¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!

by | May 2, 2023 | Daily Links | 217 comments

Last week was hectic but it might turn out okay.  The worst part is I have to sit here and wait for it.

At any rate its cool.  My youngest is finally getting hits, just took a while to adjust to another kid pitching.  What he has not adjusted to, is the existence of an umpire.  While he went 1-2, 1B, 1RBI, 1R that second at bat strike 3 wound up in the dirt by his right foot.  His reaction was bad enough we sat him for the next inning, and he’s the kid that plays SS.  So while we ate a couple runs, we were probably going to anyways.



Mexico colludes with Ukraine.

This seems good, but this looks an awful lot like the “hunt for Bin Laden” where they kept him in place and picked off everyone around him as they moved up.

They shouldn’t have scheduled the vote during siesta.

Another big win for the Kulaks!

A day in the life of hyperinflation.

A heartwarming story.

For some reason I think I played this one before, but meh.  Why not?

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. Count Potato

    “Cuba cancels May Day parade because of fuel shortages”


    • Count Potato

      “Deliveries of higher quality crude from Venezuela, Cuba’s largest provider of fuel, have dropped by 50% in recent years.

      Analysts say Venezuela is experiencing severe problems itself and finds it increasingly difficult to subsidise its socialist ally


      • UnCivilServant


        No, we haven’t conned them into using EVs.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Not yet.

      • Mojeaux


      • Bobarian LMD


        They could knock you over with a feather… if they hadn’t of eaten all the birds.

    • Chafed

      It’s the feel good story of the day.

  2. Swiss Servator

    Maybe they should have tried to use something for the May Day parade other than the jeep that broke down with Fidel’s casket… “uh, blame fuel shortages!”

    • UnCivilServant

      They would, but they already salvaged them for parts.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Commies gonna Commie…..

    • Count Potato

      Those Russian tractor engines are reliable.

  3. grrizzly

    One year ago, by official rates, you needed around 100 pesos to buy one U.S. dollar, now it’s over 200. And if you trade for dollars on the black market, as people often have to do, you would need 500 pesos for a dollar.

    I think it was around 10 pesos for a dollar when I visited the country. Nine years ago.

    • Compelled Speechless

      They should have come up with a brilliant scheme to keep it’s value artificially high. No one in Mexico ever thought of the petro peso?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        The country in question is Argentina.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Back the peso in alpaca skins and helicopter parts.

      • Compelled Speechless

        Sorry, responded to a comment before I read the links. I swear that’s the first time I’ve ever done that. Ever.

      • Pat

        Couldn’t be me.

      • R C Dean

        Pssht. All those countries south of the border look alike, amirite?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Meh. Probably.

      • juris imprudent

        You could start a war with that kind of talk.

      • Penguin

        The country that doesn’t allow exports , except maybe on beef?

        Gee, I wonder why their peso is worth shit

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      They’ve only defaulted six times in the past century.

      • Chafed

        And had to be sued by at least one hedge fund to collect on debts not subject to their default

  4. kinnath

    Need more body paint photos.

    The puppy is adorable. But I’ll stick to Shelties.

      • slumbrew

        Barfman to the white brown courtesy phone, paging Barfman.

  5. Rebel Scum

    “Your vote in the UN General Assembly and other international organizations is very important. It is the vote to defend the principles and objectives of the UN Charter and therefore to defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine and all nations of the world,” Zelensky told Mexican lawmakers in his speech, via video-link, that received a standing ovation.

    Fuck the UN charter and fuck you.

  6. Shpip

    Cuba’s communist government has cancelled Monday’s traditional May Day parade because of acute fuel shortages.

    Every year hundreds of thousands of people are bussed in from across the island to fill Havana’s Revolution Square on International Workers’ Day.

    It is the first time since the 1959 revolution that the celebrations have been cancelled for economic reasons.

    Took ’em a long time to run out of other people’s money, but they managed.

  7. Rebel Scum

    “We’re not coming for your lawn mowers.”

