Tuesday morning lawyers, guns, and money links

by | Oct 17, 2023 | Daily Links | 269 comments

Guadalajara won’t do.


Sloopy is being Sloopy. You know how it is.

I don’t know about all y’all, but football has gotten irritatingly stupid. The hallmark of this season has been crappy coaching, and crappy playing. I’m annoyed.


I’ll do what I can, but I don’t know the links will make me feel any better. The world has gotten even more stupid than it was a month ago.


Yeah, this is going to go well.


I mean, of course they’ll just be there because they might need to back fill on some desk jobs. That’s what Marine Expeditionary Groups specialize in.


The Smoking Gun never fails to come through with the hard hitting journalism. I don’t want to know which one of you did this.


See what I mean?


Here’s a tune.


Okay, so this was fun. As I was watching the video in this story, I had the above song playing in a different window. It really enhanced the experience.


Paywalled, but it appears the CIA sent out a memo.


The ghost of Blockbuster nods from the corner of the room.


Okay, that will  hopefully get you started for the day. The world has gone stupid. Find what solace you can and keep your head down.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. UnCivilServant

    Blockbuster isn’t dead… it’s just down to one location in Oregon.

    • SDF-7

      Is this like a reverse mahdi-in-the-well or Messiah prophecy? When the last Blockbuster closes its doors, the world will end?

    • Fourscore

      Been a long time since I shopped Best Buy. Did buy a couple flat screens from them though. Every time I walk through Walmart I am amazed as to how low the prices are on TVs. Chinese are doing a heckuva job.

      • SDF-7

        IIRC it is more that they’re all “smart” now and they make back the discount harvesting most peoples data / audio logs / viewing habits. Last one I bought I’m pretty sure doesn’t have cellular and I never gave it network access… but I’m sure most folks do.

        Of course — that could well be what you meant by the “heckuva job” — surreptitious microphone scanning and data mining is doubtless of interest to the Chinese as well, after all (IP infringement… national security… just imagine the fun they could be having with a little AI filtering to get just the juicy bits! God, we’re stupid as a nation / species…)

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, it’s easy to sell cheap when you don’t have any research cost, can dump waste pruducts wherever, and have a vast pool of government-supplied slave labor.

      • Drake

        Bought a 4k tv a couple months ago for the new place. Looks nice, still not much worth watching.

      • juris imprudent

        The paradox of television – the better the delivery mechanism, the worse the content.

  2. SDF-7

    I mean, of course they’ll just be there because they might need to back fill on some desk jobs. That’s what Marine Expeditionary Groups specialize in.

    Talk about not needing our help… what exactly do we think 2000 Marines will deter that the IDF won’t? Not to mention that if Iran gets explicitly involved, the best deterrence would be “If we’re brought to the point of national survival… we are already a nuclear power and all… and can strike Tehran.” I don’t want them to — but that is the FAFO promise of nukes and all.

    And I’d also ask what the point in sending a senile puppet is — but I’m assuming it is so the staff can talk directly and give the Old Corpse a photo op to try to look “Presidential” before the next election.

    I stick to what the only uses of a CVG in the Med / Red Sea regions should be — airlift out stranded Americans, get US hostages back if needed, bring down some pain if anyone messes with a US flagged merchant. Otherwise, stay out of things.

    • WTF

      Otherwise, stay out of things.

      Where’s the opportunity for graft in that?

    • milo

      The crux of the problem is that there are some seriously stupid people in charge of things.

      • WTF

        Stupid and corrupt.

      • AlexinCT

        You mean the people that told us we had to get rid of the mean tweeter and put the adults in charge? Those people?

    • Drake

      I’m torn between making a Beruit or a USS Liberty reference. Either way, learning from history isn’t what this Administration does.

      • AlexinCT

        I am more worried about ole creepy hair sniffer Joe trying to look tough and going there getting offed by the CIA so they can then put Koh-moh-loh in charge for a bit while they rig the 2024 election for Newsome or the wookie.

      • SDF-7

        I’m sure it is somehow wrong of me that my first thought on seeing the headline was “Let’s take an ineffectual puppet President into an active war zone for no discernible diplomatic benefit…. hmm….. are they trying to get Air Force One shot down to trigger something? And what would that trigger?”

      • Pine_Tree

        well my real answer would get us all put on another list

  3. milo

    A dead guy’s sex doll. I’d like to leave the planet behind please.

    • Rat on a train

      Does he have to register as a sex offender?

      • milo

        Yes. I’m offended on behalf of all plastic sex workers.

  4. SDF-7

    The Smoking Gun never fails to come through with the hard hitting journalism. I don’t want to know which one of you did this.

    And if the dead could speak — the morgue would be filled with the cries “At least it distracted him from us!”

    Tell me your mind didn’t jump there when you have a morgue attendant into lifelike bodies just lying there….

      • DrOtto

        Got into a fistfight with a friend at a party back in high school when I referred to his girlfriend, whose name was ‘Ellen’ as ‘Cold Ethyl’. Unfortunately for him, and likely because of the fight (I got my ass kicked), the nickname stuck.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        You should have gone Code Blue on him.

      • Seguin

        I love TSOL.

  5. rhywun

    The watchlist says it documents professors who “discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom”.


    Congratulations, The Guardian, for zeroing in on the rare HATE that feeds your narrative. Didn’t watch the videos; they’re probably making shit up anyway.

    • WTF

      It seems like the lefty shoved the cameraman and got shoved back, So now he’s trying to portray himself as a victim of a hate crime assault.

      • rhywun

        I would not have seen that coming.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.


      • AlexinCT

        Why be a member of a marginalized group if you cant use that to accuse people pointing out you are a scumbag of being evil and thus shutting them up so others don’t get to hear you are a scumbag trying to avoid getting called out.

  6. SDF-7

    Turning Point and its leaders, including founder Charlie Kirk, play a large role in rightwing politics, particularly online and on social media, as the group embraced Trump and his supporters.

