Sunday morning, be very afraid, links

by | Nov 7, 2021 | Daily Links | 290 comments

He walks amongst us.


So OMWC and the woman/child SP are roaming across the country. I’ve done my PSA. Hopefully, for the children, she can keep his proclivities under control. (To the NSA, THIS IS A JOKE!!! A FRIGGIN’ JOKE!!! QUIT KNOCKING ON MY FRONT DOOR!!!)

Ahem, let’s move on to some links.


Any comparison to the running of the bulls is RACIST!!!


This is really damned heavy for a Sunday morning. Please feel free just to skip it, but I felt it worth noting.




If only we had a picture of a Satyr banging a goat.


I’m sorry, I know this will result in drugs falling out of my ass, but it’s just to delicious. It didn’t even take a week.


Old guy music. From one of the three albums that shaped my initial musical tastes. It was 1972 and I was nine years old.


About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. Count Potato

    “A plane flying from Casablanca in Morocco to Istanbul, Turkey, was diverted to Palma de Mallorca after a medical emergency was reported aboard.

    When the jet landed, 21 passengers ran off across the runways, reportedly escaping over the perimeter fence.

    Police later made arrests but 12 were still on the run on Saturday.

    Police are investigating whether the group’s escape from the plane was spontaneous or an elaborate plot to immigrate illegally.

    The top Spanish government official for the Balearic Islands, Aina Calvo, said the event was unprecedented for a Spanish airport.

    The drama began when emergency services boarded the Air Arabia Maroc plane to evacuate a Moroccan man said to have fallen into a diabetic coma. As they did so, 21 other passengers ran down the steps and fled, reportedly hiding under parked planes.”

    That sounds planned to me.

    • The Last American Hero

      Later on they say they arrested the majority but that 9/21 does not a majority make.

  2. Scruffy Nerfherder

    I always make certain I inject concert security with unspecified drugs in the middle of a stampede.

    • Count Potato

      “Narcan was administered to several individuals – including the security guard who felt a prick in his neck – though the exact number of those treated was unclear.”

      So they just assumed it was dope?

      • Not Adahn

        If it had been NYC, they would have induced a coma an put them on ventilators, pending a negative cooftest.

      • Tonio

        Narcan will not harm a normal person. I can see offering this to patients with informed consent, JIC.

      • Count Potato

        That’s true, but why assume it was dope? Did they feel drugged? Also you can’t just jab people with heroin, and if it was someone was just carelessly sticking people with fentanyl, they would have dropped to ground and turned blue.

      • Jerms

        Yeah jabbing people with Heroin and not getting it into the vein is going to get them high but in most cases not kill.

      • cyto

        And without symptoms… Administering narcan should still be malpractice.

        Symptoms of opioid overdose are fairly obvious and do not include “ouch, I think I got jabbed with a needle 15 minutes ago” as the only or even primary symptom.

  3. Rat on a train

    The drama began when emergency services boarded the Air Arabia Maroc plane to evacuate a Moroccan man said to have fallen into a diabetic coma. As they did so, 21 other passengers ran down the steps and fled, reportedly hiding under parked planes.

    After a health check at a hospital found him to be fit and well, the Moroccan man was discharged and arrested for illegally entering the country, Spain’s Efe news agency reports.

    Very NYC of them.

  4. Count Potato

    “This is really damned heavy for a Sunday morning. ”

    I’m against the death penalty, but if it’s so hard on the executioners, they could get convicted serial killers to do it.

    • l0b0t

      Wall them all into the island of Manhattan and let them sort themselves out? It could be televised pay-per-view to fund the enterprise.

  5. Not Adahn

    I took Tres’ advice about the horse tranquilizer.

    But the vet office isn’t open on a Sunday.

    The grocery store was, but I couldn’t find “ketamine” in the pharmacy section.

    I did however find “Special K” in the cereal aisle.


    It must take a while to kick in.

  6. Count Potato

    In other news, fuck Daylight Savings Time.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      Daylight Slavings Time sucks. Set the clocks and be done with it.

    • Rebel Scum

      Indeed. I’d rather have more light in the evening than morning.

  7. ignoreLander

    We will have our day in court to strike down Biden’s unconstitutional abuse of authority.

    I’m comfortable going on the record calling myself a fan of Abbott, despite his (numerous) shortcomings. When the rubber hits the road he’s no warrior, however governors who even give minimal lip service to Federalism are in short order these days. You’ve got him, DeSantis, and who else?

    • DEG


      • Homple

        Em, no.

  8. Hyperion

    I already had my best laugh of the day, today, I’m sure. With commenters on PJ Media calling Biden ‘President Pedophile Poopy Pants’. I know it’s silly and juvenile, but for some reason I was laughing my ass off because of that… it’s seriously time for a nap…

    • Ted S.

      Probably because you’re silly and juvenile.

      • Hyperion

        You could be onto something…

      • ignoreLander

        Hell, I’ve been cooking up insults revolving around Depends and senility for months now. It’s practically an Olympic sport at this point, so I say laugh your ass off.

      • Hyperion

        President PPP. Well, you poop yourself in front of the Pope and then they find a diary of your daughter saying you took showers with her… Prez PPP it is.

      • Drake

        The other day somebody was saying that they rigged the Den primaries and election for him because he’s so completely compromised he can’t even consider disobeying.

      • The coolest vaccine-free BEAM in the world™

        I’ve always been partial to President Puddin’ Cup myself. Says it all for me.

  9. ignoreLander

    This is really damned heavy for a Sunday morning. Please feel free just to skip it, but I felt it worth noting.

