Too Local News – Pushing Back on the NH Governor – Week of Mar. 1st through 5th, 2021

by | Mar 7, 2021 | Constitution, Executive Branch, Liberty, Politics | 214 comments

See part one for disclosures and background on the legislative process in New Hampshire.

For the week of March 1st through 5th, the House had only committee hearings.  For that week, the Senate had both committee hearings and a single session day.  Only the House considered legislation during the week of the 1st through 5th which pushed back on the Governor and his emergency powers.

I found the youtube channel where the NH House of Representatives uploads committee hearing videos.


The House Legislative Administration Committee held a hearing on March 1st on HCR 2 .  I attended the whole two hour hearing via Zoom.

HCR 2 is a concurrent resolution to end the state of emergency.  In New Hampshire, unlike in Pennsylvania, there is no requirement for the Governor to sign a concurrent resolution for the concurrent resolution to take effect. Therefore, if HCR 2 passes both the House and the Senate, the state of emergency ends and all of the Governor’s emergency orders go away.  Passing this resolution is one of Reopen NH’s top priorities.

The hearing began with the prime sponsor, Rep. Melissa Blasek, describing the motivation behind the resolution.  To summarize her testimony, RSA 4:45 was never intended to give the governor unlimited power or allow the governor to usurp the powers of other branches of government.  NH Hospitals were never overwhelmed.  There is no need to have a state emergency in order to receive Federal money.

Two cosponsors, Rep. Tony Lekas and Rep. Leah Cushman, spoke next.  Each covered different aspects of the fall-out from the Governor’s emergency orders.

Rep. Lekas talked about increases in suicide, drug overdoses, unemployment, and worsening of overall health.

Rep. Cushman presented statistics showing that most deaths due to COVID-19 in New Hampshire were in long term care facilities.  The risk of dying from COVID-19 in New Hampshire has overwhelming fallen on the elderly.  Other causes of death, such as heart disease and cancer, kill far more people in New Hampshire than COVID-19 has killed.  She presented more statistics showing that hospitals were not overwhelmed.

Rep. Blasek had invited experts to speak.  These people spoke for most of the rest of the hour.

We heard from Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, who is involved with The Great Barrington Declaration, and Tammy Clark, both of whom spoke at Reopen NH’s Legislative Summit.  Both of their testimony sounded to me like a shortened version of their presentation at the summit, except that Dr. Bhattacharya talked about the vaccine.  He described why he thinks that the vaccine plus existing natural immunity are bringing New Hampshire close to herd immunity.  He also thinks vaccines should never be mandatory.

Bob Clegg, the author of the legislation that brought RSA 4:45 to its current form, spoke.  He talked about how the legislation was never intended to allow a governor to renew a state of emergency endlessly so that he can cling to power.  He asked that the committee give an “Ought to Pass” recommendation to the resolution and also to legislation before the committee which rewrites RSA 4:45 to limit the Governor’s power during a state of emergency.

Andrew Manuse, a former state representative and chairman of Reopen NH, spoke.  He was critical of the effects of the lockdowns and Governor’s emergency orders on businesses.  He was also critical of the lack of rule of law due to the Governor’s actions.  He was critical of democracy and using popularity as a test of what is right and wrong.

There were other experts talking about Constitutional law issues and other issues.

Here is a two minute compilation of the sponsors’ and experts’ testimony.  The channel also includes a video of the full sponsor and expert testimony, which is about an hour long.

Eventually the committee started hearing testimony from members of the public.  During this part of the hearing, I developed a new appreciation for the NHLA’s instructions on testifying at a legislative committee.  Keep your testimony to three minutes or less.  Don’t ramble.  Don’t repeat what others have said.  Stick to three points.  My mind wandered at many points during the hearing.

Remember, freedom is messy.   One of the people who spoke in support of HCR 2 spoke about how the Germ Theory of disease is wrong and SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated.

Only one person spoke in opposition to HCR 2.  Rep. Timothy Horrigan spoke last and spoke against HCR 2. He thinks the state of emergency is necessary.  He also thinks that Gov. Sununu should have cracked down harder.

After the committee chairman recessed the hearing, he announced the numbers from the sign-in sheet.  Approximately 290 people signed in to support the resolution, and about 90 people signed in to oppose the resolution.

