Land of Oz

by | Jul 3, 2020 | Travel | 194 comments

As you know, I recently drove across the country and back. Outbound, I passed through Liberal, Kansas, which advertised many attractions. I was bereft not to have time to stop.

On the way home, I decided I simply HAD to stop at the “Land of Oz.”

Consider this a digital postcard.


(Just behind this sign is, I shit you not, a statue of Coronado. Yes, that one, but I saw no indication that anyone was trying to topple his statue.)


One must have a windmill in Kansas, after all.


The Welcome Party


Look carefully and you can see the actual human Dorothy making her escape after locking up the Land of Oz for the night.


Picket fence and all.


Dorothy says, “Come on In”…if you purchased a ticket from the real life Dorothy next door in the gift shop. Alas, I was there too late in the day to go into any of the buildings.


Many famous people donated money for this attraction. Supposedly, even Ron and Nancy Reagan and Liza Minnelli. I didn’t take the time to look for their bricks, though.


All the paths on the property are paved with these.


The storm cellar that Dorothy couldn’t go in. Neither can you since it’s just boards resting on the surface of the ground.


This statue is titled “Proud Dorothy” and all the people responsible for it are listed on the wall behind it.


He’s pretty solidly constructed, which is good, because it is actually very windy there.


There is a nice play structure next to the Land of Oz.


It has face cut-outs, but there was nobody there to take my photo.


On the feed store across the street from the playground area.


They even received a Testimonial from the Governor, so you know it’s legit.


I do hope you take the time to read about Liberal. The town is famous for something else, as well. And do make sure you keep reading until you get to the part about their sports teams.

About The Author



I've got an idea! How about we just stick to the Constitution as written and then the government can leave me the fuck alone.


  1. Rebel Scum

    This statue is titled “Proud Dorothy”

    Proud…and racist. ///teardownwhite-supremacy

    On the feed store across the street from the playground area.

    Toto is high class. My cats get Purina as well.

  2. UnCivilServant

    And this is yet another reason you don’t fly if you can avoid it.

    • SP

      Exactly so.

  3. Fourscore

    Interesting, that Judy Garland, a local here, would make Liberal, KS a place on the map.

    Had your trip taken the more northern route you’d have been welcomed here in the woods. Maybe next time, SP, but don’t delay too long. The Land of OZ looks like an interesting place, Paul Bunyan doesn’t even rate that much curiosity.

    Thanks, good article and didn’t mention Bob Dole once,

    • C. Anacreon

      The World of Bob Dole, brought to you by Viagra, is a separate roadside attraction off a different exit, I’m guessing.

      Great article and photos, SP!

      • SP


        I mostly stay off Interstates when I can. This attraction is on US Route 54.

      • C. Anacreon

        Find a spot out on the floor

        Aaahh…. freak out!

  4. Drake

    I’m not the only one who feels like I woke up in Oz?

  5. Tundra

    The baseball team name is priceless!

    Thanks, SP. I needed some good ol’ fashioned Americana, today!

    • SP


      And are now in the shop.

      • Tundra


      • Drake

        What did they charge for delivery?

      • Tundra


        Two masks

      • Gustave Lytton

        Need a tacticool glib patch. Just the logo. Embroidered with Velcro backing. Couple of different thread options to fashionably accessorize your kit as the occasion warrants.

      • Sean

        I’d buy that.

      • Don Escaped the Quality Department

        What are the liberty icons?
        a/ Lady Liberty
        b/ Liberty Bell
        c/ flame/torch

      • C. Anacreon

        Liberty Mutual Emu

  6. Old Man With Candy

    That Dorothy looks disturbingly like Alanis Morissette.

    • SP

      I want to know who knocked her up. Isn’t she underage?

      /lovingly strokes the rusty tin can lids nestled in their basket

      • Old Man With Candy

        That varies by jurisdiction. In Oz, the Age of Consent is more flexible because munchkins.

    • Drake

      Is it the stick up her ass?

  7. Animal

    We recently drove through Tightwad, Missouri. I didn’t take pictures, though.

  8. Tres Cool

    Great. Now Im going to hear John Forgerty singing ‘Proud Dorothy’ all afternoon.

    • Rebel Scum

      The Bee, as usual, is on point.

  9. Hyperion

    Where’s the Wicked Witch of the West? Oh, I forgot, Nancy and her flying monkeys are all in The House of Representatives.