    Oooooooof. I just skimmed this, will read in more detail in a bit. I’m opposed regardless, because I don’t want people killed in my name, guilty or otherwise. But when it’s done I don’t have to have a hand in it — got to be agonizing for these guys, if they have any sort of soul (seems like they do).

    • prolefeed

      The article says they deliberately did not ask for volunteers, since they were concerned about the sociopaths that would get. That is, they picked the people who they knew would hate what they were doing, but not enough to refuse the job regardless of the consequences.

  10. blackjack

    I expect to get fired this coming week. They demanded I allow them to withhold 65.00 twice a week for testing and enroll in a testing program. I blew the deadlines for both. I have already requested an exemption, and they have yet to inform me whether it is granted or not. I will happily test, even everyday, on their time and their dime. I am not about to test under whatever circumstances they might choose, twice a week on my time and pay 65.00 a pop for it, merely because I asked for an exemption. I believe it will be found to be illegal to punish me for requesting. They say the scheme involves refunding the money IF an exemption is granted and then moving to a once-a-week testing regimen. If safety requires twice a week testing, why does that not continue after they grant an exemption? Anyway, I’m playing with fire and this week is when I get burned. I have to suffer some real world damage to effectively sue and now I’m about to. I am the last man standing in my building. The rest either got the shot or retired or submitted the card they were keeping up their sleeve. I think the exemption request process was reasonable and legal (not considering the vax mandate was not, in the first place), but the stuff I skipped was blatantly not legal in any way.

    Wish me luck. I’ve been torn between providing for my kid and being an example to him to stand up for what is right and against evil assholes. I guess my personal priorities won out.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      Good luck! I’m gonna spin up an unvaxxed support thread in the forum right now if you need any support or simply to talk with others in the same boat.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Thanks trashy

      • DEG

        Thank you!

    • Sean

      Good luck. Respect for holding your ground.

      • Sensei

        +1 Here

    • Ghostpatzer

      That’s rough, hoping things work out for you.

    • ignoreLander

      I wish you nothing but luck, I’m probably going to be joining you soon. Also, 65 twice a week? 520 bucks a damn month? Screw that.

    • Drake

      Good luck sir.

    • Count Potato

      Yikes, and best of luck.

    • Trigger Hippie

      Good luck! Some of us have been wondering how’ve been doing. Glad to see you back. Keep fighting the good fight!

      ‘Wish me luck. I’ve been torn between providing for my kid and being an example to him to stand up for what is right and against evil assholes. I guess my personal priorities won out.’

      Don’t beat yourself up over that. You aren’t being selfish, you’re fighting for your child’s rights now to ensure their freedom later. Prosperity waxes and wanes, principles are more important.

      • Lazer

        “Don’t beat yourself up over that. You aren’t being selfish, you’re fighting for your child’s rights now to ensure their freedom later. Prosperity waxes and wanes, principles are more important.”

        Seconded. We only have our morality to guide us. I have also decided that if forced I will take the consequences whatever they may be! I am the one who has to go to bed and sleep with my conscious and wake up and look at myself in the mirror. As John Cougar Mellencamp penned ” an honest mans pillow is his peace of mind”

        Stay strong, and like Ozy said we can tell em to “Fuck Off! Eat shit and die!” all the way to gallows if that’s what it takes!

    • The Gunslinger

      Goo luck Blackjack. I do hope it works out for you in the end. You’re not alone.

      • The Gunslinger

        Good luck. Obviously not goo.

      • ignoreLander

        Goo Luck? Hell, I’ll take it. Sounds fun.

      • Ted S.

        Goo goo g’joob.

      • Q Continuum

        Goo luck is what my links bring.

      • ElspethFlashman

        Eww !/ teenage girl

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I took that drive GS! 5 minutes away, i turned it into a Pictorial, hopefully TPTB will post soon!
        I felt like a tour guide, talking to tourists aboot the local things to do and places for lunch etc.

      • The Gunslinger

        Nice. Look forward to seeing it

    • Q Continuum

      “I’ve been torn between providing for my kid and being an example to him to stand up for what is right and against evil assholes.”

      The lesson of seeing Dad standing up for what is right is quite literally priceless. You’ll find another job and put food on the table, but acting on your principles and doing the right thing will stay with him for life.

      • prolefeed

        Hopefully that’s the lesson they will get. All of my kids are trying to emotionally manipulate me into getting the shot, the youngest announcing (s)he will not see me again in person unless I cave and get the Holy Jab (my phrasing).

      • Gender Traitor

        How old are your kids?

      • prolefeed

        In their early/mid 20s. The youngest is almost militantly trans, getting upset over inadvertant deadnaming and whatnot. Really regretting not homeschooling them, given how thoroughly the statist indoctrination has stuck.

      • Q Continuum

        Damn dood, sorry.

        I have an 8 month old that I’m already stressing about how to educate.

      • Homple

        Sorry to hear that.

      • Ted S.

        Write the youngest out of the will.

      • Grumbletarian


      • prolefeed

        Hmm, and then the remaining two kids will find excuses to not visit, but with plausible deniability, while my wife gets mad at me?

        I’m gonna give them time to get over the usual adolescent rebellion against a parental figure and grow the fuck up before going nuclear like that.

      • R C Dean

        Since they are in their 20s, I think the window on adolescent rebellion has closed.

      • Not Adahn

        Nah, just make sure they’re listed by their birth name in it so see if they’ll claim the inheritance that goes to that dead person.