The committee will hold an executive session on Tuesday, March 9th.  At that time the committee will determine its recommendation for HCR 2.

Bills Rewriting RSA 4:45

I did not attend any of the hearings about the bills rewriting RSA 4:45, and I did not watch any of the recordings on youtube.  According to legislators I know, the committees involved are going to work on new legislation which includes ideas from all the bills submitted.

HB 439

This bill repeals the part of state law which municipalities have relied on to pass mask ordinances.  This is a hearing I neither attended nor watched the recording of.  Legislators I know say this bill received a OTP-A (Ought to Pass with Amendment) recommendation.  The committee report is not public at the time I write this.  The legislators I know didn’t tell me anything about what the proposed amendment is.

HB 493

This is another bill that I neither attended the hearing for nor watch the recording of the hearing.  This is the bill making it a crime to assault, threaten to assault, or to disobey a business employee asking you to comply with public health orders.  Legislators I know say the committee issued an ITL (Inexpedient to Legislate) recommendation for this bill.  The committee report and recommendation have not been published at the time I write this.

HB 440

The House Judiciary Committee cancelled the executive session that I mentioned for HB 440 in my previous article.  Instead the committee will hold an executive session on March 10th.  The committee will make its recommendation on HB 440 at that time.

HB 63

20 Republicans voted against HB 63, and one Democrat voted for it.  The Legiscan website for the bill says there will be a hearing by the House Finance Committee for the bill on March 9th.  The Finance Committee’s website, at the time I write this, says the next hearing will be on January 27th, 2021, which makes no sense.

Getting this bill passed is the other top priority for Reopen NH.

HB 187

The next hearing for this bill will be on March 15th in front of the Executive Departments and Administration Committee.

Updates From the Governor

The Governor issued a new emergency order.  He has issued 86 emergency orders over the past year.

The Governor extended the state of emergency for another 21 days.

The Governor appeared on NH-PBS.  Part way through the interview, the Governor answered a question about the bills restricting his emergency powers.

News Coverage for the Week of Mar. 1st through 5th

Several news outlets covered this week’s committee hearings.  They are:

NH Journal ran an opinion piece on the attempts to push back on the Governor.

In other news, House Democrats are appealing their loss of a case against the House Speaker.  The case is an attempt to force remote sessions claiming that holding in person sessions during the pandemic violates the ADA.  The lower court ruled that the Speaker is immune to lawsuits related to decisions he makes about conduct of legislators.

Upcoming Business For March 8th through 12th

At this time, there are no session days scheduled for the House.  Only committee hearings are scheduled.

There is a session day scheduled for the Senate on March 11th.  The session day packet, which lists the bills the Senate will vote on, was not ready at the time I finished this article.  Like the House, the Senate also has several committee hearings scheduled.

Reopen NH is planning to send an e-mail update on bills the group is watching over the weekend.

I will write more next week.



About The Author



Will work for guns, ammo, booze, books, and cool cars.


  1. westernsloper

    Give em hell Deg. No Governor should have the power they unlawfully claimed.

    • DEG

      Thanks. We are pushing. I’m not too worried about the House. The Senate will be an uphill battle.

      Then we have the inevitable vetoes.

      • grrizzly

        I see there are 14 Republicans in the Senate (24 Senators total). Aren’t most of them aligned with Sununu?

      • DEG

        Yes. It’s why I said the Senate will be an uphill battle.

    • DEG

      Just enjoy Constitutional carry.

    • Count Potato

      I wouldn’t. Also you might lose reciprocity.

      • DEG


        Good point.

        I have still a NH permit despite NH having constitutional carry. In case I take stuff down to PA. It won’t help me in states between NH and PA, but will help me in PA.

      • Don escaped Cancun

        rhetorical question, boys

    • Suthenboy

      Louisiana is about to do the same. I never got a CCP because it doesnt really allow you to carry anywhere you cant already carry. That and I didnt want my name on yet another list.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Have they repealed the parade exception to concealed carry?

      • Suthenboy

        Uh…I dunno. They are about to pass constitutional carry so I guess that will do the trick.

