Afternoon Links and Message from ZARDOZ

by | Nov 9, 2020 | Daily Links | 335 comments

Email from ZARDOZ

One thing you really don’t want popping into your mailbox, here at Glibs, is an email from ZARDOZ. He is not happy with all the dire things he has been reading in the comments – He has expressed supreme displeasure with the lack of CLEANSING of the filth of brutals… where are the promised riots, bombings, and death camps? Well, I am not going to go talk with him face to face. I am just going to do some links and get the heck out of here! Maybe you can all deal with him later in the week.

  • But…but, hero governor and wonder mayor fixed this with lockdowns, chasing Jews and masks!!!!??? Maybe they just need to start a pogrom be stricter? I am sure the City can take closing everything down for good!
  • You first… and I mean when they get more than a short ride.
  • So we do look like we have some good news for ZARDOZ (if not for the Armenians). Somebody tell the Armenians how mighty Russia is, and how they need to ally with them again?

Uf weiderluge!

About The Author

Swiss Servator

Swiss Servator

Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational. Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.


  1. kinnath

    The email from ZARDOS wound up in the spam folder and got deleted. I am working with IT to clean up this mess. Can ZARDOS please resend?

    • Trolleric the Goth

      please do the needful and revert back at your earliest convenience, Mr. ZARDOS

    • juris imprudent

      ZARDOS – the PC OS we would’ve gotten if both Q-DOS and MS-DOS had been properly cleansed.

  2. Count Potato

    So virgin is fucking with human passengers?

    • UnCivilServant

      Are they going to have to change their name now?

      • Floridaman

        Not sure we need to ask Zardoz whether losing your anal virginity counts.

      • Tres Cool

        Its not like there’s a hymen there.

    • Tonio

      Does this evacuated tube make my capsule bigger and harder?

      • Plisade

        Once a tube evacuates, it tends to have the opposite reaction.

      • C. Anacreon

        Just like evacuating your bowels.

  3. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Look man, NYC is getting another wave because Trump.

  4. Floridaman

    Yeah well your headyness the mobs are waiting for the court cases, to figure out whether it is supposed to be a celebratory riot, or a mourning riot.

  5. Count Potato

    It just occurred to me, with Trump leaving, Hong Kong lost what little hope they had 🙁

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Yep. And Israel is going to go the back of the bus.

      The split between American Jews and Israel is probably going to get even wider.

      • Floridaman

        Not to worry Gauleiter De Blasio has a solution.

      • DEG


        Cuomo is a Gualeiter. DeBlasio is only a mere Bezirksleiter.

      • rhywun

        Not even that. Just a Bürgermeister.

      • Floridaman

        It’s a difficult responsibility.

      • Fatty Bolger


      • DEG

        Ah. I started using Bezirksleiter based on this list which didn’t show Burgermeister, but this article says Burgermeister was used.

      • rhywun

        Looks like Ortsgruppenleiter is the Nazified equivalent of mayor. It’s hard to read through that article and keep a straight face.

      • DEG

        HEH! I remember watching that when I was a kid.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto


    • kbolino

      I wouldn’t bet on it. They’re probably fucked either way but with Trump and TDS the Democrats don’t have to care.

    • Tonio

      The kissing of commie ass is going to be disgusting.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


        If it wasn’t apparent before, it’s blindingly obvious now that the Chinese intend to destabilize the West for their own ends.

  6. Rebel Scum

    NYC ‘dangerously close’ to second COVID-19 wave, de Blasio says

    Clearly you need to shut everything down and destroy the economy.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Well the economy, for the large part didn’t need all the corono-bucks dumped onto it and especially didn’t need the additional trillions they were thinking of giving out. Government needs to prove that the economy is fragile and only Government money will save it.

    • Tonio

      We will see massive bailouts to the cities.

      • rhywun


  7. The Other Kevin

    In my head I always hear the word “Azerbaijan” read by Dana Carvey doing a Johnny Carson impression.

  8. Rebel Scum

    You’re fired.

    I am pleased to announce that Christopher C. Miller, the highly respected Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (unanimously confirmed by the Senate), will be Acting Secretary of Defense, effective immediately..

    …Chris will do a GREAT job! Mark Esper has been terminated. I would like to thank him for his service.

    • juris imprudent

      One thing I will be happy about with the Biden presidency is no more policy announcements from fucking Twitter.

      • Count Potato

        It’s better than filtered through the media.

      • Floridaman

        No instead you will have to deal with the media preempting everything to tell you all about it, see the football game hijaked for the empty victory rally.

  9. Certified Public Asshat

    The warning comes after thousands of New Yorkers took to the streets with hardly any social distancing over the weekend in celebration after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

    De Blasio and city health officials said there’s been little evidence linking outdoor gatherings with people who wear masks to COVID-19 outbreaks, and added that indoor events where people do not wear masks pose a far larger risk of spreading the virus.

    Revelers rejoicing over Biden’s win were seen largely masked across the city, but still huddled together in big groups.

    “Increasingly, the concern is more and more people indoors,” de Blasio said.

    Ban the indoors, force everyone outside.

    • rhywun

      “Increasingly, the concern is more and more people indoors,” de Blasio said.

      Bill has inadvertently stumbled on the obvious thing that I and others noted six months ago. This thing passes between family members yakking at each other at home. And you’re not going to “fight” it without taking far more draconian measures.

      • Jarflax cancelled Cancelled

        you’re not going to “fight” it without taking far more draconian measures.

        there are two ways to react to this. I suspect you and De Blasio chose differently.

    • Lachowsky

      Who the fuck is lame enough to celebrate the victory of an empty headed senile old man?

      • Jarflax cancelled Cancelled

        The people who want to put your kids in camps.

      • C. Anacreon

        In our little town on Saturday night everyone was supposed to go on to their porch at 6pm and scream “You’re fired!” Classy.

        No one voted “for” Biden. He would have gotten the exact same number of votes if his name had been “not Trump”.

  10. Rebel Scum

    Sanctimonious prick.

    I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not easy — but at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity.

    • Ted S.

      Let’s go back four years….

      • Floridaman

        That’s different because reasons.

    • Ownbestenemy

      “but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity”….okay the Right was definitely dicks in 2016 when Trumpolo stole the election, but did media hacks ever threaten this way? I know the whole lock her up and such, but that was for actual criminal activity, not what he is talking about, and that is merely supporting Trump or wanting it to play out in the courts.

      • Floridaman

        That is the crime they are going after the right for, thought crime.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        They desperately want a social credit score.

        That’s why I will fight this shit to the end.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Biden already said he wants to create a new federal agency “Public Credit Reporting Agency” to compete with the three private ones. My guess is lawyers said nah, we can’t make those private entities include a ‘social’ score — so lets create our own.