      • prolefeed

        The wills we just did cost thousands of dollars to execute. Not about to restart the attorney’s hourly billing clock lightly because one of my kids is testing boundaries yet again and seeing if they can get dad to cave.

        Pro tip for parents: never cave. Let them know you don’t bluff, that if you say you’re gonna do something, it’s fucking gonna happen.

      • DEG

        Are you serious? That is fucked. Sorry.

    • TARDis

      Good luck, blackjack. Much respect.

      I’m annoyed with myself for getting the Pfizer. Now our HR is actively encouraging people to request exemptions, and rescinded the surcharge on medical premiums for the unclean.

      Not the unclean are boldly wearing their masks to show they will not get stuck.

      • TARDis


      • prolefeed

        I’m thinking a lot of HR Departments are gonna be sued and lose in the aftermath of the Texas ruling that their actions are blatantly unconstitutional. Unless SCOTUS overrules the lower court.

    • Ozymandias

      blackjack – in light of all of the lawsuits pending against the mandates – and the recent 5th Circuit decision – have you considered asking for a temporary administrative exemption pending the litigation? I’ve drafted up a letter and signed it for anyone who arguably falls into our plaintiff class with some language about not wanting to give up rights or standing in a pending lawsuit. Given that you (and practically everybody) fits under one of these lawsuits, you could find one of them, reference the case number, and let them send that request up the chain. The lawyers will have to get involved and if nothing else it might buy you some much needed time. I don’t know the nature of your mandate there in LA, however.
      More importantly, by federal law they absolutely *cannot* mandate an EUA vaccine. And that’s all they have available at this point. (See 21 USC §360bbb-3).

      • Sensei

        I’ve been wondering about that. Is Pfizer’s “Comirnaty” labeled vaccine still unavailable?

        Do you want to see my shocked face…

      • Ozymandias

        My sources say there won’t be any Comirnaty for quite some time in the US.

      • Sensei

        But why? It’s the exact same as the EUA vaccine. Why can’t they just change the label?

        Our government is insidiously evil.

      • Sensei

        My “sarc” tag failed to show up above!

      • TARDis

        There are so many reasons to be pissed about this plandemic, but the lie about the Pfizer approval makes me the most angry. I can only blame myself for not paying attention though. But then, it’s not like euro version went through the standard approval process either. It’s all experimental either way.

      • Brawndo

        I think it will be purposefully unavailable forever.

    • Zwak, sensual panzer

      I think you are providing for your kid in a way that most people cannot imagine.

      Good luck, brother.

    • Nephilium

      Best of luck to you.

      Got to love how this is all scheduled to hit right around the holidays.

    • Brawndo

      Good luck to you. I feel for what you’re going through, as I may be there soon. Work hasn’t said anything yet, but I am also torn on providing for my family and being an example for my 1 year old son. Fuck these assholes for putting us in this position

    • Chafed

      Good luck blackjack. I hope your employer relents.

    • Tundra

      Good luck brother. You will prevail.

    • Jerms

      God bless and stay strong. I really admire you for this. Fuck these tyrants.

    • DEG

      Best wishes!

  11. Hyperion

    Well, I had my good laugh and then there’s people running off planes and hiding and people getting injected with drugs at a concert… what the fuck is even going on? People have finally went over the edge, haven’t they? It’s been a long time coming.

      • Aloysious

        Awesome movie. Very Lovecraftian. John Carpenter at his horrific best. The first time I saw In the Mouth of Madness, it freaked me right out.

      • Nephilium

        Yeah. It’s one of the best movies that hit that Lovecraftian end of the world vibe.

        Same as Event Horizon is the best movie to explain the Warhammer 40k warp.

      • Aloysious

        Event Horizon. Beautiful movie, in the horror sense. Loved Laurence Fishburne, as well as the supporting cast (looking at you, Jason Isaacs).

  12. prolefeed

    Missives from the Department of Irony, part #330,250:

    My feed of clickbait under the google search bar includes a recommendation to watch a trilogy of short dystopian films on Amazon. The writer’s description of Orwell’s 1984 (as an example of “gritty dystopianism”?

    “The boot of fascism stomps again and again on the heads of …”

    1984 is about * socialism *, not fascism. It’s baked right in the name, IngSoc. And the writer is abusing the use of “socialism” to tow the government lion’s aversion to maligning socialism – in a book about socialism where the meaning of words is deliberately inverted wherever it suits the ruling part’s interests.

    • ignoreLander

      The only reason Socialism never worked is because the right people never tried it. Biden and Pelosi will make it work this time, we promise.

      • Surly Knott

        Designer boots! That’s the ticket. Those fools never tried designer boots, that’ll work for sure!

  13. Ghostpatzer

    “Archeologists in Pompeii excavating a villa amid the ruins of the 79 A.D. volcanic eruption that destroyed the ancient city have discovered a cramped dormitory and storage room that offers “a very rare insight into the daily life of slaves”

    30th century archeologists will marvel at the daily life of 21st century slaves such as Colin Kaepernick.

    • Tulip

      I just watched a Mary Beard documentary about Pompeii. Fascinating.

    • jacksprat

      I thought slavery started in 1619 in America.

    • Ghostpatzer

      We’re number 1! I don’t travel by air much (and actually can’t these days) but when I do I fly from here:

      Lovely little place, if you can get a flight to your destination.

      • Sensei

        I am ridiculously close to EWR. Even with the delays it’s still the quickest way for me to go.

      • Ghostpatzer

        Stewart is a 45 minute drive for me, same as Newark on a good day. Long term parking is right across the road from the terminal. Piece of cake.

