Escape the City – 1

Escape the City – 1

The following article is one of – what I hope may become a longer running series – schedule permitting. All content – except where noted is made up of excerpts from “Escape the City: A How-To Homesteading Guide” by Travis...
Taking the Bait Girl.

Taking the Bait Girl.

1962, and L.A. is star-struck. 1962, and not every star likes L.A. life. Marilyn Monroe is the star, although she is always off stage, and Freddy “Camel Fucker” Otash is the stricken of Los Angeles. Freddy, a one-time Marine, former police officer, and disgraced...
Incorporating Libertarian Principles into a Mainstream YA Book

Incorporating Libertarian Principles into a Mainstream YA Book

Back in the early months of 2014, I was browsing the infamous Other Site and received an unexpected call. A call to a short story contest, sponsored by Students for Liberty and the Libertarian Fiction Authors Association. The guidelines were simple: Write a short...
Cultural Literacy, American Style

Cultural Literacy, American Style

A Partially Complete and Completely Partial Survey of Sorts Disclaimer: My boss, a highly intelligent gentleman eminently well-educated in his field of Finance, has frequently called me “a font of useless knowledge,” largely due to my (compared to his)...
What Reading Are We – May 2023

What Reading Are We – May 2023

DBLEagle I have been doing some reading this month and have mixed it up some. The first thing I read was The Strange Death of Europe by Charles Murray. I offer a hat tip to Hayek for the recommendation. Murray discusses the impact of a loss of confidence in a European...