksgiving!

I was listening to this last night. I think  this is the appropriate attitude to adopt for the next few days.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. Common Tater

    Happy Jamie Lee Curtis Birth Day?

    • The Other Kevin

      Tomorrow is my birthday. I’m hoping by the time I’m gone I’ve done something memorable because Nov. 23 is pretty lame for famous people birthdays.

      • Aloysious

        That means… you get cake AND turkey on the same day.

        Best. Day. Ever.

      • Fourscore

        Happy B-Day, celebrate the occasion in style, big festival, nation wide.

        C’mon everybody, it’s TOK’s birthday tomorrow. Pilgrims and Indigenous welcome!

      • Common Tater

        Besides Miley Cyrus?

        Happy Birthday!

        Is it often on Thanksgiving?

      • The Other Kevin

        Seems like it, but I just found this:
        “In the short term (that is, from 1901 to 2099) there’s a leap year every four years, and your birthday will be on Thanksgiving four times out of every 28.”

      • Fourscore

        You can always have a sliding birthday to ensure it’s always on T’Giving. Cake and eat it too.

      • The Other Kevin

        My in-laws always have a cake for me on Thanksgiving regardless of the date. This year they have a cheesecake for me.

  2. Common Tater

    That bridge doesn’t look rainbow. I was expecting some LGBT atrocity.

  3. Gender Traitor

    Is that the Rainbow Bridge pets cross when they die? 😿

    • The Other Kevin

      Yes. Those terrorists are monsters.

      • Gender Traitor

        I thought maybe Spot and Puff decided to go out in style.

    • Rat on a train

      Children, Sparky went to Canada to be with all the other animals.

      • Fourscore

        Grandpa’s Farm closed for the season. Ground is frozen.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The “how we have spent our past two weeks” is gold. And they just skewered their goose that was laying that egg.

      • B.P.

        I still have the print version of that issue.

    • Beau Knott

      No, that’s the Xiying Rainbow Bridge in/near Penghu City off the coast of Taiwan.

  4. Common Tater

    “Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2021 signed into law a measure allowing the state’s Department of Justice to share identifying information of more than 4 million gun owners with qualified research institutions to help them better study gun violence, accidents, and suicides, the AP said.

    The information includes data such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and criminal records, all of which are collected during background checks, the AP said.”


    • Sean

      criminal records

      That seems out of place.

      • Common Tater

        Infractions and non “domestic violence” misdemeanors?

        No idea how names and phone numbers could be useful.

    • Suthenboy

      Horse shit. Such studies have consistently shown that gun owners are the most law abiding citizens in the country for decades. They are 10x less likely to commit felonies than cops.
      It is a de facto list of people to be swatted first.

  5. SDF-7

    that the lower court failed to consider the state’s interest in studying and preventing gun violence in its analysis

    Oh… if the state has an interest then fuck any citizen’s rights or privacy. I’d crack that I’m sure the IRS has an interest in every single transaction… but that ship fucking sailed already too.

    Fucking be-robed idiots…

    • Rat on a train

      It is consistent with their doctrine that your rights end where the state’s interests begin.

  6. The Other Kevin

    That Hall & Oates article is a sure sign of the end times.

    I’m not surprised at all the constipation. I know many people who don’t go more than a few times a week. Makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it. (Proud 2x/day person myself).

  7. Pine_Tree

    I tried to post this like 10 times on the recipe thread last night, and it kicked me out every time. So here we go again…

    Mom’s dressing:

    2 skillets of cornbread
    3 biscuits
    1 diced onion
    1 stick of butter
    3 eggs
    4c broth

    Cook the cornbread and biscuits about 2 days ahead of time and let them get stale. Preheat oven to 350deg, and melt the stick of butter in an 11×14 pan in the oven while you do that.
    Crumble biscuits and cornbread into a big mixing bowl, leaving them fairly coarse. Pour the butter from the pan into the mix. Mix the eggs, onions, and broth into all that, with lots of pepper and some salt. Put it back in the pan and bake at 350deg for 40min and a little more under the broiler if you need to brown it.

    • Pine_Tree

      Hmm. It worked. The only material change I made was turning the list of instructions into a paragraph. Maybe it doesn’t like that many Return-keys in a comment. Dunno.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    This information will never be used for anything but official state business.