      • l0b0t

        I honestly can’t imagine ever travelling by commercial air again. In the very short span (37 years) I’ve been flying, the experience has degraded to the point where I would rather drive.

      • Tulip

        Yes. The whole process is unpleasant anyway. and adding masks just makes it worse. I’m driving to Florida this year.

      • l0b0t

        My very first flight was in 1984 on Piedmont and Eastern, they served a delicious breakfast – omelet, bacon & sausage, choice of toast or English muffin, and real metal flatware.

      • prolefeed

        We recently got back from a road trip from Austin to the Twin Cities and back. Drove thousands of miles rather than subject myself to the NSA and flight attendant Mask Nazis.

      • Zwak, sensual panzer

        And this is why I am taking a train and a private room to see my son next year. I don’t care how much more it costs.

      • DEG


        I’m driving everywhere for the time being. Maybe after masks go away, if that ever happens, I’ll give flying another try.

    • l0b0t

      UGH! Southwest offers great fares but they fly out of Newark (an hour+ drive with either a $100 something carfare or a $100 something parking fees), not JFK (which is about a 10 minute drive or a $2.50 20 minute train ride).

    • DEG

      I hate Newark Airport.

      I was in Seattle for a job interview about ten years ago. I came back on a red-eye from Seattle to Newark where I changed to a plane to Manchester, NH. I arrived in Newark at about 5 AM. I went into the men’s room, and it was already trashed.

      • creech

        Trashed already? No, it had never been cleaned from night before. Saw that in Calais one time – took the first hovercraft of the morning over to France. Went into the Calais terminal for a quick breakfast bite. Frigging plates and garbage from the night before were still congealing on the tables. Immediate loss of appetite.

  14. Not Adahn

    Gaaaa! I’m pretty hardened against cuteness, but there is Norwich terrier here wearing a teeny Aran sweater.

  15. Sensei

    Some good news. DC might be distracted for a few brief weeks of inflicting economic damage in order to have this circus.

    The Congressional Investigation into the NFL Has Only Just Begun

    The House Oversight and Reform Committee indicated last month that it intends to mount an investigation of the leaked emails that were part of an NFL probe into the Washington Football team. The emails showed Gruden making racist and anti gay comments and resulted in his resignation.

    The committee on Friday called on the NFL to lift restrictions on people who might have information in the league’s investigation of the workplace culture at the team owned by Dan Snyder. The league, meanwhile, said it had responded to the committee’s initial inquiry, and that it intended to cooperate.

    The back-and-forth came a day after a deadline the committee had given the league to respond to its demand for documents related to the league. It marks the beginning of what effectively amounts to a negotiation over which documents the league will turn over.

    • Ghostpatzer

      Good to see they are tending to important matters.

    • rhywun

      I’m completely baffled why Congress thinks it needs to get involved in this.

      • Ted S.

        Because fuck you, that’s why.

        Also the opportunity to grandstand against “rich” owners and players.

      • TARDis

        Plus they get to distract the masses from all the congressional graft operations.

      • Chafed

        That’s the only explanation that makes sense.

      • Q Continuum

        Like Sensei said, I’ll take this over pork-barrel spending and unconstitutional bullshit.

      • Gustave Lytton

        This is unconstitutional bullshit. It’s all unconstitutional bullshit.

      • Q Continuum

        Granted, but at least this particular flavor on unconstitutional bullshit doesn’t directly affect my pocketbook.

      • Chafed

        Are we secretly related?

      • Q Continuum

        I hope so.

    • Chafed

      Quite a few beauties in there.

    • Ghostpatzer


  16. Brawndo

    Opposition to the death penalty aside, am I supposed to feel sorry for people that feel bad about executing prisoners that signed up voluntarily to execute prisoners?

    • l0b0t
    • Ozymandias

      I would say emphatically “Yes.”
      “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those…”
      If that doesn’t do it for you, I can tell you that despite the fuckery of all of those people screaming at us to get on the cars, of my earnest desire to fight all of that – for my own spiritual well-being, I don’t let myself ever dwell on ill-wishing or feeling “good” about what may befall my enemies. The moment the suffering of others is a source of pleasure for us is the point at which we’ve lost our soul.

      • l0b0t

        “The moment the suffering of others is a source of pleasure for us is the point at which we’ve lost our soul.”

        Ozy, that’s beautifully eloquent and so very true. Thanks.

      • Q Continuum

        I dunno man, I can think of a few people (eg: serial killers, child rapists, Kim Jong Un) that would give a leg tingle to see suffering.

      • The Last American Hero

        Somehow the inventor of the bra didn’t make your list?

      • Chafed


      • Brawndo

        Well said, and an important reminder for these times… However, I think there’s a difference between saying “you deserve all that mental and spiritual anguish and a stressed marriage” and “I don’t feel sorry for you. What did you think would happen?”

      • DEG

        The moment the suffering of others is a source of pleasure for us is the point at which we’ve lost our soul.

        I think you’re reading too much into what Brawndo said. I don’t see that he’s feeling pleasure in their suffering, and I’ll admit I might be reading too much into him.

        I’ll say that I feel no sympathy for the reasons I stated below (they’re volunteers, not conscripts) and I also feel no joy in their suffering.

    • prolefeed

      Bear in mind, these people did not volunteer for the job, they were told do it or else. Pick a large enough group of people, enough will cave to that pressure rather than defy the authorities demanding they do it. Especially if they were unaware of the emotional toll it would take over time.

      We’re seeing our own version of that here, of people facing either submission to the dictates or losing their jobs. I don’t blame anyone for deciding that’s not the hill they’re prepared to die on.