    Was that off topic?

    • AlmightyJB

      Is a Wizard of Oz thread supposed to stay on topic?

      • Hyperion

        I dunno. Someone said the other day we’re all gonna get cat butted and flogged if we post off topic within 30 minutes of a thread start.

      • SP

        I don’t cat butt. If you annoy me so much that I would be inclined to do so, I’ll just ban you and be done with it.

      • Hyperion

        Geez, SP, you’re like my wife, she no longer scolds me to get out of her kitchen, she goes straight for the rolling pin. You sassy broads, the French King once sent theirs to Canada.

      • Rebel Scum

        Nice. I’m disappointed that I didn’t think of that.

    • Hyperion

      How about the Panem Plutocrats?

      • UnCivilServant

        And have to pay licence fees?

      • C. Anacreon

        Why not the Red Shins?
        Only need to change one letter, and now it’s a description of their uniform, like the Cincinnati Redlegs or Boston Red Sox, not a slur to anyone.

      • UnCivilServant

        If they’re going to change anything, make it worse, more deliberately affronting the scolds.

      • Hyperion

        The goal seems to be to offend their real customers, the fans, as much as possible.

    • kinnath

      My father said they were changing the name to the Washington Foreskins in honor of all the dickheads in the DC area.

      • Hyperion

        That’s a whole lot of foreskin right there.

    • Nephilium

      The girlfriend and I walked up to a bar for lunch today, the TV had news blurbs showing about the Redskins “likely to change name”.

      Can we have the Washington Whities? I’ll even be down for the Cleveland Crackers.

  10. Rebel Scum

    Muh ghost gunz.

    From what we saw, it’s not. Even the ATF’s numbers aren’t that alarming when you consider the areas involved. And yet, there’s reason to believe the ATF is behind the rhetoric.

    From WAVY in Portsmouth, VA:

    As gun demand hits record levels due to COVID-19, demand is also increasing for a new type of gun you build at home. It is untraceable with no serial number, no background check and no waiting period.

    They are called ghost guns. Please note that a gun is no longer a ghost gun when a serial number is engraved in the gun. The number makes the gun traceable.

    A ghost gun cannot legally be sold without the seller serializing the gun.

    As part of WAVY’s investigation, we called local police. They don’t see a growing trend with ghost guns, but the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is seeing them pop up at crime scenes.

    Here in Virginia, local police contacted by WAVY have no knowledge of any ghost gun trends.

    In other words, while local law enforcement is seeing no such trends, the ATF is still screaming until they’re blue in the face about this supposedly growing threat.

    • Gustave Lytton

      From 0 to 1 is a ginormous percentage increase.

    • Hyperion

      “As gun demand hits record levels due to COVID-19”

      Yeah, sure, people are shoot the virus. Couldn’t have anything to do with the rioting and looting.

      • EvilSheldon

        Well, yes and no. The latest spike started up before the rioting and looting really got underway.

        I mean, is it really a big surprise that a pandemic and lockdown might lead to civil unrest? Nah…

      • Fourscore

        Summer in the city

      • pistoffnick

        Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty

      • Nephilium

        rioting and looting

        I think you mean peaceful protests. That just happen to involve destruction of property and businesses. Complete coincidence.

    • kbolino

      It is untraceable with no serial number, no background check and no waiting period.

      Like a ballot that shows up in the back of a van?

  11. leon

    Yet there she was on Thursday night in front of nearly 20,000 Instagram Live viewers, humbly submitting herself to Fumudoh’s waggish, razor-sharp cross-examination: “Why do you hate Asian women?” “Would you consider yourself the Christopher Columbus of food influencing?” “How do you describe the difference between curry and stew?” (That question was a reference to one of Roman’s more contested recipes.) The pièce de résistance came when Fumudoh asked Roman to name five Asian people, a question the cook stumbled through

    I see. The art of something…

    • Rhywun

      Who? What? I can’t make head or tails of that.

  12. leon

    I don’t get the Australian connection? Is there something i’m missing? And in the middle of Kansas?

    • leon

      Ok. “Yellow Brick Road” a reference to Elton John. I always thought he was British.

      • Mojeaux

        In case you are jesting, I will go put myself in time-out with my nose against the wall.

    • Mojeaux

      In case you are not jesting, see: Wizard of Oz, Frank Baum. Dorothy hails from Kansas. The Elton John song is referencing the movie and coming from the country to the city.