    Hey Guardian — citation most certainly fucking needed there. And no… “Credit: My arsehole” does not count.

    Prosecute if guilty, do the same if any of your lefty crazies do something similar ASU. Duh.

    • AlexinCT

      Don’t you know that if you choose to not join the left’s cult and actually try to resist it, you are the true incarnation of evil and will be accursed by that cult of being the cult?

  7. SDF-7

    Re: The decline of physical media — I personally hope for selfish reasons it doesn’t entirely go away (I’ve been able to find series on DVD and archive them to my NAS for watching on my AppleTVs that I absolutely can not find via the digital marketplaces). But it doesn’t surprise me with the upcoming generations and their love of streaming-only (owning nothing and being happy…. hmmmmm…..)

    • WTF

      The problem with streaming is that content can be airbrushed, edited, and memory-holed by the provider, while physical media can’t be.

      • Rat on a train

        You are paying a subscription for access to our catalog that we can change as we see fit.

      • Chafed

        Exactly. There is plenty of stuff out there, Sam Kinison bits for example, that could easily disappear.

    • milo

      The thing I hate about it is that with a digital product, it is too easy for our betters to “edit” the content to reflect “modern” sensibilities.

      • milo

        Well, Hell.

      • juris imprudent

        See, this is why we’re not allowed an edit button!

      • milo

        This just proves the place is an echo chamber. ECHOOOOOOO

      • UnCivilServant

        Chamber? You’re down a well. Find the rope and start climbing.

      • milo

        I’m still digging.

      • Bobarian LMD

        I don’t see any water down here.

      • R.J.

        Or make it completely unavailable, even though you bought it.

    • Nephilium

      One thing that I’ve noticed is that it appears that quite a few of the older TV series that have DVD collections for sale on Amazon are print on demand services. So it takes over a month to get the series you ordered. I don’t mind that much though, as I’m building up a collection of items that aren’t available for streaming anywhere (some aren’t even available for sale anywhere in digital format) and ripping them to my Plex server (which I really should put together an article about). The most recent one loaded onto the server, the classic Max Headroom. It’s also got Friday the 13th the series, the 1980’s War of the Worlds first season, the Maxx, and I’m waiting on Get a Life to be delivered.

      • milo

        I’m having a weird issue with my server. It sees some of my TV rips, but not others. ACL problem, I guess. I’ve reset the permissions several times. Recursive and all data child sets too.
        Strangely, I can go to the admin portal, remove the mount point for the TV entry. Re add it and it shows all the TV entries before the next step that actually creates the mount point. Operating system sees them. Plex doesn’t. They used to show up.

      • milo

        Child datasets as well. Dammit.

      • Nephilium

        Sounds like a permission issue or a scan issue. I’ve had some issues with some shows not showing up because they were classed as movies (and vice versa), moving them to the styles Plex expected fixed that.

        Was it working previously?

      • Rat on a train

        The file naming scheme for series got me when I first started adding them.

      • milo

        I suppose that is worth looking at too. It used to work though. I probably changed some thing and forgot what it was.

      • milo

        Yep, it worked at one time. I have separate mount points for movies, TV and music.
        I’m thinking I will just blow it away and reinstall Truenas and recreate the Plex server and jails.
        If that don’t fix it, I will rip the shows again.
        Nuke it from orbit.

      • Gustave Lytton

        War of the Worlds… Get A Life…

        Whoa takes me back

      • Nephilium

        Paramount for years denied that the War of the Worlds television show existed. It only lasted two seasons, the first being about anti-communist body stealing aliens, and the second rebooted into a post apocalyptic world where the aliens had won and the humans were a resistance. Get A Life ran into the Drew Carey issue where they had licensed music for the show that they didn’t have rights to distribute on home media.

      • Seguin

        Heck yes, the Maxx! Great series.

    • slumbrew

      If the Criterion Channel thinks it’s OK to edit The French Connection for wrong-talk, what movie wouldn’t be touched?

      I need more physical media…

      • DrOtto

        Watched it recently on HBO MAX as was impressed when they left it alone.

    • DrOtto

      I just had to buy a copy of ‘The Adventures of Ford Fairlane’ from Half Price Books because my VHS Ccopy finally wore out due to time and it’s not available anywhere legitimately online. I know it wasn’t a great movie, but I’ve been buying older movies on DVD/Blue Ray because I’ve noticed scenes missing/changed when I stream them.

  8. Not Adahn

    Combining your links, I’d giggle if Major took a chunk out of Abbas.

    That’s probably some super-cereal insult to Muslims tho.

  9. Trials and Trippelations

    Re: Best Buy ending physical media sale

    I am very slowly and more wisely rebuilding my movie collection before more movies get the Lucas treatment or censored. Unfortunately, I sold my South Park collection when I was younger and dumber but at least I still have Blazing Saddles

    I showed my kids Star Wars for the first time a few months ago, and it was the first time I had watched SW in years. Ooof those Lucas “improvements”.

    I hope video games becoming digital only is still years away. I haven’t bought a full priced new video game since the 2000s

    • rhywun

      South Park collection

      Oof. I don’t buy collections until the show is done. Isn’t that right, Futurama Season 8?

      • Nephilium

        Some shows never get a full collection release after they’re done.

        /looks over at Halt and Catch Fire

    • Nephilium

      I have a special collection saved on my Plex server for “removed” episodes. It includes the South Park episodes, It’s Always Sunny episodes, and Community episode that all got pulled from streaming for being insensitive. I will forever love the joke in the It’s Always Sunny when Frank says that James Earl Jones does blackface really well (NSFW language).

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Lethal Weapon Part 6.

      • Seguin

        The Community episode was one of their best, too. Most realistic depiction of a D&D game ever put to media.

        Other than Mazes and Monsters, that is.