      It’s the ones gleefully pushing the dictates I’m having difficulty finding forgiveness for.

      • Brawndo

        I didn’t see “do this or else”. I saw they were “hand picked”. Not sure what that means, but I doubt they had a gun to their head, and I’m reasonably certain that if they really wanted to decline the job, they could have.

      • TARDis

        This discussion reminds me of drone warriors getting PTSD.

        :don’t know if livescience is a reputable site or not:

  17. Rebel Scum

    They executed people for the state of South Carolina. For some, it nearly destroyed them.

    Way to kill my mood.

  18. Rebel Scum

    Houston authorities say a security guard and possibly others were jabbed with syringes during Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival, which saw at least eight people killed and numerous others injured while the rapper was onstage Friday night.

    That’s what you get for giving covid shots at a concert.

    • Yusef drives a Kia


    • Count Potato

      They might have actually been covid shots.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    The House Oversight and Reform Committee indicated last month that it intends to mount an investigation of the leaked emails that were part of an NFL probe into the Washington Football team. The emails showed Gruden making racist and anti gay comments and resulted in his resignation.

    The House Un-American Activities Committee was too swamped?

    • ignoreLander

      Gruden making racist and anti gay comments

      Whether I agree with him or not, “racist and anti gay comments” are well within his rights if he wants.

      “no law… abridging the freedom of speech”, etc etc etc — have we forgotten that?

    • Zwak, sensual panzer

      No One Expects the AMERICAN INQUISITION!!!

  20. Rebel Scum

    The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit temporarily blocked Biden’s vaccine mandate pending further court order based on “grave statutory and constitutional issues with the mandate.”

    Surely scotus can find a way around that pesky constitution.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Fuck daylight savings throwaway time.

    • Not Adahn

      Fair’s fair. If I can think about other chicks, she can think about other chicks.

    • Sensei

      Jimmy Carter – “I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times.”

      • Q Continuum

        Damn if that’s cheating, I’m the least faithful person in history.

    • ignoreLander

      I started out really lukewarm on Tim, and his stuttering vocal tic used to drive me nuts. But damned if he hasn’t won me over the in the past few years, watching him over on Odysee.

      • Jerms

        I really admire guys like Tim and Greenwald that were on the left but were honest about how insane their side has gotten and called them out on it.

  22. Count Potato

    “After her victory on Tuesday, Winsome Sears called out MSNBC host Joy Reid, challenging the host to a debate and demanding a halt to the use of race baiting rhetoric without allowing recourse.

    Reid has continued to attack Winsome, however, bringing on a leftist Professor who boldly proclaimed that “To have a black face speaking on behalf of a white supremacist legacy is nothing new.”

    Michael Eric Dyson further described Sears as “a black mouth moving but a white idea running on the runway of the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates the white supremacist practices.””

    She’s the Jackie Robinson of white supremacy.

    • Q Continuum

      Uncle Tom is played out, get some new material.

    • ignoreLander

      black mouth moving but a white idea running on the runway of the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates the white supremacist practices

      Damn, is this dude getting paid by the talking point, or what? It’ll take me a week to unravel and determine this is pure donkey shit.

      • Chafed

        It will take a week to unravel. You can call it monkey shit right now.

    • Zwak, sensual panzer

      Bigots gonna bigot.

  23. Jerms

    Astroworld Festival: Police confirm victims may have been injected with drugs, launch criminal probe

    I started getting texts from a really old friend from Brooklyn that is apparently a hardcore Qanon guy. He told me yesterday that that concert was a mass satanic ritual and there were 100s dead and they were all sacrificed.
    I’ve gotten a close look into what these people believe. Its pretty scary man.

    • Nephilium

      Police confirm victims may

      Can you really confirm that something may have happened?

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Out of touch? US?

    As Democrats sort through the wreckage of their loss in Virginia, a familiar feeling is creeping over the dwindling number of rural officials left in the party: They have seen this show before.

    Republican Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin’s performance in the suburbs, where he clawed back ground former President Donald Trump and the GOP had lost in recent elections, got the most attention before and after election night. But another key ingredient of his victory was blowout strength in the rural areas of the state, drawing high turnout, setting new marks for Republican support and squeezing Democrats to record-low shares of the vote in small county after small county.

    Now, some Democratic operatives and politicians focused on rural voters say their party needs to wake up. Without investing more in organizing and outreach to address new lows with rural voters, critical elections in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and other states President Joe Biden narrowly won could slip away from the party next year. Recent struggles in states like Ohio and Iowa could solidify into ceding those places long-term.

    “What happened in Virginia and New Jersey is a warning sign for what will happen in every statewide election, either U.S. Senate or any statewide office, because the only way you win statewide in a red or purple state is by getting at least 30 to 40 percent of the rural vote. And we used to be able to get that,” said Jane Kleeb, Nebraska Democratic Party chair. “Why don’t we anymore? We’ve completely lost touch with them.”

    You just need to fine tune your message. You’ll be fine. Keep doing what you’re doing.

      • Q Continuum

        Ever heard of the million-dollar-spot?

    • Q Continuum

      “You just need to fine tune your message.”

      Stick with “rural Whites are illiterate, knuckle-dragging Nazis who kill puppies for fun”, just make sure you highlight how being on the government dole will improve their empty, soulless lives.

      • Rebel Scum

        who kill puppies for fun

        I never considered Fauxci to be a particularly rural type.

    • The Last American Hero

      Every loser party does this. In 2012, Team Red supporters kept crowing on about how they would have won if they ran on “real” conservative principles.

