Friday morning links

by | May 14, 2021 | Daily Links | 460 comments

Let’s put the music link at the top.

Banjos took the day off to help Sloopy with his latest plot to take over the world. Brett L is on “vacation,” which is almost certainly code for a major bender. Swissy…I don’t have any idea what that slacker is up to. OMWC is cleaning his house since SP came home and, once she convinced the Hazmat team outside that she’d deal with him, is supervising. With a cattle prod. Mexican Sharpshooter has a full day ahead leveling his kitchen counter. Sugarfree declared that his new theme song is the best thing that’s ever been recorded, and was last seen boarding a plane to Tokyo to meet his adoring fans. I foresee light bulbs and fish eyes in his future. The cryptids have announced  plans for a family reunion and are currently involved in a contest to determine which city they will meet in. And by contest mean… So that leaves me. You lose.

Neanderthals Also Loved Carbs – Their Teeth Prove It

Woman’s $26M lotto ticket destroyed in laundry, California store manager says

IBM creates the world’s first 2 nm chip

Your car is spying on you

Boeing wins FAA OK for 737 MAX electrical fix, notifies airlines

About The Author

Mad Scientist

Mad Scientist

Mad Scientist enjoys racing, wrenching, and telling his wife to take the dog if she wants a long walk on the beach.


  1. PieInTheSky

    Neanderthals Also Loved Carbs – Their Teeth Prove It – yes and where did that get them? extinct

    • UnCivilServant

      Incorrect. We screwed the sapiens coming into our lands and then all but conquered the world some 35,000 years later.

      • Rebel Scum

        That’s homoerect as hell.

    • AlexinCT

      That’s cause they also went woke and started demanding free shit…


        BREAKING News: First Neanderthal fossils found with blue hair and horn-rimmed glasses.

      • Sean

        And some fossilized french fries.

    • robc

      They, like the dinosaurs, are not extinct.

      • Rat on a train

        I hate cleaning dinosaur shit off my car.

      • robc

        I do too. But some of them are tasty.

      • Cy Esquire

        But they are tasty little bastards.

      • AlexinCT

        Nuggets suck.

      • UnCivilServant

        After all the effort to harvest enough for one serving?

        You just don’t appreciate good childhood food snacks the effort!</em

      • robc

        My 5-year-old likes the dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets. Which I guess is redundant.

      • Pine_Tree

        We have a pen full of little velociraptors for eggs – have for about 10 years. All the kitchen scraps go out there and they turn them into protein. They’ll reduce any carcass to bones pretty handily. When you’re there and one’s studying you with one yellow eye, you can totally understand that if you passed out in the pen, they’d have no problem reducing you to bones as well.

  2. l0b0t

    Good morning, sunshines!

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Is there anybody left who doesn’t know their car is spying on them?


      Spying on me, no. However, I suspect my 1992 Camaro is judging me for not slaying enough poon and not growing a mullet.

      • Sean

        *strokes apocalypse mullet*

        Hmmmm…a Camaro does sound fun…

    • AlexinCT

      I make it a point to fool around in my car with my dates so the people spying have something interesting to do themselves…


    Let’s put the music link at the top.

    *Starts rocking back and forth, muttering “Music go on bottom… Music go on bottom… “*

  5. Sean

    With a cattle prod.


  6. The Late P Brooks

    Victimologists of the world, unite

    “For me, this isn’t even about how I feel,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “It’s that I refuse to allow young women, people of color, people who are standing up for what they believe, to see this kind of intimidation attempts by a person who supports White supremacists in our nation’s capital.”

    Bless her heart.

    • WTF

      a person who supports White supremacists in our nation’s capital.”

      It really pisses me off how these assholes just slander people with impunity.

      • AlexinCT

        When we allowed them to do away with innocent until proven guilty and decided we would accept any accusation as factual until the accused proved their innocence, we lost this war of words…

        These woke evil fucks really believe, and might be right considering how stupid people respond, that words are violence, and it is because of how THEY use them.

    • Rebel Scum

      Is this because MTG asked her a question?

      slander people with impunity

      If it is any consolation the term “white-supremacist” is now as meaningless as “racist”.

    • CatchTheCarp

      Can we bring back dueling a-la Burr vs Hamilton?

    • Hyperion

      “I refuse to allow young women, people of color”

      Nice for her to get to decide on the part of entire demographics of folk. How very collectivist.

  7. PieInTheSky

    IBM creates the world’s first 2 nm chip – and can it be reliably and cost effectively manufactured in large quantities? otherwise meh

    • UnCivilServant

      You have to make one before you can figure out how to make a lot of them.

      • PieInTheSky

        what is the rush? I think there is plenty problems with the 10 stuff

      • UnCivilServant

        Working in parallel. That way when the 10s get ironed out the 2s will be at a point where the people fixing the 10s will be needed to fix their problems.

      • PieInTheSky

        Working in parallel. – that wastes money and cuts into my yearly bonus

      • Timeloose

        Scaling isn’t wat it used to be. It’s still impressive what is being done at the cutting edge. They have to create new device concepts and processes just to get to the next level of integration. Gate all around and the very thin gate oxide deposition is impressive.

        I’m guessing the epi used in the S/D is Si/Ge these days?

      • Not Adahn

        ITRS = International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors.

        It sucks to design a chip that can’t be built, or to develop the tech to build a chip nobody is designing.

      • PieInTheSky

        no one needs less than 130 nm

      • Rat on a train

        8 µm is good enough

      • Not Adahn

        You’ll be very happy with silicon photonics then.

    • SDF-7

      No kidding — I’d be happier if someone would figure out the production issues on Ryzen chips and graphics cards that have been so nuts this past year.

      And if people would just stop buying from scalpers so those bot-driven jerks would stop already.

      (Yeah, yeah — they need to keep pushing the lithography, I get it (though I thought below 5 you really started to get into nasty quantum effects, so I’m wondering how reliable this puppy would be in practice).

      • Timeloose

        It’s amazing they are still using EUV based optical lithography. They have a bunch of tricks they use to make it work, but 20 years ago IBM and others thought they would be direct writing using X-Rays at these feature sizes.

    • Not Adahn

      The major problem with 2nm chips is they’re so easy to lose when you knock them off the table.

      • Surly Knott

        What they did there, it was not seen.

    • rhywun

      IBM says its new process can produce CPUs capable of either 45 percent higher performance or 75 percent lower energy use than modern 7 nm designs.

      I’ll take the 45 higher performance kthxbai

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The money is in the energy use reductions. Mobile is the king of profits these days.

      • Not Adahn


      • rhywun

        Which baffles me but there it is.

      • Not Adahn

        Batteries aren’t getting any better — battery life improvements are due to lower power consumption.

      • rhywun

        I don’t doubt it.

        My priorities are just different from the industry and all of its customer base, I guess. But I’ve been dealing with that for ~15 years so I’m used to it.

      • Not Adahn

        I’ll take the 45 higher performance kthxbai

        Exactly how much better do you need porn to be?

      • Hyperion

        Yeah, but you hate Gaia and want to rape her to death.

  8. WTF

    Your car is spying on you

    That’s why I continue to drive my 2008 4Runner, and why my wife never synced her phone to her newer car.

    • Sean

      I don’t mind syncing to my own car, but never have for loaner cars.

      • UnCivilServant

        My car couldn’t figure out there were any phones nearby.

        I figure it’s because phones and cars were never meant to mix.

      • Sean

        I understand this point of view, but I’m ok with some of the integration and usefulness therein.

      • Sean


      • Not Adahn

        So… this means… cars will evolve feathers?

      • Hyperion

        And hopefully learn to fly, otherwise I’m never getting my flying car I’ve been waiting 35 years for.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      1996 Suburban, dumb as a brick and drives like one too.

      • Festus

        We had one of those. Smelled nice, looked great, all the bells and whistles and then the tranny kaffed after six months. We had an older one (rustbucket) that we put back on the road that lasted for years.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The solenoid on third gear doesn’t open fully unless you add an extra ground wire to it. Causes it to slip and overheat when driving at highway speeds for extended periods.

        Once that is fixed, the transmission works quite well.

        Took three transmissions to figure out.

      • Festus

        That explains that.

    • SDF-7

      One of the reasons I stick to my ’03 Monte Carlo. That and I just enjoy driving it still…

  9. robc

    Baseball birthdays are loaded today.

    We start with HoFer Ed Walsh. Follow up with HoFer Roy Halladay, HoFer Tony Perez, Dennis Martinez, and HoFer Earle Combs. All between 65.9 and 43.9 career WAR. 6th is 15.1 WAR, so we will stop at 5.

    Walsh and Halladay have artificially similar careers. About the same WAR, W-L records and innings pitched. ERA is hugely different 1.81 for Walsh vs 3.38 for Roy. That is due to Walsh pitching in the dead ball era.

    But what I really noticed was their difference in hitting. Walsh has 4x the ABs, due to Halladay having DH for much of his career. But even so, Walsh hit .194 to Halladay’s .124. And Halladay had no extras, his slash line is .124/.136/.131. Walsh had some pop, .194/.231/.255 with 3 career home runs. Then, we you realize he was hitting in the dead ball era, that is even more impressive. He still hit like a pitcher, but a pretty good hitting pitcher. Not great, or anything, but passable. He also had 14 stolen bases, Halladay none. I looked to see if Walsh was used as a pinch runner, but instead he played 6 games in the OF in his career.

    Anyway, those are the kind of interesting tidbits that are why I do this. I don’t care if anyone else likes these posts, I enjoy doing them. And I know I do get some comments, which I appreciate.

    • robc

      I am sure someday, someone is going to get angry about them like the Q reaction recently.

      • Tejicano

        I challenge you to find anyone here who could care less than I do about baseball trivia. But I have become very adept at scrolling past to the next item. No problem.

      • SDF-7

        I expect my apathy on the subject would give you a run for your money.

        But I really don’t care enough to argue about it either…. 😉

      • Tejicano

        Until my boy started in little league (about 5 years ago) I wasn’t aware that foul balls had any significance or that they were counted at all.

      • robc

        There are a number of Luke Appling foul ball stories. One that is true is that after WW2 broke out, the AL ordered less balls than normal. When asked why, they said, “Appling is in the Army, we won’t need them.”

        The best story, with different versions, one of them probably true, is that the club stiffed Appling on something. Either a fine, or he had to buy some tickets for friends but they forgot and Appling had to pay their way in. So during the game, he fouled off enough balls to more than cover the cost. So the team lost out on the exchange.

