Caveat: the following is largely based on my recollections of a law review article I drafted over 30...

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Caveat: the following is largely based on my recollections of a law review article I drafted over 30...
I'm not the Nazi; YOU'RE the Nazi! In July of 1961, Yale Univeristy psychologist Stanley Milgram began a...
There is a dwindling group of people in the United States who will be among the last Americans still able to...
In an effort to help Glibs who might find themselves being pressed on all sides regarding a vaccine mandate,...
This was the fourth installment I posted on my blog regarding vaccine mandates. This one is pretty DoD...
Okay Seinfeld fans. We’ll talk about an episode of Seinfeld, since society keeps finding ways to make those...
Last night, President Dementia announced that all federal workers have to get a corona vaccine. So, let me...
I know, I'm the proverbial one-trick pony with the vaccine thing, but... hey, at least it's topical! This is...
Last year for Memorial Day I had a special theme of the worst war movies to date. I still think this is an...
Of all the misplaced outrage I encounter online, the anger at wealthy people (usually libtards) who complain...