Last time in “How do you do it Hype?” I explained how to pick a quote and attribution (as the author and title are called in acrostic building circle) The next step is to take all the letters in your quote and make a bunch of words equal in number and starting with the letters in your attribution. The first few glibcrostics I made I did the old school way shuffling letters around until I had the words I needed, this is a pain in the ass, so you’ll want to cheat and use an online anagram program. I use this one, you plug in your quote and attribution or source as its called by this program, hit a button and it’ll give you a random set of words that fit your entries. You can fine tune the result by entering words to exclude or include in the proper boxes and running the program over and over until you get a word list you like, there are also two sets of word libraries to use. Next time we’ll talk about what makes a good word list. Now on to the puzzle…Gamble away, what do I care.

Online Version

Music to solve Glibcrostics to

*No freebies this week any Googling, DDGing, Ask Jeevesing …etc …will be considered cheating and result in disqualification.

