1. SDF-7

    “Much like the movie scene itself, this product is inspiring discussion at Polygon, where we shared the page around in open-mouthed glee.” (NSFW, for sure)

    Today’s top entry in “Things I really never needed to know about”, I have to say….

    • ron73440

      I made the mistake of reading too far on that article.

      Sounds like high art.

      • rhywun

        All I got from the first third that I managed to struggle through was, “You’re old.”

      • Suthenboy

        I am with SDF-7 on this. I know all of that stuff but I dont need to be reminded…I try to wipe a lot of it from memory.

  2. SDF-7

    “Everyone can calm down, the underwater survival game sequel isn’t adding battle passes”

    That’s good to know — presumably new players will feel okay diving into it, without having to sink in too much capital or feel like the devs are fishing for more money.

  3. Shpip

    As the Dune 2 popcorn bucket and the Talk to Me smoking bowl prove, movie tie-in products are getting more and more ridiculous in the best way.

    If only Lucas had thought to market a Princess Leia RealDoll, he could’ve become incredibly wealthy!

    • SDF-7

      I would bet there have been off-brand manifestations of that.

      Pity the RealDoll Rose Tico fans, for they have sinned.

  4. Derpetologist

    Riven shared her online dating profile at the before place back in 2014. I contacted her with the following message:

    This is Derpetologist. Remain calm.

    Grand Moff Serious Man and sloopyinca met their partners online, so I thought it was worth a shot, especially since I had been dating online for 4 years at the time. 10 years later, I haven’t given up, though I have been shot down more than the Egyptian air force.

    Just an amusing bit of history I thought I’d share.

    • robc

      And her response was?

      • Derpetologist

        I forget. Something neutral?

        Faint of heart never won a lady.

      • Tres Cool

        You should’ve opened with a dick pic and “wannafud?”

        I bet thats how Hunter gets his ladies.

      • Tres Cool

        And now that I think about it, thats kinda how I got Jugsy.
        11 years ago.

      • SDF-7

        Only the cross dressing wabbits.

      • Derpetologist

        I’ve tried the direct approach before. Not quite “wannafud?” direct, but close. I’ve had much better luck with jokes. That’s how I got all my past 4 gal pals.

        I’m solitary by nature, so it doesn’t weigh on me as much as it used to.

    • Don escaped Texas

      Grand Moff Serious Man and sloopyinca

      eHarmony: I was crushed on NewWife’s dimples

    • Suthenboy

      Hint: Be yourself, be gentlemanly and considerate. Treat a woman like a person, not a conquest.
      If she is interested she will come to you. If she doesnt, stay friends and move on. You may just not be her type but you are someone’s type. Go find that person.

      • prolefeed

        Shorter: Be yourself. Don’t waste time chasing women who aren’t into you. Ask for the sale if they seem interested, and vice-versa.

  5. Sensei

    ‘Japanese history is conventionally presented as a sequence of eras or “periods.”’

    Like China or even British Kings? That said if you don’t know who Oda Nobunaga is you should. He most definitely shaped modern Japan.

    • Derpetologist

      +1 Victorian era

      Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials…same idea and equally and oversimplification.

      There was a leper samurai.

      Ōtani Yoshitsugu is well known in Japan for two main aspects: his leprosy, and his friendship with Ishida Mitsunari.[1] Supposedly he was one who put friendship before anything (although obviously such a subjective matter is hard to determine), and it may have been in Korea campaign that Ishida and Ōtani, working together, formed their legendary friendship. There is even an anecdote concerning this friendship: once in a secret tea party, and all those invited were passing around a cup of tea. As Ōtani Yoshitsugu took a sip, some pus from his face dropped into the cup. Yoshitsugu discovered this, but too late: the cup was already being passed around. The people who took sips after this all had horrified expressions on their faces, but when it came to Mitsunari’s turn, he calmly drank all the remaining tea, pus and all.

