Back in the early months of 2014, I was browsing the infamous Other Site and received an unexpected call. A...
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Reading Are What We – August 2023
Richard Fresh Meat! I love it when I realize I've been ignoring my favorite authors and here's piles of new...
Cultural Literacy, American Style
A Partially Complete and Completely Partial Survey of Sorts Disclaimer: My boss, a highly intelligent...
What Reading Are We – May 2023
DBLEagle I have been doing some reading this month and have mixed it up some. The first thing I read was The...
The Pen(is) Mightier than the Sword AKA Lust’s Passion will be Served; it Demands, it Militates, it Tyrannizes: A Review of The Elementary Particles
“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” -Romans 8:6...
What are we reading – March
Fourscore This month's book is "Empire of the Summer Moon" the history of Quanah Parker and the Comanches....
Glibbooks 8 – I tried to like it, I really, really tried.
Last week we discussed quitting books, this week lets talk about books we finished that we wish we hadn't,...
Glibbooks 7 – Ratings
Some of you may have noticed, and then again you may not have, that in my WAWR lists I give a one to five...
Monsters & Mormons
Back in 2020 Mojeaux serialized her short story "Allow Me to Introduce Myself" for the benefit of the good...
What Are We Reading – February
The Hyperbole Gaston Leroux The Mystery of the Yellow Room (1908) *** An early locked-room mystery, the first...