      Oz re Australia is “Aussie” –> “Aus” –> “Oz”

  13. Rebel Scum

    The neighbors don’t seem to value their own property.

    Since the incident, around three dozen neighbors who live on Westermoreland Place, where the McCloskey’s also dwell, have signed a letter condemning the actions of the couple.

    The letter explains that Westermore Place and the adjoining street Portland Place are historic neighborhoods with the City of St. Louis representing many walks of life.

    “As the undersigned, we condemn the behavior of anyone who uses threats of violence, especially through the brandishing of firearms, to disrupt peaceful protest, whether it be in this neighborhood or anywhere in the United States,” the letter reads.

    The residents wrote that they seek positive action and constructive dialogue to build a civil society.

    • Drake

      If the “protestors” had known this ahead of time, we all would had a much happier ending.

    • Sean

      Pussies. And shitty neighbors.

    • kbolino

      “We seek constructive dialog, which is why we social signaled as hard and fast as we could”

    • Hyperion

      “As the undersigned, we condemn the behavior of anyone who uses threats of violence”

      Unless they’re rioters and looters. Many woke, much brave. When are these people going to learn that the mob will not appeased by their groveling?

    • Rhywun

      Maybe move out of your gated community and join your peaceful neighbors in solidarity.

  14. Yusef drives a Kia

    Neato! SP!I love adventures, even in Oz!

  15. Mojeaux

    Thanks, SP.that looks like a neato side trip.

    Alas, when I’m driving cross country, I just want to get where I’m going as fast as possible. It’s like every trip is the Cannonball Run with me. I NEVER stop at roadside fancies. The best I can manage is to browse in QuikTrip. If there is no QT, I get gas, pee, and leave.

    All that is to say, I admire people who can stop and smell the roses. Carpe florem.

    • UnCivilServant

      Then deliberately pick more destinations to stop at and look around.

      • Mojeaux

        I was musing the other day that I really am not very adventurous. It honestly wouldn’t occur to me to make the journey the priority over the destination, or even have no destination at all, just wander around and look at stuff.

      • UnCivilServant

        My biggest impediment is the time between spotting the sign and the turn isn’t enough to make a decision in a lot of cases.

      • Hyperion

        One thing is for certain, if you are driving out West, you MUST go to Waldrug. You will know that because there is a sign every 100 yards or so, between St. Louis and Las Vega, telling you about it! And if you don’t do it, you will never hear the end of it!

      • C. Anacreon

        There used to be a sign outside the Amsterdam central train station that said “Wall Drug: 9,250 miles” or whatever the number was. I saw it in 1983; when back in the city last summer, finally returning after 36 years, I didn’t see it and assumed it was long gone.

        Mostly replaced by signs for legal magic mushrooms shops, which were not false advertising, and their products turned out to be quite potent and clean.

      • Hyperion

        I’ve been there twice. It’s actually pretty damn cool. I was visiting the Badlands anyway.

      • Fourscore

        Even I stopped at Wall Drug. I’m a terrible traveler too. Drive 14 hours (or more) to get somewhere and sit down. We have taken a few road trips and Mrs Fourscore says she never wants to see another Canadian Pioneer Museum. She just doesn’t care that people had their pictures taken in front of their sod houses. That’s the most interesting thing in the little museums, the old photos. Those could be my grand parents, if they’d had money for a photograph.

      • Hyperion

        I once drove 1200 miles from Rapid City, SD, non-stop to home. The last 200 miles of it in fog so heavy you couldn’t see 100 ft in front of you. I will NEVER do that again. It made me not want to drive anywhere again for a few years.

      • Nephilium

        I always laugh on the turnpike coming back into Ohio from Pennsylvania. One of the first billboards you see is one advertising a Frankenmuth, Michigan which is over 300 miles away.

    • blackjack

      As someone who travels by motorcycle for fun, I abhor interstates and stop at all points of interest on two lane highways. The trip is far better than the destination.

      • Mojeaux

        Oh! I take that back. When I had my motorcycle I would go asplorin on back roads and canyons.

        I totally forgot about that. Thanks!

    • hayeksplosives

      I like to stop at roadside markers and random attractions if I’m driving by myself (nobody to bug) and have plenty of time.

      East coast attractions seem like ancient archeological sites to this Okie gal.

  16. DEG

    Liberal BJs. Yes.