      • The Last American Hero

        I heard nobody could touch the guy.

  6. Shpip

    When Yasuke emerged from the “cleaning” as black as before, he earned special respect from Nobunaga and the Japanese people. In 2019, Thomas Lockley and Geoffrey Girard authored a magnificent biography of him titled African Samurai.

    Much as how The Magnificent Seven borrowed from Kurosawa, African Samurai was already re-written as a western.

    • Sensei

      Or cyborgs. I actually watched this and I’m not sure why…

      Samurai 7 tells the story of a village named Kanna. Set in a futuristic world that has just witnessed the end of a massive war, scores of villages are terrorized by Nobuseri bandits. But the Nobuseri are no normal bandits. They were once samurai, who during the war integrated their living cells with machines to become dangerous weapons now appearing more machine than man. Absolute power corrupts, and their reign of terror is increasing its hold on the countryside.


    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.
  7. kinnath

    The next step in DEI — dog food commercials with crippled dogs. Diversity at its finest.

    • Rat on a train

      Dog food commercial with pet players.

    • Pine_Tree

      Not sure if this is what they mean by “crippled”, and I don’t watch TV, but I identify as somebody who grew up with one-eyed cats and three-legged dogs.

      Or dogs with back ends that didn’t quite follow their front ends since they’d gotten run over.

      • kinnath

        This advert (among others) shows a semi-paralyzed dog strapped into a set of wheels. It’s the kind of thing that should be a “ray of sunshine” but it is being used to manipulate the audience. And I can’t help but think it is being driven by woke assholes to highlight “differently-abled” animals.

      • R C Dean

        Maybe I’ve just gotten worn out, but I don’t go spelunking as much for sub rosa wokism as I used to. The in your face stuff is plenty, plus I don’t think most wokists have the mental toolkit for subtlety and indirection.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Yeah, is sappiness for pets a partisan phenomenon?

      • Nephilium

        “I find the Law of Fives to be more and more manifest the harder I look.”


        The more you look for patterns and hidden meanings, the more you’ll find them.

  8. The Late P Brooks


    The special counsel prosecuting Donald Trump has asked the judge in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case to reconsider an order the government argues could identify more than two dozen witnesses and threaten their safety and testimony.

    Trump’s lawyers have asked for unredacted documents to be turned over, which lawyers for special counsel Jack Smith want to block.

    In a 24-page filing in federal court in Florida, prosecutors for Smith said the court applied the wrong legal standard when U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who is overseeing the case, ordered the unsealing of materials. Cannon issued an order in response on Friday that delayed her initial decision.


    Smith argued that making the filings public would disclose the identities of witnesses prepared to testify against Trump, including career civil servants and former Trump advisers, and what they said to federal investigators and the grand jury.

    The decision risks exposing them to “significant and immediate” intimidation after the government fought to keep their information private, according to the filing.

    Providing these documents to Trump’s defense is “making them public”?

    It seems as if there might be some sort of Sixth Amendment issue here.

    • Ted S.

      Even Marisa Tomei knew the prosecution has to hand over its evidence.

      • ron73440

        Yeah, but Vinnie wasn’t defending the bad orange man, so they could follow the rules.

      • kinnath

        Vinnie was spiderman’s uncle.

      • SDF-7

        Now I’m picturing Peter Parker From Hell…. just as quippy in a fight but then “Do I amuse you? Am I some clown, here to entertain you?”

      • SDF-7

        She’s busy working out how PPP’s Vette’s transmission and wheel base prove those documents couldn’t be in his garage.

      • grrizzly

        What is PPP? Meant to ask for a while.

      • ron73440

        President Poopy Pants, I believe.

      • grrizzly


      • The Last American Hero

        Yes, following the rapid exit mid speech after he shit himself.

      • slumbrew

        “He has to, by law, you’re entitled. It’s called disclosure, ya dickhead! “

    • R C Dean

      If you’re going to be a witness in a criminal trial, I have a hard time saying your should keep your identity and testimony secret.

