As it turns out, I have never reviewed this beer—but I have made fun of Seinfeld. Why shouldn’t I do both?...
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Saturday evening high and tight links
So a discussion took place, and somehow got into the flat top hair cut, and who did it best. Guile up there...
The Slippery Slope
Logic is a venerable formal branch of mathematics with well established sets of rules of inference and...
Halloween Costume / Cultural Appropriation Post for 2023
It's almost Halloween again! And Glibs needs content so I am pushing this out ASAP. I had some fun on Amazon...
I Just Don’t Like Country Music
This one time in the Air Force, I was at a tech school waiting in line to speak with an NCO. He and a few...
Stanky Jerky
So I was cruising through the deep freeze to see what was in there when I came across a six pound pork...
Why Wouldn’t Warlords Take Over?
Recently, in a discussion on various forms of government or lack thereof, and anarchy in particular, I...
Hoarders vs Code Enforcement
I watch hoarders programs because they make me feel good about my shoddy housekeeping. (Well, really, I have...
Automating Quordle
Whiz had a great post analyzing letter frequencies and pulling out some awesome seed words to use to boost...
The 24 Hour Twitter Challenge
I have posted on my dislike of "Twitter Journalism" before. A self referential circle jerk of lazy...