    • Nephilium

      /looks at my old Social Security Card

      “Not to be used for identification purposes”

      • Common Tater


    • The Other Kevin

      Says right there it’s for research. Provided to nonprofits like the institute For Better Information.

  9. Fourscore

    Survey says: “43 percent of Americans frequently constipated”

    Why wait for the holidays? What is overeating?

  10. rhywun

    Buffalo Airport is now closed as a result of the incident.

    Because that makes sense. Buffalo Strong!

    • Nephilium

      /Everyone outside the rust belt

      “What do wings have to do with this?”

    • R.J.

      Terror attack, my ass. Some dudes on drugs blew across the border and wrecked.

  11. KK, Non-Man

    That reminds me…I gotta cut up this turkey breasteseses

    • Nephilium
      • R.J.

        Heh. Gonna start at 2:00 in the morning. Turkey defrosted, it’s so big it goes in the oven. Probably going to bag it.

      • Nephilium

        When I hosted, I based mine of the Trader Joe’s roasting guide.

        Best of luck to your cooking endeavors tomorrow!

        /looks over at KK

        By the way… Open Zoom is Open.

      • KK, Non-Man

        I shall be there at my usualish time!

      • Ownbestenemy

        I just may join ya!

      • The Other Kevin

        If I can make it I’ll be dressed as Squanto, shirtless in my buckskin pants.

      • KK, Non-Man

        Go on…

      • KK, Non-Man

        There will probably be a Kooking With Kristen segment later. Except I won’t be cooking. Maybe I’ll boil some taters. But mainly touching a pale and supple breast. Then taking a knife to it.

  12. Ted S.

    Society has broken down.

    Read the comments, as they say.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Hate central

    A Brooklyn woman who allegedly threw hot coffee and yelled Islamophobic slurs at a man of Indian descent and his 18-month-old son has been arrested and charged with multiple hate crimes, according to the New York City Police Department. The arrest was made almost two weeks after a viral video of the incident circulated online.

    Ashish Prashar, 40, who was wearing a keffiyeh, a black and white Palestinian scarf, was with his son at a Fort Greene playground Nov. 7 when the woman approached him, yelling at him, striking him and throwing her phone and coffee at him, he told NBC New York after the incident.

    “You and your son get away,” she’s recorded saying in the video. Police said she made anti-Muslim statements directed at the two of them.

    Hadasa Bozakkaravani, 48, was arrested Tuesday and charged with nine counts, including four hate crimes: assault, assault of a person under 11, reckless endangerment, aggravated harassment and menacing, according to police.

    New Yorkers are wrapped too tight.

    • rhywun

      That man has a child?! Whose is it?

      Is it really a “hate crime” if the man is not in fact an Arab but is only wearing a costume?

      • Sean

        That man has a child?! Whose is it?


      • rhywun

        Maybe it’s the purse dog.

    • rhywun

      But yes, imagine the tingle every leftist gets down his leg at this shit. Chaos and violence are their bread and butter.

    • KSuellington

      “Like every brown person now is a target.”

      I’m Irish as fuck and I may actually be browner that that guy.

  14. juris imprudent

    The sentient tumor where SugarFree

    [swallows nervously] SugarLump?

  15. Common Tater

    “Minerva Portillo alleged in court papers that Richardson gave her a “narcotic” drink in 2004 and took pictures while he forced her to “perform oral sex” on him.

    During a second photoshoot the following day, Richardson allegedly did the same thing to the Spanish model again….

    Other men accused in the last 24 hours under the New York law — which gives a window for historical claims outside the statute of limitations — include Axl Rose and Cuba Gooding Jr.”

    “Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose used “fame, status and power” to violently rape a one-time Penthouse Pet back in his rock ’n’ roll heyday, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday.

    Sheila Kennedy, now 61, accuses Rose, also 61, of violently attacking her and anally raping her in a Manhattan hotel room in 1989, according to the complaint filed in New York State Supreme Court.”

    1989?? This shit is ridiculous.

    • rhywun

      A NY law is set to expire?! What kind of madness is this??

      • grrizzly

        That law was created with an express purpose to punish Trump. Related to that woman who lied about Trump sexually assaulting her decades ago, she didn’t even remember the year. And the lying bitch was awarded millions in “damages.”