      • Suthenboy

        Apparently so does the Constitution of the United States.
        To say that the court system has shit all over its credibility would the be the understatement of the century.

    • Grumbletarian

      Trump’s team should try the ‘doddering old codger’ defense and cite recent precedent.

      • Suthenboy

        Biden broke the law, open and shut case. Trump did not as per the law. Biden skates, Trump gets put on a spit.
        This is how banana republic dictatorships work.

      • Nephilium

        Hillary broke the law, open and shut…

      • Suthenboy

        I know, and the list goes on. Clapper, Holder, Comey, Obama…
        There seems to be some kind of pattern here.

  9. Sensei

    Welcome to both an urban area and especially Philly.

    Company behind controversial windshield barnacles making changes


    And within just a few minutes of overstaying our parking time, a man who works for A. Bob’s Towing was putting on what’s called a windshield barnacle on our vehicle.

    At the scene, we spoke with the tow owner, Mikina Harrison by phone a few minutes later.

    “Your car is not immobilized. You’re free to go and drive off as you feel,” she told our Chad Pradelli.

    Sure, you can’t see a thing, but were not responsible for that or anybody you damage or hurt.

    • Nephilium

      I want to know how it’s being attached to the windshield. I’m also wondering how it would interact with someone calling one of the windshield replacement companies after “cracking” the windshield (“You can’t see the crack, it’s under the damned yellow thing!”).

      • Sensei

        I’m assuming a vacuum pump and a lithium battery that periodically makes sure it remains attached.

      • Nephilium

        I’m sure someone who has a run in or two with these things will figure out a nice way to remove them without the cost.

      • Grumbletarian

        A cordless drill might do the trick.

      • trshmnstr

        There are videos out there. IIRC, the easiest one was to turn on windshield defrost, wait five minutes, and slide a credit card under the suction cups.

      • Suthenboy

        Or the tip of my machete that I keep in the car. That might also come in handy after removing the thing.

    • Sean

      It’s your own fault for going to Philly.

      • Sensei

        Sometimes you have no choice.

      • SDF-7

        Sounds to me more like the towing company is off to a rocky start.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Well, it is their creed.

      • Tres Cool

        Having just visited there….can concur

    • Raven Nation

      After watching several seasons of Parking Wars, I find it hilarious that the Phila. CC is complaining about private lots charging parking fees, etc.

  10. Not Adahn

    History of Japan in 5-10 minute snarky episodes:


    Swiss may want to avoid. During a discussion of Heian era entertainers, he describes how since there was no coinage, rice and cloth were the most often used barter goods. There was a record of an asobi being paid by her client with four fans. He notes that this is the first documented instance of a sex worker being paid through only fans.

    • Aloysious

      *clutches pearls*

  11. Derpetologist

    It amuses me that Americans have the patience to watch a 3-hour football game but not a 20-minute history lesson about a country that’s over 1,000 years old; a lesson given by that country’s longtime leader no less.

    I used to wonder how nations like Japan and China could be so myopic, self-absorbed, and arrogant. Now I realize it’s the result of long periods of peace and prosperity.

  12. Shpip

    This is the most humbled I’ve ever felt in my life,” a teary-eyed Gen Z graduate reported back to her TikTok fans while holding a stack of résumés after a disappointing day of job-seeking—and the brutal wake-up call has struck a generational nerve.

    TL:DR — she double majored in communications and theater.

    • Not Adahn

      Shouldn’t she be expressing her feelings via puppets then?

      • Tres Cool

        You know who really likes fisting?

        Sock puppets.

    • kinnath

      So OnlyFans it is then.

    • Sensei

      From Pace University. Which Wiki says has an 88% acceptance rate.

      They actually had a reasonable business program decades ago for working class kids. No idea what the school has morphed into now.