  17. DEG

    They even received a Testimonial from the Governor, so you know it’s legit.

    Hmm…. I don’t know. Were his lips moving?

    Nice pictures, thanks!

  18. The Late P Brooks

    What makes the Hottentot so hot?

    What puts the “ape” in apricot?

    What have they got that I ain’t got?

    • Hyperion

      There ain’t NO FREAK IN FRIES!

  19. Rebel Scum

    “Affordable” housing is notoriously “vibrant”.

    A release from the governor’s office states that the Affordable and Special Needs Housing (ASNH) loans will support new construction and rehabilitation of the housing units.

    “Quality affordable housing is essential to creating vibrant communities and ensuring that every Virginia family has the opportunity to thrive,” Northam said in a statement. “That’s why I committed to doubling the Virginia Housing Trust Fund this past General Assembly session and will continue to prioritize efforts to transform our housing stock.

    Five of the 14 organizations receiving a loan are located in Richmond, including the Better Housing Coalition, Community Housing Inc., Dakota Partners, Inc., The Community Builders and the Maggie Walker Community Land Trust. An organization in Hanover County, Project:HOMES, is also getting a loan.

    “This increased funding is even more critical as we work to address homelessness, reduce evictions, and help Virginians facing economic challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Northam continued.

    Because the CCP Flu is the problem…

    • Drake

      We talked about zoning yesterday. The game is to build “affordable” housing in the burbs, make it Section 8 and watch the normals get pissed off (and robbed). Those towns are full of bitter-clingers who hate Northam – this another way he’ll make them suffer and use their tax-dollars to do it.

    • Suthenboy

      “Five of the 14 organizations receiving a loan…”

      Who owns/runs/is paid by those organizations and what are their connections to the Governor and other pols?

      I am sure token housing will be built but they will go far over budget and the money will just magically disappear.

      • Hyperion

        Then everyone will flee those neighborhoods and the new affordable housing area will become the newest ghetto. It’s happening all around Baltimore. We have ghettos and then the ghettos in training in the burbs.

      • Drake

        Most importantly – they go from Republican shitholes to enlightened Democrat-electing paradises.

      • Hyperion

        So what’s up in your area now with housing. Are the prices of rural properties skyrocketing like they are in MD? Baltimore went from over 1 million residents to 600k in about 15 years. It will be down to half that within another 5 years and 90% of it will be unlivable, instead of the 75% that is unlivable now.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Alas, when I’m driving cross country, I just want to get where I’m going as fast as possible.


    Head down, ears back. i try to keep it under 85.

    • Hyperion

      “i try to keep it under 85.”

      In Montana, you’ll never get anywhere, you’ll just be driving… forever.

    • Gender Traitor

      Once as my first hubby & I were driving to Dayton from somewhere westward, we decided to get off I-70 in Richmond, IN, and take US 40 the rest of the way just for grins. As I idly looked out the window at the rural countryside, I noticed a flickering orange glow in the window of a garage/barn set close to the road. (It was still daylight.) It took a moment for that to register, after which I turned to the Rev. GT and said, “I think that barn’s on fire.”

      We turned back, of course. The owners weren’t home, but we alerted the neighbors. I think it turned out to be an old mattress that had caught on fire. (This was, I believe, before meth labs had become A Thing.) IIRC, damage to the structure was minimal.

      So…sometimes it pays to stop and smell the…burning mattress…?

      • UnCivilServant

        Burning mattress is a terrible smell.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Nooses. Why did it have to be nooses?

    Home Depot has changed the way it sells rope after a customer reported finding nooses hanging in a North Carolina store — the latest in a series of similar incidents at its stores in recent years.

    In early June, as the nation faced widespread protests over the killing of George Floyd, a Charlotte resident said she found two nooses hanging in a local Home Depot. She told a local news station she was shocked to find the knots displayed openly on store shelves.

    Home Depot released a statement saying it was “appalled and disturbed by the incident.”

    But it wasn’t the first time Home Depot was alerted to nooses in its stores. As a result, the company has decided to sell shorter, pre-cut lengths of rope instead of rope wrapped on large spools.

    “Unfortunately, we’ve had some instances where spooled rope was used to create hate symbols and we’re not going to tolerate it,” Home Depot spokesperson Margaret Smith told CNN Business on Thursday.