    • Suthenboy

      Do they weigh more than ducks?

    • KSuellington

      At least she didn’t come back for a third day in a row.

      If I’m on a jury, every year that passes I would be much less likely to convict someone of a crime. More than 20 years would need an overwhelming amount of evidence for me to ever find someone guilty. We used to have statutes of limitation in this country for very good reasons.

  16. KK, Non-Man

    Holy shit this RV park is filling up. Lots of picnic tents being set up. Little shits running around. I’ll endeavor not to run over one of them.

    • KK, Non-Man

      And I’m wondering how many turkeys are fixin to be smoked or fried up in here tomorrow

      • SDF-7

        Flock around and find out.

  17. grrizzly

    Vlad blinks?

    I’m not sure there’s any change in Russia’s position. Moscow always claimed to be in favor of negotiations.

    • R C Dean

      “Da. You agree to give us what we want, we agree to stop shooting you. Is negotiation, for agreement, yes?”

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of Official Government Business

    Biden-Harris Administration Announces $2 Billion to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants as Part of Investing in America Agenda

    EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights announces the largest single investment in environmental justice in history, funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act

    Golly, I wonder who will be getting those grants.

    • rhywun

      Buzzword overload. beep borp system error

    • Spudalicious

      In Idaho, $775K was split between the two main tribes.

  19. Suthenboy

    A. It was terrorism. Names not released. No doubt it was MAGA extremists.
    B. Zelenski has a sad.
    C. That bromance has been endless drama for decades. Who cares?
    D. Self-inflicted indeed. Actual conservatives (Originalists) have been warning about the world going to shit for as long as I can remember. Every single one of their predictions have been on the money.
    E. You did not warn us to be sitting down for that one. And an ad for do it yourself fecal transplants on the site. Goddammit, I just put a pizza in the oven.
    F. I seem to recall both sides pulling sucker punches on this. Gun grabbers publishing personal info on gun owners and pro-2nd people publishing personal info on people who dont have guns in their homes. On the fist one there was some pushback. On the latter there was some serious shit-flinging from the grabbers up to an attempt to have prosecutions for endangerment or some such shit.

    • Spudalicious

      “E. You did not warn us to be sitting down for that one. And an ad for do it yourself fecal transplants on the site. Goddammit, I just put a pizza in the oven.”

      You poop standing up?

  20. juris imprudent

    I swear I am not making this up.

    Some of these ideas originated with, or have been hijacked from, the Family Acceptance Project, housed at San Francisco State University. The group has authored several papers suggesting a link between family acceptance and mental health. “Higher rates of family rejection were significantly associated with poorer health outcomes,” per a 2009 FAP paper, “Family Rejection as a Predictor of Negative Health Outcomes in White and Latino Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young Adults.”

    FAP? You called yourself… FAP?

    • Beau Knott

      When I was in the greater Raleigh, NC, region in the early 90s, they had the Family Auto Group…

      • pistoffnick

        The Natural Gas utility in Rochester, Minnesoda was called People’s Natural Gas.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        There used to be a gas station in the Sierra called Ebbetts Pass Gas. I never could figure out what an Ebbett was.

      • Nephilium

        In the 80’s through the late 90’s, how would you like to go to the hopping gay bar the Grid?

        When I was working at McDonald’s, I did have a manager who objected to what I had initialed in for the sheet saying I took my break. It took them a while to realize that MF were my actual initials.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    That man has a child?! Whose is it?

    *outright prolonged laughter*

    That was my exact reaction.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    “President Biden is leading a whole-of-government effort to confront longstanding environmental injustices and inequities,” said White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Brenda Mallory. “Thanks to this historic funding covered under the President’s Justice40 Initiative, we are investing in locally-driven solutions to make a positive difference for communities that have suffered from pollution, underinvestment, and decades of disproportionate environmental impacts. Investments like these show how we are delivering on the President’s ambitious environmental justice agenda and his commitment to build more equitable and resilient communities for generations to come.”

    I guess shovelling money at nonprofit parasites is considered strengthening the middle class at the White House.

    • rhywun

      What a steaming pile of horseshit. This is what America voted for? I call bullshit.

      • Brochettaward

        Be careful or Juris will come and tut tut you for even hinting that there was any sort of impropriety in the last election.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I can see how those who believe in that BS would defend him.