    • SDF-7

      Probably just my grumpy old man nature (okay, older than some — whippersnapper round these parts) but I feel a channeling of Sam Kinison coming on for this part:

      But it wasn’t long before the Pace University graduate realized that not even “two degrees in communications and acting” is enough to land a $16-an-hour job in New York in the current tough job market.


      • rhywun

        The fast-food workers feeding Pace University students on Park Row are making $20 an hour at least.

    • Derpetologist

      Most people struggle to get their first job post college. I sure did.

      In general, employers care far more about experience than degrees. For some reason, I never heard this once in 16 years of public school.

      • SDF-7

        And that’s why internships or reaching out to employed folks your favorite professor also taught is so important. Gets your foot in the door for that first job and over the “Do you know what you’re doing?” hurdle.

      • rhywun

        It took me years to realize that employers are mainly looking for someone who shows up every day and doesn’t cause trouble.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        And is net productive.

      • slumbrew

        My alma mater, Northeastern, focused heavily on co-op – 5 year program, on a quarter system when I went.

        I graduated with, effectively, 2 years experience in actual, real-world jobs. As a co-op they didn’t expect me to know too much but were pleased when you could contribute meaningfully. The pay wasn’t bad at all, either.

        I remain mystified as to why co-op programs aren’t a bigger deal.

        (Not really – heading off to work every 3 or 6 months really gets in the way of your college partying, which is why a lot of students aren’t interested).

      • trshmnstr

        I remain mystified as to why co-op programs aren’t a bigger deal.

        (Not really – heading off to work every 3 or 6 months really gets in the way of your college partying, which is why a lot of students aren’t interested).

        Can confirm. I also walked away from undergrad with almost 2 years of work experience due to the co-op program. My last year in school sucked socially because most my friends had already graduated, but it was one of my better years GPA-wise and it turns out it’s not that hard to make friends when you’re spending all your waking hours together in lab.

        I also worked in the co-op office and was involved in getting a bunch of people full-time jobs. I saw the impact of co-op versus doing an internship or two. It’s night and day.

      • Nephilium

        A couple places back the company I worked for used co-ops as tier 1 help desk personnel. The good ones were offered positions after graduation, the bad ones weren’t.

        Well… with the exception of the one bad one who accidentally got an offer because he had the same name as a good one. Took us years to get the supervisor who fucked that up to admit their mistake and get rid of the guy.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        This is one of the things that has driven me nuts with my son. He goes to a top west coast business school, basically runs the campus radio station, with input into dj selection, revamping the format, etc. Does he bother to do what it takes to get a real radio job, no, because he wants to go into live music promotion. And moves to the east coast, were no one gives a shit about the college he went to, he didn’t do on air recording to show how he djs or anything else you do if you want to make sure you want a job. Record labels out here in the west were hitting him up, but no, had to move east with no contacts, no experience proof, or anything else to make the whole thing work.

        Now he’s a waiter.

      • Galt1138

        Yep. My stepson got a civil engineering degree and did an internship at Northrup Grumman (I know, I know – he grew up in nearby Lancaster and it looks good on a resume). He got a job at a private engineering firm a few months after graduating.

        I, on the other hand, got a liberal arts degree studying film at Columbia College in Chicago. Not only is that of questionable utility (although we did get our hands on cameras and had to make short films the very first semester), but also at the time there was far more people wanting to break into movies than jobs available in the industry. Ended up working for 10 years in low budget movies not making any money (although having fun).

        What can I say? I came of age in the 1980s loving movies.

        Although, I’m so disgusted with the state of the film industry now I’m not sure I’d want to work in it (I’ve worked in sports broadcasting since 2006).

      • Rat on a train

        I did an AGR tour after college. NCO with a degree didn’t pay well, but got me the experience and connections.

      • B.P.

        I did too. What I didn’t do….

        “Santos, who posts under the handle @lohannysant, broke down in tears while admitting that she’d given up hopes of becoming a full-time influencer and needed a job with a full-time salary.”