    Regulators and clean-air advocates are increasingly eyeing the pollution emitted by small gasoline engines used to power lawn mowers and leaf blowers as they seek to blunt climate change. Environmentalists say using a commercial gas leaf blower for an hour produces emissions equal to driving from Denver to Los Angeles.

    Among cities and states with bans or limits: California; Burlington, Vermont; and Washington, D.C. Vancouver, British Columbia, also has restrictions in place.

    While many critics first attacked the small engines for the noise they make, experts say these small, two-stroke engines release shockingly large amounts of pollution – two problems that modern and increasingly affordable electric-powered equipment solves.

    Imagine how shocking it will be when you 1) can’t afford to purchase an electric replacement, 2) can’t afford electricity for your electric replacement and/or 3) there is no electricity available for you electric replacement.

    • Shirley Knott

      And 4) when you’re fined for not mowing and/or trimming, or 5) when you’re fined for not cleaning up and properly composting the trimmings.

    • Michael Malaise

      “Environmentalists say using a commercial gas leaf blower for an hour produces emissions equal to driving from Denver to Los Angeles.”

      What do non-Environmentalists say?

      • The Other Kevin

        They don’t say anything, they were flagged for disinformation.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        What do non-Environmentalists say?

        I say a V-12 powered leaf blower sounds pretty damn cool. Because otherwise I can’t see how that claim is possible.

      • Pat

        But muh catalytic converter!

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, you’ll go through, what, a half gallon at most with the leaf blower in an hour? And driving from Denver to LA is 1,000 miles, at we’ll say 30 mpg, that’s 34 gallons. Uh huh. I will generate the same emissions using 1/68th the fuel.

      • Tonio

        You and your colonizing, heteropatriarchal math are so othering. There are “other ways of knowing.”

      • juris imprudent

        It’s environmental physics, which has no connection to real physics.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        They’re most likely calculating an equivalent amount of oil burned if your leaf blower is a two stroke. And your leaf blower doesn’t have a catalytic converter, yet…

        Two strokes used to be very robust little engines. The EPA has pretty much ruined them by changing the mix requirements to 50:1. The machining tolerances are too close and they burn out much faster now.

      • R C Dean

        Couldn’t they just measure, you know, the actual emissions?

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        That’s a lot more work than half-baked numbers pulled out of their asses.

      • UnCivilServant

        Why? They can write their condemnations from the same laptop where they do basic lies statistical analysis. No need to dirty yourself with actual measurements.

      • juris imprudent

        Ehem environmental physics.

      • Sensei

        When you get to mix it yourself (not injection) you can always go a little fat. Risk is a fouled plug, but easy fix.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        True, but it doesn’t preventaccelerated wear in the rings and cylinder sleeve from the tight fitting.

        I used to be able to squeeze several years out of two stroke engines. Now I feel fortunate to get eighteen months.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Used to be able to tune your carburetor. First it was removing the ability to change the idle/low/high circuit screws or buy the tools to do so. Now it’s electronically controlled.

    • Chafed

      With California’s robust electrical grid, I don’t see what could go wrong.

  8. Shpip

    A German Shepherd puppy has arrived in Mexico after being flown from Turkey as a gesture of gratitude from the Turkish government for the help Mexico’s search dogs lent after February’s earthquake.

    “Beware of Turks bearing gifts” is an adage that should give one paws.

    • UnCivilServant

      That pun’s a little ruff.

      • Fourscore

        Kinda tails off

    • kinnath

      Head tilts to one side. Then the other.

      Nope, still not making sense.

  9. Rebel Scum

    Dishonest, historically illiterate drivel.

    A Harvard University study from 2016 found “there is no good evidence” that using a firearm in purported self-defense reduces the likelihood of injury.

    The study’s author, David Hemenway, found some evidence that having a gun for such a purpose may reduce the likelihood of property loss. “But the evidence is equally compelling that having another weapon, such as [pepper spray] or a baseball bat, will also reduce the likelihood of property loss,” Hemenway has said.