    The hangman’s noose knot is widely regarded as a threatening symbol of racism and hatred. In American history, noose knots were commonly used to hang African Americans during routine lynchings that have terrorized Black communities since slavery.

    Home Depot said the rope sale policy change was a precautionary measure.

    Yeah, okay.

    They nailed Jesus to a wooden cross. Ban nails. And lumber.

    • Hyperion

      “a customer reported finding nooses hanging in a North Carolina store”

      Were they hanging right beside the Swastikas?

      • Sean


    • kbolino

      How does a company like Home Depot end up with a corporate culture that allows this asinine responses? Most people who shop at Home Depot would roll their eyes at finding a “noose” in the rope aisle.

      • Hyperion

        “How does a company like Home Depot end up with a corporate culture that allows this asinine responses?”

        They hired recent college grads because they believed that degree would make them smart employees who represent their own customers. Sort of like today’s sports leagues.

      • kbolino

        Well, to be fair, they care less about their customers than their investors, and the investors have been captured as well.

      • Fourscore

        My friends have told me that if you pull on the long end of the noose rope a properly made noose will disappear. I’m surprised that the surprised customers didn’t know that. Would have saved a grievance with the management

    • Rhywun

      Home Depot said the rope sale policy change was a precautionary measure.


    • Raven Nation

      “said she found” So, something like this?

    • hayeksplosives

      Pretty sure the most recent lynch mobs were organized by men wearing pants, so No Pants.

      • Hyperion

        I thought it was a band formed by an x member of Dokken.

      • Nephilium

        /removes pants in solidarity

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      How short are these precut pieces of rope going to be because it doesn’t take twenty feet of rope to tie a noose. Fucking moronic bullshit, I swear. Also check the security cameras and I’ll give even odds that you’ll find the complainer tying the damn things.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    In American history, noose knots were commonly used to hang African Americans during routine lynchings that have terrorized Black communities since slavery.

    I, uh…

    • Rebel Scum

      used to hang African Americans

      And everyone else in history everywhere who was ever hanged.

      This shit is so tiresome and retarded. Nooses have other uses besides hanging people.

      • blackjack

        My prediction is that there will be some problems caused by people wearing masks, such that they will outlaw the wearing of them just in time for Halloween. The rest of the holidays are after the election, so they will be safe.

      • Hyperion

        What will be the most popular costume for the kids this year? The Bolshevik, the Brownshirt, or the antifa?

      • Nephilium


  23. Sean

    Re: OZ

    Looks like a fun attraction.

  24. Mojeaux

    I believe we have a new Tulpa. Yay!

    • Hyperion

      And as usual, they followed you here.

      • Mojeaux

        I can’t help it if stray Tulpae love me. Can we feed it? Huh? Huh? Can we? Pleeeeeeeease?!

      • Hyperion

        Do not feed the Tulpas! Can we get a cat butt over here?

      • Nephilium

        It’s before midnight, just don’t get it wet.

  25. commodious spittoon

    Is there some law in web and app development that the interface must get clunkier/less convenient/less reliable over time?

    • kbolino

      Yes, it’s called feature creep.

    • Hyperion

      Only in government.

  26. Q Continuum

    I’m 100% in favor of liberal BJs.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    We seek constructive dialog

    “Now shut up and do as I say.”

    • Hyperion

      What are they going to do when the mob breaks their gate down? Invite them in and bake them a cake?

  28. The Late P Brooks

    I am sure token housing will be built but they will go far over budget and the money will just magically disappear.

    Affordable housing ain’t cheap.

    • Sean


    • Rhywun

      Upfront, no. Later, when it starts falling apart, yes.

  29. Suthenboy

    Somewhere I read or heard that the McCloski’s are civil rights lawyers and had contributed to BLM in the recent past.
    Now their spineless neighbors are bending the knee in the hopes that they will get eaten last. I wonder how that is going to work out.


    • kbolino

      Quoth Scott Adams on the Twitters,

      “Antifa is using BLM as human shields”

      • UnCivilServant

        No big deal, BLM is just Marxists in blackface. They can all have helicopter rides.

      • kbolino

        Well, you can rephrase it as “white anarchists are using black people as human shields” if that gets the point across better.

      • hayeksplosives

        It’s pretty obvious they’re linked when the graffiti on statues combines BLM, Black Power, with hammer and sickle symbols.

        Of course our media don’t mention that; you have to see the pics yourself.