      • Nephilium

        The horror… the horror.

    • CPRM

      *Hides BFA in Radio-TV-Film with a Theatre minor diploma*

    • R C Dean

      I feel bad for her. She’s had schools (not to mention the internet/social media) stuffing her head full of mush and delusions her whole life. Imagine encountering the real world for the first time in your 20s with, not just no preparation, but malpreparation.

      • Suthenboy

        What the marxists are doing to our children is a crime against humanity. It truly is.
        Who is more to blame? The evil doers or the good men who have done little or nothing to stop them?

        I will say it again: The Frankfurt School refugees should have been shot on the gangplanks before they ever set foot on our soil. It is the only thing I agree with the National Socialists on, just for different reasons than theirs.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    I’m assuming a vacuum pump and a lithium battery that periodically makes sure it remains attached.

    I wonder what would happen if you got your jumper cables out and zapped it.

    • Sensei

      Depends how long it holds vacuum. It could take hours for it to release.

    • Sean

      I wonder what a drill would do…

      • SDF-7

        I’m sure they’ve practiced quite a bit before deploying these in the field.

      • Sensei

        The issue would be keeping your windshield crack free.

      • Tres Cool

        But then you have an EDC dremel ?

    • Galt1138

      I get that.

      But where were her parents when she told them what she wanted to get a degree in?

  14. The Late P Brooks

    she double majored in communications and theater.

    Tap dancing for tips on the street is an honorable career.

    • Grumbletarian

      she double majored in communications and theater.

      She could act out Hamlet’s soliloquy while stripping.

  15. Seguin

    I’ve seen some of the stills for Saltburn. It has a very “Gay Skinemax for the Arthouse” vibe.

  16. B.P.

    “Only recently discovered this song, but it’s been out since last summer.”

    The song is decent. Although the guy missed a spot with his tattoo gun. This remains my favorite fish-out-of-water whiteboy soul…


  17. UnCivilServant

    I hate my neighbors.

    I get wanting to change your own oil, and using whatever container was at hand to drain into.

    But why would you leave a kiddie pool of used motor oil on MY property!

    • Sensei

      That’s awful. Technically it’s dumping “toxic” waste.

      You need some cameras…

      • SDF-7

        If they’re really slick about placing it, the local authorities probably won’t give it a lot of weight.

        Too bad they’re just that crude.

      • bacon-magic

        Oil’s well that ends well.

      • CPRM
    • R C Dean

      If you know which neighbor, why not drag back onto their property?

      • Suthenboy

        …and dump it out.

  18. Derpetologist

    That time a guy slapped Stalin:

    Ties between Stalin and Genden began to fray as early as 1934 when, at a meeting with Genden in Moscow, Stalin urged him to destroy Mongolia’s Buddhist clergies. He told the Mongolian leader to exterminate more than 100,000 of his nation’s lamas,[8] whom Stalin called “the enemies within”. Genden, a staunch Buddhist, was once quoted as saying “On earth there are two great geniuses – Buddha and Lenin.” In 1933 Genden stated his intention to “not to fight against religion” and allowed Mongolian lamas to practice their religion in public, directly challenging Stalin’s orders.[9]

    Suspicious of growing Soviet domination in Mongolia, Genden actively postponed both a 1934 bilateral gentlemen’s agreement, in which the USSR promised to protect Mongolia from potential invasion, as well as the 1936 “Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation” that allowed for the stationing of Soviet troops in Mongolia. Genden hoped to stave off Soviet domination by exploiting the diplomatic strain between the USSR and Japan to Mongolia’s benefit, but the policy would later prove to be his undoing as accusations surfaced in 1936 that he was working on the side of the Japanese. [10] Genden likewise hesitated on Stalin’s recommendations that he elevate Mongolia’s internal affairs committee to a fully independent ministry and that he increase the size of Mongolia’s military.