    Nonetheless, US gun manufacturers have been able to sell their products briskly – some experts estimate there are more than 400m firearms circulating across the country, whose population is about 332 million. Experts say gun manufacturers have done that by collectively convincing buyers that having a firearm is both a constitutional right as well as an effective tool to help them ward off potential danger, playing up the worst-case scenarios that few people are statistically likely to experience but which receive disproportionate attention from media outlets and political partisans.

    “The narrative that has been pushed by the gun industry and many politicians [is] that a person needs to be armed at all times everywhere or else they are going to get murdered by the boogeyman,” said Allison Anderman, the Giffords Law Center’s senior counsel and director of local policy.

    I’m sure you think only the cops should have guns.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Giffords Law Center, where not just the namesake has severe brain damage.

    • Fourscore

      400/332 = above 1 and 1/3 per person. Looks in the clo…, oops… river. Apparently some don’t even have 1…

    • UnCivilServant

      Why do people still use the old 400 million number? Sales since that estimate was created have guaranteed that we have way more guns in the lake than that.

      • kinnath

        A quick google search shows no new data beyond that 400 million number. Neither the pro-gun nor anti-gun lobbies seem to have any interest in accounting for the many millions of sales since COVID started and the mostly peaceful protests took the stage.

        I have dim memories from a decade or so ago where the CDC (notoriously anti-gun) said that private gun ownership was probably 300 to 350 million (conservatively) but could be double that.

        For reasons I don’t understand, both sides seem to want to minimize that number.

      • UnCivilServant

        Because “One Billion Guns” makes the pro-gun side think they’d sound crazy. And the anti-gun side want it to seem like only a small number of crazies hold all the guns, and the more there are, the harder it is to minimize the number of gun owners.

      • kinnath

        Baptists and bootleggers . . .

      • juris imprudent

        One of these days the nation’s lakes and rivers will be no more than an inch deep.

    • Tundra

      By having firearms in the house, I’m 400 million times more likely to not give a fuck what gun grabbers say.

    • R C Dean

      “Hemenway added that there is no good evidence that using a gun in self-defense reduces the likelihood of injury.”

      Other than the hundreds of defensive gun uses that are reported each year.

      I’m pretty sure he is asking gun rights supporters to prove a negative, here. If I shoot the guy who kicked down my door with a gun in his hand, I can’t prove he was going to hurt anyone, can I? And if he has already hurt someone when I shoot him, well, I didn’t prevent that injury and can’t prove I prevented any others.

      • Pat

        And if he has already hurt someone when I shoot him, well, I didn’t prevent that injury and can’t prove I prevented any others.

        That’s why you have to wait until somebody starts a mass shooting, then drop him, so you get proper credit.

      • Michael Malaise

        I don’t disagree but these latest round of newsworthy shoot-someone-on-my-property stories seem to be people with zero impulse control and itchy trigger fingers. Like cops.

      • juris imprudent

        Hemenway is a hack and a liar. That’s the end of all discussion about him and anything he says.

      • Chafed

        Maybe he’s related to David Hogg.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Of course it doesn’t reduce likelihood for injury. It likely increases it.

        But their sneaky language belies truth here. I imagine they’re counting injuries to the original assailant as MOAR INJEREES!!

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Injury to me? Or injury to the attacker? I can certainly believe that someone’s getting injured.

      • R C Dean

        Another nice rhetorical trick:

        “Well, this knife wielding rapist was shot. That means an injury was cause by defensive gun use. Put that one in the negative column.”

    • Chafed

      I’m sure a Harvard researcher wouldn’t politicize his research.

    • creech

      Sounds cool. Let’s arm the Secret Service and Capitol Police with pepper spray and baseball bats.

  10. DEG

    It is the first time since the 1959 revolution that the celebrations have been cancelled for economic reasons.