        “provide consumers with a government option that seeks to minimize racial disparities,”

      • rhywun

        LOL really? People are going to be shocked when they wake up and realize all the plans kind old Uncle Joe has for them.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It ain’t Joe.

      • rhywun

        True. But he’s the mouthpiece, for now.

      • Viking1865

        No they did not. Oh, and as always, the media left is talking about normal ordinary people.

        Remember, the media vetted Joe the Plumber more than they vetted Barack Obama.

      • Ownbestenemy

        So far three media heads have said it, with one being a former Biden staffer I believe. Rubin I think is the loudest activist to round up everyone.

      • leon

        The proscription list is of course an Impulse of AOC style Left, and not really surprising. I’m curious, now that they have secured Biden’s victory, if the NY Dems decide to nix her district, forcing her to compete against another candidate, or solidify control in the state even more and get rid of a GOP district.

      • Sean

        now that they have secured Biden’s victory

        Hey buddy, stop saying that. It hasn’t happened yet.

      • leon

        Hey buddy, stop

        After Hyperbole’s comic, i consider this a threat.

      • Ted S.

        They’re not going to nix her district if they can avoid it. They’ll nix Stefanik’s up in the north country.

  11. Not Adahn

    Hyperloop should get together with that euthenasia coaster designer.

    And what is the cost per mile travelled on that thing so far?

  12. zwak

    So, if you take a short ride on a hyperloop, is it on a short bus?

    • Not Adahn

      Short Ride on a Fast Machine

      Played it in 1986, beginning my love of John Adams music and minimalism in general.

      It’s easy to play once you know what it’s supposed to be but fucking impossible to sightread.

    • C. Anacreon

      So, if you take a short ride on a hyperloop, is it on a short bus?

      All the way down to the molecular level, with those tiny charged particles, a short ride on a hyper-loop is called a hyper-ion.

      • Jarflax cancelled Cancelled

        Man, I thought I was harsh toward Hyperion the other day, but I stopped short of putting him on the short bus.

      • The Hyperbole

        He deserved what ever shit you gave him.

      • Hyperion

        I missed that. I’m still here.

      • Jarflax cancelled Cancelled

        Missed it? You didn’t miss it, you riffed on it several times the next day.

      • Hyperion

        Remind me. I only remember that I forced you to vote for Trump for your own good and you were ungrateful.

        And then you don’t like Cachaca, which is all gay and shit.

      • Jarflax cancelled Cancelled

        I used you and Allex as my examples of people going over the top about Trump. It wasn’t actually harsh, I was just setting up the joke response to C. Anacreon. But apparently the set up swallowed the joke.

      • Hyperion

        I think I was drunk.

        Over the top about Trump, now?

        A lot of people will be wishing the hell we still have Trump after Biden and his goons try to go full on authoritarian, what they accused Trump of, which he never did.

  13. DEG

    De Blasio and city health officials said there’s been little evidence linking outdoor gatherings with people who wear masks to COVID-19 outbreaks, and added that indoor events where people do not wear masks pose a far larger risk of spreading the virus.

    I suspect the evidence that people not wearing masks are to blame is horseshit. He should try selling me a bridge as I’d be more likely to believe him.

    • Floridaman

      At the rate the city budget is collapsing that might not be out of the question.

    • B.P.

      …unless it’s a motorcycle rally in some weird, far-away place.

  14. Rebel Scum

    Oh, Megan.

    Kelly began her comments Sunday morning by responding to Biden’s tweet where he declared: “A nation united. A nation strengthened. A nation healed. The United States of America.”

    “Written like a man who’s been in his basement for a year,” Kelly replied, going on to address multiple attacks about her tweet.

    • Count Potato

      McPlant is a terrible name though.

      • Not Adahn


      • C. Anacreon

        McPutz might be a winner.

      • Gadfly

        True, but at least it’s an honest one. A lot of the way fake-meat products are named gives the impression that their mongers are rather ashamed of what it really is.

    • blackjack

      Fucking people. We went from beef to “grass fed beef” to just skipping the cow altogether and eating the fucking grass. I’m ashamed to be a human.

  15. Certified Public Asshat

    People are calling out Katy Perry after she urged fans to reach out to family ‘who do not agree’ with election results

    The singer urged her followers to call their families, following the projected results, which named Democratic nominee Joe Biden the president-elect, and now people on Twitter are accusing her of ignoring the election’s polarizing nature.

    “The first thing I did when the presidency was called is text and call my family members who do not agree and tell them I love them and am here for them,” Perry tweeted on Sunday. “Call your family today. Happy Sunday.”

    But some people didn’t appreciate that the singer appeared to be glossing over some of the more difficult parts of the election — and Donald Trump’s presidency, which was littered with white supremacy, sexism and racism.

    Time to unite and heal.

    • Ownbestenemy

      “…which was littered with white supremacy, sexism and racism” sigh. They won that battle too effectively to even try to combat it anymore.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      They can’t uncork that bottle. Try as they might, they have whipped their social media shitheads into a frenzy over the last decade. It is not going to stop anytime soon.

      In fact, it will not stop until a significant portion of leftists feel the same pain that they have sought to inflict on people who don’t agree with them.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Rather, they can’t put the cork back in that bottle.

      • Viking1865

        They won’t feel the pain though. Like, this is one of the things I have an issue with, this idea that “oh just wait until they get turned on!!!” They won’t get turned on. They really wont. As long as you keep towing the lion, wherever you are ordered by the Screens to tow it, you won’t get turned on. Remember, even in the Great Terror, the majority of the Russians kept their heads down, nodded at the right parts of Party meetings, and lived their lives, and that was during the height of totalitarianism.

        Every single corporate HR department will be staffed with true believers, and they will go through the social media of applicants and throw out the resumes of all the MAGA crowd. They will fire people when they hear about their hobbies of shooting guns, or their attendance at problematic churches. The Cuck Right and the Reason Crowd will insist that this is just The Free Market At Work, as we head into our 2nd year of COVID lockdowns for all “non essential businesses”. Then, when all restaurants are Taco Bell we can all conform our society to the benevolent rule of Dr Raymond Cocteau, and find that vicious wrecker Edgar Friendly.

      • kbolino

        I watched it recently, and I was struck by the same observation. How the fuck did Demolition Man predict a future that seemed absurd in its own day but seems increasingly likely in ours?

      • kbolino

        My above comment notwithstanding, I don’t think this is “the free market at work”. There are state actors, domestic and foreign, at play behind the scenes. Call me a tinfoil hatter, but the market action is a façade. Some of it is just structurally inherited (bad court decisions compounded by even worse interpretations of them; bad legislation and administrative rulings enforced by petty, spiteful people; etc.), but the driver of it is actively malicious actions that are outside the “bounds” of the system as we see it. Put another way, Mark Felt was one disgruntled guy in his day, whereas today, we have a million Mark Felts today, and a thousand PRC-funded mouthpieces besides.