  10. rhywun

    changes in how people consume entertainment

    Unlike fiction, I will never replace my DVDs and BluRays with zeros and ones. Not when such media is constantly rotating in and out of existence and even subject to unwanted manipulation.

    • milo

      There is a plus side to all that. There have been so few movies worth watching, that I think I may have bought 2 Blu-rays in the last couple of years. Finally watched John Wick 4 last night. It was so stupid, it was entertaining.

      • rhywun

        I probably own more more TV series than movies but yeah.

        And I realize that books are being manipulated and canceled too but it seems much less frequent, for now.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        You gotta pick your poison. I am not much of a watcher, but I am definitely a reader, so I have built up a library of fiction, some threatened, some not.

  11. UnCivilServant

    In the “I’ve never cooked that particular cut of meat before” category, I’ve got a slice of veal shank (The butcher fed the limb through a bandsaw to make discs), and the only thing that comes to mind for cooking is – salt, pepper and roast low and slow.

    Any other recommendations?

      • AlexinCT


      • Suthenboy

        I have also done this. I was watching a cooking show several years ago and the dude made that.
        As soon as the show was over I changed my shirt (the one I had on during the show was covered in drool) , hopped in the car and raced to the grocery store for shank steaks.
        Yum. Very delicious.

  12. juris imprudent

    Speaking of King Abdullah and his boundless concern for the welfare of Palis. Stupid Palis would get a better deal with the Israelis then they’ll ever get from the “brother” Arabs.

    Jordan’s King Abdullah on Tuesday warned against trying to push Palestinian refugees into Egypt or Jordan, adding that the humanitarian situation must to be dealt with inside Gaza and the West Bank.

    • Drake

      Nobody there seems interested in deals.

      • AlexinCT

        They know the Palestinians are nothing but trouble and prefer to keep the problem one Israel has to deal with and not one for themselves.

      • dontreadonme

        They will never forget Black September. Jordan is a remarkably safe and peaceful country with a growing tech economy and strong Western ties. They do not want to screw that up.

      • Drake

        So they have zero tolerance for Hezbollah or Hamas setting up shop there.

      • juris imprudent

        Well it seems whenever any Muslim country starts to modernize, the fanatics take root to ruin that.

    • rhywun

      Yup, because the actual goal is the destruction of Israel.

      • Rebel Scum

        And they need cannon fodder.

    • Rebel Scum

      The Arabs call the Palis “dogs” for some reason.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Yeah, but they are JOOS, so any “deal” they get is a loser in their eyes.

  13. Drake

    This will end well.

    By next week, I expect Jordan will be applying for BRICS membership alongside Egypt.

  14. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com 10/17:
    *33/33 words
    🎯 In the top 13% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 2

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 10/17:
    19/19 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 20% by accuracy

  15. Grummun

    At the risk of generalizing….

    Is the kind of person that buys a sex doll likely to also perform the necessary cleaning of said sex doll?

    And given that, what does it say about the guy that wants to stick it in someone else’s sex doll?

    • Sean

      He’s probably not big on hand sanitizer.

      • Nephilium

        So that’s not what’s in his 55 gallon drum?

      • AlexinCT


      • Bobarian LMD

        Wouldn’t hand sanitizer burn?

    • milo

      What’s he going to say to his sex doll, when she finds out he was cheating? She’s a victim too.

      • SDF-7

        “Blow it out your rear?”

  16. Rebel Scum

    Yeah, this is going to go well.

    Listen, Jack. We are busy fixing the middle-east while those MAGA Republicans, not your fathers Republican party, are the biggest domestic terror threat at – uh… – you know the thing.

    • The Other Kevin

      Biden has this annoying tendency to escalate everything. He goes into this tough guy act and starts throwing weak insults. And then everything gets worse.

  17. Rebel Scum

    A funeral home worker responsible for transporting dead bodies in a Nebraska county is suspected of having an intimate encounter with a life-sized sex doll he found in the apartment of a deceased person, according to court records.

    He really fucked up.

    • milo

      Or down. We can’t judge.

      • AlexinCT

        What happened to our spirit of exploration and wanting to encourage that?

      • juris imprudent

        Maybe some kinks are shame-worthy?

      • AlexinCT

        People here won’t stop telling me to not to kink shame..

  18. SDF-7

    On the international beat — here’s hoping, Canada. Seems like he’d be a significant improvement.

    On the downbeat side… Poland’s willingness to tell the EU where they can stick it and hold the line on their culture and religion was a welcome sight over the last few years. Sorry they didn’t think the same way apparently (or more likely there are issues with the party in power like there always are and the pendulum swung because of that…).

    • rhywun

      perhaps the issue that really helped tilt the scales was abortion

      Gee, that sounds familiar.

  19. Rebel Scum

    A Florida Woman is facing a felony charge after allegedly shoving a bag of dog poop into the face of an elderly

    Shitty behavior but not as bad as the average Florida Man.

    • AlexinCT

      What kind of dog? Shitzu or weener dog poop is not as scary as mastiff or saint bernard poo..

    • Certified Public Asshat

      After hovering over the link, I thought the article was going to be about some scientific breakthrough in using dog waste for batteries.

  20. cyto

    So…. somehow I wound up subscribed to Paramount Plus through Amazon Prime. Nobody in the house will admit to it… but if the Stars, Peacock and Showtime incidents are anything to go on, it was the wife. She has a habit of signing on for the free trial to watch one TV show and then forgetting to cancel.

    Anyway, it is here and there is a Star Trek series. Strange New Worlds. So….

    It looks good. I mean, pretty.

    I vaguely remember nerdom being generally negative. But I don’t remember why. So, episode 1. Pretty cool idea. Nice intro to characters.. this isn’t so bad… then, suddenly they are so stupid I am wanting to yell at the screen. Just minute or so, but it bumped me out of the world. Plus.. the bridge of the enterprise has captain Pike and all the rest are women? Odd lack of diversity.