  11. DEG

    Chris Sununu presidential poll watch, week of 5/1/2023

    Well, Chris Sununu had some good news in the RealClearPolitics polling – his polling doubled! But as in all things, context is absolutely necessary. It’s like the Greenies when they boast that the amount of electricity from Renewables has doubled.

    • Rebel Scum

      Trump called me racial slurs and took my lunch money.

      • Rebel Scum

        …and turned me into a newt.

      • kinnath

        yes. 44 fucking years ago.

    • Tundra

      Ann Margaret forced herself on me.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        Lucky bastard

      • Sensei

        Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me…Aren’t You?

      • slumbrew

        Before you got married to your wife, Morgan Fairchild.

      • Tundra

        Elizabeth Hurley, but yeah.

      • Tundra


        You ain’t kidding.

      • Bobarian LMD

        There was a movie in 1980 with her still burning hot that was inspired by this.

        Bruce Dern as the idiot.

      • slumbrew

        I should say ‘Ann-Margret’ — I didn’t realize until relatively recently she’s mononymous and that’s her first name.

      • Chafed

        I’m quite jealous.

    • R C Dean

      I’m totally convinced Donald Trump committed felony sexual assault in public, with witnesses.

      And how is this admissible in a trial about somebody else, someplace else?

      • Chafed

        It’s totally not inadmissible character evidence. Pinky swear.

    • juris imprudent

      I thought it was a department store? Now it’s an airplane?

      • R C Dean

        It’s both, now. Look, he was rich, famous, and young at the time. The only way he could get any was by attacking women in public places. We’ve all been there.

      • juris imprudent

        Dare I ask – how long has it been both?

      • Sean

        Maybe it happened at camp Lejeune too.

      • juris imprudent

        That would explain the water.

  12. Count Potato

    “Selena J. Chambers, of Tallahassee, was jailed Saturday evening over the incident at the South Walton Beaches Wine and Food Festival. She was slapped with one count of battery on an elected official and one count of simple battery, according to an arrest report from the Walton County Sheriff’s Office.

    The 41-year-old Chambers, a Pushcart Prize-nominated writer of feminist horror stories, reportedly cursed out Gaetz and his wife before tossing her drink at the congressman. She then turned and walked away, flipping off the Florida representative.”


    feminist horror?

    • UnCivilServant

      “It was then that I discovered the truth – Stacy was a Tradwife”

      • Bobarian LMD

        “Then he told me… to make him a sandwich!”

      • Tonio

        [golf clap]

    • Tonio

      I can only imagine…

      • Tonio

        Maybe someone will be brave enough to review one of her pieces for GlibBooks.

      • juris imprudent

        Paging Derpotologist, Derpotologist to the white courtesy phone!

      • Chafed

        I nominate MLW.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        Just look at her mugshot. Horror enough right there.

      • Animal

        Her expression is downright bovine.

    • Bobarian LMD

      feminist horror stories.


      • Lackadaisical

        Do they involve Subarus?

      • Grummun

        Inorite? I hear “Feminist Horror” and for some reason I think SugarFree.

    • slumbrew

      Yah, but high-quality work.

      • Chafed

        I’m on it.

      • Chafed

        Jeebus H. Christo she looks good.

  13. Shpip

    Zelensky’s appeal comes after many Latin American countries have adopted a policy of non-intervention over the war in Ukraine, rebuffing efforts led by United States President Joe Biden to unite the global community in opposition to Russia’s invasion.

    How, exactly, would Latin American countries intervene in the war even if they wanted to? Use their tremendous air- and sealift capacity to get weapons to the Ukes? Wield their economic might to sanction and cripple the Russian economy?

    Something tells me that Putin’s not exactly quaking in his boots at the thought of mean things being said about him in Tegucigalpa or Asunción.

    • UnCivilServant

      Well, they could send more money to his Swiss bank accounts finance the war effort.

    • Count Potato

      Biden could arm the 6.3M illegals that have entered and send them to Ukraine.

      • UnCivilServant

        Change the order of operations there.

        Send them to Ukraine then arm them. If you arm them here, they might revolt too soon or desert on this continent.