    • Count Potato

      “littered with white supremacy, sexism and racism”

      People actually believe this.

      • B.P.

        They actually put that in the article as a statement of fact.

      • Rebel Scum

        Doddering Joe premised his campaign on the Charlottesville lie and he repeated it daily up to and including on election day. He will not be called on it.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        Without evidence.

      • C. Anacreon

        The most frustrating part of this election for me was the virulent hatred so many people I know have for what the media have convinced them Trump is. And how they never thought deeper about it than that.

        Not one of them would be interested in a discussion of Trump’s policies or even how great it is that there have been no new wars during his presidency. No, instead it was all of them saying virtually in unison that they were “sickened that anyone could vote for a racist fascist dictator who puts children in cages.” Biden could literally have campaigned on a 99% income tax rate and none of them would have noticed, they still would have voted for him, anything to get that horrible man out of office. I even tried asking one to give examples of his racism or fascism; the response was a loud, exasperated, “come on! EVERYONE knows it!””

      • B.P.

        I’ve been riffing on this a lot recently. Bet one of these automatons 10 bucks that Biden/Harris/Whoever will have us in another foreign war in the next three years. Watch how cute it is as they give you the RCA Victor dog head tilt of noncomprehension, trying to do the math on how the Party of Peace they voted for could possibly support foreign adventures.

    • leon

      But some people didn’t appreciate that the singer appeared to be glossing over some of the more difficult parts of the election — and Donald Trump’s presidency, which was littered with white supremacy, sexism and racism.

      “Time to unite and heal.”

      Lots of mixed messaging going on. We have to “Unite’ and “heal” but also we need proscritpion lists and accountability.

      I guess the “Healing” part is the part where you expunge the “Virus”. Via Cattle cars.

      • Jarflax cancelled Cancelled

        Some get healing some get camping. Something for everyone at Bravenew World.

  16. Count Potato

    Dow and S&P are up. Not sure if that’s due to news of a covid vaccine, or defense stocks.

    • Floridaman

      Because the Biden government will spend tons of money in stupid stimulus programs to protect cities and states (that are political allies) from years or dumb decisions. The inflation is being prefactored in.

  17. Bobarian LMD

    Maybe they just need to start a pogrom be stricter?

    I understand the first step is, normally, walled ghettos.

    • Not Adahn

      Before we wall up NYC though, we’ll need to dig an escape tunnel with a monocole-locked door for Rhywun et. al.

      • rhywun

        My eyes can’t roll back any harder reading this shit.

        Bill and Andy are loosening their neckties and rolling up their sleeves getting ready to give the ‘vid what’s for.

        Fucking ridiculous.

    • The Gunslinger

      Don’t we have to sew something on to our jackets first so it’s easy to tell who needs to go to the ghetto?

      • Bobarian LMD

        +1 Orange Star

  18. Rebel Scum

    I was hoping covid could be over since OMB has been defeated, but then I remembered that the point is control.

    “The election is over. … I won’t be president until January 20, but my message today is to everyone,” Biden told those in attendance. “It doesn’t matter who you voted … we can save tens of thousands of lives if everyone would just wear a mask for the next few months.”

    “Not Democrat or Republican lives, but American lives,” Biden added.

    He proceeded to argue that “the goal of mask-wearing is not to make your life less comfortable or take something away from you,” but rather a way to get “back to normal as fast as possible.”

    “Please, I implore you: wear a mask. Do it for yourself. Do it for your neighbor,” Biden said. “A mask is not a political statement, but it is a good way to start pulling the country together.”

    • leon

      “the goal of mask-wearing is not to make your life less comfortable or take something away from you,”

      Coming from the party that wouldn’t hestiate to take everything away from you if it ensured they had power… :Preses X for Doubt:

      • R C Dean

        the goal of mask-wearing is not to make your life less comfortable or take something away from you

        That’s just a happy side effect. Why, without that, how could we prove we are in complete control?

      • Tonio

        “the goal of mask-wearing is not to make your life less comfortable or take something away from you,”

        Our intentions are noble.

      • Jarflax cancelled Cancelled

        They beat us because they love us so much.

      • Hyperion

        Yeah, sure, and be sure to not visit with your family and loved ones this holiday season, because we hate you and them too.

        It’s time for healing, utopia has arrived.

    • The Other Kevin

      “… we can save tens of thousands of lives if everyone would just wear a mask for the next few months.”

      Thanks for saving this until after the election.

      • DEG

        I remember Biden making noise about nationwide mask mandates before the election.

    • EvilSheldon

      Go fuck yourself you lying cunt.

      We could get back to normal today, with a single pronouncement. But you and your courtiers don’t want to get back to normal.

      I don’t particularly mind that the government abuses me, I’ve never expected anything else. But I do mind being asked to cheer for the abuse.

      • kbolino

        The purpose of the mask is exactly what he says: conformity. The mask is a symbol yes, but the fact that everybody wears it is also a symbol.

      • Plisade

        “Go fuck yourself you lying cunt.”

        It’s time for state governments to start saying this to fed gov.

      • kbolino

        I think I can hear the faint but growing rumble of 50 ballot harvesting machines ramping up.

      • Lachowsky

        That’s really the only positive way forward, and has been for a long time.

  19. Rebel Scum

    May we finally get back to some normalcy.

    Coming soon: A restoration of normal relations between the president and the press corps?

    Well, President-elect Joe Biden is not going to call the media the “enemy of the people,” that’s for sure. …

    During the general election campaign, Trump was widely accessible but wildly dishonest, spreading lies through the media’s megaphones. Biden was less accessible but more truthful, though gaffe-prone and vulnerable to out-of-context attacks. So what now? How accessible will the president-elect be? On “Reliable Sources,” ABC chief WH correspondent Jon Karl said this:

    “One symbol that I think would be very powerful and very important is for the Biden transition to begin immediately to hold regular press briefings. They haven’t done that as a campaign. It should happen now. It’s the media’s job to show that we ask tough questions of whoever is in power. We have certainly done that with Donald Trump. Now it’s certainly time to do it with President-Elect Biden.” Karl pointed out that “steps need to be taken to be sure everything is done safely” due to the pandemic, but it’s doable…

    Because you will be fellating him constantly. Not to imply that CNN’s resident eunuch is gay. Because he totally isn’t. He has a wife and everything.

    • leon

      The media heads really really think that with Trump out of power it will go back to 2008.

      • The Other Kevin

        Of course. 50% of the country will just forget that for 4 years they were called white supremacists simply because they voted for the wrong person.

      • Floridaman

        Why not mittens forgot the he wants to put y’all back in chains comment.