    Anyway. On to episode 2. On a comet with an alien structure, Kirk gets hurt… immediately Nurse Chapel says “get his helmet off!! And they pull the helmet off. WTF?

    Now it is a theme. Just moments of “WTF is happening?” Odd. It looks beautiful. Most of the acting is good. It is professional. And then the writing drops into stupid-town. Briefly.

    • Nephilium

      the girlfriend and I enjoyed Strange New Worlds as well as Lower Decks. We both did comment on the strangeness of having the majority of the cast be women in Strange New Worlds.

    • SDF-7

      I thought SNW was actually well received by what Star Trek fandom is left — but mainly because it spun out of ST:DISCO (Discovery) and was a breath of fresh air after that shit show.

      I gave up on Trek around ST:Beyond… though my expectations were lowered dramatically by the Kelvin timeline reboot anyway since JJ obviously wanted to make Star Trek into Star Wars and all, just sticking to the classic timeline series (up to First ContactInsurrection and Nemesis were just crap… and not interested in suffering through 2 seasons of “sheer fucking hubris” for one season of desperately trying to suck up to TNG fans….)

      • UnCivilServant

        I think the goodwill was that it was less shit. I don’t know, I’ve never seen it directly. But generally the reaction is that the writing doesn’t do credit to the name.

      • milo

        I gave up around then too. I know this makes me an outlier, but I thought Enterprise was a pretty good show.
        I was too young to watch the original series when it was on, but I think I got hooked on the Animated Series in the early 70’s. I nerded out after that. All the great movies. Khan. Had a bunch of the novels. Went to the Star Trek bar in Vegas during a Microsoft conference.
        Good times.
        Now, it’s honestly dead to me. Makes me sad.

      • SDF-7

        I not only enjoyed Enterprise seasons 3 and 4 and how they redeemed the crap writing of seasons 1 and 2 regarding the Vulcans especially (too many things like Phlox casually committing genocide in the first two seasons), I’m the scary person who likes the theme music.

        The followup books handing Trip, Section 31 and the actual Birth of the Federation out of the Romulan War weren’t bad either.

        If I could change anything about Enterprise it would have been to not have the Akira based design in the first place (pissed off a lot of fans right out of the gate), to not lot Braga recycle Voyager scripts and to actually take the tech level down a notch and stick to it. Or in hindsight give it to Coto in the first place, of course.

      • milo

        I submitted an outline for a book idea to Bantam back in the mid 80’s. It was about Spock’s younger brother. Who unlike Spock, was unable to control his emotions. Sarek made a backdoor deal with the Romulan ambassador to adopt him. Yes, the Vulcans were aware of the Romulan Empire even then.
        Actually got a note from the editor back. David Stern was his name I think. Said he liked the idea but they couldn’t go with it at the time.
        Needless to say, when Undiscovered Country came out with Spock’s brother, I was feeling pretty small. But, the story was very different.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Didn’t Enterprise have Angelina Jolie in Vulcan ears and tight fitting Star Trek uniforms? Of course it was pretty good.

      • SDF-7

        Nah — Jolene Blalock just has a similar face… she was an actual fan of the material from what I understand at least — and Trip and T’Pol were really one of the best parts of that show. (Especially once they got her out of the 7-of-9 cat suits (see Braga not wanting to let Voyager go) and into a normal uniform and all).

      • R.J.

        Once Orville came out, I realized it was the best of Star Trek and stopped watching the actual new Star Trek series.

      • cyto

        This is sooo true. Sad too. A B budget show that started as part spoof, part vanity project gets the sci-fi short story nature of the show better than the actual IP rights holders of the original.

      • juris imprudent

        Galaxy Quest is becoming ever more relevant to this thread.

      • kinnath

        Brilliant fucking movie.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Orville was way too smug and sanctimonious for me. Maybe it got better. But I have trouble watching a show that keeps making me say “oh, fuck off!” to the show’s creator.

      • Necron 99

        I just finished The Orville, it seemed like a love letter to a bygone Star Trek, with excellent humor and real life people.

        My favorite quip was when Commander Grayson pleads with Captain Mercer, “we have to do something, there are FAMILIES down there.” Cut to Malloy saying to himself, “probably single people, too.” I laughed so hard I had to rewind it a few times.

    • WTF

      Just wait until you get to the second season, they really kicked the stupid into high gear.

    • AlexinCT

      Plus.. the bridge of the enterprise has captain Pike and all the rest are women? Odd lack of diversity.

      Why? He gets to pay them only 77% of what he would need to pay men, and he gets to play them against each other as they vie to fuck each other over by fucking him…

      • cyto

        Too funny.

      • WTF

        Plus, the women obviously have some advanced bioengineered physical enhancements. In one episode in season 2 Nurse Chapel single-handedly kicked the crap out of at least five male Klingon warriors.

      • SDF-7

        Wait…. WHAT?!?!? Yeah, I must have missed Chapel going all action girl in What are little girls made of? and saving Kirk’s bacon and all, since she’s such an innate badass and everything….

        Oh, brother.

      • Nephilium

        They did give at least a reason for it with some combat drug that M’Benga had made back in the Klingon wars.

      • WTF

        Doesn’t matter. How hard someone hits is a matter of physics. A 115 pound woman can’t generate enough force to do much more than piss off a 200 pound man. Never mind a woman’s bones are much less robust.

      • UnCivilServant

        So what you’re saying is she should have been fired by seige engine to add some velocity to that mass.

      • juris imprudent

        A reminder that chemistry is derived from alchemy.

    • rhywun

      I can’t stand all the prequels and reboots. Pure fan-wankery.

      Do something new and I might watch. Except it will be stream-only so I won’t watch.

      • Grumbletarian


        In the fourth season and it’s pretty enjoyable. Lots of call-outs to TNG, DS( and Voyager shows because it takes place around that time frame, but also some TOS references. It won’t win any awards except that it’s a fun little show.

