George Carlin talked about Stuff, those treasures one accumulates throughout life that give us...
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Glibbooks 11 – Writing
A quick little puzzle this week, so short in fact that I could only use the author's name as the attribution....
Random thoughts on people and nations
I have long been deeply skeptical of the Chicago school of economics, and the presumption of it that there is...
The Pen(is) Mightier than the Sword AKA Lust’s Passion will be Served; it Demands, it Militates, it Tyrannizes: A Review of The Elementary Particles
“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” -Romans 8:6...
Glibbooks 6 – Keeping track
You know what really burns my ass? When I remember some storyline but can't recall the name of the...
Highway 82 Revisited
I was born at The Crossroads, but that was just an accident: I’m a hillbilly, not a river rat. My...
The Value of the Dollar
Toys R Us Kid II: Fiscal Boogaloo From Youtube videos I'm finding out that many people who grew up...
Glibcrostic 2
I found a program that makes making these much easier and TPTB are begging for content so I thought I'd try...
Wistful Remembrances
I got a small kick in the pants today. Way back in the olden days, well over 25 years ago, I was head over...
What Are You Making for Thanksgiving?
Every year, we do a special recipe round-up for (American) Thanksgiving. Just because my life has been...