  23. Brochettaward

    I’ve been Firstin’ most my life Firstin’ in a Firster’s paradise.

  24. Brochettaward

    There’s nothing more American than to constantly have to litigate basic rights that are supposed to be guaranteed to you by the Constitution.

    • Mojeaux

      They’re like toddlers asking for the same things over and over again, trying to wear you down—and succeeding.

      • R.J.

        Javier Milei’s interviews on the topics of leftists are all so good. I hope that guy can pull it off. He’s fire in interviews. He makes that same point.

      • Mojeaux

        One reason they succeed is because you can’t spank them in public.

      • R.J.

        He spanks like a man possessed. Calls them “shit leftists” and “thieves.” He is my crazy hair brother and I love him with a bro crush.

      • R C Dean

        I’m to the point where I think they need to be spanked with a 4 foot length of rebar.

        And by spanked, I mean beaten into a coma. I don’t know that anything else will change their behavior.

      • Mojeaux


      • Homple

        One-way helicopter rides, albeit more expensive than rebar massages, leave less messy residue.

      • Tres Cool

        + “wood shampoo”

  25. Ownbestenemy

    Pellet grill is acting up. On a wood deck…keeping a close eye on that MF

    • R.J.

      This is a great time to watch William Shatner’s public safety video on fried turkeys. It has become a Thanksgiving classic.

  26. J. Frank Parnell

    Biden Admin Gave $3 Billion Loan to Solar Company Accused of Scamming Elderly

    A solar company that was awarded a $3 billion Department of Energy loan has been accused of scamming dementia patients on their deathbeds into signing five-figure, multi-decade solar panel leases, according to interviews and state consumer complaint records obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

    I heard they scammed one dementia patient out of ten figures, but fortunately it wasn’t his money.

    • SDF-7

      I vote opera clap. Very nice.

  27. Timeloose

    Evening folks.

    I’ve had the GD Sugarcubes Birthday ear worming it’s way through my brain for two days.

    I’ve listened to it at least three times. I think I’m making it worse.

    • KK, Non-Man

      Plus it’s almost time for Whamageddon!

    • Mojeaux

      Evening folks.

      I read that in your voice.

    • rhywun

      So great. Very good album overall.

      I haven’t heard that tune in years. Remedying.

  28. R C Dean

    “Sorry folks, I just consider this to be self inflicted misery.”

    I consider the 2020s to be self-inflicted misery.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Which makes me think more evil than incompetence on governments actions

  29. Ownbestenemy

    Still well within the 48 hrs, Fox walked back their “sources say” regarding the border checkpoint

    Ownbestenemy on November 22, 2023 at 02:10 PM [+]
    Given these, photos gonna say a highspeed crash right into a pylon and split the car

    Niagra Falls was likely caused by a reckless driver

    *puts on tinfoil* However…I wouldn’t put it past our government to down play anything that actually fucking matters. There could be a wholesale invasion of our border and they will go on TV daily to say we are just spouting off misinformation and it is secure and we have everything under control. *takes off tinfoil, wraps turkey in it*

    • R.J.

      I already called it. News channels stupid enough to report that as a terrorist attack need a dunce hat.

    • Sensei

      So like maybe end the lockdown of the airport over Thanksgiving?

      • Ownbestenemy

        No that is a bonus ‘we rule over your travel’ moment that can’t possibly pass up

      • Sensei

        I see you and I are of the same opinion.

  30. R C Dean

    Turns out a survey (your grain of salt, sir) shows that millennials think they need an annual salary of more than half a mil to be happy.

    Wait until they find out that in order to take home half a mil, you have to earn half a mil. And the level of work (forget about intelligence and expertise) required to do that would snap most of their spines like dry twigs.

    • Nephilium

      I saw that, and laughed and laughed.

      I don’t think I will surprise anyone here that I do not yet make $500k a year.

      • R C Dean

        I think it’s part and parcel of an entitlement mentality that I certainly observed in millenials in my job over the last several years.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I was happy making 40K/year, 65k/year, 100k/year because I am happy with myself, family and life.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I once got a raise to exactly how much I was currently making.

        I was working at a startup and having a blast. One of the co-owners told me he was bumping me up to $80K/year. I was pretty happy. I had already forgotten that the other co-owner had bumped me to that a couple months ago.