  21. Rebel Scum

    The important things.

    HHS today imposed a transgender pronoun mandate on its employees who will now be forced to deny biological realities with their own words or face firing. Those with faith objections should immediately request religious accommodation and prepare to fight for your rights.

    Practice the phrase “Fuck off, you delusional cunte.”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Why is it damn near fucking impossible to fire a federal employee unless it’s for horseshit like this?

      • AlexinCT

        Because the entire weaponized machine is evil and the people that like it being that are evil too.

      • R.J.

        My pronouns are Sphincter/Sparkle. Get them wrong, or giggle and you’re fired.
        Oh, and here’s my boss, Biggus/Dickus.

      • WTF

        And his wife, Incontinentia /Buttocks.

      • Homple

        Do you find it …. wisible?

      • pistoffnick

        Stwike him!

    • rhywun

      The word salad in that memo is something else. When did every government office become infested with blue-haired college students?!

      • UnCivilServant

        Ever since they existed.

        A: Government favors Credentialism. So a college degree is often a requirement, but no effort is made to require a useful degree

        B: Government work for ten years results in loan forgiveness, so people with useless degrees gravitate towards the sector.

        C: It’s hard to fire government employees, so useless people with useless degrees dig in like ticks.

  22. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “Stop Making Fentanyl or Die”
    Yeah sure, that’ll work about as well as the stay clear of the drugs warning worked for Paulie in Goodfellas.

    • Lachowsky

      The cartels will probably do a better job at curbing fentanyl production than the USG ever will.

  23. DrOtto

    She should be on Mug Shawtys.

  24. DrOtto

    Steely Dan is great and My Old School might be their best. There, I said it.

    • milo

      You’re not wrong.

  25. Rebel Scum

    Speaking of terrorists…

    “Jordan was a terrorist as a legislator going back to his days in the Ohio House and Senate, _A terrorist. A legislative terrorist.” Former Speaker Boehner

    It should be interesting how things go after Republicans elect Jordan Speaker tomorrow. It would certainly bring more chaos in the house and electoral harm.

    Bring on the chaos.

    • Q Continuum

      Boehner fucks dead guys’ sex dolls too.

      • juris imprudent

        Hey if Boehner is going to fuck Reagan’s commandment…

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Omar’s tweet quoting Boehner now? It really is a goddamn uniparty.

    • slumbrew

      I assume Omar is trying to hasten the move of making “terrorist“ a meaningless word, like “fascist”.

      • SDF-7

        She’s going to take that brotherfucking word back, man!

    • Gender Traitor

      Jordan made Boehner cry and his tan ran.

  26. Tundra

    Good morning, Spud!

    I don’t know about all y’all, but football has gotten irritatingly stupid. The hallmark of this season has been crappy coaching, and crappy playing. I’m annoyed.

    I thought it was just me. The games I’ve seen this year have ranged from meh to unwatchable. Thank God hockey season has started.

    • Tundra

      John Candy learning Swedish from porn was pretty funny, too.

    • slumbrew

      It was an excellent can, as I recall.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        She was quite a looker in her younger years.

  27. Rebel Scum

    So what’s the point?

    The WA public will get its first look at the Cook government’s new gun laws this week, nearly a year and a half after they were first flagged.

    Farmers and gun club members will be restricted to 10 firearms while recreational shooters will only be able to own five in a move the government expects will reduce the number of legal firearms in the state from 360,000 to about 347,000.

    The ownership cap is included in the government’s firearms bill consultation paper to be released on Tuesday, along with a state-funded voluntary firearm buyback plan.

    Police Minister Paul Papalia said the new limits would only impact about 5 per cent of individual licence holders but would remove thousands of firearms from the community.

    “Public safety is paramount, and that has been the key consideration when drafting the proposed legislation,” he said.

    Taking guns from peaceable people is just good policy I guess.

    • R.J.

      I feel sorry for gun collectors. What a shitty rule.

    • Drake

      Not infringing at all.

    • UnCivilServant

      Police will be limited to 1, single-shot weapon, right?

      • WTF

        Some citizens are more equal than others.

    • juris imprudent

      The joys of pragmatism (supposedly the golden rule in Aussie governing).

    • slumbrew

      I was confused, thinking WA was Washington state. Western penal colony makes more sense.

      • WTF

        Washington state would do it if they could.

    • Lachowsky

      Its Australia. They gave up their guns in the 90’s and got covid concentration camps in 2020’s. Thats how this goes.

  28. Lachowsky

    Biden To Meet Abbas, Egypt’s Sisi And Jordan King In Amman: W. House

    Who is bringing the coke?

    • SDF-7

      I’m sure they can find a hunter of such things…

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Crazy Abdullah from Al-Habasht always has the goods.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Crappy tackling.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of

    She was quite a looker in her younger years.

    I watched a movie starring Rita Hayworth last night. Holy mackerel, what a smile.

    • WTF

      Maureen O’Hara was also quite a hottie back in the day.

  31. Rebel Scum

    It took you this long to figure out that not all cultures are equal and that Europe has had a history of problems with Islam?

    French President Emmanuel Macron is reportedly requesting a review of all foreign immigrants with ties to radical extremists for possible deportation after the murder of a French teacher by an Islamic terrorist.

    Three days after a teacher was murdered by a Chechen immigrant on France’s extremist watchlist with a knife shouting “Allahu Akbar!,” the country has raised its anti-terrorism alert to the highest levels, according to a report in Euronews. …

    According to the same report in Euronews, local authorities have 48 hours to examine in detail the files of “radicalized people drawn up by the secret services” to ensure that there are no “oversights” in their expulsion procedure.

    • WTF

      So, they’re going to expel a couple of million Muslims?
      I doubt it.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        If they didn’t get it after Bataclan this won’t do it.