      • robc

        I scroll right past the Q posts, mostly, I dont see the issue.

        People respond, so there must be some fans of them.

    • Festus

      I like ’em.

    • Jerms

      Love the tidbits. Whats up with your boy Luis Castillio? Looks like hot garbage.

      • robc

        Since the first week, the whole team has been hot garbage.

      • robc

        The big issue is he can’t strike anyone out. He has fallen from 10.7 K/9 in 2019, and 11.4 last year, to 7.0 this year. so he is giving up a ton of hits.

    • Cowboy

      Interesting tidbits are 9ne of the reasons I love baseball.

      Astros beat the Rangers on a wild pitch last night, which got me wondering how many times before an extra innings game has been decided this way.

      I haven’t been able to find thr answer, but I guess it’s not too rare, there have been 2 other games this season that ended this way. However, I wonder if that’s not just due to the new extra innings rules, which ai still can’t decide if I like or not.

      • Jerms

        God I hate it so much. Just isnt baseball to me. I can deal with 7 inning dbl headers even though i dont like that either but the man on second in extras is ruining the game.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Dennis Martinez

      Or, as he was fondly called in Baltimore, “Tacohead.” He might have been the dumbest human to ever wear an Orioles uniform.

    • The Gunslinger

      I enjoy them.

  10. TARDis

    Let’s put the music link at the top.

    Are you crazy?

  11. Rat on a train

    These people are neurotic

    Roncales said the closest he’s felt a sense of normalcy was when he dined outside for the first time in over a year. The nervousness that he let his guard down a little too much settled in on the way home.

    “It’s never going to be the same. There’s always going to be that lingering feeling of ‘Is it going to happen again?’ And you don’t know,” he said. “You just don’t know. … There’s still so much left to be done.”

    • WTF

      These fucking people, terrified of a virus with a mortality rate about like a nasty flu. Yet now everyone is force to cater to their irrational fear.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The Spanish Flu was a nasty flu. This doesn’t even rise to that.

      • WTF

        I was thinking Hong Kong Flu of 1968-69. The Spanish Flu was far, far worse than anything to do with the Wuhan virus.

    • Plisade

      “It’s never going to be the same. There’s always going to be that lingering feeling of” being a whiny little bitch who wishes he’d been born a bubble boy.

      • Festus

        That’s the saddest part of this, how so many want to live in the bubble and are determined to stay in there even after the “All Clear” has been sounded. Judge accordingly but not too harshly. These people are damaged loons.

      • Nephilium

        I don’t blame them for wanting to stay in their bubble. I will blame them for trying to force me to stay in a fucking bubble though.

      • Festus

        That’s where I am.

      • Plisade

        “Judge accordingly but not too harshly.” I hear ya, but like Neph says below, as long as the cowards aren’t running things, it’s all good. The problem is that the courageous are being ostracized and vilified as being just so many -ists. Getting back to the days of the frightened peaking out at the world from behind their blinds can’t come fast enough.

      • Plisade

        “below” And now it’s above.

      • Gdragon

        Yeah it’s getting harder to walk the line. I was recently “confronted” by a good friend for using the word “cowards” to describe the pro-lockdowners. I think it’s that everyone knows someone who is overreacting and a lot of them take things “personally” on behalf of their irrational friends/relatives.

      • Festus


  12. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “ “We had a Ford Explorer … we pulled the system out, and we recovered 70 phones that had been connected to it. All of their call logs, their contacts and their SMS.””

    Ah, the price of convenience. Note to self: get a burner.

    • Nephilium

      This is why I use a 3.5 jack to connect my phone to the car stereo. Especially on rental cars.

      I’ve been tempted a couple times after getting a rental to call “Mom”, and see who answered.

      • SDF-7

        Yup. Simple and reliable. Part of why the whole move to get rid of as many ports as possible and use wireless/bluetooth interfaces that need charging annoys me to no end.

    • TARDis

      I get an email from Google every month. My life is so boring, they complain that their staff members are committing suicide.

      Sometimes I feel like such a loser, and then I realize there are people out there who are so pathetic, they have to spy on people to get their jollies.

      • Festus

        I get email from corporate and even that is too much. Revel in your solitude, I wish that I could.

  13. Not Adahn

    Banjos took the day off to help Sloopy with his latest plot to take over the world.

    I thought she had her tubes tied?

    • Festus


    • Festus

      A cabal of “Sloopjos” in mini-dresses headquartered in a dormant volcano 15 years hence? That movie writes itself!

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Scary words need scare quotes

    Republican lawmakers introduced legislation this week that would federally legalize and regulate marijuana, saying the proposal was necessary to ensure “individual liberty” and protect states’ rights.

    “Individual liberty”?

    Noooooooooo! That’s just anti-DEMOCRACY! dog whistling used to undermine the Social Contract.

    • Festus

      Individual liberty is what we all do together. Have you not been paying attention for the last 18 months?

    • AlexinCT

      Democracy means you do what Big Brother tells you!

    • UnCivilServant

      It’s easier to intercept when you can course correct mid-flight.

    • WTF

      More Israeli aggression against the peaceful Palestinians.

    • The Other Kevin

      +1 Nuclear Launch Detected

  15. Festus

    Regarding the 737 Max, “It’s just a little Divey! It’s still good! It’s still good!”

  16. PieInTheSky

    Boeing wins FAA OK for 737 MAX electrical fix, notifies airlines – I aint flyin in no Boeing I want good European airplanes

    • UnCivilServant

      You may have to wait until after the collapse and reconstruction of Europe before you get one.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    “It’s never going to be the same. There’s always going to be that lingering feeling of ‘Is it going to happen again?’ And you don’t know,” he said. “You just don’t know. … There’s still so much left to be done.”

    So many lampposts, so little time.

    • Nephilium

      I blame you lot for me needing to stifle a giggle whenever I bike through one of the Metroparks here. They clear the trails and pull all of the deadfall out, and run it through a huge woodchipper, and offer up the wood chips for free (you just need to load them up, and haul them out). The current pile is about 5 feet tall by 4 feet wide by 8 feet long.

      All I can think of as I bike by is… “It’s a good start”.

  18. Rebel Scum

    “For human ancestors to efficiently grow a bigger brain, they needed energy-dense foods containing glucose,” molecular archaeologist Christina Warinner told Science News. Warinner, a molecular archaeologist at Harvard who led the team of researchers, added that “Meat is not a good source” of the simple sugar.

    So you are saying keto is bs.

    • PieInTheSky

      So you are saying keto is bs. – meh it can have its uses. It is getting both overrated and excessively demonized these days.

      “Meat is not a good source” of the simple sugar. – lean meat is not a great source of energy, fat is though.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      Warinner, a molecular archaeologist at Harvard

      50% chance that she’s making shit up. 50% chance the journo is putting words in her mouth.

      I’m highly skeptical of tooth shape to diet analysis.

      • Nephilium

        Just what I would expect someone who has the head measurements of a fabulist with a predilection towards violent thefts and individual thought!

      • Festus

        Your phrenology is on point!

  19. Rebel Scum

    Woman’s $26M lotto ticket destroyed in laundry

    You don’t have to launder legit money.

    • Ownbestenemy

      [Golf clap]

  20. Cy Esquire

    Good morning! I think I need a drink.

    • PieInTheSky

      A nice crisp pilsner works in the morning if you ask me

      • Cy Esquire

        I’m more in the mood for a sweet Irish cream and a decent cup of coffee.

      • SDF-7

        Hmmm… the euphemisms this morning. If I were in the mood for a sweet Irish cream, my wife would be looking for SP’s rusty can lid collection, I expect.

      • Nephilium

        A crisp pils works most times of the day.

        A chilly morning works quite well with a good coffee stout.

        /looks at work calendar, sees another potential 7 hour work conference

      • robc

        Except with spicy asian food. And for some reason, pils or rough equivalents are almost exclusively what is available. BEER PAIRINGS ARE USUALLY LIKE TO LIKE. So for spicy food, an IPA works nicely. Not too citrusy, not too piney. I wouldn’t want a Zombie Dust with Thai Basil Chicken, for example. But a 2-hearted? yeah, that will go nicely.

        And, yes, I think a 2-hearted goes with almost everything, but some things more than others.

      • Not Adahn

        But a stout is the proper accompaniment to fried eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes and black and white puddings.

      • robc

        A don’t care for stouts, but yes.

        I would replace with a schwarzbier. Or a dunkel.

    • Ted S.

      They’re not requiring vaccinations?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Come prepared, bring your own pistol. Don’t be like Clark W. Griswold* and have to pay tourist prices.

      “I’ve got your number, Disney! I’m Clark W. Griswold, and you owe me!”

      The men who were reviewing drawings and papers on a large table turned in Dad’s direction. A woman screamed and dropped a tray of drinks.

      “I’ll give you to the count of three, Walt Disney!”

      “Can’t we talk?” Disney said in the familiar voice that I recognized from the weekly introductions to his TV program.

      “You closed your fantasy park, and that was a mistake!” Dad shouted as he waved his revolver at Mr. Disney. “I’m giving you to the count of three to run. I’m giving you a chance! You can run or I can blast your ass right here!”

      Mr. Disney looked at the other men. He looked at the woman who had dropped the drinks and was now frozen with her hands over her mouth. A security guard came running around the corner of the house. He saw Dad and stopped, dropping his pistol on the lawn and raising his hands over his head.

      “One!” Dad shouted.

      Walt waited a moment, then dashed down the long stretch of grass. Dad dropped to one knee, followed Mr. Disney, and fired. Mr. Disney tumbled to the ground clutching his upper thigh. His momentum carried him into the flower beds. Two Beverly Hills policemen leaped on Dad and wrestled the weapon from his hand.

      * The real Clark W. Griswold the way John Hughes meant him to be, not stupid Chevy Chase in that movie.

  21. PieInTheSky

    that Apple fired the guy who wrote this (an overwrought but honestly pretty entertaining paean to his wife’s toughness) for being “sexist” is the most dumb self-sabotaging nonsense I have seen this week

    In know is one of the main strategies of the woke but for some reason the “you criticize a group of women therefore you criticize all women and are sexist” thing pisses me off.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    I challenge you to find anyone here who could care less than I do about baseball trivia.

    I’d accept that challenge, but I don’t not care enough.

    • SDF-7

      I guess you win… you cared so little you didn’t even thread your reply.

