You know what really burns my ass? When I remember some storyline but can’t recall the name of the book it was in or the author that wrote about it. I started keeping a ‘reading log’ in 2018 to help me keep track of shit like that, I wish I had done it decades ago. Do you keep a ‘reading log’ or is your memory good enough that you don’t need one. Enjoy this Glibcrostic and let us know in the comments or just whinge about some shit on the twitters, whatever, just try not to first.

Music to solve Glibcrostics to

Online Version link

Solution link

  • This is a horrible clue and I am truly sorry, I should have tried harder but sometimes you just gotta say fuck it.

Reminder: The last Sunday of each month is “What Are We Reading” Day so if you want to participate get your reports in to by the second to last Sunday.