      • leon

        Some people will do a lot for power.

      • Gadfly

        Indeed. Let’s not forget where Romney was after the last election.

    • rhywun

      It’s the media’s job to show that we ask tough questions of whoever is in power. We have certainly done that with Donald Trump. Now it’s certainly time to do it with President-Elect Biden.


      • kbolino

        They could start by not calling him “President-Elect” when the electoral college hasn’t voted yet.

      • R C Dean

        Now it’s certainly time to do it with President-Elect Biden.

        But not during the election. Heavens no.

      • Hyperion

        Oh, it’s time to do it all right. Not my president, get the fuck out, you Nazi!

      • Jarflax cancelled Cancelled

        President Biden, what lessons did you learn as the Lightbringer’s disciple, and how will those lessons lead you to ever greater triumphs over the evil Republican wreckers?

  20. Count Potato


    Six months before the election, Google switched off traffic to @BreitbartNews
    on searches about Joe Biden.

    The traffic did not decline gradually. It went to ZERO overnight, and stayed there.

    The people at Google are ELECTION STEALERS.”

    • kbolino

      It’s not election interference if you control the meaning of the phrase.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    we can save tens of thousands of lives if everyone would just wear a mask for the next few months.

    he claimed, without evidence.

    • kbolino


      Sure, there are studies saying they don’t work, and some evidence to suggest they’re counterproductive. But there’s also studies saying they do work, so according to science we pick the ones that make us feel good, and claim the others are just dangerous disinformation.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        We believe in science that agrees with our biases.

  22. zwak

    So, without giving the game away, I also write for what is now a kinda liberal website, but which used to cater to all concerns. And I wrote a piece the other day about half the country thinks the election was stolen, that the election was close and that both parties doesn’t really help in the situation. Something like that.

    The left has gone crazy over the idea that was a close election. The mere idea that we as a country are divided, and that half of the country didn’t hate Trump is driving them bonkers.

    It would be funny if it didn’t auger poorly for the next four years.

    • R C Dean

      I’m curious: why don’t they think it was a close election?

      • leon

        Because in that kind of mindset, Evil can never be allowed to even be close to winning. To acknowledge it is to say that evil is powerful, something desirable, and you cannot say evil is desirable.

      • R C Dean

        So not even a facade of attempted “facts”? A conspiracy theory? Nothing but Big Orange is so deplorable he could not possibly have come close to winning an election?

      • leon

        With the average person’s perceptions of politics you are not dealing with reason. You are dealing with feelings. To be told that your party barely won is to be told that there are a lot of people who disagree with you. This is anathema to most people. Most americans have been conditioned into believing that if you can’t get almost everyone to agree then there is something wrong.

        I partially put the blame on a huge emphasis of people like engineers and scientists who like to pretend that “their being one correct answer” makes their discipline better than others.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        I partially put the blame on a huge emphasis of people like engineers and scientists who like to pretend that “their being one correct answer” makes their discipline better than others.

        IMO, this is close but not quite there. Its the wrapping of inherently subjective, artistic practices (like sociology, psychology, politics, and economics to an extent) in a facade of SCIUNSS that has led to the 19th-21st century obsession with technocrats. It can be measured thus it must be optimized.

      • Floridaman

        Because they want to claim a mandate. If the country is is split evenly, there is no mandate

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        +94% of people who identify with libertarian ideas


      • Don escaped Two Corinthians

        I laughed

    • Gadfly

      The left has gone crazy over the idea that was a close election. The mere idea that we as a country are divided, and that half of the country didn’t hate Trump is driving them bonkers.

      A fun little fact is that Trump got more votes than Obama. Now, the country is 7% bigger, and Trump did not get 7% more votes than Obama, but it’s still a fun fact to bandy about. Biden did get essentially the same support as Obama, which is kinda crazy. I guess hate voting is as powerful as love voting.

    • Not Adahn

      The fact that you said “kinda” liberal excludes Ordinary Times.

  23. leon




    when people see news they don’t like, they split off to start their own to confirm their bias. this splintering is dangerous — and it’s only beginning

    In 2016 the Media vilified Facebook and other social media for getting trump elected. They spent 4 years making sure that the new found Alternative News sources were brought into the fold and curated.

    Now they are mad that people are leaving.

    • kbolino

      this splintering is dangerous


      If you started a new newspaper, would that be “dangerous”?

      If you started a new blog, would that be “dangerous”?

      Why is it “dangerous” to go out and find a new platform?

      In a few short years, we’ve gone from the public sphere is open to everyone to anything other than curated content in walled gardens is “dangerous”.

      • Floridaman

        Yes, you can’t let the proles leave the walled garden, they might start thinking of things their betters don’t like.

      • The Hyperbole

        Dangerous is a bit strong, but it’s not good. It’s not new either and there’s nothing one can do about it anyway. People don’t like having their beliefs challenged and do end up in echo chambers. It would be nice if people listened to all evidence and opinions tried to understand opposing views and thought things out for themselves, it’s also be nice if a were a little bit taller, and a baller. None of that’s going to happen.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Personally I don’t care if there’s animus between the two sides. Or if they don’t get along. What I do fucking care about is the Democrats trying to lock down the elections across the country in the way they have done in their machine-controlled metros

        That is asking for trouble, to put it lightly.

      • Floridaman

        The more the two sides are split, the less likely they are to come together to fuck things up.

      • Hyperion

        This. I was sick of the reaching across the aisle to fuck us all over a long fucking time ago, and hopefully it never returns.

      • Jarflax cancelled Cancelled

        Last time two sides split all the way they managed to come together at places like Antietam, Spottsylvania, Manassas, and Gettysburg.

      • kbolino

        It would be nice if people listened to all evidence and opinions tried to understand opposing views and thought things out for themselves

        In principle, I don’t disagree; this is the platonic ideal of a liberal society. But staying on Twitter or splitting off from it has nothing to do with this goal. Twitter isn’t interested in fostering an informed liberal polity; they’re interested in giving people what they want so they can make money off them. This isn’t a cynic’s take, it’s their entire on-paper business model. Ditto other social networks and social content platforms. If they weren’t very good at giving people what they want, they wouldn’t have gotten to be multi-billion-dollar companies in the first place.

        The difference between about 6 years ago and today is that 1) the social media Overton window has narrowed and 2) the sphere of what is “non-political” has shrunk on social media. It is not that everyone is being exposed to all sides and all pieces of information; it is that certain people get to keep their echo chambers (and thus the flow of $$$ from them to big ad-funded tech) while others get to have their echo chambers invaded (which hasn’t really impacted the flow of $$$ from them to big ad-funded tech all that much, at least not yet).

