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All The Things
The Resistence
Saturday Morning Still Pre-Gaming Links
Wow, the front page excerpt this works again, which is more than you can say about me. Or Links.
Dunham – 8
It’s 1780. American privateer Captain Fury and British pirate Captain Judas share a kiss that leads to a tavern brawl, but their common enemy—King George III—keeps them fighting to make a life together on the American frontier.
Pre-Inauguration Friday Afternoon Links
Some things never change. The Grog Shop having an amazing beer selection for a dive bar/concert venue is one of them that I’m thankful for.
Stoic Friday XCVI
To those who read and discuss for the purpose of display Part III
Friday Morning Links
I got nothing at all for sports, other than to note we have a good football playoff weekend ahead if us and then the CFP Final Monday night. I can't wait. Now on to the links. Well, good. The government should have never had something like this in the first place. I...
Lesbian Vampire Killers
Yes. Its what you think.
IFLA: The “Rush Job” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of January 12
Obvious choice is obvious. A...
Requiem for a Peanut Farmer
I thought about blowing this one off but I remembered I wrote one for Mikhail...
Friday Post-Mourning Links
I was just thinking the other day, that if we are in a world where deities...
Stoic Friday XCV
Last Week Meditations How to Be a Stoic How to Think Like a Roman Emperor...
Shin Ultraman
Shin Ultraman Many months on the road continue for me. I think I have a solid...
NJ Hires Moon Nazis to Fight Drones
TRENTON - "Drastic times call for drastic measures", explained Governor Phil...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 44
Last time I talked about the flip-flopping of ideas. Here is another instance...
Note: Prior pieces in this series can be found at AMST 1, AMST 2, AMST 3, AMST...
¡Martes por la tarde, enalces mexicanos!
Suddenly everyone is back to work, and I am stuck babysitting a petulant...
Arx Anade
All I wanted was for the year to end and to leave Arx Anade. For where, I did...
Tuesday Mornng Links
With the exception of noting that the Bears are asking to talk to Mike...
Announcing The Return of W.A.W.R.
Every year I set a goal of reading a book a week, sometimes I add the caveat...
But I Have No Peers
Over the last few years, I've seen lots of work dismissed if not...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 30
The bejeweled gold panel looked nothing like a door, and until Vogel opened...
IFLA: The “I got Nuthing” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of January 5 Sorry about that. Between the dead...
Proper Proportions of Pizza
Finally! I get to write about what I really want! Okay fine, nobody was going...
First Friday Afternoon Links of 2025
Well, we've made it to the new year. Hopefully everyone's recovered from the...
Mystery Box
Refresh for a random post
Glibcrostic 10
Last time in "How do you do it Hype?" I explained how to pick a quote and attribution (as the author and title are called in acrostic building circle) The next step is to take all the letters in your quote and make a bunch of words equal in number and starting with the letters in your attribution. The first few glibcrostics I...
Dunham – 7
It’s 1780. American privateer Captain Fury and British pirate Captain Judas share a kiss that leads to a tavern brawl, but their common enemy—King George III—keeps them fighting to make a life together on the American frontier.
Arx Anade
A really short story.
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 30
Prince Kord preferred the book to the blade, but studied both diligently. When what looked like a minor incursion of goblins into his family’s lands turned out to be more serious, he was sent to fetch aid. Frustrated playing messenger, Kord is tempted by the opportunity to leave his obligations behind and study magic. When his uncle and foster father are caught in a trap, Kord needs an army to rescue them – only everyone else is busy fighting their own wars.
Dunham – 6
It’s 1780. American privateer Captain Fury and British pirate Captain Judas share a kiss that leads to a tavern brawl, but their common enemy—King George III—keeps them fighting to make a life together on the American frontier.
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 42
I wanted The Hat to appear on Info Wars with Alex Jones, but I don't really...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 41
For those of you have seen it on the Zoom or in person, during the Shutdown I...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 40
Now starts the only multi-episode story arc I've really attempted so far. The...
“Bwa-ha-ha-ha,” Dark Cracky laughed, “Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.”...
The Hat and The Hair -Animated Episode 82 – Return of the King Patreon Shill Cafepress Shill...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: ReRun ep 39
I started to get a bit more meta with the writing, not being constrained by...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: ReRun ep 37 & 38
From this point on the show focused on The Hat and The Hair's schemes to get...
“Where will we go?” Hunter asked his only friend. “My father’s huge mansion?...
The Hat and The Hair Animated: ReRun ep 36
I am not some Mystic or Mathematician, I did not plan for this re-run to be...
The Hat And The Hair Halloween Special
It's that time of year again when we, like the networks, can run an old...
The Hat and The Hair -Animated Episode 81 – Donald McDonald Patreon Shill Cafepress Shill Redbubble Shill...
Kamala, First of Her Name: Episode 8
“Fucking Joe Biden” Kamala said with withering disgust. “We had fucking Puerto...
The Hat and The Hat: Episode 206
“Maybe just meet her, maybe she’s a really nice girl,” Donald said. “Father,...
Food & Drink
We like to eat, ok?
Friday Night Post o’ Fun
We have already used up our Cryptid for the week, and all the cool kids are Zoomin’… so enjoy food and beer stuff!
Cultural Appropriation in Cocktails – Tiki
Grab your specialty glassware, rum, and tropical mixers. It’s time to talk about tiki.
Mixed Drinks 102 – Getting Fancy
Based on the calendar, there’s some sort of holiday that people are supposed to be celebrating on the 14th. So here’s some drinks to make for that special someone (even if it’s just yourself).
Final Friday of 2024 Afternoon Links
The Christmas pop up bars are still going, but same as Halloween decorations should be down by Thanksgiving, the time for lights is over once Christmas has passed.
Slaughtered Pigs
This is not a My Cousin Vinny reference.
A Very Special Jewsday Rerun: The Story of Chanukkah
It's not often that Pagan Christmas and Taliban Chanukkah coincide- and even...
Your Cat Shit on My Steps Again
“But this isn’t really an Xmas movie!” You say. Yeah well, hear me out. This...
Friday before Christmas afternoon links.
Well, I was torn between which way to include the music links for today. I...
Happy Halloween!
I think we all knew this was only a matter of time before this one would...
Friday the 13th links – Part the second.
Let's get started with some music, and get going with the links. Obligatory....
I Hope He’s Housebroken
For many people my age, this movie was at one point was scary as hell. Now its...
First Friday of December Links
We're well into shopping season, as all of the %random% day events are over (I...
I Can’t Wait Until Fucking Christmas
In 1995 I couldn’t figure out why my parents like this movie. As an adult, I...
First Friday of the Christmas Season.
It has begun. The airwaves have shifted to Christmas music, it's been months...
Poor Choices All the Way Down
Beer drinkers are simply fat asses that like college football. Its science....
Pre-Feasting Friday Links
I doubt any of you saw me on Amazon Prime last night (if you were willing to...
Onion Wars
Upon further review, Alex Jones is still a dickweed but somehow manages to be...