To be perfectly honest I was a tad disappoint in you people, seemed like only a few of you were trying to solve the puzzles. But I realized to wasn’t your fault it was mine, I threw you into the metaphoric deep end – 20+ clue puzzles with long quotes from obscure books from forgotten (or never heard of ) authors. Thus this weeks puzzle is a much simpler one. Also I had the idea of using a quote from a Glib’s comment, so the first letters of the clue answers (the blue letters, sloper) don’t spell out a book title and author but a Glibs handle. Some may notice that their are nine clues and nine letters in Hyperbole, but I’d remind you I am a contrarian not a narcissist, I didn’t use one of my own witty comments.  As always entertainment…gambling…not your sponsor…

Oh, I keep forgetting here’s a nice little ditty to solve puzzles to.

I like the idea of using a Glibs quote as the source for the puzzles, so if you want to be immortalized as a Glibcrostic, try to say something witty or astute but make certain it contains all the letters necessary to spell out your handle (and it wouldn’t hurt to make sure “Orca” can be spelled out also.)