        It is worth noting that the original flashpoint, if you will, was over video games and not politics. This didn’t start out as Democrats vs. Republicans arguing over election results or COVID-19 or what have you. And it ended up in the same place: “lefties” get to create and keep their echo chambers, “righties” get marginalized, told they need to speak less and listen more, and get algorithms directed to funnel them away from their own likes.

        I’d say the right response to someone who openly dislikes you and your opinions is to leave the platform they control. There is a know-thy-enemy value to sticking around, sure, but it’s of decreasing utility when you just become a punching bag for the people who never have to leave their own echo chambers.

      • The Gunslinger

        Not only are you a punching bag but each click on those platforms helps line the pockets of the one punching you.

      • Gadfly

        People don’t like having their beliefs challenged and do end up in echo chambers.

        True, but if a place becomes an echo chamber (especially if it is enforced, such as through top-down moderation), then the only course of action for people who want open dialogue is to split.

      • The Hyperbole

        Fair points all. I really wrote that just to throw out a Skee-Lo reference and see if any of you philistines would catch it. I am disappoint.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        If you have a girl who looks good, call her.

      • C. Anacreon

        I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
        And a six four Impala

      • Fatty Bolger

        Don’t you get it? Freedom of speech is dangerous, man!

    • R C Dean

      when people see news they don’t like, they split off to start their own to confirm their bias.

      Well, Twitter and YouTube are supposed to be platforms (remember those?) where you could access all kinds of stuff pretty much unfiltered. People aren’t leaving them because they carry leftist crap, they carry them because they are deleting anything that is not leftist.

      There’s a difference.

      • kbolino

        It’s funny because being able to get your own, personalized feed — you know, splitting off from others and seeing what you want to see, confirming your biases — was part of the appeal of social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to begin with.

        Then a bunch of people threw a shit-fit that there were unsavory things going on, and the great Social Media Must Do Something campaign began. Trends were altered, feeds were manipulated, content was suppressed then censored, and so on.

        The Internet never was a place of uniform consensus. They are trying to graft a system of overbearing central control onto something that has always been decentralized and derives much of its appeal from being exactly what you want to get out of it.

      • Mostly Peaceful JaimeRoberto

        I’m going to need some muscle over here. This guy doesn’t believe in Unity!

    • Heroic Mulatto

      this splintering is dangerous

      No. It’s natural, healthy, and a return to the status quo for centuries.

      • Gadfly

        But how will we reach a glorious sci-fi future where everyone is wearing identical onesies if we don’t have a single source of truth?

      • Count Potato

        “a return to the status quo for centuries”

        I don’t think it is within the same the same country, without becoming dangerous.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Considering that this site reflects a very similar process I’m all for it. The echo chamber danger might be a bit of a concern but why stay where get nothing but shit on?

  24. limey

    I see the NC Senate race has still not been called.

    • leon

      Huh. RCP has called it for Tillis, so i thought it had been, sense they still havn’t even called it for Biden yet.

      • limey

        Oh, my bad. I was checking it on Fox ?

  25. The Late P Brooks

    There was an article in the Indianapolis paper about the “positivity rate”. I could not force myself to read much of it, but they made a big deal about it. “It’s positive results as a percentage of rests.” And then they got lost in the weeds about filtering out those who have had multiple tests.

    Okay, fine but tests are not taken from a representative sample of the general population. They are overwhelmingly taken by people who have symptoms or are believed to have been exposed, and less than 10% come up positive. That should be good news, not reason to panic.

    But panic is what the media craves.

    • R C Dean

      Here in AZ, the positivity rate has been flat, but the number of positive tests has been increasing. That tells me what they are really measuring when they talk about the increase in cases, is the increase in testing. If testing was being done at the same level as a month ago, the number of cases would be the same as a month ago.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    But there’s also studies saying they do work

    Studies, or models?

    The studies i am aware of have no direct link to the actual virus or its contagiousness, they’re just generic “Ooh, look. Sneeze droplets!” high school science fair level bullshit.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Yep. Not one randomized clinical trial that I’m aware of has shown that masks work. Many, including quite a few new ones focused on COVID, say they don’t.

      • C. Anacreon

        If high school science fairs had more impact, we’d all be driving Wankel engines right now.

    • R C Dean

      Ding ding. There are no scientific studies showing that wearing masks, or social distancing, by the general public has any effect on viral transmission.

      There is zero correlation between the adoption of mandates (masks, social distancing, economic lockdowns) and reductions in COVID infections. This could be due to people being crap at the discipline needed to effectively wear a mask and social distance, but regardless, the mandates have failed. Just look at this “second wave” – it didn’t come after everyone lifted their mandates, it came in the middle of the mandates.

      • Count Potato

        “the discipline needed to effectively wear a mask”

        I’ve seen very little of that.

        Biden pulled down his mask to cough.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, if your public health plan requires the public to do things they will never, ever do, you probably need a new plan.

      • kbolino

        See also, setting strict rules for passwords (or even using them as the primary mechanism in the first place), leading to less secure practices overall.

      • Fatty Bolger

        That wasn’t real social distancing. It will work when we have the right people in charge.

      • R C Dean

        + many welded doors

  27. The Late P Brooks

    The left has gone crazy over the idea that was a close election. The mere idea that we as a country are divided, and that half of the country didn’t hate Trump is driving them bonkers.

    They want to see themselves as having won a great victory over Evil Incarnate. They want to be loved and adored by a grateful nation, not despised and ridiculed by a bunch of lowbrow ingrates.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      This is true. My recent interactions with old frat brothers indicates a sincere hatred of the rural voters.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    when people see news they don’t like, they split off to start their own to confirm their bias.

    “news” not same as “opinion”


    • Count Potato

      ““People mad at me for shooting a baby alligator. Realistically, it’s an invasive species in Minnesota,” Klocek said.

      He thinks it was someone’s pet who dumped it when it got too big. Klocek plans to have both the deer and the gator hung up in his collection.”

      Could it even survive winter?

      • Bill Door

        Of course not. But that shouldn’t stop them from spending thousands of dollars to try to send it back to its native habitat.

        Why do you use logic to make a decision?

      • Bill Door

        Of course not. But that shouldn’t stop them from spending thousands of dollars to try to send it back to its native habitat.

        Why do you use logic to make a decision?

      • C. Anacreon

        When Amos Moses was a boy his daddy would use him for alligator bait.

        Tie a rope around his neck, throw him in the swamp.

        Oh, alligator bait in the Louisiana bayou….

      • R C Dean

        Well, its a nice deer, but not a wallhanger, IMO.

  29. grrizzly

    Social distancing is not a light switch. It is a dial.