      • Rebel Scum

        Consult the Spanish.

      • WTF

        Sadly, Ferdinand and Isabella are not available.

      • juris imprudent

        Or dig out that French classic the Song of Roland.

      • Drake

        On the long timeline… either “yes” or western Europe becomes Islamic Republics along the lines of Iran. Don’t see how there is an in-between outcome in 40 or 50 years.

      • WTF

        The West no longer has the political will to do what’s needed, even for self-preservation.

      • juris imprudent

        ♪♫ Suicide is painless, it brings on many changes… ♫

      • AlexinCT

        OK, Killinger.

      • UnCivilServant

        There’s another alternative that has been popular in the region for thousands of years – ethnic clensing. No need to deport when you just slow motion genocide them.

      • Drake

        I suppose a permanent hot mess like Lebanon is also possible.

    • rhywun

      France is screwed because their former African colonies are now a pipeline of trouble into France.

      I don’t know what Germany’s excuse is.

      • Drake

        They lost a world war to communists?

    • AlexinCT

      My parents were prudes cause all they did was tell me if I got a girl pregnant I could kiss my dreams goodbye cause I was marrying her.

  32. Rebel Scum

    The American government does not care about Americans.

    Biden has repeatedly stated that Israel has a right to defend itself from the terror group, but the administration is apparently seeking to appease progressive Democrats by backing humanitarian aid for Gaza – over the well-being of the hostages.

    As many as 20 Americans are believed to be held hostage in Gaza.

    Blinken arrived Monday in Israel and has spent most of his time attempting to pressure the Israelis to open up Gaza for humanitarian aid.

    • R.J.

      Such a useless twat, that guy. Nobody respects him either.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Blinken arrived Monday in Israel and has spent most of his time attempting to pressure the Israelis to open up Gaza for humanitarian aid.

    Who will examine and inventory the contents of those trucks?

    • WTF

      Does anyone not know what Hamas does with “humanitarian aid” at this point?

      • AlexinCT

        Pay the family of the dupes martyrs they have sent to kill Jews, and buy more weapons, drugs, and young boys for sex?

    • milo

      The…Palestinians. What did I win?

  34. KK, Non-Man

    After a few days of acid-free coffee, I’m pretty confident in saying my tum has a bad reaction to tannic acid. Wine and tea cause the same reaction (but I don’t drink them very often).

    I just wish the coffee company made a dark roast. The regular roast they sell is weak AF. I’m thinking of adding some cocoa powder to it to bump up the bitterness.

    • R.J.

      Is home roasting an option?

    • juris imprudent

      I get Peet’s Major Dickason dark roast (whole beans) at Costco. That’s my daily.

      • KK, Non-Man

        Peets dark roast must have a lower Ph than others, because my tum got REAL fucked up when I switched to them.

      • juris imprudent

        Ah, well, I don’t have acid sensitivity, so that I wouldn’t know.

  35. The Late P Brooks


    This meeting between the world’s two most powerful autocrats comes as geopolitical fault lines harden globally – first following Russia’s grinding invasion of Ukraine, launched just three weeks after the leaders’ last meeting in the Chinese capital in 2022 – and now as Israel’s war against Palestinian militant group Hamas threatens to spiral into a broader conflict that could shatter stability in the Middle East.

    Both Beijing and Moscow have criticized Israel’s actions and called for a ceasefire, in the latest showing of the two powers’ efforts to step up their alternative leadership to that of the US, which affirms Israel’s on-going right to retaliate.

    The meeting between the two men comes as it was confirmed US President Joe Biden would travel to Israel on Wednesday. Biden is expected to give a high-profile show of support for Israel as it attempts to eliminate Hamas, while the US presses for ways to ease humanitarian suffering in Gaza and warns other regional players about becoming further engaged in the conflict.

    Xi and Putin are expected to discuss the situation in Gaza during their meeting this week after Putin arrived Tuesday morning as a guest of honor at the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing – an exceptionally rare foreign trip for the diplomatically isolated leader.

    Mockery and disdain shall be the order of the day.

    • AlexinCT

      China is pissed because any escalation would threaten their oil flow from that area, and the Russians are worried because they need to stay on Iran’s good side to keep getting weapons for the Ukrainian adventure. Israel should tell both to fuck off and do their thing while we stay the fuck out of it.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      If Russia doesn’t want to be referred to as autocratic they need to stop piling illegitimate charge upon illegitimate charge upon the leading opposition parties’ leader. Oh wait, that’s us.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats


    • Toxteth O'Grady

      He sounded exceedingly tiresome.

    • juris imprudent

      Interesting that the Darien Gap has naturally rebuffed all other attempts to have a reliable crossing.

    • milo

      I was told immigration is an unalloyed good.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Nobody’s coming for your gas stove, but they should

    Along with material collected through its own reporting, NPR reviewed hundreds of pages of publicly available documents gathered by CIC that include scientific studies, trade journal articles and papers from the University of California, San Francisco’s tobacco industry archives.

    The documents show that natural gas utilities and their powerful trade group, the American Gas Association (AGA), focused on convincing consumers and regulators that cooking with gas is as risk-free as cooking with electricity. As the scientific evidence grew over time about the health effects from gas stoves, the industry used a playbook echoing the one that tobacco companies employed for decades to fend off regulation. The gas utility industry relied on some of the same strategies, researchers and public relations firms.


    Research backed by the gas industry generated doubt and controversy over the health effects of stoves that affected policymaking around protecting people’s health. It helped stop efforts to more stringently regulate gas stoves in at least one instance under the Reagan administration. And documents show the research may have helped thwart efforts to strengthen federal nitrogen dioxide pollution standards outdoors, which affects millions of Americans.

    Those successful tactics are still relevant today, as state and federal regulators once again examine the health risks that come from cooking with gas, and as natural gas use becomes a flashpoint in the effort to reduce planet-heating emissions.