  23. Nephilium

    The big scandal rocking Ohio right now isn’t the massive amounts of unemployment fraud (which was hidden from auditors), nor the health orders, nor the fucking ‘vid vaccine lottery. No. A woman may have had sex with college football players.

    Two local headlines about it:

    Ohio State investigation alleges Cleveland-area massage therapist exploited football players for sex

    Cleveland-area massage therapist calls idea she preyed on Ohio State football players ‘ridiculous’

    Where both articles fail entirely is a picture of the accused massage therapist. As a man, I’m going to have to find it hard to believe that the massage therapist “exploited” the college aged men.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Exploited college football players for sex?

      These words make no sense to me.

      • rhywun


    • Not Adahn

      The complaint alleged the therapist contacted OSU football players via social media offering massage services, used those massages to initiate sexual interactions, then demanded payment.

      Yeah, my sympathies for her just fell off a cliff.

    • Timeloose

      I’m pretty sure I have seen multiple videos of this.

      • Festus

        Not me!

      • slumbrew

        I, too, have seen multiple documentaries about this.

  24. Drake

    Van Morrison – Holy shit, has he been lurking here? Being 75 and having plenty of fuck-you money, he went full red-pilled. Here are the titles from his new album:

    Disc 1
    Latest Record Project
    Where Have All the Rebels Gone?
    Psychoanalysts’ Ball
    No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
    Tried To Do The Right Thing
    The Long Con
    Thank God For The Blues
    Big Lie
    A Few Bars Early
    It Hurts Me Too
    Only A Song
    Diabolic Pressure
    Deadbeat Saturday Night
    Blue Funk

    Disc 2

    Double Agent
    Double Bind
    Love Should Come With A Warning
    Breaking The Spell
    Up County Down
    Duper’s Delight
    My Time After A While
    He’s Not The Kingpin
    Mistaken Identity
    Stop Bitching, Do Somethin
    Western Man
    They Own The Media
    Why Are You On Facebook?

    • The Hyperbole

      Is it any good or is it like the last decades worth of output where he basically released the same album over and over again with a different title?

      • Drake

        I been listening to some and really like the last two songs. Jealousy is completely stuck in my head and could be the Glib theme song.

      • Festus

        Never a fan but baby-steps, right?

      • The Hyperbole

        I got really into Van in HS bought all his old stuff and would buy his new stuff as soon as it came out up. Yeah, he’d put out a couple of similar albums in a row but then would always make a shift, he’d go bluesy or jazzy or country-y, then somewhere in the early aughts they all started sounding the same, even to the point of the song having the same few themes.

  25. Tundra

    Good morning, Mr.Scientist.

    Music at the top is perfect, since I generally start with that anyway! Thanks for accommodating my weird habit.

    From the spy car article:

    MSAB spokesperson Carolen Ytander declined to comment on the privacy and civil liberties risks posed by iVe. When asked if the company maintains any guidelines on use of its technology, they said the company “does not set customer policy or governance on usage.”

    Lol. I’m imagining the Feds reading through the guidance and just laughing and laughing.

    We’ve really created a comfy prison for ourselves, haven’t we?

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Do as you’re told, you big babies

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made the big announcement Thursday that fully vaccinated people can head indoors without wearing masks. However, nothing will change in the House of Representatives until holdout members stop being babies and take their damn shots. The House speaker was asked by CNN on Thursday if she would change the rules after the CDC announcement. She responded: “No… Are they all vaccinated?” Pelosi’s spokesman, Drew Hammill, explained the decision to Bloomberg News, saying that it’s not clear how many members have taken their coronavirus vaccine shots. All lawmakers were offered vaccines way back in December, but, as of last month, about 25 percent of House members hadn’t taken one. Last month, Pelosi complained about vaccine reluctance among the GOP, saying: “The Republicans come up to me and say, ‘Let’s shorten the time for votes…’ I said, ‘Well, tell your friends to get vaccinated…’ That would help—that would help a lot.”

    Respeck muh authorteh!

    Kiss my ass, you fucking doomsday cultists.

    • Rebel Scum

      fully vaccinated

      This term really grinds my gears, especially since, functionally, there is no “vaccine” for respiratory illnesses. There was a time when we understood that there is “no cure for the common cold.”

      That would help—that would help a lot.

      Will someone douse this witch with water already?

    • SDF-7

      Given the average age in Congress — that (and nursing homes) is one of the few places where pushing for full vaccination makes some sense to me. Or just going work-from-home and being closer to your constituents (like most of the rest of the country did and all). But I know… then how would you shmooze the lobbyists? Priorities….

  27. Rebel Scum

    This bitch is still talking?

    “It’s a continuation of the big lie, but more importantly and more concerningly, it’s a continuation of the insurrection, of this attempt to disenfranchise voters and to dismiss the legitimacy of our elections. And we know that this is only part of a larger intention. Just today, there was leaked audio from Heritage action for measuring where they admitted that this is model legislation being promulgated across the country through a vast republican intention of limiting access to the right to vote because they think it’s the best way to win. And according to the leaked audio, they’ve been meeting with secretaries of state, governors, legislators, all with the intent of putting forward legislation that will restrict access to the right to vote and make it easier for Republicans to win. And we should all be concerned because our elections are not about partisanship. it should not be a question of republicans or democrats gaming the system but everyone being able to participate and make their own choices.” …

    “Not only is there a hypocrisy, but it’s gaslighting. They are saying aloud that there’s nothing wrong, and at the exact same time, they’re pushing forward legislation to fix something they say is broken. Either they’re lying then, or they’re lying now. And the reality is the lie that continues to weave its way through our democracy is one that turns this issue of partisanship, this naked partisan grab.

    That’s some mighty fine projection. And it is good to know that we are not allowed to audit elections, so long as Dems win I presume. We’d still be recounting a few specific locations in FL from the 2000 election is Dems had their way.

    • Drake

      It’s stuff like this that makes the conspiracy theorists who say it’s a population reduction program look reasonable.

      • Rebel Scum

        “Alex Jones, you are wanted at the white courtesy phone.”

        That makes no sense.

        Since it is a gene therapy “vaccine” it makes sense that there is likely some sort of agenda. We seem to have forgotten all the things we used to know about immune system development.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      *simmering rage starts to boil*

      • Drake

        It used to be considered unethical for doctors to administer unneeded experimental medicine.

      • Rat on a train

        The Party decides what is ethical.

    • WTF

      It makes sense if Fauci wants to maintain the sense of emergency and panic in order to distract from his involvement with funding gain of function research at the Wuhan lab.

      • Tundra

        He flat-out lied to Rand the other day. Seeing him brought up on charges would be orgasmic. Can you even imagine the Karen Army freakout?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The slimy little fucker is a sociopath.

      • Festus

        That would be seed hitting the ceiling news but alas, it will never happen.

      • AlexinCT

        The deep state protects those that do its dirty work…

        See all the people that were part of the criminal Obama administration and the deep state effort to use a made up charge to coup a president that won the election they thought they had rigged for their candidate now getting key jobs in the Biden joke of an administration….

        Fauci will be rewarded for fucking us all over.

      • Rat on a train

        Brennan and Clapper still haven’t been charged with lying to Congress about domestic spying abuses. Of course, Democrats openly now support domestic spying abuses.

      • Count Potato

        He’s untouchable like Hillary. You could have a Ring doorbell video of Fauci taking a shit on you front porch and the cops wouldn’t do nothing.

      • Rebel Scum

        “No one is above the law.” – Her Shrillness

    • Spartacus

      I have recently started reminding people of something I said a year ago: these recommendations are coming from the same people who insist that we should ban vaping because it is just as bad as smoking and that thirdhand smoke will kill us all.

      • Festus

        Third-hand smoke. Smokers smell funky! Dooo something about that!

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I used to consider the accusations that they got off on their little edicts as hyperbole, but now I’m not so sure.

        I truly think Fauci et al get a little dopamine boost with every new directive from on high.

      • Spartacus

        You are allowed to make decisions, as long as they are the correct ones. Those who make the wrong decisions will have their choices limited.

        The Central Scrutinizer Dr. Fauci

      • Mojeaux

        He wants it like Camazotz, by golly, where everything is perfect and regulated by him. He is IT.

  28. PieInTheSky

    How many people have died of COVID? The official figure is 3.3 million, but that’s just confirmed cases and thus a significant underestimate. A model built by @TheEconomist
    puts the true figure at 10 million (+/- 3 million)

    Oh goody another model.

    • WTF

      Of course “confirmed cases” include people who just happened to have Covid when they died, even though the primary cause of death was something else, so event the “confirmed cases” number is bullshit.

      • Akira

        And there’s potentially a huge amount of people who were in advanced age with severe health conditions who were on death’s doorstep already but got automatically counted as COVID if they tested positive at any point.

        If we wanted an honest assessment of how many people truly died of COVID, I’m inclined to think that if someone is over ~60 and already dealing with major health conditions, they should be counted as a fraction of a COVID death. People who were already on hospice care probably shouldn’t be counted at all.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Even at the 10 million mark that makes it meh in terms of the population as a whole of what? Nearly 8 billion?

    • Spartacus

      I kind of think the official figure may be close, because overcounting in some countries will be offset by undercounting in others.
      Everyone who thinks that China really has had a total of 90K cases, raise your hand. Right.
      Likewise Brazil and India.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      What good is any sort of guess, particularly a “scientific” one, with a 30 fucking percent margin of error?


    • Tom Teriffic

      In related news, Abner Tripleday a healthy 42 year old, was run over by a city transit bus today. During the investigation it was revealed that he knew how to spell the name of the Moo Goo Gai Panic. His marked the 7,33rd COVID death in the county this year.

  29. AlexinCT

    I really got pissed reading this article was not how the FBNI treated enemies of the state, but the fact the fucking assholes at Vice accused Flynt of treating women like pieces of meat and only produced smut. I want to object to that horrible characterization, as Larry helped so many young men realize the wonders of the female anatomy! I demand a retraction and appology!

    • WTF

      Yeah, fuck being able to actually fight a war.

      • Rat on a train

        That is no longer the mission of the Army.

      • Ownbestenemy

        It’s all fun and games when we fight people that are basically one step out of the stone age but when these new recruits have to put on their war face and positions are being overrun I am sure they will file a grievance with their local commander on oh they need a time out for themselves.

      • Rat on a train

        “I signed up for the GI Bill, not to go fight a war.”

      • AlexinCT

        You should have read the find print, brah….

      • Rat on a train

        If only school had emphasized reading instead of wokeness.