        I did not know there is a parade exception. I assume that is related to Mardi Gras and Natchitoches festival shootings. Some stupid asshole always shows up and randomly shoots into the crowds. As far as I am concerned they should require everyone at those parades to carry. I hate both of those towns and the sooner they are depopulated, the better.

        Pray for another Katrina.

      • Count Potato

        New Orleans would be great if they just got rid of the politicians.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s one of the exceptions that stood out for me when I was looking at moving there.

        Also municipal buildings (if a governing body meets there, and not just the duration of the meeting), polling places, the state capitol, bars, and churches.

      • Suthenboy

        There are smaller towns that are almost exclusively populated by the best kinds of people you could ever meet. Crime is almost zero, nearly everyone carries or at least keeps one in their car, cost of living is low, taxes are low, the food is fantastic. If you have to have lots of flashing lights, whistles and bells to keep you amused Louisiana might not be the best place.
        If you like privacy, peace and quiet and to be left alone it might be.

      • Gustave Lytton

        If you have to have lots of flashing lights, whistles and bells to keep you amused

        I do like trains! The humidity and to a lesser extent heat would be a bigger issue. Work situation changed and the opportunity vanished in a puff of smoke.

  2. Hyperion

    Unlike the buggy whip factory, the tar and feathers factory is not obsolete at all.

  3. Count Potato

    Keep up the good work, DEG.

    Are there places you could post things so more people from NH can see it?

    • DEG

      Reopen NH has a decent social media presence.

  4. Count Potato

    Anyone else not seeing avatars?

    • rhywun

      Yep. Didn’t even notice until you pointed it out. I blame DEG.

      • DEG

        I’m not sure if my lack of mask wearing killed the avatars or Grandma.

    • Hyperion

      Hmm, yep, me.

    • UnCivilServant

      They appear to have vanished for most comments.

  5. Flawgic

    Nice job reporting, DEG. I don’t live anywhere near NH and I found it all very intersting. Mainstream media is put to shame.

    I also don’t see avatars.

    • DEG

      Mainstream media is put to shame.

      I don’t know. I don’t have a graduate degree from the Columbia School of Journalism.

      • Flawgic

        True. You also don’t inject enough of your own bias into the facts.

    • Ted S.

      Welcome, Tulpa!

      • juris imprudent

        Look at Ted S. with his avatar privilege!

      • C. Anacreon

        You’re all worthless and weak by comparison.

      • Flawgic

        Greetings, Ted S., Killer of Firsters.

      • Brochettaward

        A real Firster never dies.

  6. Suthenboy

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

    I dont give a damn who gets sick or who dies. I have a right to peaceably assemble with anyone who agrees to do so. Every one of the so called ‘orders’ given by governors are illegal. We let them get away with this crime at our peril. I will decide what level of risk I am willing to take.

    • DEG

      The NH Superior Court in the Binford case said the governor can suspend the Constitution in the event of emergencies.

      It’s going to the NH Supreme Court.

      The state solicitor general made the argument, which the lower courts accepted, that the governor can suspend the Constitution. The solicitor general works for the state AG. The state AG at the time the Binford case was argued before the lower courts is now the Chief Justice of the NH Supreme Court.

      I expect the NH Supreme Court will uphold the lower courts’ rulings.

      All those judges involved should be impeached, but we have enough of a heavy job as it is just reining in the Governor.

      • Suthenboy

        I assume you mean the state constitution. Also, let me guess, the legislature did not define ’emergency’.

      • DEG

        Both if I remember correctly. There are no Constitutional protections during a state of emergency in New Hampshire under the Binford case.

        The Legislature actually defined “state of emergency”.

      • Flawgic

        The Government’s lust for power *is* the emergency.

  7. Cy Esquire

    So… as I was saying in the dead thread. I’ve got 5 belgian whites down and the pork shoulder is crisping now for some tacos (Thanks L0B0T!)

    Also, when are we getting our avatars back! My motorcycle out of hell isn’t going to ride it’self!

    • Ted S.

      Always with the racist Belgians….

      • Cy Esquire

        Last I checked, by beer hasn’t been anywhere near a whip or the west coast of Africa.

    • Suthenboy

      They have to stamp out every vestige of western enlightenment.

      Wanna see rape culture? Leave the United States. Wanna see real, hard core racism? Leave the United States.

