Greetings from your friendly Glibertarians Foundation treasurer. Its that time of the year where we come to...
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The Depth of the Political Divide
Robert Nisbet was an interesting thinker. The first book of his that I read was History of the Idea of...
The Stargate thought experiment
I randomly remembered that, in a linx thread a while ago, I posted a silly thought experiment. I decided at...
Risk and Liberty
One of the issues that comes around from time to time is the question of how to reconcile liberty with...
Just A Nice Old Man With Whiskers
This will likely be the last of the holiday movies this year, unless someone has a suggestion for a “New...
FreedomFest 2023
FreedomFest 2023 was held in Memphis, TN from July 12th through July 15th, 2023. I met with Don Escaped Texas...
The Glibertarian Farmer
The Glibertarian Farmer I live back in the woods, you see My woman and the kids and the dogs and me......
Covid-19: Rely on Data?
Question: Is the deontological or consequentialist lens the correct one to view the Covid-19 mitigation...
Why Wouldn’t Warlords Take Over?
Recently, in a discussion on various forms of government or lack thereof, and anarchy in particular, I...
Rationed Shark Meat
Remember when playing moral equivalency games with World War 2 was an open invitation for public ridicule?...