        My wife rolled her eyes at me when I proudly announced my “raise”.

        Didn’t care much. That was a great time because work was so much fun.

      • Nephilium

        I hit one of my achievement goals this year, and am looking to improve (in my mind) on it next year.

        I have season tickets to a local sports team.

    • B.P.

      They may be surprised when they see the tax chunk that comes out of their half-mil salaries.

    • rhywun

      Why are millennials so out of whack with the other generations in that survey? Could be really be that Millennials really are the worst and Gen Z is a showing a return towards reality?

      Gen Z: $128,000, with a net worth of $487,711
      Millennials: $525,000, with a net worth of $1,699,571
      Gen X: $130,000, with a net worth of $1,213,759
      Boomer: $124,000, with a net worth of $999,945

      • Mojeaux

        Gen Z is more nihilistic/fatalistic.

      • UnCivilServant

        My net worth is only about level with my annual pre-tax salary. Or slightly lower.

        I’m not sure how much of that impacts my happiness. Being out of debt is just an unreal statistic. Once the stressor of people hassling me for money is gone, the marginal improvements were not as noticable.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    $500k per year is like $10k/week. How do you even spend that much money?

    • R.J.

      The government would spend at least half of that for you. Maybe more.

      • R C Dean

        Eyeball number, after payroll taxes and state (depending on where you live) and federal income tax, its probably around $6500 – $7,000/week take home pay.

    • Sensei

      Live in metro NYC suburbs in a house smaller than the one I grew up in…

    • R C Dean

      “How do you even spend that much money?”

      8 weeks of lavish overseas vacations a year don’t come cheap.

  32. B.P.

    Follow-up on a tweet posted here yesterday…

    ““Our theater agent at CAA has dropped me and Regina Jackson because she is offended by our words in support of Palestinian life,” Rao posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, on November 13. “Our words denouncing genocide. This is McCarthyism on steroids and ethnic cleansing. We are disgusted but not shocked.””

    Read on for insights into being on the right side of history, genocide, how terrible white people are, etc.

    • R.J.

      Holy crap.

    • rhywun

      It would seem that the vast majority of white Americans are pro-genocide

      I don’t know who that is but it would seem that she is completely fucking unhinged. And does not know the meaning of “genocide”.

    • Suthenboy

      Same blah blah blah the pinkos were singing when McCarthyism was in full swing. Funny, years after it was over and they felt emboldened many of them admitted ‘Yeah, damned right I am a communist’.

  33. R.J.

    My daughter just told me she doesn’t believe in aliens.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Not all offspring are okay. We love em regardless

    • Nephilium

      Did you point out a local Mexican couple and show her that they’re real?

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Tunes tiny violin

    The New York judge overseeing Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial and his law clerk have received hundreds of harassing messages that court security has deemed “serious and credible” since the former president began publicly criticizing court staff.

    Since October 3, when Trump posted on social media a baseless allegation about Judge Arthur Engoron’s law clerk, threats against the judge “increased exponentially” and were also directed to his clerk, according to Charles Hollon, a court officer-captain in New York assigned to the Judicial Threats Assessment unit of the Department of Public Safety, who signed a sworn statement.

    Hollon said the threats against the judge and his clerk are “considered to be serious and credible and not hypothetical or speculative.”

    With all due respect, boo fucking hoo.

  35. KK, Non-Man

    I think…I think I may need to get this dog his own heating pad.

    • R.J.

      He so tiny! Probably does need his own pad.

      • KK, Non-Man

        He’s like a heat-seeking missile.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The one dog we brought out here is lonely. So he is like your description, always attached, always has to be right next to me. Its not that cold pooch.

  36. Raven Nation

    Hey all: on the Forum, there’s a topic that reflects one of Sean’s two favorite things. Just posted a question there with the Thread topic “options.” Interested in thoughts.

  37. Pope Jimbo

    I am uncomfortable reading stories about embarrassing bodily functions like constipation. It makes my skin flush.

    • Ownbestenemy

      You’re so anal

      • Fourscore

        Paper over it, Man

    • Suthenboy

      I am not uncomfortable but I dont want to know how many turds someone has stuck in their guts. I just dont need to know these things.

      Family, friends….uncomfortable or in misery? I can look at it from a medical point of view and try to help with suggestions, medication, change of diet etc.

