Puzzle Time.

Puzzle Time.

ACROSTIC I’ve attempted to explain how one solves acrostic puzzles to you philistines before, but many of you people are incapable of being learned. Figure it out for yourselves, or don’t, I’m not your sponsor. Anyway, have fun and remember this is...
Chapter 24: After Action

Chapter 24: After Action

As I sit writing this, August 25, 2001, the DoD has recently asserted that if the manufacturer, BioPort, Inc., passes an October inspection, the anthrax program will re-commence. I hope to be out of the Marine Corps by then. These are the unseen casualties of the...
Chapter 24: After Action

Chapter 23: Conviction

I left the courtroom before the judge announced his sentence. I couldn’t watch. It wasn’t technically my client, but I still couldn’t watch. When my turn came, I tried everything. I objected every time the prosecutor gave me a reason to. I grilled the government...
Chapter 24: After Action

Chapter 22: Why, Indeed

If both individual and organizational greed largely describe the “Why” of Chapter 20, the final reason for the refusal to concede the low ground of the AVIP also falls under the broad category of “money,” but in the negative sense, rather than the positive one. In...
Chapter 24: After Action

Chapter 21: Back to Okinawa

I was stoic on the ride to the airport. It had nothing to do with emotional control; it was strictly a survival mechanism. While it had taken me some nine years to learn it, keeping my mouth shut was the smartest thing I learned to do when my wife and I fought. We...