    “I think it’s way past the time that we were doing something about gas stoves,” says Dr. Bernard Goldstein, professor emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health. He researched gas stoves, nitrogen dioxide and indoor air quality in the 1970s. “It has taken almost 50 years since the discovery of negative effects on children of nitrogen dioxide from gas stoves to begin preventive action. We should not wait any longer,” Goldstein says.

    Those dastardly fiends at Big Gas want you dead, America. Wake up!

    This is, of course the perfect time to advocate for an even greater load on the electrical grid.

    • Rebel Scum

      it’s way past the time that we were doing something about gas stoves

      I never wanted one before but now I do just to spite tyrants like you.

      Dr. Bernard Goldstein

      I’m sure there is a Jew joke here.

      even greater load on the electrical grid

      Funny how the left wants everything to be electric and simultaneously wants to prevent the ability to produce the requisite amount of electricity. It’s almost like they want you dead.

      • Gender Traitor

        Not necessarily dead, but definitely cold and in the dark.

    • juris imprudent

      This is, of course the perfect time to advocate for an even greater load on the electrical grid.

      That’s how they bring those damn Texans to heel.

    • WTF

      the effort to reduce planet-heating emissions

      So far it has not been proven that human emissions are causing the planet to heat up.

      • rhywun

        Not to mention the tiny little fact that the “green new deal” is increasing emissions.

      • AlexinCT

        But it has created an enormous amount of grifting and graft, right when the people with campaign coffers need a lot of money to help them drown out anyone pointing out how destructive the last few years have been for this country.

    • rhywun

      the health risks that come from cooking with gas

      See, I’m willing entertain the notion that this is a thing, and even that someone is hiding it.

      as natural gas use becomes a flashpoint in the effort to reduce planet-heating emissions

      Then they tie it to this farcical hoax and I’m right back to believing the whole thing is a lie.

      • juris imprudent

        Pretty much any time any one goes on any crusade to change me – I figure it’s a lie.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    As gas utilities faced increasing scientific and regulatory pushback on the health effects of gas stoves, they’ve found themselves fighting on a new front. Natural gas is chiefly made up of methane, a potent planet-heating gas. From the wellhead where gas is produced, through pipelines and to the burner where gas is combusted, the infrastructure leaks methane and worsens climate change. Across the United States, towns are passing laws to limit new construction of natural gas pipelines to homes and buildings, and in places like Ithaca, N.Y., tearing out gas systems completely. Public concern about the health and climate effects of gas stoves now threatens to gut the gas industry.

    We must eliminate every risk, no matter how small or irrelevant.

    • The Other Kevin

      A bunch of us have said this, but that’s a feature not a bug. The goal has always been less consumption. What better way to do that than to get everything on the electric grid, and oops, not have the capacity.

      And as usual, they have to lie about it because nobody would go for this if they were honest about it.

    • WTF

      It’s not about eliminating risk, it’s about making you poor, cold, and hungry to better control you.

      • AlexinCT

        Yeah, those of us they allow to survive… Cause the goal is to kill a lot f people they feel are indolent or hold the wrong beliefs.

      • juris imprudent

        Ya know, I’m inclined to contest your assessment of their motives, but then I think – well, they are willing to do things that aren’t going to yield the benefits they expect, so this isn’t all that implausible.

    • Rebel Scum

      planet-heating gas

      The only planet-heating gas is water vapor and that is driven by the sun. Miss me with this anti-science nonsense.

    • R.J.

      All you have to do is pull my finger, I will leak enough methane to warm the planet for a decade.

      • AlexinCT

        Lay off the Taco Hell.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    The gas stove plays an outsized role in the gas utility business. It doesn’t use much natural gas, but house builders and real estate agents say many buyers demand a gas stove. That requires gas utility service to a home, which makes it more likely customers will also use appliances that consume more gas, such as a furnace, water heater and clothes dryer. That’s why some in the industry consider the stove a “gateway appliance.”

    Get ’em hooked on that countertop burner, and down the slippery slope we go.

    • Nephilium

      I’m quite happy with my gas dryer, furnace, water heater, and stove. Gas hookup for stove was one requirement for any house I was looking at. I’d like to get one of the fancy gas cook tops with electric oven, but they’re not in my price range for the small amount of joy it would bring.

      • The Other Kevin

        I have all those and I love them. The other bonus is that gas lines are underground, so even in a storm the electricity might be knocked out but not the gas.

      • R.J.

        Exactly. When Texas lost power a few years back, I still had my gas stove. I could cook, make coffee and stay warm.

      • Tundra

        Same here. Gas range and a battery ignition option on the fireplace kept us going.

    • The Other Kevin

      From my college classes, I know that turning electricity to heat is extremely inefficient. It’s wasteful. These people have a unique mix of evil and stupid.

    • kinnath

      Yeah right. This is Iowa. Gas Furnace or freeze to death. Even a ground-water, heat pump needs a gas furnace backup (as it was explained to me a year ago, when I replaced my HVAC).

      These people can fuck right off.

      • AlexinCT

        Contrary to the claim they do this to save Gaia, it sure as hell looks like the goal is to inconvenience or even kill off people like you…

      • The Other Kevin

        When they tell you the planet is boiling and the solution is to get rid of air conditioning, that’s all you need to know.

      • creech

        Feature not a bug.

    • juris imprudent

      Oh sure, a gas stove is more likely than a gas FURNACE. What fucking planet are these people living on?

  39. Rebel Scum

    Do we even export bananas?

    The Justice Department on Monday filed notice it plans to appeal and seek harsher prison sentences for five members of the Proud Boys who are already incarcerated for their convictions tied to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

    In five separate filings, DOJ indicated it would seek intervention from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to obtain longer sentences for the leaders of the far-right group: Enrique Tarrio, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl, Dominic Pezzola and Ethan Nordean.