      Some Rando is full of shit? I DONT CARE. I DONT WANT TO KNOW. Oh, and TV ad people, stop showing me laxative ads at supper time featuring a cartoon of turds snaking their way through some stranger’s guts.

    • Sensei

      +1 Rocket Ride

      Love CNN taking (here deserved) shots at Fox.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I can’t believe the KISS Army invaded! From Canada!

  38. Pope Jimbo

    Oooooh! Minnesoda is down to the final 6 designs for a new flag!!!!

    I wonder if I could crowd source a fund to bribe enough of the commissioners to vote to keep the old flag? Just to really fuck with everyone.

    *spoiler alert all six fucking flag designs suck. But they are wonderfully inoffensive and there is no way anyone can be offended by them.

    • Don escaped Texas

      those look like labels for dishwashing soap

    • R.J.

      The old flag was way too busy. I agree, the new flags are corporate-level boring and forgettable.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I could really care less. My objection is how much time, money and hype is being given to this exercise in futility.

        This is almost as bad as when we spent millions of dollars to change all the signs to the Lindberg Terminal and the Hubert H. Humphrey Terminal to Terminal A and Terminal B. Why? Because they claimed that travelers were too dumb to know which terminal was which. Not sure how A and B are that much better.

      • Tres Cool

        Point of order- don’t you live in Colorado now?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Tundra, I think.

    • creech

      “Star of Bethlehem” look is offensive to some. Another looks kind of like a swastika if you tilt your head right when hearing the dog whistle. Maybe just a green and white stripe on a blue canton?

    • Nephilium

      Meh. All state flags are inferior to the Ohio pennant.

      • Tres Cool

        Our flag really is, isn’t it ?

  39. Pope Jimbo

    I can’t even imagine how my Congressman could say such a patently absurd thing!

    Dean Phillips’s presidential campaign has hit some speed bumps.

    He angered several Democrats this week, including Sen. Tina Smith and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan, by saying in an interview with the Atlantic that others have told him Vice President Kamala Harris is not ready or right for the job of being president.

    “I hear from others who know her a lot better than I do that many think she’s not well positioned,” Phillips told the Atlantic. “She is not well prepared, doesn’t have the right disposition and the right competencies to execute that office.”

    Smith reacted to Phillips’s comments in a post on X.

    “Actually, I know the Vice President well and know her to be exceptional,” Smith said. “Always prepared. Strong. Deeply knowledgeable. Brings diverse perspectives to decisions. … and loyal.”

    Meanwhile, Flanagan posted on X: “District Attorney. State Attorney General. U.S. Senator. Vice President. Her resume is as qualified as it gets, Congressman.”

    For those of you who don’t keep up on Minnesoda pols, Tina Smith and Peggy Flannigan are upset because Kamala is actually more competent than either of them. If people start pointing out that Kamala is a complete idiot, what does that say about them?

    • whiz

      “Always prepared. Strong. Deeply knowledgeable. Brings diverse perspectives to decisions. … and loyal.””

      I might believe one of those, and then just maybe.

    • Suthenboy

      Shorter Phillips: “She is an idiot, everyone knows it and she has no chance of beating OBM.”

  40. westernsloper

    Ukrainian President Zelensky signed a decree in October 2022 declaring that peace talks between his country and Putin are “impossible”.

    Is that so? Or did he mean they were impossible until the US War Machine told him they are actually possible because they have a new war to make bank on. What an unnecessary charade of dead people that shit show was. Strings are pulled……people cheer. New strings are pulled…….same people cheer.

    • Suthenboy

      Yeah, he is pissed that his money spigot will be turned off. Did I see recently a photo of Mrs. Zelenski buying absurdly expensive jewelry in some swanky outlet? I may have that mixed up with a parody report. Who can tell the difference these days.

      • Tres Cool

        “Don’t believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.”

  41. westernsloper

    I am having a gravies free Thanksgiving, and I am thankful I don’t have to eat gravies. The good lord blessed me with finding pork belly so I need to enter the archives to find Spuds bacon curing article as well as doing up pork belly burnt ends tomorrow to go along with the now brining soon to be smoked chicken hind quarters. It shall be a glorious Thanksgiving.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I have three 3lb slabs curing right now. Happy bacon making.

      • westernsloper