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah, but if you leave the United States and go around telling people what fuckwads they are – they’ll probably kill you; what’s the fun in that?

    • Don escaped Cancun

      it’s funny that humorless people see the representation as an endorsement or a stereotype

      no: here is a bad character being sent up; how dumb do you need to be to think the antagonist is being glorified?

      how can we have stories without antagonists?

    • C. Anacreon

      Pepe LePew would probably score more often if he went after other skunks, rather than always hitting on black cats who accidentally got a stripe of white paint.

      • hayeksplosives

        Years ago, when I was in a very busy season at work, my spouse asked what I wanted for Valentine’s Day. I said “I don’t care—dinner and a romantic movie”. (I don’t like most romantic movies).

        I came home to a wonderfully cooked steak and a DVD of Pepe le Peu.

        I didn’t complain.

    • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

      Then they came for Pepe LePew and I said nothing, because I was not a skunk.

    • C. Anacreon

      Pepe’s name always reminds me of this bit of wisdom:

      Confucius say: Man who fart in church sits in own pew.

  8. Suthenboy

    I said I would post one of these every day….

    My brother and myself:

    • Cy Esquire


      • Suthenboy

        .22 LR.

        During WWII nearly the entire state of Louisiana was militarized. Camp Livingston was the largest Army base in the U.S. during WWII. I grew up on a little farm adjacent to it. It was abandoned after the war so we had the run of nearly 100K acres. Almost no one ever went there as there were myths about ghosts and escaped German prisoners.
        The location where that was photographed was a concrete olympic sized swimming pool that was built for the troops. With no water in it it made an excellent shooting range.

      • Count Potato


    • DEG


    • rhywun

      You had me at “shirtless”.

    • grrizzly

      They both managed to end up with a less attractive version of the ex-spouse. Despite all the billions.

      • C. Anacreon

        Perhaps the former Mrs.Bezos always idealized the life of Miss Jean Brodie.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        There’s no accounting for taste and money doesn’t make you intelligent.

      • Count Potato

        This Ain’t Swan Lake An XXX Parody

      • db

        Two thousand chicks at the same time?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Chicks dig a dude with money.

    • Suthenboy

      53 billion? Dont give too much to charity, that will corrupt them. A million each to St. Judes and Shriners…You put the rest in mutual funds in the name of a trust and your offspring get paid for the next 100 generations. Other than that, I dont know what I would do with it. More timber land? I dont need more junk to pile up on the junk I already have. I have already been everywhere so…dunno where I would go on fancy trips. Everywhere is just a place and this place is as good as any.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        You know that every “non-profit” out there is angling to get their dirty little mitts on her money. The con men are going to be like flies on shit.

      • Suthenboy

        I remember hearing a Powerball winner complain that a ‘cousin’ she had never heard of beg her for money so that his father could get an arm transplant, whatever the hell that means.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Great movie. Yet another that could never be made today.

      • db

        If I had that kind of money I’d be working on downstream businesses to take advantage of Spacex’s upcoming access to Luna and Mars. Lots of opportunity for mining, construction, and chemical processing. Start small and modular, work up.

  9. Gustave Lytton

    making it a crime to assault, threaten to assault

    Pretty sure these are already crimes..

    • juris imprudent

      Can’t be – if that was already illegal, people wouldn’t do it. Duh!

    • DEG

      You’re such a buzzkill impeding these brave legislators trying to keep us all safe.

      Somehow I typed that with a straight face. Something is wrong.

  10. SP

    Re: avatars. There were updates to the custom avatar plugin, WordPress, AND our theme within the last 12 hours. I expect it will resolve. I can’t find anything that should be causing a conflict, but there you are. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    (The people who have avatars showing are using Gravatar avatars linked through their email addresses that they use both there and here, instead of custom avatars specifically for Glibs.)

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      My self image has been obliterated.

      • SP

        If I were a true shitlady, I’d say “Cry more, pussy.” But since I’m not, I won’t. 😉

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        *runs away sobbing*

    • Cy Esquire

      Hi SP! Are we zooming tonight?

    • Count Potato

      Thanks, SP 🙂

      • DEG

        Yes, thanks to SP for everything she does around here.

        She also fixed a mistake a made with this article… I hit “submit” prematurely.

        Thanks SP!