    Social distancing is not a light switch. It is a dial. President-elect Biden will direct the CDC to provide specific evidence-based guidance for how to turn the dial up or down relative to the level of risk and degree of viral spread in a community, including when to open or close certain businesses, bars, restaurants, and other spaces; when to open or close schools, and what steps they need to take to make classrooms and facilities safe; appropriate restrictions on size of gatherings; when to issue stay-at-home restrictions.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Jesus Fucking Christ NO

      This interjection of government into our everyday lives must be resisted at all costs. We will be completely at the whim of a bunch of wannabe authoritarian bureaucrats.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Sounds legit.

    • B.P.

      It’s a cattle prod.

    • But Enough About My Wild Culinary Fantasies

      Come, my American brothers and sisters, join your comrades in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom in embracing the gentle brush of the totalizing State’s hand along your winsome cheekbones…

    • Gadfly

      Well, at least now any #resistance to the president will involve actually resisting actual government overreach.

    • DEG

      I have a vague memory that Trump’s Lil Rona Panic Task Force came up with reopening criteria.

      That page reads like an election campaign platform plank.

      • Not an Economist

        I remember back in the March time frame when Biden would criticize Trump on Covid and said if he was President he would do A, B, and C. And when I looked Trump had already done A, B, and C several weeks earlier.

        I looked at Biden’s Covid plan. And most of it we are already doing. Except for the Social Justice crap and the contract tracing (which from what I remember, according to scientist is too late for anyway).

    • Lachowsky

      “up or down relative to the level of risk and degree of viral spread in a community”

      I think there is a huge knowledge problem here.

    • rhywun

      Fuck. Off.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    President-elect Biden will direct the CDC to provide specific evidence-based guidance for how to turn the dial up or down relative to the level of risk and degree of viral spread in a community, including when to open or close certain businesses, bars, restaurants, and other spaces; when to open or close schools, and what steps they need to take to make classrooms and facilities safe; appropriate restrictions on size of gatherings; when to issue stay-at-home restrictions.


    • Heroic Mulatto

      This is starting to remind one of the “color coded” homeland security levels 20 years ago. But since the War on Disease has gone even worse than the War on Terror, there will always be a reason to not have that “dial” at zero.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        We haven’t defeated human disease and never will (at least not within a thousand years or so)? Say it ain’t so.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Feature, not bug

        Pun intended.

      • C. Anacreon

        With Biden at the helm, immortality is right around the corner.

      • Hyperion

        Yeah, of course, since his big time adviser says people should die at 75 with no scientific evidence of any such non-sense.

      • R C Dean

        I think those color coded risk things have gotten quite common at the state level. We have one inAZ.

      • C. Anacreon

        We totally have them for counties in California. We were finally able to get a haircut October 1st when our county went from red to orange level.

        But lately there’s been talk about backsliding, so I think we’re headed for mauve.

    • B.P.

      Unfortunately, turning the dial up releases chlorine gas into several sectors of the economy. Sorry about that.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    This interjection of government into our everyday lives must be resisted at all costs. We will be completely at the whim of a bunch of wannabe authoritarian bureaucrats.

    I, for one, welcome the open honesty of our new crypto-Stalinist overlords.

    The Tootsie Roll center has been revealed, in all its glory.

    • Not Adahn

      Just Some Guy without a Mustache
      4 days ago
      All jokes aside, the song is catchier than Coronavirus.

    • B.P.

      I’m more disturbed that those guys were grooving to that bilge before the supposedly offending words dropped.

    • Count Potato


      Do you know what he is actually singing?

      • Not Adahn

        Something about “White Pony Rainbow.”

  32. LCDR_Fish

    Sooo, anyone familiar with the Amazon Games app? “Free Games with Prime” – the SNK/NeoGeo pack is looking very tempting but I’d like to know how it ties to my account or runs on windows (I do have some legacy neogeo emulators although I haven’t run those in years).

  33. UnCivilServant

    Update, I’ve gotten the computers, router, and modem relocated. Hooked up speakers and new monitors.

    Linux box went with no issues.

    Windows box ran into a problem – the Uninterruptable Power Supply wasn’t providing power. Yes, it is plugged in. The screen on it even indicated full battery, But I could not boot the PC when plugged into the UPS, and could when plugged directly into the wall. I may need a new UPS.

    The new video card, display cables, and monitors are working, as well as my internet.

    I have noticed that all my windows look small, because they were sized for the old monitors.

    • UnCivilServant

      I have to now migrate all of my external devices, sinde I didn’t want to futz with all of them while troubleshooting issues.

      Anyone know any tricks to revive UPSes?

      • Trolleric the Goth

        check the fuse? check the battery to see it jostled loose while moving?

      • Lachowsky

        The output should be protected. Either with a fuse or a CB. CB, should be external if there is one, fuse you may have to take a cover off.

      • UnCivilServant

        Found the circuit breaker – it had not tripped.

      • But Enough About My Wild Culinary Fantasies

        If you’re willing to pop the top, you might find one or more connectors might also have worked loose. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen that.

      • UnCivilServant

        I haven’t checked the battery yet, it’s a bit more work to get at.

      • Lachowsky

        Flip it off and back on, just for funsies. Sometimes a tripped CB doesn’t feel tripped.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s a pop-up button marked “press to reset”. I did poke it a few times, but it felt like the mechanism was already engaged.

    • Ted S.

      Did you check the thermostat?

    • Not Adahn

      Lol, in the first year onsite, they were replacing the switch at the HV yard and managed to take down everything on UPS.

      Normal power was unaffected.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t particularly want to buy a new UPS. I’m hoping it’s a loose battery connector, since the breaker isn’t tripped.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Thanks be to [insert demon or deity of preference], we have been spared from the grinding boot heel of President Cartoon Villain’s despotic authoritarianism!

  35. grrizzly

    Somebody tell the Armenians how mighty Russia is, and how they need to ally with them again?

    Who else can help Armenia? France or Iran?

  36. The Late P Brooks

    I may need a new UPS.

    Did you check the thermostat output voltage, with a meter?

  37. Lachowsky

    Youth hunt

    This Saturday was youth modern gun hunt here in Arkansas.

    • Ted S.

      Did the kid find any modern guns? 😉

    • dbleagle

      What a great memory for him. That grin is fantastic.

    • DEG


    • B.P.

      Eh, she’s not the only one who didn’t investigate the actual platforms of the presidential contenders. And I can appreciate a take that runs contrary to one’s own mob.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I appreciate that she’s taking the stand, I just find it humorous that the good doctor was pig ignorant when it comes to they policies of the fucking guy she voted for.

      • R C Dean

        And not some minor detail buried in the platform somewhere. This was one of their headline campaign issues.

      • B.P.

        Oh for sure. There were damn few people voting on policies in this election.

    • But Enough About My Wild Culinary Fantasies

      Yeah, the replies from the Ozzies and New Zealanders are particularly brain-cancer-inducing, not to mention displaying a disturbing willingness to slobber all over the knob of the State in “gratitude.”