    • grrizzly

      Allegedly, Brazil refused to ship to Ukraine the German tank ammo it has. Scholz travelled to Brazil and asked Lula to share the ammo but Lula refused.

      • UnCivilServant

        They need that ammo for the next war with Uruguay against their own people

      • Chafed

        That’s probably too close to the truth.

    • Rat on a train

      Send boys from Brazil?

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Environmentalists say using a commercial gas leaf blower for an hour produces emissions equal to driving from Denver to Los Angeles.

    In a go cart?

    • Translucent Chum

      On roller blades. Pushed by the leaf blower.

      • Lackadaisical

        Sounds like cars aren’t an issue then, we can stop pushing electric vehicles then.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Probably true; ULEV vehicles produce so little standard pollutants that their exhaust is supposedly cleaner than Southern California air on a smog alert day in the ’70s.

      That’s why you have to classify CO2 as a pollutant.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Ignore that ope is also highly regulated already.

      I love my BR800. So much better than a handheld.

  15. Tundra

    Well, this edition of lynx has it all: cute Latinas, a German Shepherd puppy and a terrific song!

    Thanks, MS!

    And good luck with the beisbol. I remember the move from machine-pitch to kid pitch was often a little rough.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Thanks Tundra. The wife and I are on the fence about getting him into a Cal Ripken team. Might have him tryout anyways just to see.

      • Tundra

        Is he digging it?

        Never hurts to let them push their boundaries a little.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        He is objectively better at soccer. He just doesn’t care for it.

      • Tundra

        It was challenging for me when my son quit hockey to race snowboards. He, too, was initially better at hockey, but got really damn good at racing because he liked it more. That’s the most important thing, IMO.

    • Michael Malaise

      Pickleball is an exhilarating turn-on, but I don’t live near Walter Reed.

    • Compelled Speechless

      I assume “pickleball is a euphemism. Either way, I can forgive someone for being confused by the naming.

      They should just be happy it wasn’t someone doing this.


    • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

      From the comments: Pickleball Perp Pulling Pud Perplexes Police

  16. The Late P Brooks

    “The narrative that has been pushed by the gun industry and many politicians [is] that a person needs to be armed at all times everywhere or else they are going to get murdered by the boogeyman,” said Allison Anderman, the Giffords Law Center’s senior counsel and director of local policy.

    Yeah, about that “you’re going to be murdered by the bogeyman” business…

    • Rat on a train

      Not all times everywhere. Just where government refuses to protect people from violent criminals.

      • Chafed

        In other words, Chicago.

      • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

        Portland, LA, SF, Seattle…

    • R C Dean

      Well, pick a team, gun controllers. Either you don’t need a gun because you are perfectly safe everywhere at all times, or the country is overrun with gun-wielding homicidal maniacs.

  17. Sensei

    “While Cuba has access to low-grade crude, the US-sanctioned island lacks the facilities to process it.”

    Nice lack of context BBC.

    Pre Biden the US could refine Venezuelan crappy crude. Give our “greenness” and our on and off again relation with Venezuela I have no idea how much we can refine.

    As usual the reason Cuba is poor is because of the US. Can’t be anything else.

    • Raven Nation

      Which is actually a good reason for the US to lift its embargo. It doesn’t make much difference given all the other countries willing to trade with Cuba and it keeps the US as the singular enemy.

      • Sensei

        Completely agree.

        Contrast to our China policy of trade promoting democracy.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        Stop looking for consistency in the rules-based order. You’re not qualified.

      • Bobarian LMD

        If only Cuba had thought ahead and hired that great negotiator and artist, Hunter Biden to work out a refining deal for them.

      • Chafed

        I hear he has experience in the oil industry.

      • Tundra

        True, but I’m sure it still helps a little with our passive kill quotas.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Sounds like cars aren’t an issue then, we can stop pushing electric vehicles then.

    Exactly. Car exhausts are so clean compared to 1965 it’s amazing.

