So, this friend of mine that used to make short films, his first large scale ambitious project was called Curse of The Highway [TRT:00:32:29]. It’s over a half hour, so I won’t embed it here. But if you want you can view it via the link. The idea was to spoof old school horror movies. Being mainly inspired by 2 films: The Evil Dead and Tourist Trap. The latter of which was directed by a film school professor of this totally other guy that’s not me.

So, this was the early 2000s. When there were a bunch of low rent companies buying cheap horror movies to release on DVD. This friend of mine, he contacted one of these companies and got a tentative offer that if just a slightly better movie were made there would be a chance to get a release through this company.  So, a sequel was written to Curse of The Highway; Return to Soggy Bog.  Filming on this movie was only partially completed when most of the cast and crew just stopped showing up, because they got bored and were certainly not getting paid.

The plot, for those who care, involved the twin brothers of two characters that died in Curse of the Highway going to investigate the death of their brothers. Now a summer camp sits on the site of the creepy cabin where the original teens died. The lead councilor of the summer camp happens to run cult that worships The Soggy Bog Monster. In a botched ceremony the monster is set free to start killing the campers.

So, here is the extant footage from that endeavor without final audio or a locked edit. [TRT:00:06:52]