      • Trolleric the Goth

        “please, press that boot on my neck harder! I’m ever so grateful!”


      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Crocodile Dundee must be spinning in his grave.

      • Hyperion

        Crocodile Dundee is coming back with a new film, where he is played by an aboriginal trans otherkin Brony/Furry hybrid. When confronted by a thug on his visit to NYC who pulls out a knife and demands his stuff, he talks real nice, the thug puts the knife down and they have fruity cocktails with little umbrellas in them.

      • kbolino

        That might work, as a comedy.

      • Hyperion

        That must mean that every Netflix original and half the stuff coming out of hollywood is now a comedy.

        I didn’t realize comedy is still so popular since actually being funny has been cancelled.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        When the virus shows up again, as it inevitably will, the good little sheep will be locked back in their barn.

    • C. Anacreon

      As do many many follow up commenters although for a different reason.

      One says “we could have spared 230,000 lives if we’d done a complete lockdown in January, no travel, no leaving home, nothing for a month”.

      Can you imagine people then — the ones who had warned for four years that Trump was a dictator in waiting — if he’d suggested this in January? Yet these people now want to call him a murderer for not doing it.

      • Sean

        This is how powerful the media has become (and how dumb the general population is).

  38. R C Dean

    Wanna read something depressing?

    Perhaps surprisingly, 73 percent of respondents said they had heard about the allegations [concerning Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s influence peddling], while only 27 percent said they had not heard of them — a rather impressive showing for conservative media breaking through the Big Tech and legacy media efforts to bury the story. Yet 36 percent of Biden voters said they had not heard of the allegations.

    MRC and McLaughlin asked that subset of Biden voters, “If you had been aware of this actual evidence in emails, texts, testimony and banking transactions being investigated by the FBI, would you have…” still voted for Biden?

    Not surprisingly, most of the Biden voters said they would still have voted for Biden (86.9 percent) if they had known about the story. Yet a handful (5.6 percent) said they would have voted for a third-party candidate, while some said they would have not voted for any presidential candidate (4.7 percent), not voted at all (1.7 percent), or even voted for Donald Trump (1.1 percent).

    In other words, 13.1 percent of the voters who did not know about the scandal (4.6 percent of Biden’s overall vote) said they would not have voted for Biden if they had known about the allegations.

    I don’t know what’s more depressing, that most Biden voters don’t care that he is implicated in corruption with hostile governments, or that the DemOp Media and Tech Lord coverup may have worked well enough to save his candidacy.

    Oh, TW: poll.

    • UnCivilServant

      Wanna read something depressing?

      I’d prefer not to.

    • Hyperion

      I’d have to agree also, that scandal would not have changed my vote. I would have voted for big pile of dogshit before voting for Biden.

      Anyway, Zekey the creep heinous ghoul Emanuel says life is not worth living after 75, so why don’t Biteme just end it all now, for all our own good?

      • juris imprudent

        Harris drools in anticipation. [Is that reason enough? I feel like Satan in Constantine “you will live Joe Biden, oh, you will LIVE”]

  39. Not Adahn

    Got a brass base pad in from CZ Custom. Only one, because I didn’t want to drop $200 on a full set without knowing if it will work. Cycling snap caps says it works. I am conflicted about it, mainly because it cost more than the mag does, and the finish is crappy for a small piece of brass at that price. Then again, is IS brass and it’s going to be dropped on the ground repeatedly, so no finish would survive the first 30 seconds.

    Does fingernail polish stick to brass? What would be good to mark these with?

    • Timeloose

      What do you need to Mark it for? What is the environment?

      • Timeloose

        Looking at a similar product from Shooks custom, it appears there are round depressions that could be filled with nail polish or epoxy to mark them.

    • Sean


      • Timeloose

        Or a steel punch or engraving

      • EvilSheldon

        All my magazines are engraved with my initials and an index number in 12-point StringLabs Black Rose font, then inlaid with 18-karat gold fill.

      • Hyperion

        Yeah, of course nail polish will stick to brass. And it will come right off with nail polish remover. Or just scratch it off and buff out the scratches if any.

      • Not Adahn

        of course nail polish will stick to brass.

        I have no idea what nail polish actually IS, or if it sticks to metal since its original purpose is to stick to keratin.

        There are a lot of paints that don’t adhere to metal well.

      • dbleagle

        In Iraq I used to mark some 9mm rounds in ugly bright nail polish across the base, but not over the primer and edge of the cup.

        The top round in every magazine was a painted round. When I cleared my weapon I looked for that round in my hand. That way no matter how tired or stressed I was I knew I had properly cleared my weapon.

      • Not Adahn

        You know, I hadn’t thought of that, but reloaders will “headstamp” their ammo with just sharpies so they can reclaim their brass. It must not wear that badly.

      • EvilSheldon

        You might already know this, or it might no longer be an issue, but – repeatedly re-chambering the same cartridge will eventually render that cartridge non-functional. This is especially an issue with the AR/M4 platform.

      • dbleagle

        Interesting. I mixed tracer and ball in a set pattern so hopefully I could tell where I was in a magazine. That technique worked…..okay.

        Since I mandated and followed firing weapons every week at a maximum before leaving the perimeter I had a decent rotation of CL V going on. So never encountered that issue.

        It does makes sense that a lowest bidder manufactured, small caliber round being repeatedly chambered and extracted would cause performance issues.

      • Hyperion

        I’m pretty sure the newer nail polish will stick to anything. Maybe not glass, but pretty much anything.

    • R C Dean

      Mark them for what purpose?

      • Not Adahn

        So I can ID which magazine is having trouble, if one is.

      • R C Dean

        So, not required to be highly visible at a glance or something that you can tell by touch? Or even need to be permanent?

      • Not Adahn

        Yes, but remarking them is annoying. The paint I’m using now on the plastic basepads has had to be reapplied twice since the ranges reopened.

      • Not Adahn

        Like right now, of the six that I have in active use, two always drop free, and one rarely does. I’ve relegated that one to Barney duty, and make sure those first two are the one that start in the gun and the first reload.

        I have visually and tactilely inspected them , and I cannot for the life of me discern the difference between the good ones and the bad ones. They all feed perfectly though.

      • db

        Just wrap different colored electrical tapes around the base pad.

        Or if you want something permanent, use a metal stamp, cheap at Harbor Freight. Better to mark the tube than the base pad, as long as you don’t bend the tube inward when stamping. Use a block of steel inside to support the tube.

        I have seen nail polish used, also you could consider just etching hash marks with a file. Wait for everyone to ask what the notches mean!

    • EvilSheldon

      Metallic paint Sharpie.

      • Not Adahn

        That does NOT stick to plastic basepads at all. but I’ll give it a try on the brass.