    • Sensei

      My uncle has a country place
      That no one knows about
      He says it used to be a farm
      Before the Motor Law
      And on Sundays I elude the eyes
      And hop the Turbine Freight
      To far outside the Wire
      Where my white-haired uncle waits

      • Chafed

        It’s probably good MikeS doesn’t come by all that much.

    • mikey

      I remember reading that a new Corvette (as an example) emits fewer unburned hydrocarbons at 65 mph than a ’64 Chebby does sitting in the driveway with the motor off. The fuel sysems weren’t sealed and the gas in the tank and carb were constantly evaporating.
      Remember having to “pump the gas” to start a car that had been sitting a bit?.

      • DEG

        Remember having to “pump the gas” to start a car that had been sitting a bit?.

        Yes. My first car was like that.

  19. Rebel Scum

    Vermont is a killer tourist destination.

    Vermont has passed legislation that will open its assisted suicide program to nonresidents within the state.

    Republican Gov. Phil Scott signed a bill on Tuesday that removes residency requirements for medically assisted suicide in Vermont.

    “We are grateful to Vermont lawmakers for recognizing that a state border shouldn’t determine if you die peacefully or in agony,” Kim Callinan, president and CEO of the nonprofit Compassion & Choices, told The Associated Press.

    • juris imprudent

      Well, nice to know I don’t have to go to Oregon if I reach that point.

      • Pat

        I was going to say, same story in Oregon. Had my mom not gone so suddenly, she was considering that option. Even that’s a fairly recent turn of events – prior to that Dignitas in Switzerland was basically the only option if you weren’t a resident of a state with assisted suicide.

  20. Sensei

    Les Monts Verts is now Les Morts Verts?

  21. slumbrew

    Any of you nerds spring for a Kindle Scribe?

    I thought long and hard about the reMarkable 2 a while back but never pulled the trigger.

    • UnCivilServant

      Never heard of it.

      The idea doesn’t seem all that useful for my use cases. What would you use it for?

      • slumbrew

        Mostly quick sketches of networky type stuff that I could capture and share later.

        Plus misc, notes vs. just typing everything in – TBF, I’ve gotten better about the latter.

        Not a _need_ so much as a _want_.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve uncovered a lot of old impulse buys while organizing the house. I’ve taken to asking myself “Am I actually going to use this?” when I get one of those temptations. It’s mostly to curtail bad habits and think about whether I want to spend the money.

      • Bobarian LMD

        A kindle you can write on?

        Would have been great for school, but now it’s just a kindle that’s too big to hold.

      • The Hyperbole

        9″ X 7.7″? That’s smaller than your standard hardback book.

    • R C Dean

      Mrs. Dean uses what I think is a reMarkable for work – mostly to take notes. She’s done some sketching on it, but I don’t know that she ever did enough to really get the hang of it.

    • R C Dean

      When did we stop fighting for freedom and start fighting for democracy, anyway?

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        When someone figured out that the morons voters would support it.

      • UnCivilServant

        How do you stop something you were never doing?

  22. Mojeaux

    Janet Jackson tonight! I love me some Janet. Too bad Ludacris is going to be screeching for an hour or whatever before Janet comes on stage.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      🪩 💃👍

  23. Rat on a train

    English could use exclusive/inclusive we and you like some other languages.

    • Chafed


      • Tundra

        Still giggling about the Pringles cans.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Remember having to “pump the gas” to start a car that had been sitting a bit?.

    Why, yes. Yes I do. Both the pickup and the Suburban, if they sit long enough, lose the fuel in the float bowl (leakage, evap, whatever- one’s an Edelbrock and one’s a Quadrajet), and require a period of cranking until the fuel pump fills the carb.

    • Tundra

      I love the smell of burnt dinosaurs.

    • Q Continuum

      I can’t wait until SF looks like East St. Louis.

    • R C Dean

      “reportedly shot and killed black transgender 24-year-old Banko Brown”

      Wow. The evidence of self-defense must have been rock-solid to let somebody walk after killing a black trannie.

