Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

    It was time to build another guitar, so I decided to take a broad view of what I wanted, instead of creating on the fly as usual. I decided on green using the metal cast paint I have had good results with. I also wanted to go with a very black theme with...
Yes more guitars and such

Yes more guitars and such

I’m still building guitars for my spring breakout, which I’ll cover later but anyway I got a commission, yay. She wanted a Strat in French Blue and I asked why not just buy one? She wanted my work, I was humbled. I had never done a solid color guitar...
ZWAK Music; Is This Desire, Enough

ZWAK Music; Is This Desire, Enough

Sneaking into the early nineties college rock scene, PJHarvey put out what seemed an album of Angry Feminist songs, nice, but sticking to your basic power pop formula. And then the second album, Rid of Me, came out and cut like a knife into any staid image of simple...


I recently noticed I didn’t have an actual electric bass in my arsenal, so I set out to cure this anomaly, my old P bass being lost in a lake and all. I noticed an unusual piece for sale and bought it, an Explorer body bass, ready to burn. I wanted to do a smoke...
ZWAK music III

ZWAK music III

Now that we have passed the Bad Music For Bad People phase, and rounded out with some pop country, it is time for heavy metal. And by that I mean the combination of Cu and Zn, Copper and Zinc, respectively. And that combination is BRASS. Yes, we now need a big horn...