    In December 1935, Genden was brought back to Moscow, where Stalin again rebuked him for failing multiple times to act on his guidance. Later, a heavily intoxicated Genden publicly scolded Stalin at a reception for the Mongolian Embassy, shouting “You bloody Georgian, you have become a virtual Russian Czar”. Genden then reportedly slapped Stalin, broke his pipe, and hinted that Mongolia was considering an alliance with the Empire of Japan.[11]

    Ballsy move. It didn’t end well.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    The difference between subjects and citizens

    Dating back to the 1800s, when Hawaii was a kingdom, weapons were heavily regulated, Eddins wrote. He noted that in 1833 King Kamehameha III “promulgated a law prohibiting ‘any person or persons’ on shore from possessing a weapon, including any ‘knife, sword-cane, or any other dangerous weapon.'”

    With all due respect, Your Honor, who gives a fuck what King what’s-his-name did?

    That’s some fine reasoning, right there. You want to renounce the Supreme Court by saying it ain’t the old days anymore, while citing some antique decree from an extinct kingdom.

    • Derpetologist

      There’s something beautiful about the fact that a kingdom which disarmed its subjects was conquered at the barrel of a gun. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

      Peasants in Japan were forbidden to own weapons, so they invented a fighting style called karate, which means empty hands in Japanese. There’s more to the history than that, but that’s the gist. If I gave a 20-minute lesson on the history of karate, that would be a filibuster or something.

      • The Last American Hero

        Yeah, but karate can’t be used to attack people, only defensive moves are allowed.

        /Adam West Batman

    • Grumbletarian

      Dating back to the 1800s, when Hawaii was a kingdom, weapons were heavily regulated, Eddins wrote. He noted that in 1833 King Kamehameha III “promulgated a law prohibiting ‘any person or persons’ on shore from possessing a weapon, including any ‘knife, sword-cane, or any other dangerous weapon.'”

      And you obeyed King Kamehameha or he’d go super-Saiyan on your ass real quick.

      In all seriousness, something something woodchippers, and hello Preet.

  20. R C Dean

    On the tech front, my Apple desktop has those awesome aerial/drone screensavers. They were really jerky and annoying, but I got them to run smoothly, so I’m saying today is a good day. Because they really are cool.

    • slumbrew

      Work just upgraded us to Sonoma.

      Those backgrounds/screen savers sure are purty.

  21. The Late P Brooks


    Utah Gov. Spencer Cox and other local leaders are calling for the resignation of Utah state school board member Natalie Cline after she falsely suggested a girl playing on a high school basketball team was transgender in a now-deleted Facebook post.

    The girl quickly became the target of threats and harassment online, with the girl’s family speaking out about the incident in an interview with Salt Lake City ABC affiliate KTVX.

    “They’re putting pictures of other people’s children on the internet and then allowing people to just bully a child. It’s an adult bullying a child,” said Al van der Beek, the girl’s father. “It doesn’t matter what their agenda is or what they think they thought they thought — there’s really no excuse that can merit putting another person’s child on social media and then allowing them to be attacked.”

    I have an idea how we can eliminate this sort of confusion.

    • Seguin

      Abolish public schools?

      • R C Dean

        Government schools, Seguin.

        Tow the lion.

    • Aloysious

      I’m in favor of treating politicians like they’re baby seals

      “Save a baby seal. Club a politician.”

    • R C Dean

      Now do the kid who wore face paint to a Chiefs game.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    “We live in strange times when it is normal to pause and wonder if people are what they say they are because of the push to normalize transgenderism in our society,” Cline said on Facebook.

    She later continued, “We most certainly recognize that there is great variety within females when it comes to physical characteristics, and of course, we are accepting of these differences and want all girls to feel welcome in school sports. Sadly, our good faith efforts to be accepting of differences has, at times, been taken advantage of causing a loss of trust, which leads to suspicion about girls who are more buff than most.”