      • Gender Traitor

        I hit “submit” prematurely.

        Don’t feel bad. It happens to every guy./obligatory

      • DEG


    • rhywun

      It’s been all downhill since they joined the United Nations.

    • Suthenboy

      Who do they think they are fooling?

      Censorship is always about power by silencing people that disagree with you. Those shitbirds dont care one whit about ‘misinformation’. Truth and falsehoods mean nothing to them. Words serve their interests or they dont and that is the end of it.

  11. SP

    We were at a place this afternoon that said, “Face coverings are recommended, but not required.” And had a sign that said “By entering you have voluntarily assumed all risks associated with exposure to COVID-19.”

    The staff had masks on when interacting with customers (except the one who sat down and chatted with us and asked if we were OK with her removing her mask), and only two of the 30 or so customers did when they were walking around.

    *None* of the dogs on the patio had a mask on.

    • The Gunslinger

      At church service this morning here in SW Michigan mask usage was down dramatically compared to the last 2-3 weeks. 2 weeks ago I would estimate close to 50% of attendees were wearing masks at the “mask optional” service. This morning attendance seemed stronger, and I would say closer to 10% were wearing masks. Encouraging sign.

    • Suthenboy

      Masks are getting rare around here. Also, none of my dogs wear them.
      Weren’t ‘experts’ telling us not long ago that “ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod you can catch the cooties from your dogs!”?

      That little toad Fauci needs to be drawn and quartered.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Why someone would look at us and think, “Hmmm, I’ll take a break here, they look harmless and fun,” is beyond me.

    • straffinrun

      Buyer Beware.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Unfortunately, there are people out there that eat that shit up.

    • Don escaped Cancun

      but the US congress is not that institution

      I laughed

  12. rhywun

    Missing the forest for the trees.

    Since Commissioner Dermot Shea last summer pulled the plug on the plainclothes anti-crime units that had been central to the NYPD’s anti-gun efforts, the increase in gun busts suggests there’s a lot more guns on the street now.

    • Suthenboy

      I live in the most heavily armed jurisdiction in the US. There is an average of 48 guns per person here. You can count the murders by gun on the fingers of one hand in the last 100 years here.
      NY doesnt have a gun problem. They have a people problem.

      • rhywun

        It’s a little from column A and a little from column B. Your jurisdiction probably isn’t full of combatants waging the disgusting drug war. And the failure of the sometimes reliable Post to credit what the drug war is doing to this city – on top of all the leftist BS they do point out – is disappointing to say the least – because that means there is no media in this town willing to tell the truth about it.

  13. grrizzly

    The Russkies are at it again.
    Russian Disinformation Campaign Aims to Undermine Confidence in Pfizer, Other Covid-19 Vaccines, U.S. Officials Say

    Russian intelligence agencies have mounted a campaign to undermine confidence in Pfizer Inc.’s and other Western vaccines, using online publications that in recent months have questioned the vaccines’ development and safety, U.S. officials said.

    An official with the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, which monitors foreign disinformation efforts, identified four publications that he said have served as fronts for Russian intelligence.

    The websites played up the vaccines’ risk of side effects, questioned their efficacy, and said the U.S. had rushed the Pfizer vaccine through the approval process, among other false or misleading claims.

    In each case, the Russian outlets were repeating actual news reports but overlooking contrary information about the general safety of the vaccine.

    • Hank

      Anonymous sources also say that the Russians will be issuing lots more negative stories, so patriotic Americans should simply assume that anything they hear which reflects badly on their country’s establishment can safely be ignored.

    • rhywun

      The websites played up the vaccines’ risk of side effects, questioned their efficacy, and said the U.S. had rushed the Pfizer vaccine through the approval process, among other false or misleading claims.

      Hm. Just like every Democrat until after the first week of November.

  14. grrizzly

    Air traffic controllers are forced to wear masks when they communicate with pilots. A safety risk.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Can confirm…do they? Not always..

    • Ownbestenemy

      Also…their union agreed to it and their union has near 100% membership…

    • Ownbestenemy

      This guy who partially right.

      I call bullshit.

