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All The Things
The Resistence

IFLA: The “Wrap it Up” Edition of the horoscope for the Week of Feb 16
One of the many benefits of astrology not just its predictive ability but its advisory. Famously the practice of recommending days for the king to impregnate his heir-bearer, but also weddings, invasions, conferences and other events where you want luck to be with...

Sunday Morning Post Valentines Links
The newest Glib doing his Edward G. Robinson face. It's been an eventful week. I became a grand-dad, our little shop passed health inspection, we had massive snowfall, I spent some time in Prime pursuit, and our university went into a panic ("If you are approached by...

Saturday evening tiny baby Links
I present to you, l0b0t Webdom the First. Good things in the Gulch this week. New healthy baby boy and a healthy mom. The shop cleared the health inspection yesterday, and we should be up and running shortly after an eight month hiatus. At the moment, everything is...

Then There’s This Asshole
These people are making me quote Penn. I want to quote Teller, but they’re making me quote Penn. Assholes.

Saturday Reproductive Links
There’ll be one child born in this world to carry on.

Dunham – 12
It’s 1780. American privateer Captain Fury and British pirate Captain Judas share a kiss that leads to a tavern brawl, but their common enemy—King George III—keeps them fighting to make a life together on the American frontier.
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 35
The Imperial Diet met in an imposing building faced in black basalt with...
IFLA: the “New VIDS!” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of Feb 9
Finally we got someone at the park that Lily will play with. Unfortunately...
Resistance is Futile
For whatever reason when I began to invest money in the stock market, I often...
First February Friday Afternoon Links
Let's get things kicked off for February. There's the annual visit of the...
Stoic Friday XCIX
Part I Part II Meditations How to Be a Stoic How to Think Like a Roman Emperor...
Shock Waves
All I asked for is one image of an underwater goose-stepping Nazi so I could...
Thursday Morning Links
I can't find anything to talk about on this side of the pond. Can one of you...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 47
To refresh you memories, there was some freak-out that Trumpenhitler's people...
¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!
I informed my youngest he needs to eat more protein. He tends to eat nothing...
What Are We Reading 2025 February
IT's Here! It Here! The long awaited return of What Are We Reading! RJ I have...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 34
I had expected things to go faster once I'd reached Stirnberg. Instead, it was...
IFLA: The “Dated Pop-Culture Reference” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of Feb 2
I was so very, VERY tempted just to repost last week's column and take the...
Sunday Morning Florida Man Links
Hey there friends. Happy Sunday. I took my oldest two to see the Dogman Movie....
Confessions of a Former Bureaucrat
The first thing I will say I discovered when I went to work for the private...
Last Dry January Friday Afternoon Links
Man... January is a long shitty month, isn't it? It just keeps going and...
Stoic Friday XCVIII
Last Week (Part I) Meditations How to Be a Stoic How to Think Like a Roman...
Big Tits Zombie
Big Tits Zombie It's time to thank Common Tater for all the good he brings to...
Mystery Box
Refresh for a random post

Random Thoughts
Random Thoughts If you have some ideas for possible submissions to the site but can't seem to stretch any of them out to a full length treatment, you can always swipe a page from Thomas Sowell's playbook and write a "Random Thoughts" article. You can make one of your random thoughts be about writing a "Random Thoughts" article...

Dogs in Spaaaace!

The Weavers V
Part 5.

Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 35
Prince Kord preferred the book to the blade, but studied both diligently. When what looked like a minor incursion of goblins into his family’s lands turned out to be more serious, he was sent to fetch aid. Frustrated playing messenger, Kord is tempted by the opportunity to leave his obligations behind and study magic. When his uncle and foster father are caught in a trap, Kord needs an army to rescue them – only everyone else is busy fighting their own wars.

Dunham – 11
It’s 1780. American privateer Captain Fury and British pirate Captain Judas share a kiss that leads to a tavern brawl, but their common enemy—King George III—keeps them fighting to make a life together on the American frontier.
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 45
This is one of my favorite episodes. I got to use a joke I thought up in High...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 44
Last time I talked about the flip-flopping of ideas. Here is another instance...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 43
The thing I hate most about American politics is how effortlessly the parties...
The Hat and The Hair -Animated Episode 83 – Christmas Boogaloo
It's The Best Most Classy Christmas Special!
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 42
I wanted The Hat to appear on Info Wars with Alex Jones, but I don't really...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 41
For those of you have seen it on the Zoom or in person, during the Shutdown I...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 40
Now starts the only multi-episode story arc I've really attempted so far. The...
“Bwa-ha-ha-ha,” Dark Cracky laughed, “Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.”...
The Hat and The Hair -Animated Episode 82 – Return of the King Patreon Shill Cafepress Shill...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: ReRun ep 39
I started to get a bit more meta with the writing, not being constrained by...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: ReRun ep 37 & 38
From this point on the show focused on The Hat and The Hair's schemes to get...
“Where will we go?” Hunter asked his only friend. “My father’s huge mansion?...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: ReRun ep 36
I am not some Mystic or Mathematician, I did not plan for this re-run to be...
Food & Drink
We like to eat, ok?
Skirting the ToS
Sometimes Musk&Co. will surprise you.
Post Autistic Public Health
Neoclassicism exhibits the characteristics of an autistic child.
Poll: Local Grub?
This is your chance to rave about your favorite local eatery.
Too Local: Pizza Party
Pizza Parties Are The Best! Did you finish your Book It!?
Another Trip to the Range
In which R C Dean takes a boomstick to Front Sight.
Frozen Dick Storm
I swear everyone at work just wanted to talk about the weather this week,...
All We Got is One Goddamn Hit?
I told my youngest the heartbreaking news from earlier this week and he...
Requiem for a Peanut Farmer
I thought about blowing this one off but I remembered I wrote one for Mikhail...
Proper Proportions of Pizza
Finally! I get to write about what I really want! Okay fine, nobody was going...
Final Friday of 2024 Afternoon Links
Christmas day was a good time, the nephews are in the withdrawn, moody,...
A Very Special Jewsday Rerun: The Story of Chanukkah
It's not often that Pagan Christmas and Taliban Chanukkah coincide- and even...
Your Cat Shit on My Steps Again
“But this isn’t really an Xmas movie!” You say. Yeah well, hear me out. This...
Friday before Christmas afternoon links.
Well, I was torn between which way to include the music links for today. I...
Happy Halloween!
I think we all knew this was only a matter of time before this one would...
Friday the 13th links – Part the second.
Let's get started with some music, and get going with the links. Obligatory....
I Hope He’s Housebroken
For many people my age, this movie was at one point was scary as hell. Now its...
First Friday of December Links
We're well into shopping season, as all of the %random% day events are over (I...
I Can’t Wait Until Fucking Christmas
In 1995 I couldn’t figure out why my parents like this movie. As an adult, I...