      • Nephilium

        Sergeant: “Correct, there is no obligation.”
        [Fry and Bender sign the enlistment papers]
        Sergeant: “Unless, of course, war were declared.”
        [Alarm goes off]
        Fry: “What’s that?”
        Sergeant: “War were declared.”

        –Futurama; War is the H-Word

    • AlexinCT

      The Chinese & Russians are rubbing their hands in glee looking forward to this group of morons complaining about them being mean as they pound us into the stone age and make us their bitchez…

      People get pissed at me when I point out that we have got it too good here in this country, when we are stupid enough to destroy critical institutions in pursuit of idiotic first world non-problems.

      Nature will address and correct that stupid by killing off a lot of the stupid people.

      • Sean

        Nature will address and correct that stupid by killing off a lot of the stupid people.

        *taps foot impatiently*

      • WTF

        Hard men make good times; good times make soft men; soft men make hard times; hard times make hard men; and on and on and on.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Up the stairs in boots, down the stairs in satin slippers.

    • Fourscore

      Female 1st Sergeant: “We do more before 9 AM than most men can do all night”

  30. The Late P Brooks

    A woman may have had sex with college football players.

    wait, what?

    • Festus

      The real tell is when she keeps looking back at the camera.


    OT: The governor of Minnesota looks a bit like Tom Arnold.

    • Festus

      *sucks in beer-gut*

    • Pope Jimbo

      And us poor citizens of Minnesoda are playing the part of Roseanne. Getting fucked while that shyster siphons off as much money as he can.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    A model built by @TheEconomist
    puts the true figure at 10 million (+/- 3 million)

    According to my model, your model is a cheap back alley whore.

  33. Count Potato

    “Elon Musk’s net worth has taken a nosedive after the past week’s self-inflicted one-two punch: him saying Tesla would no longer take Bitcoin and him saying dogecoin was a ‘hustle.’

    After his much talked about Saturday Night Live appearance last week, his net worth – at least on paper – has dipped by $20 billion, Forbes reported.

    While Musk was worth a cool $166 billion prior to his May 8 appearance, shares of Tesla have fallen 15% so far this week, lowering his net worth to $145.5 billion as of market close on Thursday, Forbes estimates. ”

    Tesla went down because they won’t take Bitcoin?


      This is probably a correlation-causation error. This is the first time I have ever heard of journalists making such an error. /sarc

    • limey

      Meanwhile he’s very much enjoying his power as puppet master who can cause such seismic disturbances with just a few choice words, while having the wealth to absorb such things. Meanwhile the press goes crazy and talks about it as if it’s some kind of self-destructive mental disorder. In Musk we trusk. Storm in a cyber tea cup for ol’ Elon, yes?

      • limey

        Besides, I’d guess we’re less than a decade from Elon uploading himself to the mainframe like Jobe.

  34. trshmnstr the terrible

    Hey NA, I saw your comment last night about E TX. San Marcos is a nice enough place and I’ve never stopped in Buda, but the 35 corridor is strictly off limits for our search. Way too many people, way too much traffic. We’re really targeting east of I-45, and are looking for a place smaller than Tyler but big enough to have a Walmart, a Lowes, an Academy, and a private school that checks our boxes.

    Tyler may actually work for us, but we haven’t found the right area in and around the city. We’re also planning on checking out Lufkin, and a couple other towns down most the way to Houston. Generally, I haven’t been impressed with what I’ve seen out East, thus the “civilization” comment. At least in our trips to Tyler, there hasn’t been much buffer between congested city and run down rural. The smaller cities we’ve gone through remind me of Appalachia. Anyway, we’re hoping for a goldilocks situation where we don’t need to be attached to a large metropolitan area, but we’re also not the only people living in a house built after 1960.

    • Cy Esquire

      Have you considered Victoria?

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        *adds to list*

        I’m not sure we will end up that far south or west, but it looks like an interesting city.

      • Cy Esquire

        I’m drawn to being next to or near the water. It seems like a still reasonably priced place and has most of the amneties.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        I’d like to get waterfront on a reservoir. Growing up in Indiana, we spent a lot of time at the reservoirs. Oceans are foreign to me.

    • Not Adahn

      Generally, I haven’t been impressed with what I’ve seen out East

      You and me both.

      Central TX seemed pretty livable back when I… lived there. If you can deal with “All Aggie All the Time,” B/CS was downright pleasant. Madisonville and suchlike was fine. Whatever town has the kolache festival (I want to say Calvert, but that’s not correct) was very much small town chic.

      • Not Adahn

        Caldwell, not Calvert.

        I’d recommend going there for the festival, but coming from the Metroplex doesn’t really work,since all the kolaches are sold out by 8:30, and it gets lethally hot by 11:30.

      • Professional Beach Bum

        We left Austin after dad died in November. Got a nice place on 1 acre with big workshop. 4 miles east of 35 in Martindale, right outside of San Marcos. We love it. Lockhart is 8 miles farther east, has all of those civilization things.

      • Cowboy

        Boerne is still my favorite place in Central Texas, even if it is currently being overrun with San Antonio millionaires. At this point if I were to move away from the coast it would have to be a place with close access to the Guadalupe, north or south. We just spend too much time every summer on the river to consider much else.

        Trashy, have you considered the coast? Plenty of nice small towns down here that could meet your needs while still being close to metropolitan areas. Plus salt water fishing > fresh every day.

      • juris imprudent

        My ex just moved to B/CS (not sure which). She’s a Californian but don’t tell anyone.

      • Not Adahn

        (not sure which)

        That’s something that I never was able to wrap my head around — there’s really no difference. Both “cities” were a combined 7 miles across. And yet natives would say things like “but that’s all the way over in Bryan!”

      • Desk Jockey

        Just the one, or all of them move there?

    • l0b0t

      My mom fled Austin for Copperas Cove a couple years ago and absolutely loves it there.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Elgin. Then pretend a guy with a chainsaw is running down the street.

      Seriously, it’s a nice town.

      • Not Adahn

        It’s a suburb of Austin now.

  35. Suthenboy

    “…his latest plot to take over the world.”

    Then all of everyone else’s problems become yours? No thanks. Someone else can take over the world.

    • limey

      At this point it’s got to be Galactus or go home.

      • TARDis

        If I could leave this rock behind, I’d be the Silver Surfer. Bye!

  36. Rebel Scum

    This bitch is still talking?

    Cheney said, “We all have an obligation, and I would say Fox News especially, especially Fox News has a particular obligation to make sure people know the election wasn’t stolen.”

    Sure, just as soon as MSDNC fires Rachel Maddow and CNN is liquidated for their Russian collusion propaganda, among all other propaganda in which they engage..

    “We need to make sure that the American people recognize and understand that the election wasn’t stolen, that we shouldn’t perpetuate the big lie, and that there is real danger. I have worked in countries around the world where we don’t have peaceful transition of power. All of us who are elected officials have got to make sure that we obey and abide by the oath that we swore to the Constitution.”

    Then audit the damn election.

    • WTF

      Yeah, there’s a way to let people know it was all legit, let’s have an actual, transparent investigation of all the apparent instances of anomalies and sworn testimony witnessing fraudulent actions. The results so far of the Arizona audit do not inspire confidence that the accusation of fraud is a lie.

      • The Hyperbole

        Do you have any links for the Arizona audit results? a few commentors mention some things last night but I can’t find any reporting on it. Only thing I saw was from a week ago and it simply said that no results have been released yet.

      • The Other Kevin

        If you go to PJ Media, they have stories about it. I think right now it’s too early to either accept or discount those “bombshells”, but they do seem to be finding some questionable things.

      • WTF

        There will be no reporting on any of it by the MSM even if proof beyond a reasonable doubt is found.

      • Not Adahn

        Since it’ not the NYT, it’s not a real news source.

      • The Hyperbole

        Thanks, not really what I would call “results”, but, yes brings up some questions that need to be answered.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Proving the election was stolen will not change who is president now, but it will provide the political will to finally tighten the voting rules so that such fraud will be much more difficult come the next election.

        Fuck that. If they get to the point where the evidence is incontrovertible that the election was stolen, “well, we may have better luck next time” is exactly the opposite of what they should do.

      • Drake

        Most of the stories so far are about the stonewalling. Right now the auditors want the admin passwords to the systems to see what was going on.

        The county says it doesn’t have them. And Dominion, in a statement Thursday, said it won’t provide access to its equipment to Cyber Ninjas which has not been accredited b the federal Election Assistance Commission.

        In other words, Dominion and not the county ran the election – and fuck you trying to review how they did it. So there is no smoking gun on that front, just a stink that can’t be ignored.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The county doesn’t have administrative access to its own election systems?

        That’s a scandal in of itself.

    • SDF-7

      Yup — and in the same interview was perfectly fine with pushing the whole “troop bounty” Russia! Russia! Russia! story because OMB. Real pillar of integrity that one.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        In other words, Liz is a tool of the CIA/FBI/DOD.

        No surprises there.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Is that where she was confronted with it was a known false story and she said she didnt care because it confirms for her the Russia/Trump link?

      • SDF-7


      • Ownbestenemy

        Best of the best of the best! SIR!

    • rhywun

      Get used to it. Next stop is most likely a regular spot on CNN or MSNBC.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      We need to make sure that the American people recognize and understand that the election wasn’t stolen

      Fuck off. Trust is earned. So is contempt.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Be vewwy vewwy quiet- wew’e hunting witches

    A former staffer for U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn is suing the Colorado Republican for allegedly firing him for complaining about his “reckless and dangerous approach to Covid-19” in his congressional offices.

    The congressman’s lackadaisical response wound up getting Pope, Lamborn and numerous other employees infected with the virus, the lawsuit says.

    The suit, which was filed in federal court in Washington, D.C., and was first reported by NBC Washington, says Lamborn and his chief of staff “often mocked safety protocols such as measures to distance employees from each other and the use of masks, and they minimized COVID-related concerns.”

    “Worse, when Lamborn and other senior members of his staff became infected with COVID-19 in the fall of 2020, Lamborn refused to implement or follow reasonable and responsible COVID-19 protocols, resulting in the widespread transmission of the virus throughout both the District and Washington, D.C. offices,” the suit says.

    That’s awful. Were you also turned into a newt?

    • Trigger Hippie

      The next variant is Sue Flu.

      • Festus

        Even worse, one of the lingering effects of Sue Flu is Karenitis. The symptoms are similar to those caused by Lupus. Now we finally know why it’s never Lupus!