      I wonder how many intersectional points the shooter, Michael Earl-Wayne Anthony, could put up.

    • Q Continuum

      Realizing it’s fake, given the level of stupidity A-B has demonstrated through this episode it wouldn’t surprise me if it were genuine.

  25. The Late P Brooks


    In the wake of multiple recent ethics issues involving Supreme Court justices, many people have called for a new “ethics code” for the Supreme Court. The Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on a new “code of conduct” Tuesday, and several lawmakers have advanced bills proposing such a code. But the Supreme Court already has an ethics code. What’s lacking is a way to enforce it, a way to hold justices accountable when they violate the law. The court’s system of self-regulation has broken beyond repair and must be replaced with a new system of supervision.

    Nice cape work. We get from vague innuendo to clear unequivocal violation of the law with one flourish of brightly colored cloth.

    • Gender Traitor

      multiple recent ethics issues involving Supreme Court justices

      Like leaking decisions?

  26. hayeksplosives

    Guess who is freshly divorced today??

    That’s right: this gal!!

    • Ownbestenemy


      • Fourscore

        Happy for you, HE., in the words of that great philosopher from Atlanta

        “Free at last, free at last, Thank Nevada, I’m free at last”

        Something like that anyway

    • Tundra

      Wow! That was quick.


    • DEG


    • Sean


    • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!


      A quicky Nevada divorce is always in the cards!

      • hayeksplosives

        Especially if you’re willing to part with a small fortune in order to placate the other half.

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      Keepin’ it fresh!

    • Mojeaux

      *Snoopy dance*

    • Q Continuum

      Holy crap, I know I haven’t been around much lately (new job), but when was this a thing?

      Congrats also, assuming this was something you wanted.

    • Shirley Knott

      Congrats!! Go forth and celebrate. Seriously.
      You earned it, you deserve it, and gosh darn it, it’s just the right thing to do! /big Stuart Smalley smile

    • Animal


    • Pat

      That was impressively fast. Congratulations, for lack of a better salutation under the circumstances.

      • hayeksplosives

        My (((boss))) wished me Mazel Tov!

  27. The Late P Brooks

    multiple recent ethics issues involving Supreme Court justices

    Both of whom are conservatives! You don;t see Kagan or Sotomayer getting dragged through the mud, do you?

    Ban conservatives.

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      My guess is Sotomayor is under pressure for the abortion decision leak. The Dem establishment and media are trying to offset it with accusations of corruption on the right.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Either introduce articles of impeachment or a Constitutional amendment….all else is bullshit

      • Raven Nation

        OR, one of the progressive justices have been caught with their hand in a cookie jar and this is muddying the waters.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Guess who is freshly divorced today??

    Go forth, and wed no more.

  29. Scruffyy Nerfherder

    Is Trump in jail yet?

    Seems that there’s been a dearth of news on his impending remandment to RIkers.

  30. Mojeaux

    There’s a really easy way for the shows to shut the writers and union out— Hire the hungry writers who’ve been trying for years. There are plenty of good ones out there.

    • Rat on a train

      ChatGPT can’t do any worse.

    • Zwak , who will swing for the crime, in double time!

      Me thinks they should check out a few romance writers, get some interesting plot lines and characters, no?

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      Speaking of, I’m back involved with my HOA after two decades of avoiding it.

      The area swim league has four or five trans competitors (MTF of course) and we’re trying to get a new policy implemented that will explicitly bar them from the pool changing rooms of their choice. We’ve got some Bolsheviks in the neighborhood, including the swim club president, so it could get a little testy.

      The local moms are fired up at the thought of Johnny in the changing room with Sally as well. Should be “entertaining.”

    • Gender Traitor

      So cute! 😄

      Little Black Kitty is on my lap. He’s being especially clingy lately. 🙄🐱‍👤

      • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater


    • DEG


  31. hayeksplosives

    I think I’ll do lobster tail at the Keg tonight.