      1. Commands aren’t life or death within “seconds”. (normally no, but when that one aircraft doesn’t do what is asked, those commands do become life or death and are seconds)
      2. Directives are confirmed before executed. (normally, but not always. Read backs have always been a Top 5 priority of Air Traffic)
      3. Losing radio contact is exceptionally rare. (Not exceptionally)
      4. I doubt cloth renders a boom mic useless. You’d have to talk through a sweatshirt. (It does, cause they aren’t boom mics. This guy is an idiot)
      5. The FAA isn’t stupid. (Well there is the problem)

      • pistoffnick

        “5. The FAA isn’t stupid. (Well there is the problem)”

        *References rudder pedal static tests that I am required to do.*

        Show me the super pilot that can squat 500 lbs. on one leg.

      • UnCivilServant

        You’re right, we need to up the strength requirement to half a ton.

        Can’t take the chance.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I will be breaking the rules tomorrow. No way I am teaching a theory class for 3-hours with a mask on in a conference room that seats 20 people and I have one student that is nearly 20 feet away from me.

      • UnCivilServant

        You only have one student for the course?

      • Ownbestenemy

        I have two, and I broke it up to two days cause of schedules. Its an in-house theory course on a LIDAR weather system and everyone else has the training. Easier to break the rules one on one, just ask Cuomo

  15. straffinrun

    Deg, your ability to wade through all this bs is amazing.

    • DEG

      I have a little incentive.

      If this effort succeeds, the state of emergency ends.

      • straffinrun


  16. Gustave Lytton

    I Care A Lot pulls too many punches. Should be Outrage: Geriatric Edition.

    • blackjack

      This actually happened to my maternal grand mother. She was a pretty evil person and my aunt was retarded. Actually retarded. My grandma never let her out of the house, for all of her life. They both just stayed indoors the whole time. Like for 50 years. One day she got ill and had to go to the hospital. They called and a conservator began proceedings. I got some mail on it one day, and the deadline was two weeks prior to receiving the mail. I started to contest it. It just kept growing in complexity and difficulty. Meanwhile, I’m visiting my grandmother. At first, she was overjoyed that someone was there to save her. After maybe three visits, she reverted to the horrible person that caused us all to stay away from her for all these years. I tried, I really did. I don’t think it’s OK for the government to do this to people, whether or not they are assholes. My grandma was just too much of an asshole. I abandoned the whole thing after three separate times of her treating me like crap. They took her house and car, sold them, put her in a home, separated her from my aunt, threw away all of her stuff, just like the movie. I could care less. Treat people decent if you want them to fight for you, period.

    • rhywun

      “If you are white take 2 steps forward. If you’re a person of color with dark skin, take 2 steps back. If you’re black, take 2 steps back,” the privilege walk exercise said.

      The next Choose Your Own Adventure is writing itself.

      • hayeksplosives

        Let’s cure racism by making everyone hyper aware of their race.

      • slumbrew

        something, something, content of their character.

        Passé, apparently.

  17. Ownbestenemy

    Another fun neighborly talk

    “Did you register your security system (cameras) with the police so we can catch criminals?”

    Me: No, they can bring me a warrant for them if they want the footage.

    Him: How is the relevant?

    Me: Sips beer, continues to trim hedges

    • straffinrun

      Neighborhood Watch and Neighborhood Snitch are cousins.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Agreed. We have our neighborhood busy body but he is just a talkative guy. With that, I am very selective on what I tell him cause he is talkative. Though, he did ‘threaten’ the little bitch patrol who is falsely claiming we can’t have our trailer parked on the public street overnight.

      • straffinrun

        The Karen thing has been around forever. If you aren’t hurting anyone, why would I care?

    • Spudalicious

      We don’t have a neighborhood watch, but we are vigilant and well armed.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Police said Maru told them her husband used to beat her and never give her any money

      Justified…but two hours…good lord, that was a lot of rage pent up.

      • straffinrun

        Checked but didn’t see them. Commodious and Neph been around?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Haven’t seen Neph, and read CS’s stuff, so hope he good.

  18. straffinrun

    If you were to put a percentage on it, how much of what Hitler did was wrong?

    • egould310

      Considering the whole “Murder All The Jews” operation; I’d put it at 35% to 40%.

    • Hank

      Well, he wore pants, as do I (sometimes).

      So that’s one good thing I can think of. Or at least not affirmatively bad.

      So I guess that would put the wrongness down to 99% or so.