  38. PieInTheSky

    As a child, Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) broke both legs & the bones didn’t fully develop – but the rest of him did. He was under 5ft & had a very large penis. He called himself the ‘little coffee pot with the large spout’, & lovers called him the ‘tripod’ or the ‘prick on paws’

    • Festus

      “The Schlong that made bad Art!” Everyone knows that.

    • Mojeaux

      Pentapod monster–

      Oh wait. Wrong artist.

      • SDF-7

        Today on a very special Mojeaux after dark…..

        Alternate take:

        What you did there — it cannot be unseen…

    • The Other Kevin

      He was a pretty interesting guy. Partied hard and hung out with prostitutes and exotic dancers. I think he died young from alcohol. I relate to him on some level, not the big penis or partying, but I am a short person with non-functioning legs and I like to paint.

      • Gdragon

        I didn’t know a thing about him until a friend did a French class presentation in high school but about a minute into his presentation I thought “Damn, I really picked the wrong topic!”

        I had chosen the French-speaking country of Burundi for my project, figuring that it had the shortest encyclopedia entry and I could just basically translate it into French rather than having to properly filter the info. No disrespect to the Hutu and Tutsi of course, I’m sure that they would have partied with dancers and prostitutes as well if they had the chance 😉

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Yeah, fuck being able to actually fight a war.

    This is the 21st century, man. The army is just a gargantuan public works jobs program. War is a thing of the past.

      • PieInTheSky

        Jewish privilege to still get to go to war

      • Festus


      • The Other Kevin

        Just months into Biden’s term and already 4 years of relative calm have been undone. SMDH.

  40. Pope Jimbo

    King Walz’s internal numbers must be alarming because he said he will lift the mask mandate today. His original decree was to lift the mandate when we were at 70% vaxxed or July 1st (that is some fine SCIENCE). When the CDC caved and other governors started lifting their mandates, Walz rushed to get in front of cameras to show what a friend of the unwashed masses he is.

    he indoor mask mandate first imposed by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz on July 22, 2020 to combat COVID-19 will be removed Friday.

    The news was signaled when Walz and his top pandemic-fighting commissioners entered a press conference Thursday evening — without the masks they’ve worn since the mandate began. “It looks a little different up here,” he said.

    The mandate will be dropped completely, not just for those who have been fully vaccinated, as having two sets of rules would have caused confusion, Walz said. Instead, he called on Minnesotans to do the right thing if they are not yet vaccinated. “It has been challenging this year to not see people smile, to not see the emotions on their face,” Walz said.

    When asked, Walz said he expected to go to stores like Target without a mask, should the company decide to lift its own mask requirements. “I have not gone without so far, but I will now. And more people will recognize me, and I’m sure that will go well,” Walz joked.

    Not one reporter pointed out that the mandate was still in effect and Walz was breaking his own rules at the presser.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The person who seemed absolutely crushed was Jan Malcom our Top Woman of Public Health.

      Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm said her department’s guidance remains the same for those who haven’t been vaccinated or those who aren’t fully vaccinated — that masks should be worn. But that recommendation will no longer have the force of a legal mandate. And Malcolm acknowledged that she would have preferred to have one rule for vaccinated people and one for unvaccinated people.

      “If we thought it was enforceable to be able to divide people into those vaccinated and those unvaccinated, I would have like to have seen that,” Malcolm said. “I just think it’s not practicably enforceable. But we will continue to be clear that our guidance remains that there’s a whole lot of stuff that’s a lot safer if you are vaccinated.”

      Yet Minnesota also currently has the fourth-highest COVID-19 infection case growth in the U.S. and is not near the vaccination rate to reach herd immunity — a level at which the virus stops spreading because it lacks enough uninfected hosts. “We don’t have nearly enough people vaccinated to keep this virus suppressed,” Malcolm said. “It will come back if we don’t continue to build up more vaccinations.”

      “My anxiety as I stand here is that when things are no longer a rule or a mandate people think everything is safe,” she said. “They might translate this guidance as meaning the pandemic is over. It’ll be incumbent upon us to get that message out there.”

      Poor Jan! Now everyone will go back to paying attention to Marcia and she’ll return to being the drab ignored girl.

      • Ownbestenemy

        “If we thought it was enforceable to be able to divide people into those vaccinated and those unvaccinated, I would have like to have seen that,”

        Not irrational at all.

      • Tundra

        Just what we need, a nice caste system.

      • Pope Jimbo

        The problem is you assholes are putting up such a stink when we try to make you get in that train car it just becomes impossible to deal with in the way we’d like to.

      • rhywun


      • Nephilium

        So are they the Sneeches with stars on their armbands?

    • Tundra

      My son is in town for a few days. Yesterday he went into several stores sans mask and no one paid a bit of attention to him.

      Even here in the People’s Republic, the fatigue is obvious.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yup. I got new bearings put in my boat trailer yesterday. No one at the shop was wearing a mask. Only one person in the waiting room was wearing a mask and she was staring daggers at the other 3 customers and me for daring to go unmasked.

        Local hardware guy was the only guy who was still trying to enforce the mask. Unfortunately for him, I was already at the counter with my purchase. When he told me to put on a mask, I told him he could ring me up and I’d be on my way, but if he was serious about the mask I was leaving without buying anything. He caved like a greedy capitalist but you could tell he wasn’t happy.

      • Tundra

        Jerry’s? Or the one on BLR?

      • Pope Jimbo

        The tiny ACE on BLR. It is run by a couple guys who are also plumbers. They were pro-mask before Menard’s.

        The ACE over in Crystal was anti-mask until King Walz mandated them and their parking lot was packed. Once the mandate was in place, their traffic dropped significantly. I’m betting that they are praying that the big box stores keep their mask requirement to placate the Karens so they get all that extra normie $$.

    • Festus

      They’re all running tuck-tailed, now.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      The 7.8-ounce box is full of a rainbow variety of heart-shaped cereal bites and even edible glitter.

      Oh hell no!

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      So the the cereal box is asking kids how they like to get their jollies and what they prefer to fuck.

      That’s perfectly normal.

      • AlexinCT

        Considering how bad the future will fuck us all based on the direction the state is taking us, this might be an appropriate question to ask the kids most likely to be the ones taking it in the ass when the shit hits the fan….

    • Festus

      Jesus Christ on a crutch. When I was a kid sometimes Shreddies would have a cool toy at the bottom, not some poisonous ideology printed on the side. We’re done.

      • Fatty Bolger

        When I was a kid, they had a famous trans woman featured on the front of the box.

      • Festus


    • Mojeaux

      Cereal is a Christmas morning treat in our house.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Merry Christmas! Choose your pronouns and decide a new name for your genitals, little kids! They’re magically delicious!

    • Rebel Scum

      I’d prefer if Kellogg would not sexualize children.

      • juris imprudent

        There is some irony there with the good doctor and all.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m pretty sure John Kellogg the founder of Kellogg’s was completely against sexualizing anything.

        As a leader of the anti-masturbation movement, Kellogg promoted extreme measures to prevent masturbation. He circumcised himself at age 37. His methods for the “rehabilitation” of masturbators included measures up to the point of mutilation without anesthetic, on both sexes. He was an advocate of circumcising young boys to curb masturbation and applying carbolic acid to a young woman’s clitoris. In his Plain Facts for Old and Young,[42] he wrote:

        a method of treatment [to prevent masturbation] … and we have employed it with entire satisfaction. It consists in the application of one or more silver sutures in such a way as to prevent erection. The prepuce, or foreskin, is drawn forward over the glans, and the needle to which the wire is attached is passed through from one side to the other. After drawing the wire through, the ends are twisted together, and cut off close. It is now impossible for an erection to occur, and the slight irritation thus produced acts as a most powerful means of overcoming the disposition to resort to the practice

        Given all the other cancellations that have happened, how has Kellogg’s escaped? That fucker was batshit crazy. And a giant racist.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        In fairness to Kellogg, that method of preventing erection was likely pretty effective.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        He circumcised himself at age 37.

        I knew he was nuts, but that’s an impressive level of nuts.

      • Fatty Bolger

        an advocate of circumcising young boys to curb masturbation

        How was that supposed to prevent masturbation?

      • Pope Jimbo

        In and of itself, circumcision doesn’t stop masturbation. It is more like a tip on how to live better.

      • Endless Mike

        He was a progressive.

    • l0b0t

      “…retails for $4…”

      BullFukinShit! Unless they are planning to loss-leader the Devil out of this product and kick back a great deal to the store, there is no way in Hell a $4 box of cereal is getting shelf space here. The least expensive (name brand) we carry is $5.99 for a box.

      • commodious spittoon

        The MSRP is $4. Then the scalpers sell em for $12 on ebay.

    • The Other Kevin

      There’s a discount store we like to go to called Ollie’s. They have discontinued products and inventory from store closings. I expect to see this at Ollie’s very soon.

      • Sean

        We have one in town. I’ll shop there on occasion.

  41. Rebel Scum

    Apparently it is not that hard to stop a train.

    A train operator has come under fire after it apologised over a complaint from a non-binary passenger because the conductor greeted customers by saying ‘good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.’

    London North Eastern Railway said in response to the complaint on Twitter that ‘train managers should not be using language like this’ before promising to take action.

    The non-binary passenger, who goes by the Twitter name Laurence and uses the pronouns they and them, also states they represent the Rail, Maritime and Transport trade union.

    In their complaint, Laurence stated: ‘”Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…” so as a non binary person this announcement doesn’t actually apply to me so I won’t listen @LNER.’

    In response, the train company said: ‘I’m really sorry to see this, Laurence, our Train Managers should not be using language like this, and I thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    You should have told this deranged gender nazi lunatic to fuck off because you can’t go through all of their made up bullshit just to make an announcement to the passengers.

    • SDF-7

      should not be using language like this

      What language would that be? English?!?

      • juris imprudent

        Wha-wha-wha-what???? [Didn’t even have to click]

    • Festus

      The end of Western Civilization and we have a front-row seat! WHEEEEEEEEEEE!

      • Ownbestenemy

        I have always been curious when studying the past and wanted to know what life was like for the citizens of great civilizations when they began their collapse.

        I no longer have to imagine or guess.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        “People who live in such times feel that they’re very sophisticated, they’re very cosmopolitan,” she says. But in truth, they are evidence of a civilization that no longer believes in itself. On the edges of that civilization are “people who still believe in heroic masculinity” — the barbarians. Paglia says that this is happening right now, and that there’s this tremendous “disconnect” between a culture that’s infatuated with transgenderism, and “what’s going on ‘out there’.” She sees it as “ominous.” And she’s right to. This insanity cannot last. Again and again I say unto you: if you don’t like the Religious Right, wait till you get the Post-Religious Right. The post-Christian people who are coming don’t give a damn about your feelings.

