Sometimes when you (I) stay someplace very minimalist for a while, like, you know, a hotel room, upon returning to your (my) regular environs, everything just looks like you (I) have too much stuff? Yeah, I’m in that spot right now.

So, my mission this week, which I have already chosen to accept, is to start getting rid of stuff. Not useful stuff. Not heirloom stuff. Just the assorted stuff that accumulates when one isn’t paying attention. Like I very often don’t.

I have already managed to toss a collection of old bread packaging twist ties and rubber bands from produce. The house feels so much emptier!


Let’s see what I links I can toss out for your amusement this afternoon, shall we?

Do you think this matters?

So done with this.

Sure, this would work. (TW: NPR)

This seems like it might work.

Can’t wait to see what’s included in this.


Well, that’s all the fun I can stand for one afternoon. Have a good one, kids!