    DOJ had initially requested more prison time for all five of the Proud Boys members: They’d asked for 33-year sentences for both Tarrio and Biggs; 30 years for Rehl; 27 years for Nordean; and 20 years for Pezzola.

    States need to start seceding from this illegitimate, tyrannical government.

    • juris imprudent

      We are the banana-peel republic.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    I’d like to get one of the fancy gas cook tops with electric oven, but they’re not in my price range for the small amount of joy it would bring.

    I’d be happy to have an electric oven as long as I have a gas cooktop. One of these days I will break down and buy one of those air fryer things. I hardly ever bake anything, so there’s not much incentive.

    Also- if you want to work on improving the efficiency of gas burners, go right ahead, NPR.

    • Nephilium

      I’ve got one of the countertop Ninja toaster oven that has several convection modes. It also has a temperature probe, so it really does allow for quick dinners. Throw in a seasoned pork loin, set the temp you want it to reach, let it go.

  41. Rebel Scum

    That’s what you get for going off half cocked.

    You could say that this guy had it coming…

    A carjacker in the UK made a fatal error when he attempted to steal a vehicle by smashing a window with the butt of a shotgun. Unfortunately for him, the gun misfired, hitting him in the chest and ending his life.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    In 2022, the health department in Oregon’s Multnomah County reviewed the scientific evidence and recommended against using gas stoves. County commissioners held a public comment hearing, and toxicologist Julie Goodman from the firm Gradient was the first to speak. Gradient is an environmental health consultancy that largely works for industry clients, and it has a documented history of casting doubt over science on behalf of clients facing stricter regulation or lawsuits.

    Goodman echoed many of the arguments gas utilities and the AGA have expressed, noting that another “review of the evidence indicates that longer term average NO2 concentrations in homes with gas cooking are not of potential health concern.”

    She mindlessly parroted industry funded propaganda intended to obfuscate and cast doubt on scientific truth.

    However, the noble public health advocates rely on the same solid fact based research they bring to every iteration of their efforts to educate the people and their representatives.

  43. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “gateway appliance”
    Gas stove today, gas water heater tomorrow, and then God forbid on to gas heat. If you don’t care about yourself give it up for Gaia.

  44. AlexinCT

    This asshole, whom claimed he didn’t know what a fire alarm was for even though he supposedly was a school superintendent, has an idea…..

    Insert Mike Meyer’s gif of Dr. Evil saying “HOW ABOUT NO?”

  45. The Late P Brooks

    Goodman says she strives “for independence and scientific integrity in all my work” and that disagreement among scientists “is a critical step in the process of advancing science.”

    But firms like Gradient do not have a good reputation among public health researchers.

    NPR, never not dealing off the bottom of the deck. So shamelessly biased and dishonest it’s impressive, in its own way.

    • Rebel Scum

      According to the deposition of a former Hennepin County prosecutor, the county’s medical examiner told her in a phone call that there “were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation.”

      This has been known forever. And four people have been railroaded by the injustice system.

  46. Rebel Scum


    Nikki Haley endorses plan to house up to 1,000,000 Palestinians from Gaza.

    “There are so many of these people who want to be free from this terrorist rule. They want to be free from all of that.”

    Neocons are the worst.

    • juris imprudent

      Neocons are the worst

      Dammit, if we can’t fuck up their country, then by god we’ll have them fuck up ours!

    • Sean

      She can fuck right off.

    • creech

      George Will, who sometimes has sensible columns, was touting Haley as the candidate to coalesce around to stop Trump.
      Trump is a pretty awful choice, but Haley wanting to welcome 1 million Jew-hating (and potential terrorists) Palestinian refugees into the U.S. is just nuts. If she gets her way, put ’em all in Charleston and Columbia and the rest of South Carolina.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        South Carolinians don’t like her either.

    • Fatty Bolger

      She didn’t say 1 million, but it’s clear she wants Gaza refugees here. What an idiot.

  47. The Late P Brooks

    There are so many of these people who want to be free from this terrorist rule. They want to be free from all of that.”

    She claimed, without evidence.

    • juris imprudent

      You didn’t hear about the massive street protests by the residents of Gaza against their govt that has refused to stand for re-election?

  48. Rebel Scum

    You are in violation of your oath of office.

    Weapons of war have no place on the streets of a civil society.

    We need an assault weapons ban. Congress, send it to @JoeBiden’s desk.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’d love to see the poll numbers on gun control after hundreds of people were killed in their own homes in Israel and we’ve had two years of open borders.

    • Sean

      She can fuck right off.

      • R.J.

        The nice thing about that is if Kamala is on it, it will never happen.

  49. The Late P Brooks

    “In my field, we know who those groups are, and we know that work that’s done by those groups is not really trustworthy because they have never taken a stance on the side of public health,” says Laura Vandenberg, professor of environmental health sciences at University of Massachusetts Amherst. She co-authored a 2021 paper that lists the tactics industries and groups use to manufacture doubt about “knowable facts.”

    They don’t agree with me. Therefor, they are evil.

    • juris imprudent

      Don’t you worry your pretty little heads – we’ll tell you all you need to “know”.

  50. The Late P Brooks

    The Epoch Times directed millions of dollars in advertising toward supporting President Donald Trump’s campaign and published dozens of articles parroting his lies about the election — resulting in huge growth to its audience and its coffers.

    The strategy garnered criticism from fact-checking groups and got it banned from advertising on Facebook, but it ultimately paid off — putting the once-fringe newspaper on a path that perhaps only its leader, who claims to have supernatural powers, could have foreseen.

    Today, The Epoch Times is one of the country’s most successful and influential conservative news organizations. It’s powered by Falun Gong, a religious group persecuted in China, which launched The Epoch Times as a free propaganda newsletter more than two decades ago to oppose the Chinese Communist Party.

    Wow. Sic ’em, NBC.

    *I thought we liked the Falun Gong. That’s no longer convenient, I guess.