    • Hyperion

      All of these people are social signalers. None of them think any of this will affect them personally, ever, until it does. And when it happens to their own neighbors, they still somehow believe that same thing. People are hopelessly dumb.

      I have a co-worker who one day just proclaimed that he’s a socialist now. This person makes well into the 6 figures, owns 2 homes, and at least 3 luxury or sports cars, and 5 or 6 cars in total, and a boat, not a cheap one. I said ‘So which of your cars can I have? Because I only have one, and that’s not fair. So just go ahead and give me one, before they do it for you, because that’s how it works. And also give the rest of them to your neighbors, except for one. And you still have to pay for them all’. He was not amused. Reality sucks to there signalers.

      • Suthenboy

        “I have a co-worker who one day just proclaimed that he’s a socialist now.”

        I had a co-worker ask me once what I thought of socialists. I said “They aint worth the bullet it would take”.
        She shut up and sulked the rest of the day. Now that I think of it she never spoke to me again, thank God.

      • Hyperion

        Thing about my conversation, is that he knows he’s not a socialist, he was just signaling, but not for me, for the other democrat voter in the room. Then I said ‘Really, I’m a capitalist just like everyone else in this room’. The other person remained completely silent, and neither one of them really got upset with me, because they know they’re just signaling. He is no socialist and the other lady is just an old school liberal who still thinks the left are still the flower children and hippies from the 60s.

  30. DEG

    Some folks on a Derpbook page I’m on did some digging. Ghislaine Maxwell’s hidey hole.

    The Deed.

  31. UnCivilServant

    Ooo. Thunderstorm rolling through. Hope I don’t lose power.

    • Suthenboy

      One here too. I think lightning struck on my property again. I hope I am not going to lose another tree. There is a spot on one side of my hill about 100 feet x 100 feet that has had 5 trees struck and killed in the last ten years. The way the water flows in the ground? Iron content? I dont know why.
      The old “lightning never strikes twice in the same place” is nonsense. When I hear thunder I never go out there.

      • UnCivilServant

        That’s where I buired the weather control modules. I’ve been trying to remember what I did with those.

        They’re mostly broken, so you can keep them.

    • Rebel Scum

      Jealous. Watched a good one on radar roll though over my house while I was at work the other day. Of course, it rained hard enough to wash out a bit of my driveway. *adds to list of projects while off this week*

      Small chance tomorrow and better chance towards the end of next week/end to get some.

    • UnCivilServant

      I had to go and joke about it. Got a power blip that knocked my internet offline.

  32. westernsloper

    And do make sure you keep reading until you get to the part about their sports teams.

    Ha! Please tell me they have played the Swallows in a championship game.

  33. Suthenboy

    Speaking of state funded affordable housing….when I was in college the state lent a bazillion dollars for some affordable housing near the school. When it was under construction I went over and had a look.
    I had never seen 5/4″ lumber before and I had no idea that 1/4″ sheet rock even existed. Incredible.

    • Fourscore

      Allows for more floor space inside. 1/4 inch here, a 1/4 inch there, pretty soon we’re talking about real space saving

  34. Rebel Scum

    Boeing Exec is canceled.

    Niel Golightly penned the op-ed when he was a 29-year-old lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. It appeared in a magazine published by the U.S. Naval Institute, an outfit which describes itself as “an independent forum for those who dare to read, think, speak, and write to advance the professional, literary, and scientific understanding of sea power and other issues critical to global security.

    “At issue is not whether women can fire M-60s, dogfight MiGs, or drive tanks. Introducing women into combat would destroy the exclusively male intangibles of war fighting and the feminine images of what men fight for—peace, home, family,” Golightly wrote, according to an excerpt published on the U.S. Naval Institute’s website. …

    “My article was a 29-year-old Cold War navy pilot’s misguided contribution to a debate that was live at the time,” Golightly said in a statement included in Boeing’s announcement. “My argument was embarrassingly wrong and offensive. The article is not a reflection of who I am; but nonetheless I have decided that in the interest of the company I will step down.”

    “Boeing does not agree with the views expressed in the article, and it does not reflect Niel’s views today,” the company said.

    If women cannot match the physical standards placed on men in the same sort of combat role then they should not be allowed to participate in said combat role. The standards should be for soldiers, not a either of the only two sexes.

    • Drake

      Maybe he can find a job at a solvent company and stop apologizing for the truth.

