The Eight General Strategies

The Eight General Strategies

We are floating through quite a fascinating confluence of time and space: After the intelligence community failed in their coup attempt against former President Trump, the political rival of said “Orange Man” is prosecuting him for “crimes” that have seemingly been...
Escape the City – 1

Escape the City – 1

The following article is one of – what I hope may become a longer running series – schedule permitting. All content – except where noted is made up of excerpts from “Escape the City: A How-To Homesteading Guide” by Travis...
The Glibertarian Farmer

The Glibertarian Farmer

The Glibertarian Farmer I live back in the woods, you see My woman and the kids and the dogs and me… Because you can’t starve us out and you can’t make us run ‘Cause we’re them old boys raised on shotguns -Hank Williams Jr./ A Country Boy...


Gettin’ Handy with Multitools I have had my Leatherman Signal for a few years and modified it quite a few times.  List of modifications: Swapped the saw for a file (Straight swap of second hand file from a Leatherman Wave) Replaced whistle with an additional bit...
Sort of Off the Grid, Prepper or Cheapskate

Sort of Off the Grid, Prepper or Cheapskate

  When I was a teenager my folks bought 80 acres in north central Minnesoda, heavily wooded with a few acres open. Sandy soil, perfect for growing pine trees, not so good for farming. It had an old house that had been added on with several rooms and porches. No...