    • R C Dean

      Of course, they don’t show the post, from the article it sounds like that text with a picture of the girls basketball team. If that’s all it was, I honestly don’t see anything the least bit offensive to anyone who doesn’t (a) hate Republicans and/or (b) spend their time trying to find outrage in every single thing.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    “Both transgender and cisgender women have been experiencing ridicule, rejection, assault and even being killed for not meeting this made-up ideal” of what defines a woman, said Leroy B. Thomas, the communications director at the National Center for Transgender Equality, in a past interview with ABC News.

    Positively rampant.

    • Suthenboy

      “…not meeting this made-up ideal” of what defines a woman…”
      Yeah…so, they aren’t women, are they? And no mention of who is doing the ridicule, rejection, assault and even being killed. I bet I can guess on the first try.

    • Tres Cool

      It had better be a sexy party.

    • Mojeaux

      Maybe, but can’t promise. Other MTs bailing on Friday so I may have lots of work.

      I’ll need it to pay for my ticket.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Generally 8-8:30ish ET for the n00bs

  24. Shpip

    I’ve been informed that today is National Pizza Day.

    Instead of cooking dinner, we’ll order out for a pie. I’m thinking something like this, though maybe in deep dish with added pineapple.

      • R C Dean


      • R C Dean

        Oops. Clicked too soon.

        I will be heading out shortly for takeout from the only New Mex restaurant in Tucson. It is baffling to me that it is nearly impossible to find New Mex outside of, well, New Mexico.

        As is proper and fitting when getting takeout from a Mexican place, I will refrain from calling ahead, but will order when I get there so I have time to enjoy a beer with some chips and salsa at the bar.

      • Nephilium

        My plan was to order to-go from a local place while I was out running errands; however, the packed parking lot (spilling over to street parking) corrected that idea.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered


      • trshmnstr

        I feel like we should bring back stoning for crimes like this.

      • Galt1138


        I get a lot of shit from some others about Chicago pizza (even thought I rarely eat it; it’s just because I grew up in that area). But whatever that monstrosity is, it ain’t pizza.

      • Tres Cool

        What the fuck is that thing?

      • B.P.

        Oh yeah. Australian food reviews.

      • Tres Cool

        You cited The Guardian- stalwart keepers of British cuisine.

    • trshmnstr

      Ooh, that settles it. Wife wanted to go to the local pizza place for dinner (think cici’s but with high quality, freshly made pizza), and now we have to.

      • R.J.

        Niiiice. I took the wife to Babes Fried Chicken. Been cleaning my wretched garage.

      • Don escaped Texas

        ** remembers when Roanoke didn’t have sidewalks **

    • Suthenboy

      Because the war was here, not in Vietnam?

      My father attended a speech, question/answer event featuring Dow Chemical’s CEO. In the question and answer section he asked the CEO “What do you plan to do when the war in Vietnam is over?”
      The guy got red in the face, didn’t say a word and stormed off of the stage.
      That is a hint about the reasons for Vietnam and all of the fake wars since.

  25. trshmnstr

    I installed an upgraded ip camera on the house yesterday and got it configured to plug into the AI object detector and the home automation suite.

    Next projects are installing 2 more cameras to cover other areas, installing a GPU to take some of the image processing off the CPU, installing a TPU to do the AI math more effectively, and building my own object detector that ignores when the kids or the cats wander into frame and retrains itself. Anybody interested in a few articles on the process?

    • Sensei

      Sure. Can you do it all with one machine and how powerful a GPU does it need?

    • R.J.

      Sounds fantastic. Especially if you stress why you did it to avoid network snooping from nosey companies like Amazon.

    • slumbrew

      Very interested.

      I’ve been playing with the Surveillance Station software Synology bundled with my Diskstation; there’s a lot to like but the motion detection is poor. The exhaust when my furnace fires up keeps setting it off.

      Good interface though.