      • EvilSheldon

        Really? It sticks to my Glock basepads just fine…

  40. straffinrun

    Is calling Biden “Snobama” as bad as “Blockyomama”? I hope not, cuz I’m kind of proud of it.

    • Hyperion

      Looks like Ezekiel Goebbels already has Snowbiden scheduled for the ovens, effectively 2 years ago, so he gets the expedited ticket.

    • Hyperion

      All of the Wokestream modern legacy media have morphed into the same Borg groupthink bullshit.

      One of the things we have to do is to weaken them severely and cripple public school as it exists now.

      If you want to win a war, know your enemy and attack them where it hurts most.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’m out of the public school system. My kids will not be going back now if I can help it at all. They’ve declared war on independent thinkers.

    • Hyperion

      Cavuto is a cuck boy. He’s probably under his desk right now afraid that Kayleigh will beat him up in public.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Cavuto has been off his rocker since his HCQ rant. YOU’RE GOING TO DIE IF YOU TAKE THIS DRUG.

      • Hyperion

        You know how he got the Linda Vaccaro voice? By slurping too much Murdoch dick.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It’ll be interesting to see Fox’s ratings in a week or so. From what I’ve seen on other sites their core audience is pissed and they’re leaving and not coming back.

      • Sean

        They used to get a lot of play in my house. No more.

        I’m definitely curious to see how far their ratings plummet this week.

      • R C Dean

        I’m hearing they were behind CNN and MSNBC this past weekend.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Watching a network commit suicide in real time. If they think CNNers and MSNBCers are going to flock to Fox because of their new wokeness they’re nuts.

      • Hyperion

        You mean like Drudge? -45% visits in less than a year.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Drudge tweeted out a “We did it” or something to that effect pro Biden tweet from his personal account the other day. I guess he has enough money in the bank to not worry about (further) wrecking his brand.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I guess the question is “What exactly did you do?”

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Cheated the people that made him rich.

      • Hyperion

        Drudge sold it to some commie hacks after he lost his fucking mind over Trump stomping his fav establishment fuck, Mittens.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I think it was a Mark Dice vid where I heard that and he was also saying the contrary to rumor Drudge hasn’t sold out. Who knows what the truth is but the we did it stuff was his personal account.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        He hasn’t sold the site I mean, he’s definitely sold out.

      • Hyperion

        Dice is a hero, no one else can get away with what he does on Twatter. I think he’s fucking Jack’s mum and is threatening to tell.

      • Sean

        If Trump’s lawsuits are successfull, there’s gonna be a lot of very unhappy Dems. The media has set them up for a huge fall.

    • Trigger Hippie


      Fox News: Arbiters of Truth.

      • Trigger Hippie

        I mean honestly, how much unsubstantiated drivel/outright lies have they not only aired but regurgitated from the likes of Rove, Cheney, Rice, Holder, Sessions, ect, ect, ect over the last twenty years?

        What a freaking joke.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I don’t give a flying fuck if the network can verify her claims or not. The press secretary for the sitting President is valid news.

      • Sean

        Remember all those sound bytes from Schiff & Pelosi with their Russian collusion?

        I sure do.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        All delivered with a knowing sideways glance and a smug smile. How could I forget?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Wait, I was thinking of Rachel Maddox for some reason. Damn, either it’s been a long day or I’ve got Bidenitis.

      • Hyperion

        She’s talented and beautiful. They hate that. Because they’re ugly, stupid, and don’t have the talent of a retarded squirrel.

    • blackjack

      Holy fuck Fox is suicidal. Just can’t even….

      • blackjack

        This dispute is disputed. Really? Trump is fucking disputing it, you idiots. Of course it’s fucking disputed.

    • leon

      I don’t see the courts striking diem what the media has declared

    • Sean

      We have that going on around here. We’re allowed indoor dining though. It’s upping their capacity because of distancing rules.

    • blackjack

      Yes, those are all over Los Angeles. They also build makeshift barriers in the middle of the fucking street with tables in front of eateries. I got steaks from a high end steakhouse and they had the same setup, with heaters and everything. Very third world. Ramshackle structures out front of beautiful buildings we’re not allowed to eat in.

      • mrfamous

        I don’t blame the restaurants one fucking bit. The government tries to choke you out, you defend yourself any way you can.

        This whole thing has been one massive very unfunny joke and I’m greatly disheartened as to how little push back there has been. It appears that indeed “good times create weak men.”

      • blackjack

        I totally agree. I’m pissed at the government. Many iconic places are just gone, forever. I know the vitus is real, but the handling has to have been a political axe wielded against Trump. There’s no way this would’ve been the response under saint O. No fucking way.

      • Ted S.

        I’m not so sure. After all, look at the way Europe reacted.

      • blackjack

        Dude, what were they gonna do? After we did what we did? Imagine how the drug war would have been prosecuted if we had never outlawed all the happy powders? Same principle.

      • Ted S.

        They locked down first.

    • DEG

      If I remember correctly, in NH if restaurants set up tents outdoors there were rules about having sides open so that the tent wasn’t as enclosed.

      The restaurants also, if required by the municipality, get inspections and permits for outdoor tents.

      • Don escaped Two Corinthians

        just having a tent fire-proofed can be pretty expensive

  41. Stinky Wizzleteats

    I’m watching a guy on YouTube break down some recent Keith Olbermann clips. Olbermann’s sincerely out of his damn mind.

    • Hyperion

      That’s why they love him and that asexual fugly dyke Maddow. Because misery loves company.

      • Trigger Hippie

        YT has recently been very insistent that I watch leftwing hacks jack off to the glories of election fraud…I took Q’s advice and disabled all Google/Yt related apps and extensions on all my devices in response.

        Fuck ’em. I hate being preached to.

        +1 DDG

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I need to do that myself.

      • Trigger Hippie

        The separation anxiety will pass, just like giving up FB. I did the latter a few years ago and despite my recent mental troubles I’m a happier man for it.

        Had I stuck around there I may not be alive today. Google/YT has become a deterrent to sound mental health for me, so, bye.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It doesn’t hammer my psyche or anything, I just don’t like giving Google money although I do admittedly get angry when they try to shove certain vids and their associated viewpoints down my throat. If it wasn’t for the damn ASMR which helps me sleep, I have pretty bad insomnia, I’d have quit YouTube a long time ago.

  42. Hyperion

    There’s going to have to be a new alternative media.

    So what do you do?

    Who has that sort of money? Certainly not Trump. Musk, can we really red pill that boy?

    • Jarflax cancelled Cancelled

      Get used to samizdat

      • Hyperion

        I’m going to pass on that.

  43. Stinky Wizzleteats

    The Cum Town podcast discusses Steven Segal movies:

    Funny shit…