And a New Year Dawns


I hope you all had a lovely New Year’s Eve. And now, here we are…in a world that is pretty much just like the one we left behind yesterday.

Just wait until after the inauguration!

On this day in history

1622: Papal Chancery adopts January 1 as beginning of the year

1673: Regular mail delivery begins between NY & Boston. (And yet, WebDom’s Christmas gift to me still hasn’t arrived.)

1724: Glassblower Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit proposes system for making thermometers and the Fahrenheit temperature scale


On this day in history

1776: General George Washington hoists Continental Union Flag

1788: Quakers in Pennsylvania emancipate their slaves

1862: 1st US income tax 

1863: Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation

1942: The Fucking United Nations is Formed

Do something fun today.

Celebrating birthdays

And a host of others


And music

Not exactly what we’re dealing with now, but this brings up many of the same sentiments.

Wherever the road takes you this year, make it your own and enjoy the journey! Happy New Year!