The Eight General Strategies

The Eight General Strategies

We are floating through quite a fascinating confluence of time and space: After the intelligence community failed in their coup attempt against former President Trump, the political rival of said “Orange Man” is prosecuting him for “crimes” that have seemingly been...
The Hatchery

The Hatchery

The year was 2016.  I received a memo from VA Central Office they were conducting an audit of all VA employees to ensure they took the training and digitally signed the attestation form.  I needed to collect training records and submit them to the VISN office.  What...
Economics Corner with Paul Krugman and Winston’s Mom

Economics Corner with Paul Krugman and Winston’s Mom

I’m a busy gal.  You know that, so when I post its because you schlubs aren’t creating enough quality content.  So they call me in. …but sometimes he says something I just have to take a few minutes from footplay and nipple twisting to respond. The story is linked...
Economics Corner with Paul Krugman and Winston’s Mom

Economics Corner with Paul Krugman and Winston’s Mom

I suppose I should apologize, as you probably were expecting the Greek Statue guy.  I can’t speak to what happened, but I promise I will address this Krugman column is a fair, accurate, reasonable, and most importantly unemotional. You cucks love that. Yeah …fuck that...
Its an Abomination

Its an Abomination

There are so many things out there to look out for if you wish to be healthy. Sure some are obvious like cigarettes but what about all those pesky vaccines that give you autism? This is my review of Drekker Brewing Co. Chonk Peanut Butter and Jelly Sundae Sour: The...