Crosstown Traffic

Crosstown Traffic

tiny filler rant for some slot when there’s nothing to post and we just want to immediately go OT and argue about pizza toppings, so, by all means, immediately go OT and argue about pizza toppings…and bike lanes reading music definitely not recorded at...


Joe was a guy. Joe was a guy who meant what he said. If Joe said he was going to have a beer, he had a beer. If Joe said he was going to walk his dog, he walked his dog. If Joe said he was going to shoot you in the balls, well… Many years ago, I met Joe at the gun...
Glibcrostic 11

Glibcrostic 11

What makes a good word list? If any of you work the NYT acrostics you may have noticed that the words they use are often related to the quote or the source of the quote in some way. If the quote is from ‘Dracula’ the words might include...