      Or maybe if you had a shit candidate and a shit campaign. Or maybe your policy proposals were shit.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m so happy we now have an adult in the room, one that people in other countries respect and never laugh at.

    • Sensei

      Although the ponging POTUS released his own natural gas whilst speaking to the Royal pair, he promised to slash worldwide methane emissions by 30 per cent before 2030.

    • Rebel Scum

      Every now and then you get a whiff of real news.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    “Most donors — big and small — are not enamored with or interested in rural voters,” McCrary continued. “They’re easy to demonize and write off.”

    “We don’t need the jack pine savage vote. We have the soccer moms.”

  26. Count Potato

    “Elmo was so happy to talk to @DrSanjayGupta at the town hall today! Elmo learned that Elmo’s friends can get the COVID-19 vaccine now, and soon Elmo can too!”

    Tickle this, Elmo. Since your friends have untreated schizophrenia, a compulsive eating disorder, or live in a trash can, covid should be the least of their worries.

    • Not Adahn

      Wasn’t Elmo’s muppeteer a child molester?

    • Count Potato

      “I got the COVID-19 vaccine today! My wing is feeling a little sore, but it’ll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy.

      Ms. @EricaRHill even said I’ve been getting vaccines since I was a little bird. I had no idea!”

      • rhywun

        That’s not sinister at all.

    • Ted S.

      I want to see Bert and Ernie doing a Biktarvy ad.

    • Rebel Scum

      The CNN propagandist that was wrecked by Joe Rogan? Seems legit.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    WTF does that even mean? Kiss me first? Reach around?

    A boot stamping on a face counts as a “touch”.

    • rhywun

      I was in a near-crush incident at a B-52’s concert.

      People are stupid.

      • Mojeaux

        I got in a fight at a Motley Crue concert. Wasn’t a fair fight. I tried to squeeze my way through 3 very tall dudes so I could see and they ganged up on me. Security was right there to rescue me.

      • Q Continuum

        So… many… euphemisms…. must… resist…

      • Mojeaux

        Resist. It wasn’t fun.

      • Trigger Hippie

        *considers all the metal concerts I’ve been to as a youth*

        This is difficult to process.

      • Nephilium

        Mosh pits… another example of emergent order and community policing.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Well said!

    • Trigger Hippie

      About twenty-five years ago I took a knife slash under my eye while in a mosh pit at a Ozzy Osborne concert. I wasn’t the intended target, thankfully. Otherwise it probably would have been a bigger deal than it was…though faint, I still have the scar.

      Before the age of seventeen I had a knife scar and a tattoo. I know that’s a white trash thing to take pride in…

      *Shrugs shoulders, smiles*

    • creech

      Only eight dead? Well, that’s before the thousands who will die in the next few weeks because they didn’t distance from unclean carriers of the Chicomvirus.

      • Chafed

        It’s a very smart virus. It doesn’t affect the oppressed.

    • The Bearded Hobbit

      Leading to tee-shirts printed up at the time: “I’d walk over you to see The Who”

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Part of Democrats’ problems with rural voters boils down to a communication problem, politicians and strategists say, with voters unfamiliar with laws or proposals that the party shepherded through.

    You just can’t expect those middle-of-nowhere village idiot types to comprehend the Big Picture.

    • Urthona

      Except evidence suggests that when voters learn the details (i.e, infrastructure bill) they hate them far more.

  29. ElspethFlashman

    Shit, I am reaching an epic level of hangover. No heir in the household this weekend (thanks to my mom & Lord H’s parents) and so we …. indulged. Beer, weed, wine, whiskey.

    • Q Continuum

      Hair of the dog?

      • ElspethFlashman

        Yes, that’s already been done. Small vodka & tonic.

    • slumbrew

      It’s moments like that that, low-carb be damned, I need some gatorade.

      • ElspethFlashman

        I find that “propel” vitamin water also works well. So I will pick that up in a bit.

      • Nephilium

        Nuun… not just for workouts.

      • Tundra

        Pedialyte is your friend.

      • l0b0t

        Tundra speaks the truth. In my experience, the only thing better for a hangover than Pedialyte is IV Ringer’s Lactate. I was everyone’s friend in the barracks on Monday mornings – “PLEEEZE hook me up” they would beg upon stumbling into my room.

      • slumbrew

        I am assured that many a banana bag has been requisitioned for medical residents after a late night out.

      • Rebel Scum

        Life hack: Pedialyte

  30. The Late P Brooks

    The moment the suffering of others is a source of pleasure for us is the point at which we’ve lost our soul.

    Do not allow yourself to become what you oppose.

  31. Sensei

    As someone in the insurance business – if possible – never buy a third party warranty for almost any good. Even if you are successful in getting your claim paid they will extract their pound of flesh.

    “The delay in finding a resolution for Mr. Malone’s claim is unacceptable, and in no way meets our high standards for customer service and satisfaction. Upon investigating the matter, we determined there was a delay in getting the required part to the service provider. We have reached out to Mr. Malone and elevated his claim to the utmost priority, and will do everything we can to ensure the repair is completed as soon as possible. We will also waive any non-covered charges and refund the deductible associated with this claim.”

    It was “acceptable” until the news got involved. For those of us that have the ability to pay for these repairs we would have paid out of pocket and contemplated suing the warranty company. Problem is that the legal cost is going to likely be greater than the recovery. And the warranty company knows this. Instead what they do is prey upon those who can’t do this.

