Sugarfree gives you so much but nobody thanks him when he decides he needs to refill his creative reservoir....
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Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
I've been doing a lot of reading of material written late in the Depression as part of my research on...
Economics Corner with Paul Krugman and Winston’s Mom
I’m a busy gal. You know that, so when I post its because you schlubs aren’t creating enough quality...
Economics Corner with Paul Krugman and Winston’s Mom
I suppose I should apologize, as you probably were expecting the Greek Statue guy. I can’t speak to what...
Welcome to 2035. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life couldn’t be worse.
(Inspired by Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better ) Welcome...
Generational Income, or Per Capita GDP Crystal Ball
Author's Note: I wrote this in 30 minutes one morning before work and decided I would lightly edit and amend...
Economics Corner with Paul Krugman and Winston’s Mom
Its too bad he didn’t run with his “we beat inflation” bit outside the XXX app. I might have some real fun....
Tracking Orange Futures
I was torn last week between talking about this or something that was more in my wheelhouse, like ceiling...
Please Enter Order Confirmation Number
If in our brave new world we will be confined to an within a 15 min walking radius of your pod, how exactly...
The Three Thousand Dollar Shirt
The following image is from Topographia Hiberniae (The Topography of Ireland), Giraldus Cambrensis (Gerald of...