Twas a few days before Christmas and all through the site …Not a thing was working, even Swiss Servator’s mouse …The articles written and scheduled with care …with high hopes STEVE SMITH WILL BE THERE. …the commenters sat waiting with dread …at the wonderful horrors...
A quick look at Colorado Ballot Referendums 2022

A quick look at Colorado Ballot Referendums 2022

My Mother always said to vote “NO” on ballot initiatives.  This was in Kentucky, where they were rare.  But the advice, while not perfect, is pretty good.  I would say instead, “If the initiative isn’t a clear win for liberty, vote NO.” This fall will be my first time...
In Defense of Communism?

In Defense of Communism?

We have featured on these very pages defenses of property tax. Which I actually find to be the most perverse of all taxes. Even above an income tax. Why is this so? I believe in letting people live the life they want, even if I disagree with it. In this case I’m...
Beware the Ides of…April?!?

Beware the Ides of…April?!?

  The Ides of March, A.K.A. March 15, is the 74th day in the ancient Roman calendar. It was a religious holiday involving various rituals and gatherings. The Ides of March was also the traditional day for the settling of debts. Perhaps the “settling of debts” was...
Hedonistic Quality

Hedonistic Quality

This column is getting expensive.  While beer is available pretty much anywhere I can want it, finding something I haven’t reviewed means finding something obscure for my home market. Relax, I am not panhandling; I am going somewhere with this. This is my review of...