    • zwak

      Say what you will about Hitler, but he did kill Hitler.

      • Hank

        Hey, I hadn’t thought of that!

    • Old Man With Candy

      That’s going in our bathroom.

  19. straffinrun

    I’ve got the tiniest sliver of a window through which I can view the world. And that sliver of a window is warped by my own personal bias making the view even more limited. I can admit this, but the fuckers imposing their will on peaceful people believe their eyes are the Hubble telescope. The arrogance combined with faux empathy is what makes me think really bad thoughts.

  20. Brochettaward

    I feel naked without my avatar. I feel shame. Deep deep shame.

    • Hank

      I just pretend that my avatar is the Invisible Man (Wells’ not Ellison’s)

      • Hank

        I keep trying to explain to Disney/Marvel’s lawyers that it’s a picture of the Invisible *Man,* not the Invisible *Girl.*

    • straffinrun

      Can’t remember your avatar. *Scrolls*

  21. pistoffnick

    Everybody says “Release the Kracken”

    Nobody says” Retrieve the Kracken”

    • straffinrun

      Phil McKraken?

      • Gender Traitor


      • straffinrun


    • UnCivilServant

      It’s a fire and forget weapon.

      Typically slain.

  22. Aloysious

    DEG: this is well done. Thank you.

    It gives me a little ray of hope that some people haven’t lost their mind (outside of Glibs, natch)..

    • C. Anacreon

      DEG for King of New Hampshire!

  23. pistoffnick

    Everybody asks “Where is Waldo?”

    Nobody asks “How is Waldo?”

    • Gender Traitor

      Ask Dora the Explorer. She knows.

      • pistoffnick

        Dora is nothing without her map.

        “Seatbelts, so we can be safe!” was (and still is ) a common expression in our family before leaving on a car trip. Along with “Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch.”

      • Brochettaward

        “Seatbelts, so we can be safe!” was (and still is ) a common expression in our family

        I mean, you were being ironic, right? Please tell me you were being ironic?

      • Plinker762

        Seatbelts, so I can drive more aggressively.

      • blackjack

        The time you save, may be your own!

    • straffinrun

      He’s having an existential crisis.

      • pistoffnick

        Why is Waldo?

      • straffinrun


    • Plinker762

      You will be required to ask “What is Waldo’s preferred pronouns”

  24. straffinrun

    Twitter is filled with people who fact check knock knock jokes.

    • blackjack

      When China asked how they can hide the evidence that they caused the virus, they went to the door. Knock knock? WHO is there.

      • hayeksplosives


        I too find it tough to believe that COVID-19 is a naturally occurring SARS variant.

        Xi has certainly been taking bolder more blatantly totalitarian moves, so playing in the bio weapons sandbox doesn’t sound so out-of-step with such an “administration”.

    • blackjack

      Gram Parsons was a badass. I love the pic of his sportster up in Laurel Canyon with the Stones and the Naked chick. Pretty sure it was taken at Peter Tork’s house.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Michael Nesmith did the Baja 1000 with PJ O’Rourke.

      • egould310

        Any link? I’d be very interested.

      • slumbrew

        I should probably refresh before commenting.

      • blackjack

        Peter Tork played blues at my friend’s BBQ restaurant in Studio city around 1998. He refused to play Monkee songs as long as he could, then he’d play one and go straight back to old school blues. I saw this like three times.

      • blackjack

        Bucky’s BBQ. He organized a bike night and the cops gave everyone a ticket, for something. It was about 50 people. Most of the tickets were for not having the back wheel touch the curb ( Which I still don’t think is illegal.) After that one, he moved to Studio city and got Tork to play a few times a week. Eventually, he got booted from that place and ended up at Oxnard airport. I went and ate there once, it sucked. He really liked me because I ordered my steaks charred rare. He gave me a whole spiel the first time about how it takes a half hour, just getting the pan hot enough. Then he told me he eats his own that way. He made them perfectly, but it took a half hour, every time.

    • C. Anacreon

      Gordon Lightfoot is credited with the worst title ever for a “greatest hits” album:

      Gord’s Gold

    • slumbrew


      Goodbye Horses

      You made me do this.