    • Fourscore

      But I think there should be exceptions made when the people are 8 months pregnant. Hard enough to crawl around inside a tank as it is. Fairness.

      • hayeksplosives

        I can’t even imagine being in a combat situation while also dealing with periods, cramps, etc.

        At one point, they let female soldiers use hormones to suppress that, but then you’re dependent on the pharmaceutical supply.

        I will take the word of combat vets for it, but it’s easy to imagine that the whole group dynamic would be wrecked by females in the group.

      • Suthenboy

        Females, certain ones, do ok in combat. Most dont, but then most people dont. I have seen more than one roided up tacticool guy full of bravado shit their pants and start running when the bullets start flying.

      • Tres Cool

        …but enough about cops

      • hayeksplosives

        Aren’t many women who seek combat roles doing so mainly to improve their career chances? As in, certain promotions will only go to combat vets, so if a woman wants to rise through the ranks, she must serve in combat .

        Seems like pretty selfish reasoning to me.

      • Suthenboy

        Plenty of men are doing the same thing.

      • Hyperion

        Yes, like pregnant women should not be on a combat field. Problem solved. Amazing what common sense can solve.

      • BakedPenguin

        Yeah, and stopping every 30 minutes to get out of the tank and pee will really lower combat effectiveness.

      • Hyperion


      • Rebel Scum


    • Suthenboy

      Why is this idiot apologizing? Does he think they arent going to drag him to the guillotine anyway? Good Lord, what a dummy.

      • hayeksplosives

        Poor OKState coach Gundy had to apologize for the high crime of wearing a OANN t shirt on his own time.

        Never apologize.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      War has been, is, and most likely always be a young man’s game.

      • Suthenboy

        Heh, yep. There is a reason they wont take you if you are older than 27.

        Order: “Those guys shooting at you? Run up there and shoot them”
        18yo: *Grabs rifle* Yes Sir!

        Order: “Those guys shooting at you? Run up there and shoot them”
        40 yo: *peers over cover* “Fuuuuuck that and fuck you. You go get them”

      • Suthenboy

        You misspelled ‘stupidity’

    • l0b0t

      My unit had all of the television sets removed from the common areas of the barracks and we were no longer allowed to have female visitors because there were too many (alleged) rapes. I don’t think having female soldiers integrated into that environment would have improved anything at all.

  35. Rebel Scum

    The lady just turned on the a-historical nonsense that is “Hamilton” since it is now on Disney+. I guess I’ll just stay holed up in my home office until it is time to grill something for dinner.

    • Nephilium

      I’ve politely requested that the girlfriend at least watch it in a room I’m not in.

      • Pine_Tree

        Serious question, since I’ve never seen it: what’s the objectionable part for a Glib?

        My kids got invited over to see the Disney version and I’ve so far resisted, but I’d like a better explanation than not liking Hamilton (the person) in general, plus a general dislike for anything popular.

  36. Timeloose

    That’s a neat attraction. The wife and I take road less traveled on some of our road trips.

    To date we saw creationism museums, private zoos, Buffalo Bill museum, hundreds of historical markers, and lots of bars with historical themes.

    On my motorcycle I see lots of stuff like this. PA has a lot of toes with strange names. I went through the town of Metal recently. It did not make me want to put up the horns.

  37. Timeloose

    It’s a hot one today. I spent the morning changing a temp sensor on the wife’s car after it threw a CEL yesterday. It was a 200$ savings but two trips to the Auto parts store and multiple trips to the basement to get all of the right tools.

    • Tres Cool

      I have a wheelspeed sensor on Jugsy’s truck to change. Should be reasonably simple despite diassembling one of the front hubs.
      But its low 90s here, a holiday, and i have beer in the fridge…plus its still drive able

  38. Fourscore

    Next Saturday I’ll be walking my grand daughter down the aisle. She is having sort of a traditional wedding but with a dysfunctional family. Yesterday she asked me, saying her father can not be depended on psychologically to show up and not cause a scene. Her two older sisters were asked to be bridesmaids but one refused because of the virus and said her sister was not only careless but selfish and so she will not be in attendance. The other sister said that if she comes she’ll be wearing a mask (wedding is outside) but may not come anyway.

    Her mother (my daughter) and the Fourscores and the wedding party (to include the groom’s family) will not be masked. I doubt if many of the young guests will be either, too tough to celebrate while wearing a mask.