    Petersburg man stuck without heat, air conditioning for 5 months: ‘It’s a shame’

    If I ever win the lottery I’m setting up a legal service company that does nothing but sue companies like this, the credit bureaus, telemarketers and the like.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      That is such bullshit! If I were that contractor, i would have installed a new coil, et. for Free! You never leave a customer stranded, you can write off a bit of charity for folks now and again, something’s fishy in the story.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Chuck McDowell’s business expansion strategy.

    • LJW

      The sellers included a warranty when we purchased our home. The AC died they replaced it with the cheapest possible unit then canceled the policy. It’s not even worth it if it’s free. Those companies are scams.

      • Mojeaux

        Our home warranty was worth it. We got it free the first year, needed it, paid for it the 2nd year, then never went without. It far more than paid for itself every year.

      • Tulip

        I have a home warranty and it’s been great. No problems with them paying at all.

    • Q Continuum


      Until the courts start stepping in on bullshit like this (I’m not holding my breath), it will continue to get worse.

      • Chafed

        Agreed. This is banana republic level scamming.

    • Gustave Lytton

      OT: do you ever start seeing common brands or words in Japanese pronunciation? I was out in the garage and and now I can unsee まきた as muh-keeeta.

      • Sensei

        When you learn more kanji you will start to see it more too.

        Many last names are geographic in nature, forest, woods, stream, river, hill, etc.

      • Sensei

        So from the Japanese article Makita was electronic department store. Name of the founder was Makita

        牧田 茂三郎
        maki – green pasture
        ta – rice field

        I’m unsure how to read his first name. I’m getting what is likely shige as first name + saburo (third son) which gives you Shigezaburo, but I can’t find that as a common name.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I hadn’t looked up the kanji for Makita. Now in addition to hearing ma-ki-ta moras, it’s going to [incorrectly] rendaku into ma-ki-da in my head.

    • Ghostpatzer

      Shocked, I am.

    • creech

      But the truck driver insulted Mohammed as a pedophile for having a seven year old bride! Hang him!!!

  32. Mojeaux

    I want Daylight Saving Time forever. I want my sun in the evening hours.

    I’ve lost my soul and I’m okay with that. I want to see justice on people who want to micromanage my life at gunpoint. Fuck them and the Tianenmen tank they rode in on.

    • Trigger Hippie

      *startled gasp*


    • Jerms

      May they dice white onions in hell forever!

  33. Tundra

    Good morning, Spud!

    Yes, that was a heavy article, but so worth it. I agree that some dudes just need killin’, but the state fuck ups definitely outweigh any real justice.

    Fantastic Old Guy music today! The SD haters are wrong. I also love Fagan’s The Nightfly. It should be in every music lover’s collection.

    So what’s everyone up to today?

    • Mojeaux

      I suspect Spud was listening in on our Steely Dan discussion the other night.

      I have completely changed my mind on the death penalty after hearing tales of innocent men on death row. As OMWC said once, some people just need not to be alive, but it’s not the state’s decision to make.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        ^this, We don’t have the right to that penalty, even though some people do need to die,

      • l0b0t

        I agree with both of you. I am unopposed to the death penalty per se, but the State can’t even deliver mail in accurate and timely manner; I do NOT trust them with such a weighty decision.

      • Grumbletarian

        In Grumbletopia, there would still be a death penalty, but prosecutors would have to stipulate pre-trial that they want that as an option at sentencing. If they do, the burden of proof for guilt rises to “Proof Beyond Doubt” (as in, “we have clear video evidence of the crime happening, with the accused’s face clearly visible”). If the prosecution wants to go that route and they cannot meet that burden of proof to get a jury to convict, the accused is found not guilty of charges, and cannot be retried under a lower burden of proof. Even if found guilty, the judge can elect not to sentence the defendant to death.

      • hoof_in_mouth

        I reserve the death penalty for government officials

    • creech

      Tundra – You’ll find the answer to your question about my book on last night’s thread.

      • Mojeaux

        Dude, no Kindle?!

      • creech

        Hmm. Used to be available on kindle. Only sold two or three copies that way, so maybe kindle dropped it?

      • Tundra

        Cool! Thanks, man!

    • Ghostpatzer

      So what’s everyone up to today?

      Bonding with the elder son – time to put all the warm weather stuff (chairs, grill, etc) into the shed for the winter and the old man needs help. Then watch the Giants lose to LV, we have a nice competition going on here for worst excuse for a football team (Giants/Jets).

      • Gender Traitor

        Yeah, today we’ll probably roll up & bag up the back porch futon mattress and put it in the garage, then fold up & tarp-cover the frame, closing up my Tranquility Base for the season.

        It’s been too chilly to spend my weekend morning out there for several weeks, but it still makes me sad to put that stuff away. ?

      • Ghostpatzer

        Way too chilly. Last night was likely the last Zoom I’ll be on whilst smoking on the patio. Work meetings indoors as well 🙁

    • KSuellington

      The Nightfly is a terrific album. Supposedly Fagan has never listened to it after it was made as it caused him a breakdown.

      I changed my position on the death penalty to opposition as the state can’t do fuckall right anyway. I don’t shed a tear for the typical execution though.

      Today the sun is shining. Time to lift some heavy things. Then take the older boy for a basketball team tryout and after that all the fam on a hike. Saving the Mexican GP for the later afternoon watch

  34. The Late P Brooks

    I want Daylight Saving Time forever. I want my sun in the evening hours.


  35. The Late P Brooks

    So what’s everyone up to today?

    Driving back to Montana with the now-empty trailer. I think I’ll bring the 914 down on the next run, so i’ll have something to shuttle around in.