    • rhywun

      NYC subway got rid of “ladies and gentlemen” several years ago.

      Can you imagine the thrill of power that comes from mandating what people are allowed to say or even think?

      It must be intoxicating.

      • Not Adahn

        “Attention tax cattle….”

      • juris imprudent

        My response to such a person – no, I really don’t give a fuck about how special you think you are. You’re just another person and one I have no interest in.

    • Pope Jimbo

      “Go fuck theyself” would have been the proper response.

    • Plisade

      “so I won’t listen” And that should have been the end of it.

    • Tejicano

      There is no way anybody is going to make me interact with somebody like that. Ain’t happening.

      If I ran into them in a public setting I would pretend I can neither see nor hear them. Ignore them like a bug on the floor. If it happened in a private setting, like at a party or dinner at somebody’s house I wouldn’t say anything and just go talk with anybody else. I won’t play their game – neither use “their pronouns” nor address them in a way they don’t want to be addressed so they can go into their practiced reaction.

      This would never work in Japanese since in colloquial language pronouns are rarely spoken. Only a Gaijin would try to pull this off and only in English.

    • SDF-7

      Yeah, saw that one. Have to say — whoever did the Russian ad, Putin should send some more rubles their way. Very effective.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I… I… just…


      • AlexinCT

        She thought the pump was the car wash. The other one was filling the bag so she could start a crazy water balloon fight with a bang…

      • SDF-7

        I thought *maybe* she was trying to deice using gasoline for some reason.

    • AlexinCT

      You see the idiot that burned down his hummer filling numerous gas buckets in the back and then smoking on the way home the other day? I bet he needed insurance money…

    • Drake

      Is it wrong for me to hope the video ends like the Zoolander gas fight?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I saw that a while back. That’s got to be a confused older person (who you’re correct shouldn’t be driving).

    • LJW

      The first one was a fake staged Til Tok video.

      • LJW

        Tik Tok

      • B.P.

        It seemed a little fabricated. Everyone knows you use the diesel hose to get bugs off the windshield.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    And Malcolm acknowledged that she would have preferred to have one rule for vaccinated people and one for unvaccinated people.

    “If we thought it was enforceable to be able to divide people into those vaccinated and those unvaccinated, I would have like to have seen that,” Malcolm said. “I just think it’s not practicably enforceable. But we will continue to be clear that our guidance remains that there’s a whole lot of stuff that’s a lot safer if you are vaccinated.”

    Stick it up your ass, hon.

    • Rebel Scum

      one rule for vaccinated people and one for unvaccinated people

      We did this once but in a different way. It is now frowned upon. ///SeparateButEqual

    • Pope Jimbo

      I wish some intrepid reporter would have followed up her statement with this question:

      “Were you a humorless cunt even back in gradeschool? Did you yell at other kids during recess for not playing correctly?”

  43. juris imprudent

    Be a damn shame if something were to happen to this business and it’s principals, like falling through a trapdoor into a woodchipper. That would be tragic.

    • Mad Scientist

      Ve currently supports AUDI, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, FIAT, Ford, GMC, HUMMER, Hyundai/Kia, INFINITI, Jeep, Lincoln, Mercedes-Benz, Maserati, Mercury, Nissan, Pontiac, Ram, Saturn, SEAT, Skoda, SRT, Toyota and Volkswagen vehicles and is rapidly expanding its acquisition and decoding capabilities.

      No Triumph on that list!

      • juris imprudent

        Subaru Horror Theater for the win as well!

      • B.P.

        Saturn? They stopped making cars 10 years ago.

      • Swiss Servator

        They last. I still see some around.

  44. tripacer

    IBM creates the world’s first 2 nm chip

    What would anyone want with a 2 nautical mile chip?

    • SDF-7

      CPU cores for your Dyson Sphere, obviously… duh! 😉

    • Pope Jimbo

      Stupid. It isn’t a nautical mile chip. This is about IBM finally making a sale to the neanderthal-thinking residents of new mexico.

      • tripacer

        I was looking for a forceful way to work in newton meters, but I didn’t want to ruin the moment.

      • UnCivilServant

        I thought they were nitrogen minutes.

    • Rebel Scum

      Might be better than a three hour tour.

  45. Scruffy Nerfherder

    My wife despises cursing. She has gotten ticked off at me on a regular basis for twenty three years now.

    But she finds herself cursing more and more these days as an almost involuntary response to the insanity in the news.

  46. Sean

    I’m pretty surprised on the sudden mask mandate policy change.

    Should we be thanking DeSantis?

    • ignoreLander

      Should we be thanking DeSantis?

      No, we should be thanking Biden’s (handlers’) massive and growing list of bumbling failures (“Unity”, China, gas shortage, border chaos, just to name a few) that are threatening to bring the whole admin down. They’ve had that announcement in their back pocket for some time now, just waiting for the right time to use it to create a distraction.

  47. Not Adahn

    Lily’s first class at obedience school was last night. She’s really living up to the “dumb, really popular blonde” stereotype. I would be willing to take the blame, except that the trainer couldn’t get her to understand “down” either.

    • Tulip

      What worked on my pin headed dog: kneel on one knee, other leg’s thigh parallel floor. Dog on one side, hold treat on other so she has to go under your leg to get it.

      • Tundra

        Excellent idea.

        I solved the problem by owning a German Shepherd 😉

      • Not Adahn

        Honestly, I doubt it’s an intelligence thing, but more of her Pyr “Why should I give a fuck?” heritage. But I’ll be working with her every day and see if she improves.

      • R C Dean

        I suspect you’re right. Pyrenees have a reputation for being pretty intelligent.

        My Newf was easily the smartest dog I’ve ever had, and the least obedient. Alphas gonna alpha, yo. Every day was a check on who the pack leader was.

      • Not Adahn

        Oh she’s not alpha at all. Not with me, and not with other dogs. She has many excellent qualities, but trainability doesn’t seem to be among them.

  48. Certified Public Asshat

    I feel the need to continue wearing my mask outside even though I’m fully vaccinated because the inconvenience of having to wear a mask is more than worth it to have people not think I’m a conservative ?— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) May 14, 2021

    This is mental illness.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Nah, just run of the mill douchebaggery with access to social media.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I want to know why the left is anti-CDC.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I’m in FL too and my county went 80% Trump so I’m wearing a mask even though I’m fully vaccinated. I’m bracing for one of these yahoos to try to get up in my face about it.— Julie ✨?✨ (@mrsjulieholt) May 14, 2021

      When you seek to be a victim

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’d say it’s better odds that she would try to mask-shame someone else.

        If you want to wear a mask, it’s your own problem, not mine.

      • Pine_Tree

        This, in a nutshell, is about half the culture war. And of course she has it entirely backwards.

        One side is mostly comfortable being quiet and polite and not trying to order everybody around. The other is perfectly happy to be loud jerks and insist on their public righteousness. And the media echos the jerks, so you get the heckler’s veto.

        But (delusional, as always), the progs imagine the roles are reversed.

      • Rat on a train

        Why won’t any of these fascists confront me?

    • Rebel Scum

      Didn’t the Bee do this one already?

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      That’s been the point all along. Masking has never been about science and lessening disease transmission.

      It’s been about virtue signaling. From Karen voluntarily wearing a mask while she walks alone on a hiking trail or while driving alone in the car, to blue state governors forcing masks on their constituents to show the world how they Follow The SCIENCE!™️, masking has never been about safety. It’s been about showing the world that you’re a “good person” who “believes in science.”

      It’s just that now they can be open about it.

  49. Mojeaux

    Oh goodie. Colonoscopy and EGD. Don’t mind either but the prep is brutal.

    • Gender Traitor

      Ick poo. ? Just my luck, that’s the one routine exam that I’d gotten done just before the panicdemic hit & my others got postponed. Is this for your ulcer? ?

      • Mojeaux


      • Mojeaux

        Ick poo.

        Was expecting this.

    • Festus

      So sorry to hear that, Mojo. They tried to do that to me a few years ago and I sluffed them off whilst bettering my diet. I got better.

    • TARDis

      the prep is brutal

      I’d rather get airtight with two dudes than do that again.

      • Mojeaux

        They’re doing to EGD for my ulcer. They decided to do the other end at the same time since it’s been 16 years since my last one.

      • TARDis

        Which vile concoction must you endure?

      • Mojeaux

        Gatorade/Miralax. The prep they gave me doesn’t sound as brutal as the last one I endured.

      • Tonio

        Ugh, Miralax is the worst. The stuff with a name ending in “lyte” is way better. More too drink, but taste nowhere near as obnoxious. And be very wary of any anti-nausea meds they give you, particularly the one whose primary use is as a psych med.

      • Mojeaux

        Wait, what? Which nausea med is that? Zofran?

      • Toxteth O'Grady


      • TARDis

        That’s what my wife got. I got the other… stuff. *shudders*

        With each successive serving, my gag reflex time shortened.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Two dudes? What have you got against docking?

        Three dudes for a complete seal, just like the wimmen.

      • TARDis

        Duly noted. That seals the deal.

    • rhywun

      Sorry and yes the prep suuuuccckkkks.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Uffda. Prepping for the test sucks.

      I can never get a clean bill of health (I always have at least one non-cancerous polyp). So I’m getting more than my fair share of the fun.

  50. The Late P Brooks

    Local hardware guy was the only guy who was still trying to enforce the mask. Unfortunately for him, I was already at the counter with my purchase. When he told me to put on a mask, I told him he could ring me up and I’d be on my way, but if he was serious about the mask I was leaving without buying anything. He caved like a greedy capitalist but you could tell he wasn’t happy.

    Opposite story here. There’s a hardware store right on Main Street. I pretty much just forget it’s there. I ducked in looking for something the other day because I was just down the street.

    The owner wasn’t wearing a mask. The customer he was gabbing with wasn’t wearing a mask. I grabbed what I wanted and left. When I went back a day or two ago, I looked, and there isn’t even a sign on the door anymore. My new favorite hardware store.

    • Akira

      My new favorite hardware store.

      Haha, my small local hardware shop is like that too. There’s a sarcastic sign on the door saying to wear a mask so that Governor DeWine won’t put us in time-out followed to a bold statement that if you’re absolutely welcome to shop there if you have a medical condition that precludes wearing a mask.

