The bejeweled gold panel looked nothing like a door, and until Vogel opened it, I didn't even see the edges....
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Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 29
I didn't like the thought of wearing a dead man's armor, but mine had several key pieces broken beyond...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 28
"Can you hear me?" Johan's voice was distant, echoing through a loud, painful ringing. I groaned as he tugged...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 27
The plan to disguise cavalry as infantry had a very bad downside. We all had to walk. Making Graymire look...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 26
Embarrassed and annoyed at myself, I didn't doubt anything Lenz had said. It explained a lot of little...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 25
I can't say I didn't glance at the gaudy sword on the table when the Lawspeaker made his pronouncement. But...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 24
However soft the bedding, dreams of blood and slaughter roused me from my rest. Sweat dribbled from me as I...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 23
Outside the walls, rural life continued at its typical pace, with herdsmen tending their livestock, and...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 22
When a surgeon promised pain, he meant it. I chewed through several leather straps as he fished out the...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 21
A dozen disastrous scenarios flooded through my mind at the prospect of Stefak controlling a second crossing...