  26. Mojeaux

    Welp. Got my truck home from the shop. Unlike Ron, I can’t do The Things. Nice to have a complete driveway again.

    • Tres Cool

      During my journey to Philly and Camden, NJ I had a rented 2022 toyota tacoma.

      It was nice to get back in POS Envoy™, even though I had to jump-start the old girl after she’d sat for a couple of days.
      Gonna hit 300K soon.

      • R C Dean

        I guess we’ve just totally given up on phrasing.

  27. Raven Nation

    About a year or so back, I wrote a post on Australia’s Royal Flying Doctor Service. Here’s a brief vid (3 minutes) about an 81 yo doctor who still practices medicine and twice a week flies his own plane to a smaller town which doesn’t have its own doctors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND6JZ2sp9cY

    Neat & emotional story: his dad was a Spitfire pilot who was killed in 1941 about a month before this guy was born.

  28. The Late P Brooks


    A crucial system of ocean currents may already be on course to collapse, according to a new report, with alarming implications for sea level rise and global weather — leading temperatures to plunge dramatically in some regions and rise in others.

    Using exceptionally complex and expensive computing systems, scientists found a new way to detect an early warning signal for the collapse of these currents, according to the study published Friday in the journal Science Advances. And as the planet warms, there are already indications it is heading in this direction.

    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (the AMOC) — of which the Gulf Stream is part — works like a giant global conveyor belt, taking warm water from the tropics toward the far North Atlantic, where the water cools, becomes saltier and sinks deep into the ocean, before spreading southward.

    According to my model…

    • rhywun

      Exceptionally complex and expensive!

      Gosh, I’m sold.

      • Tres Cool

        “the journal Science Advances”
        I’ll put that on par with “Highlights for Children”

    • Suthenboy

      Your model is shit. Also, the current currents are brand new having changed in the last few thousand years. The recent change turned much of North Africa and ME into desert.
      The earth is a very dynamic place, always changing. Screaming like chicken little every time you see something that is an anomaly ( to your experience, not the earth’s) is ridiculous.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    The scientists used a supercomputer to run complex climate models over a period of three months, simulating a gradual increase of freshwater to the AMOC — representing ice melt as well as rainfall and river runoff, which can dilute the ocean’s salinity and weaken the currents.

    As they slowly increased the freshwater in the model, they saw the AMOC gradually weaken until it abruptly collapsed. It’s the first time a collapse has been detectable using these complex models, representing “bad news for the climate system and humanity,” the report says.


    The impacts of the AMOC’s collapse could be catastrophic. Some parts of Europe might see temperatures plunge by up to 30 degrees Celsius over a century, the study finds, leading to a completely different climate over the course of just a decade or two.

    “No realistic adaptation measures can deal with such rapid temperature changes,” the study authors write.

    Science is the study of man’s utter incapacity to respond to the challenges of a world in flux.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Computer models aren’t science and are only as good as the data that’s fed into them. It’s interesting how people in journalism think they’re fucking magic. Also, Laura Paddison’s Linkedin:

      I hate to do credentialism but they do it so fuck it: She’s a freaking French history major grad.

    • R C Dean

      “It’s the first time a collapse has been detectable using these complex models“

      Models don’t detect anything.

      • Tres Cool

        Models detect money and cocaine.

  30. Beau Knott

    I know the focus hereabouts is usually ‘contemporary music’ (rock, country, etc) but sad news. Maestro Seiji Ozawa has died. Decent obit in the NYT.

    • Shpip

      I’m sure his funeral will be a well-orchestrated affair.

      Hopefully the guests will conduct themselves appropriately.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      No numbers but it makes some sense. If you were a pedo wouldn’t you want to go where the kids are, especially vulnerable ones?

      • Tres Cool

        Kinda my point. The media gets all moist when they can indict (another) Church, specially the Catholics* but is it worse than say Boy Scouts, FFA, 4-H?
        Or public school teachers?

      • Tres Cool

        *SLD- not Catholic