      • Urthona

        That sounds like a very long sign.

      • Nephilium

        One brewery has a sign up mentioning that masks are mandated unless you have an exempting medical condition. It then goes on to say that several staff members have exempting medical conditions.

        I’ve been trying to help them out (and they sold out of a collaboration beer in just over a day, and sold out the cans of it in under 2 hours).

      • Pope Jimbo

        Minnesoda’s mask mandate had a medical exemption rule as well. But the state never listed what approved medical exemptions were.

        I won a lot of bets locally on that one. None of the True Believers believed me when I told them that there was no list.

        I really don’t blame the local bureaucrats for not attempting to put together a list. Imagine having to answer the endless stream of calls, emails and texts from the scared hypochondriacs who were outraged that you didn’t put their affliction of choice on the list.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Welcome to the next Progress Flip Flop!

      Remember how evil big box stores were? How all good thinkers were supposed to support small local businesses?

      That is gone. Because those small local stores will allow customers to come in and shop without a mask or any proof they’ve been vaxxed. Progressives will fall in love with big box stores because when you force them to comply with your edicts you get a nationwide impact.

      If Walmart issued a statement that they were going to keep mandating masks in their stores in order to “protect everyone”, the proggressives would love, love, love them and forget that they have spent decades vilifying them.

      • R C Dean

        This has been a textbook example of why our budding fascists are destroying small businesses. Just about the only places I go that have masking mandates are big chains. The local places mostly took the signs down immediately on the Gov’s announcement that the mandates were over, even though the announcement wouldn’t take effect for a few weeks.

    • Hyperion

      Sounds about right.

    • Rebel Scum

      The Air Force is following suit, allowing pilots to attach banners to their stealth jets and fighters proudly declaring their gender identity.

      Stealth planes painted in a nice, bright, colorful rainbow.

    • Rat on a train

      They removed the religious preference since all soldiers are now atheists by command. Blood type will be replaced by sexual preference.

  51. Pope Jimbo

    Here’s my Ray of Sunshine.

    I took my boat in to have some wheel bearings looked at yesterday. I went into the shop and the mechanic working the desk says, “what have we here? A boat trailer, well you know we always need to keep a boat trailer for at least a weekend to make sure everything was installed correctly?”

    My blood pressure spike about 200% and I was just about to go into a tirade. What the fuck!

    Then it clicked that he was yanking my chain. Also he didn’t realized I have a stripped down aluminum boat and I hadn’t even put the motor on yet.

    So I burst into laughter and told him he was going to have to provide his own oars. At that point he looked out the window and said “well we probably don’t need to test that boat.”

    Ended up getting new bearings on both wheels for $150. My shop is a great place.


      The way I hear it, a boat is a hole in the water that you throw money into.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yeah, it is. But my boat is a very stripped down model that I inherited, so it isn’t too bad yet.

  52. The Late P Brooks

    WaPo headline: CDC shouldn’t remove mask mandate without proof of vaccination.

    The doomsday cultists just can’t bear the thought of not being in charge.

    Freedom. Horrible horrible freedom.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I think I’m done complying in any fashion.

      • Trigger Hippie

        The closest I’ve been to complying over the last several months is keeping my mask in my back pocket. If an employee asks me politely to put it on, I will. Rudely, I walk right back out. If any random customer says anything I give them my best murder face and tell them to mind their own business.

        Nobody has said anything to me about it at all dozens of times running. The vast majority of people I’ve encountered are over it.

      • Hyperion

        The yunguns round here still wear them, outdoors. I think the more mature crowd has gotten over it as well. The yunguns seem to think it’s some badge of courage or something, actually more like ‘look at me! I’m a sheep, baaaaaaaaaaa…’.


        The desire to conform is characteristic of teens and women.

      • slumbrew

        I just walked past a pack of about 10 late-teens, every one of them masked up. *eyeroll*

    • Rebel Scum

      “Papers please” sounded better in its original German.

  53. The Late P Brooks

    the trainer couldn’t get her to understand “down” either.

    Tell her gravity doesn’t care whether she believes in it or not.

  54. Festus

    I’m done for now. Good Heavens I feel low. Hope that you guys have grand day!

  55. Hyperion

    “Neanderthals Also Loved Carbs – Their Teeth Prove It”

    So, the theory that they actually evolved into the Brits has been prove correct.?

    • Tejicano

      I don’t see much proof of any evolution.

  56. The Late P Brooks

    such heroic

    “House Republicans have definitively become a full-blown cult. They have chosen to place Party over patriotism. They have chosen the big lie over the rule of law. They’ve chosen autocracy over democracy,” Jeffries said.

    The New York Democrat said Republicans continue to “perpetrate the big lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, resulting in the defeat of former President Trump.

    Jeffries also addressed a report that Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-Ga.) yelled at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) after exiting the House chamber this week and accused the New York lawmaker of supporting terrorists.

    Jeffries called on the House Ethics Committee to look into the matter.

    “Well she is certainly engaged in threatening behavior, and I think ultimately this is something that may have to be evaluated by the Ethics Committee. Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has shown tremendous restraint and should be commended in that regard because it appears that the so-called congresswoman from Georgia is stalking her,” Jeffries said.

    DEMOCRACY! is unravelling. Danger is everywhere.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I know it is a Senate tradition, but I think the House should look into bringing back canings.

      How much of our life now is being shaped by people who are very sure that their proposals won’t result in an immediate punch to the nose from those around them? We’ve eliminated too much violence from our lives.

    • Hyperion

      They’ve managed to make yet another word meaningless. Democracy. Throw patriotism in there as well.

    • rhywun

      I would cheer if the “so-called Congresswoman from Georgia” walked up to him and told him to mind his own fucking business.

  57. The Late P Brooks

    No Triumph on that list!

    Lucas can barely get a signal from the points to the spark plugs.

    • Mad Scientist

      That’s not for lack of trying though. I was just replacing part of my ignition switch and found several wires that have not quite melted, but have been quite warm.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      My manufacturer’s not on that list but I’m sure they’re working on it. Looks like my next “new” car might have to be a 1972 Buick.

  58. wdalasio

    Yeah, fuck being able to actually fight a war.

    Here’s the thing that bothers me about that quite a bit. Historically, our peacetime militaries just put their war-fighters on the equivalent of cold storage. They get the backwater assignments. They didn’t get promotions. But, they were still around.

    As a risk manager, one of the phrases that most concerns me is “This time it’s different.” But, this time, it might just be. Just not in a good way. It seems to me a lot of our war-fighters haven’t been just put on ice. They’ve been actively run out. They’ve been told in no uncertain terms that they aren’t welcome.

    How does that play out? In prior wars we’ve at least been able to recover after the first bloody nose or two. What if they don’t have the guys they can turn to after those initial bloody noses?

    • UnCivilServant

      Someone pushes the big red button.

      • wdalasio

        Yeah. Hopefully we don’t find ourselves in a fight with guys with their own big red button.

      • Not Adahn


      • UnCivilServant

        Would you like to know more?

    • R C Dean

      As a risk manager, one of the phrases that most concerns me is “This time it’s different.”

      I hear that occasionally. The last time, I said something like “Maybe, but I don’t think its the way to bet. Are you willing to bet your job on it?”

      Turned out they weren’t.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      As goes NY so goes NJ.

  59. The Late P Brooks

    One side is mostly comfortable being quiet and polite and not trying to order everybody around. The other is perfectly happy to be loud jerks and insist on their public righteousness. And the media echos the jerks, so you get the heckler’s veto.

    But (delusional, as always), the progs imagine the roles are reversed.

    Ignoring them is the worst sort of oppression conceivable. They’re just toddlers screaming for attention

    • Hyperion

      “They’re just toddlers screaming for attention”

      Worse, they’re toddlers screaming for attention who have never seen one minute of discipline in their entire existence.

    • R C Dean

      Ignoring them is the worst sort of oppression conceivable.

      SILENCE IS VIOLENCE!!!eleventy

    • juris imprudent

      Which is yet another irony of their scorn for Trump – they are so similar.

  60. Hyperion

    I just want to know, seeing all these announcements about how vaccinated people could get from freedom back, how the fuck do they know who’s vaccinated? Is someone going to stand at the door and check everyone coming in? How?

    • Pope Jimbo

      A month ago, I would have bet you that the vaccine passport was going to be their answer to your question. It seemed like a lot of Top Men were talking about how to implement them. The EU was working feverishly on their scheme.

      Something happened. I’m not sure what. But something made the Top Men cave on mask mandates, and quickly. Last week Fauci was still scoffing at the idea that anyone would question the CDC’s guidance on masks because it was totes SCIENCE.

      I wonder if someone showed Fauci a check he had signed with a “Use for gain of function experiments” and sent to the Wuhan lab? Told him he better end this or the check would be released.

      • Hyperion

        Bad orange man is gone and people have tired of it. They want to bring back some form of normal before the entire scheme blows up on them. I think this will be an endless cycle from now on. All eyes seem to be on DeSantis for now. If he becomes the new bad orange man and beats zombie Biden in 2024, it’s new pandemic time for the next 4 years. Probably some super mutant form of SARS that will be much more deadly the the vid. Team Chiney Joe and Xi are probably working on it as we speak.

      • R C Dean

        Probably some super mutant form of SARS that will be much more deadly the the vid. Team Chiney Joe and Xi are probably working on it as we speak.

        At this point, I wouldn’t rule it out.

      • Tonio

        I suspect that it’s because there is no way they could require vaccine passports and ID-less voting. Also the demonstrated fact that POC are skeptical about the vaccine. Also, also, their own myth that “poor” (black) people are unable to get vaccines because they live in vaccine deserts, have no access to transportation, and all work 26 hours every day to make ends meet.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m also skeptical of how much hesitancy there was among black people at the beginning of this.

        Someone here asked about how many people actually had heard of or knew about the Tuskegee experiments. Probably not a lot of people. Which makes me think that vaccine hesitancy was probably more in the minds of the same liberals who also believe black people can’t get identification.

        Of course, once countless articles had been written/aired about this hesitancy it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Biden saying “C’mon man! If you aren’t scared of the vaccine, you ain’t black” didn’t help.

      • R C Dean

        From my experience, many black people are very suspicious? skeptical? of the medical industry to this day. Its not really because they are well-versed on Tuskegee (which was but one of many examples of how they were ill-served back in the Jim Crow days). Its become a sort of cultural memory.

        And any kind of vaccine passport is going to have a disproportionate impact on minorities. I don’t think even the Dems have the stomach for applying them only to white people, so no passport it is.