    A once in a lifetime event in a young couple’s life and family can’t behave themselves for a few hours. I am proud to publicly walk this beautiful, independent young lady to what should be the happiest day of her life. I will cry, because this girl has had a tough family life growing up and yet has met the challenges and is headed for Alaska in a couple weeks with her husband.

    She will not be available this year for the Honey Harvest and maybe not her sisters either, if the CV is still hanging around.

    • hayeksplosives

      Congratulations to your granddaughter, despite her immediate family’s shenanigans.

      Here’s hoping that Fourscore Granddaughter got to hang around Fourscore enough to develop a good outlook on life.

      • Fourscore

        I did have a little influence. She and her fiance were among the protesters at the gov’s mansion a few weeks back. She is a very positive type personality, not so much like me in that regard. OTOH she’s still young…

    • Tundra

      Congrats, Fourscore.

      Was she one of the ones we met last summer?

      • Fourscore

        Yeah, with the tall boyfriend/fiance and now almost husband. I really feel like I’m gaining a grandson I never had. He’s a good guy, outdoors, and brand new Industrial Arts teacher. Maybe someday he’ll be able to keep my lawn mower running in spite of me.

      • Tundra

        Yes, I remember them both.

        Great kids. I’m happy for you and them!

    • DEG


      • Fourscore

        Thanks but I didn’t do anything, well, not recently.

  39. egould310

    Nice article, SP. I like a good roadside attraction, too.

    I was fortunate to have work in Portland, OR and Yakima, WA this week. My wife was able to join me, so we took three days and made a nice roadie out of it. Took the scenic routes. Stopped for cocktails /meals. Wasn’t that epic, but it’s cool to drive from rainforest, through farmland, along the majestic Columbia River, through the desert, to alpine valleys, and through the Cascades. Plus cocktails.

    • hayeksplosives

      Roadside eateries can be terrific or so terrible that at least you get a story out of it.

      Mr Splosives and I went to a local winery that is half winery, half classic car museum, owned by two brothers with different hobbies.

      We bought a few bottles to Buy Local. 2 out of the 3 had corks that dissolved and were now vinegar.

      The 3rd will be just as bad. Still a fun experience.

      • egould310

        I’m pretty good at avoiding shitty places. We’ll just get a drink, and then split if the menu/kitchen/staff seems dicey. Yelp helps, too. In OR and WA, there is a chain of really cool and unique restaurants/hotels called McMennamins that I’m still learning about. Always a pleasant experience, so if I’m in a jam, it’s always my “Plan B”.

  40. Mojeaux

    Hey, Timeloose… Great talk last night. You said something right before we signed off that struck me, but now I can’t remember what it was. Very profound and I failed to write it down!


    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      He reveals the meaning of life and you forget to write it down? *shakes head*

      • Suthenboy

        I was just laughing about the same thing. I do that all of the time. I write it down or try to remember it and a day later….empty head. Gah!

        The answer, of course, is 42. Now we just have to try to remember the question.

      • Don Escaped the Quality Department

        Who is Jackie Robinson?

      • egould310

        Good question.

    • l0b0t

      Thank you both. I cherish the ability to vent to y’all without a paper trail. We, except for the ChiComs… and whomever handles the monitoring of curmudgeonly old an-caps for the Alphabet Soup bois.

  41. hayeksplosives

    If you’re ever road tripping through Iowa, a day and night in Amana colonies, it is well worth it. Historically Amish community that has modernized and welcomes tourists.

    They do art in the Pennsylvania Dutch style, clock building, wine making from ANYTHING. Air conditioners that take their name from the community.

    I recall a restaurant where 3 of my crew were having dinner with the folks we were working with. No menu, just a waiter who took beverage orders. Then the food started rolling out. Bowl after bowl of goodies passed around the table like a family meal.

    I’d like to go back sometime.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      I went to the University of Iowa which is not far from there. I agree. I’ve always kind of wanted to go during the Christmas season as I think it would be cool. Never had a bad meal at any of the restaurants. But yes come with a crew and come hungry.

  42. Fourscore

    One less wood chuck in the neighborhood, Sure glad the river didn’t claim all the hardware. ‘Chuck was looking in the window at me while I was slowly typing, made a fatal mistake.
    ‘Chucks can’t run 1200 FPS, too bad.

  43. Sean

    Plates and carrier arrived today. Heavier than I expected.