      • egould310

        Whoa, nellie! A blast from the past. Also circa 1988 The Day I Was A Horse

  25. hayeksplosives

    DEG, thank you for taking the time not only to participate in the NH efforts but also to write them up (with links and citations!)

    I was already following through Tom Woods podcast and Mark Steyn’s occasional comment on it, but seeing it through your eyes, with all the committee and testimony is a whole other level of detail and vicarious participation for us.

    Thank you thank you.

    Good advice on the giving of comments by the public, should we find ourselves in that position somewhere along the way, in the places where government is limited and people are free.

  26. Yusef drives a Kia

    Another Monday, Hi dee ho! Glib friends,

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Yu!

  27. Sean

    A polite neighbor knocked on my door yesterday.

    Maskless. ?

    He was collecting signatures to get someone on a local ballot for the school board.

    He could not tell me a single thing about the guy. Nothing. Literally nothing but a name. ?

    I told him I could not sign that.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Come on, people will sign anything…

      • Sean

        Not this guy.

        Mornin’ Yusef.

  28. Sean

    Poor Meghan Markle. She’s such a victim.


    • rhywun

      I read a couple write-ups because I wanted a brief look inside the shitshow that I have completely ignored up to now.

      Holy crap, she’s a mental case.

      I’m sure she will make the morning lynx (if the author is doing his job ?) but my favorite bit was her claim that the royals would reject her baby of color. I had once again forgotten she is a princess of color. Because… really?

    • UnCivilServant

      Coronavirus causes illegal aliens? sure, why not?

  29. Yusef drives a Kia

    Fun fact, it’s 48 degrees outside, down from a high of 32, how Orwellian…..

    • Gender Traitor

      It’s 24 degrees here in Dayton at the moment (“Feels like 18”) with a predicted high of 62. Wild swing, but I’ll take it.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s 12 degrees here, but the wind is ‘calm’, so no wind chill listed.

      • UnCivilServant

        Oh, and our predicted high is supposed to be a toasty 36.

      • Gender Traitor

        Highs in the 60s all week…until the weekend.

        I’d see about the possibility of taking a little more time off, but I don’t yet know whether I’ll have to be deeply involved in helping to clean up last week’s payroll fiasco.

      • UnCivilServant

        I have to figure out when I can get a vacation, but I also want to see who does the sane thing and eliminates the lockdown.

      • Gender Traitor

        Exactly. What’s the point in going somewhere if you have to wear a mask and “socially distance” yourself?

      • UnCivilServant

        I had a hard enough time with Quebec. I don’t think I’d do so well with someplace where I both don’t speak the language and can’t retreat into the anglosphere by crossing a river.

      • Gender Traitor

        …which some are speculating might have been a ransomware attack.

        Boy, it’s a good thing that payroll processor doesn’t have all of my (and all my co-workers’) personal information. Oh, wait…

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yikes, I’d rather just get handed a check every week and deposit it my damn self but that’s not even an option anymore where I work.

      • Gender Traitor

        No kidding. I’m just lucky that I work for a financial institution, so I have co-workers who are knowledgeable about detecting signs of financial ID theft and have the tools to do something about it.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Its very strange to this desert rat, but Ill take it, being a lizard and all,

      • Gender Traitor

        You’re a lizard rat??? ::screams like a little girl::

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      But of course they are.

  30. Yusef drives a Kia

    Dawn is here, its warm, nice start to a day,
    Hope yours is as good peeps

  31. TARDis

    This looks like a lot of work, DEG. Nice job. That petty biatch needs his wings clipped. Fight the good fight NHers!

  32. Festus

    #Abolishthemonarchy is trending on Canadian twitter for all of the stupid reasons.

    • rhywun


      (I can’t – it’s so patently ridiculous.)

      • Festus

        I can see it – The Queen says something “dotty” and Meghan goes all “Oh Hell no you din’t” up in her ass.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m waiting for the unhappy couple to suffer an unfortunate mugging on the crime riddled streets of LA where nothing was taken and they’re shot twice in the back of the head while their bodyguard was merely knocked out.

      • Festus

        Nah, they take out their undesirables James Bond movie style. Car chases, yacht explosions, death at 100…

    • Festus

      Fuck the monarchy! Just don’t let a thousand and a half years-old tradition die because some quim had her feelings hurt!