      • kinnath

        Segregation is still a life memory for many blacks.

      • Nephilium

        And nice weather is coming back, and most people may be realizing that they haven’t lost 25% of their friends, family, and acquaintances.

      • R C Dean

        But something made the Top Men cave on mask mandates, and quickly.

        Polling. I think the Dems are looking at a collapse in support which is gutting their chances of using their control of government to do much other than spend us into a currency collapse. So much totalitarianism left undone must be very frustrating.

        I wonder if someone showed Fauci a check he had signed with a “Use for gain of function experiments” and sent to the Wuhan lab?

        It is well-documented that the NIH issued grants, through cutouts, that funded gain of function research at Wuhan. Fauci was flat-out lying when Rand Paul questioned him on this.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Smart money says that masking is now starting to have a noticeable impact on traditional Democrat voting blocs, or at least blocs of people that Democrats view as belonging to them are starting to question them.

        Sort of like the “StopAsianHate!” bullshit when it was clear that team blue saw significant declines in Asian votes going to them.

  61. The Late P Brooks

    I just want to know, seeing all these announcements about how vaccinated people could get from freedom back, how the fuck do they know who’s vaccinated? Is someone going to stand at the door and check everyone coming in? How?

    We’ll take a cue from the (dot) Indians. Those who have received the holy sacrament warding off the day of doom will be anointed with a holy daub.

    • Hyperion

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those on a guy. So what do they do with the guys?

      • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

        Guys get it too.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yup, but they put it on their taint. That is why you’ve seen it, but Hyperion hasn’t.

      • Master JaimeRoberto (royal we/us)

        You slander me. Pistols at dawn, sir.

      • Pine_Tree

        It’s a bindi. I’ve had one.

        Checking into a very nice hotel in Chennai after just getting in-country. Young guy in a tux is doing the admin check-in and a very beautiful young lady in a bright sari is bringing you things like orange juice, wet towels, etc.

        You’re still badly jet-lagged, so when she reaches up and pokes you in the forehead, it’s over before you know it’s happening. Kinda cool, but I forgot to take a picture.

      • Tejicano

        “… reaches up and pokes you in the forehead, it’s over before you know it’s happening.”

        So, kinda like Javier Bardem’s character in No Country for Old Men but not as creepy.

  62. Animal

    The mystery woman who bought a $26 million SuperLotto Plus ticket nearly six months ago put the ticket in the laundry and it was destroyed, according to the manager of the Norwalk, California gas station where it was sold.

    If she followed the usual pattern, she’d have been broke again within a few years anyway.

    When someone earns big money, through an invention or through running a successful business, there is a discipline that comes with the process, added to the fact that there is a level of discipline involved in being able to achieve either of those in the first place. But many people say they want to “make a lot of money” when they really mean “I want someone to give me a lot of money,” and those are the people attracted to the lotteries. They don’t want to make money; they want to spend money, and picture themselves running around throwing hundred-dollar bills in the air yelling “WHHHEEEEE!!”

    I think – and that’s just a personal opinion – is why so many lotto winners end up so broke so quickly.

    • Hyperion

      26 million and I think I’ll just carry that around in my pocket for a year? WTF? Yeah, that one was permanently broke from the start.

      • R C Dean

        I took it to mean she bought it, put it in her pocket, and then washed her clothes without taking it out. Probably before the drawing even happened.

    • Mojeaux

      I have a different take. I think, somewhere deep down inside, being poor/broke is comfortable because it’s what they know.

      Also, there’s probably a dopamine hit that takes place while spending the money and they keep spending to keep the hit going.

      • Hyperion

        One of my aunt’s is sort of like that. Whether she’d be true to he word or not, is just a guess. She would always say ‘I don’t even want to have money, then all you do is worry about your money’. I said ‘I have a cure, if you ever get money, just give it all to me’.

        Worrying about money is a lot less stressful than worrying about everything else.

        Being poor sucks, period.

      • Mojeaux

        True that.

        Money doesn’t bring happiness, but it sure makes surviving less difficult.

      • Hyperion

        It gives you more choices. That’s good enough for me.

      • Animal

        I remember a Rolling Stone interview with David Lee Roth from about 1980, where he was talking about how much money he and his bandmates were making. The interviewer-droid said, “You know, Dave, you can’t buy happiness.” Roth replied, “Maybe not, but I can buy a yacht big enough to sail right up next to it.”

        He makes a fair point. I’m not rich nowadays but I’m pretty well-found. I’ve been broke. Well-found is better.

      • Tejicano

        Money can’t buy you love, but it can rent you a close facsimile thereof.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The lack of money sucks

      • Rat on a train

        It is easier to be happy if you don’t have to worry about how you are going to support your lifestyle. The more money you have, the higher the lifestyle you can support. If you are the type that always wants a larger lifestyle, you’ll never have enough.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Well if you earn that $26M, you probably spent a bit of time being non-rich and learning to appreciate how hard it was to earn an extra $100.

      When you win it in the lottery, you think you can toss those $100 bills out and they will never end. But surprise, surprise, there is a finite number of them (even in you pile of $26M).

      You can see this in our local reservations with casinos. If you want a good deal on a new truck/car, go down there. The folks get $12K/mo just for living and they simply buy a new car when the old one has any problem at all. If the casinos were to close those people would be broke within a year.

    • Fatty Bolger

      AFAIK there’s been little research done on lottery winners. There was a widely quoted report that most go broke after winning, but it wasn’t based on any actual research, just (very successful) click bait from some advocacy organization. But I seriously doubt that most people winning this kind of money end up broke.

      • R C Dean

        But I seriously doubt that most people winning this kind of money end up broke.

        I’d be really curious to know. I would guess a fair number of them do, within, say, 5 years. After they get leeched on by their extended family, possibly their church, and who knows what other grifters, and they overspend on a new house, etc. etc. That “$26mm” is actually more like $9 or $10mm cash in hand, after taxes and the discount from the monthly annuity value (which is the number they use for the face value of the winnings). You can easily burn through that kind of money.

      • Hyperion

        “But I seriously doubt that most people winning this kind of money end up broke.”

        Stories about that abound all over the intertoobz. The typical scenario is they had a lot of cousins and wound up the victim of foul play. NEVER tell anyone when you suddenly come into a bunch of money. Also, don’t leave a 56 million dollar pay day in your pocket.

  63. The Late P Brooks

    Something happened. I’m not sure what. But something made the Top Men cave on mask mandates, and quickly.

    Maybe they accidentally polled the “wrong” people and saw no shit lampposts in their future.

    • Hyperion

      Americans have a short attention span. Very short. What is hip today (being safe) is out of style tomorrow.

      Global warming is coming back into style with a vengeance. There pandemics just don’t last long enough. We can make apocalyptic doom predictions forever, even if none of them ever come true.

      Pandemics are too real. Global warming is maybe just real enough that we can use it to scare the serfs, but not too real to kill the royals as well.

      • R C Dean

        Americans have a short attention span.

        Which is why the people responsible for this will not be held to account.

      • Hyperion

        This is sadly true as well.

    • Hyperion

      Probably, because when the word ‘Hopkins’ come up, people more than likely either think Johns Hopkins or that actor. No one knows who that guy is and most people are not too curious enough to find out.

      • juris imprudent

        He is slinging pure red meat for our crowd.

        What happened was, I made a Facebook post, and a lot of people tried to share it, so Facebook and the DFRLab suspended or disabled their accounts, or just prevented them from sharing it, and sent them the above warning. Facebook didn’t suspend my account, or censor the post on my account, or contact me to let me know that they have officially deemed me a “dangerous individual.” Instead, they punished anyone who tried to “boost” my “dangerous” post, a tactic anyone who has been through boot camp or in prison (or has watched this classic scene from Full Metal Jacket) will be familiar with.

      • Hyperion

        “He is slinging pure red meat for our crowd.”

        So about 5% of the general public would appreciate it.

        Freedom really is out of style. You may as well go around wearing bell bottoms and sporting a mullet as a token relic of some other time past.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      That comment section is raging with state actors and other assorted trolls.

      • Hyperion

        From what I know about peeps who live in Berlin, he’s going to be very unpopular around there. He needs to get his commie on.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The comments go waaaaay beyond Hopkins.

        There are some serious state-funded commenters in there pushing the VCOVID natural origins theory and shitting all over the Nicholas Wade article with emotional appeals and dubious claims.

        There’s also a guy who claims to be a microbiologist that develops vaccines who claims that a vaccine was ready in January 2020 but red tape prevented saving millions of lives and that people just need to get out of the way of the vaccine manufacturers.

    • Surly Knott

      Thank you, that was interesting. “Red meat for our crowd” indeed.

  64. juris imprudent

    Since the link to the first Van song, I’ve been grooving to a number of other tracks on the tube, this is brilliant.

  65. The Late P Brooks

    Thanks for that hopkins link, juris.

  66. Hyperion

    I think I know why the situation with the vid seems so fucked up and void of logic or reason.

    It’s because they lie all of the time. I mean the folk who never let a good crisis go to waste. That’s why it sometimes seems like they don’t know what they’re doing. Because they don’t. It’s not SCIENCE. It’s a bunch of lying sycophants and sociopaths who can’t keep their shit straight because they’ve lied so much that they don’t even know what the truth is.

  67. ignoreLander

    I wasn’t familiar with that B.O.C. cut but…. Damn that was a fine piece of tune-age. Good book suggestions, good music discoveries…. More reasons to enjoy my Glibs even beside their being “right-think” :^D

  68. l0b0t

    I’m cleaning house and watching The Empire Strikes Back, son has a soccer game tonight and the dads have agreed upon flasks and car-trunk cooler beers. I never thought I could care about 1st grade Catholic Youth League soccer, but I’m thinking we need to start a proper firm (I should probably stop watching The Real Football Factories). Re: Empire – eagle eyed veterans should note Boba Fett’s gloves. The backs of his gloves feature the FORSCOM shoulder patch, and my beloved 7th ID (Light) black widow/hourglass patch.

    • Hyperion

      I don’t know why, but I first read that as ‘son has a soccer mom tonight’…

  69. Hyperion

    Crikey Bejeebus, some of my clients are apparently, I don’t even know.

    I get emails like ‘There are not any [fill in the blank] for this study. So I respond and say ‘Are there supposed to be some?’. And I get the reply of ‘Not that I’m aware of’. WTF hell is your point then! Bored? Damn, I need a beer and I stopped drinking beer.