    Finally walked away from the property I have been chasing for a couple of weeks. too much weirdness. I’ll focus on setting up the shop and making the Airstream usable.

    • Tundra

      Catch me up, please. I kind of lost track of your adventures.

      I saw a Spitfire yesterday and had a (momentary) pang of regret. I got over it, though. 914 running well?

  36. Ghostpatzer

    Breaking news wind

    Big deal. Why make a big stink about this?

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m surprised that leaked out.

      • Rebel Scum

        Someone was always going to sniff out this story.

      • Grumbletarian

        These puns are really falling flatulent.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Everything Is Musk In The Wind

  37. Mojeaux

    So what’s everyone up to today?

    I am preparing to make My Dude some cookies for the game. I am also going to make some cookies for myself for the game. He gets chocolate chip. I get lemon sugar cookies.

    • Q Continuum

      Hopefully shooting; otherwise watching soccer with beer.

      • The coolest vaccine-free BEAM in the world™

        Repairing/re-capping/upgrading an old 1976 Realistic Concertmate AM/FM stereo tabletop radio; not looking forward to the tuner dial re-stringing. I hate doing those.

        Then (illegal) dinner with friends.

      • slumbrew

        Then (illegal) dinner with friends.

        Long pig?

      • The coolest vaccine-free BEAM in the world™

        Miscegenation! Vaxxed and unvaxxed eating together! Talking! Laughing! Next thing you know there’ll be good-will and fellow-feeling!

        We must not allow the Clean and the unClean to mingle! THAT WAY LIES DEATH!!!

      • rhywun

        Too early for beer but I see that England is still all about the kneeling. And the spectators clap like seals at it.

        And apparently it is now legal to throw yourself into the goalkeeper to prevent him from reaching the ball.

    • l0b0t

      I just made bacon and chocolate chip pancakes for the kids. Son made me sit through the 2 most recent Night At The Museum sequels yesterday, so I showed the kids the Happy Days episode where Mork first appears; now they’re hooked on Mork & Mindy. We have a big UNO game coming up next, then it’s time to hit the playgrounds down at the beach.

      • Tundra

        Perfect. Enjoy!

    • Nephilium

      I’ll be walking up and indulging in beer, wings, and fries while watching the Browns/Bengals game. The girlfriend will be going to the memorial for her friend (who are requiring proof of vaccination or a negative test to attend).

      • l0b0t

        Please give her a big hug from me before she leaves.

    • slumbrew

      I may thumb my nose at the new leafblower ordinance* and clean up outside a bit.

      * not supposed to use them on Sunday now, but 1) it’s a little electric one 2) the only neighbor who’s home is 85, is hard of hearing and wouldn’t give a shit if he could hear it and 3) it’s not that big a property – be done in less than an hour.

      • slumbrew

        Scratch that – playground on the other side has filled up a bit & I try not to blow dust clouds at the kids. Cleaning windows it is.

        Then Patriots @ 1 & F1 on the DVR sometime after that (perhaps with a short row – back-to-back days may make my elbow flare but I do enjoy rowing during a race – time flies by).

    • Ownbestenemy

      Need to buy wood paneling for the trailer, rocks for the yard, and a deep look at reoccurring services we can shed off.

    • DEG

      Today? I was at the gym. I thought about going shooting but… after I got out of the gym it was still below freezing here. Now things are a bit warmer, but given when the Sun is going down, I’m going to work in the yard instead. I’ll be heading outside pretty soon after I finish a few things here.

  38. DEG

    Police are investigating whether the group’s escape from the plane was spontaneous or an elaborate plot to immigrate illegally.

    My money is on elaborate plot.

    “Time of death, 6:18,” someone spoke into their radio. Baxley didn’t wait to hear more. Within seconds he was in a bathroom around the corner, ripping the gloves off and trying to wash himself clean. He scrubbed his hands hard and asked God to forgive him for what he had done. But it wasn’t enough.

    I read the whole thing. I had real trouble with feeling sympathy towards these guys who weren’t conscripted into being executioners.

    The beds were adjustable, with two measuring 1.7 meters (nearly 5 feet, 7 inches) and one just 1.4 meters (4 feet, 7 inches), possibly indicating that a family with a child had lived there.

    Adjustable beds in Rome? Interesting.

    The song is good.

    • slumbrew

      I went on an extended tour of the USS Constitution at one point at they talked at length about the damage from spinters.

      Even the regular tour would be worth your while, I suspect, if you’re up in the area.

  39. Rebel Scum

    It’s nearly noon. I should probably get off my ass and cut the grass.

  40. rhywun

    Today I learned there is a marathon – when it blocked my way home from the supermarket.

    • slumbrew

      They’re doing wave starts, starting as late as noon – you’ll be dealing with that until sundown. Sorry dude.

      • rhywun

        Nah, I just hustled across during a break in the action. Nobody cared.

        Foot power FTW

    • Trigger Hippie

      I once booked a room in Manhattan not knowing that the annual Dominican Pride Parade was scheduled to begin across the street right about the time I was checking into the joint. . After taking a shower and changing clothes I left the hotel only to discover the need to travel nearly a mile in either direction just to cross the street.

      … I lived in Boston as a young adult, that was more than enough of a cluster fuck. NYC would drive me insane.

  41. prolefeed

    Progjection: Biden’s quote about how he thinks randomly chosen Americans wouldn’t be able to understand supply chain issues.

  42. hayeksplosives

    Chuck of beef in the crock pot with potatoes, carrots, onion, spices. That’ll take 6 hours or so. I’ll let it do its thing while watching NFL.

    In related news, I had to throw away my old giant crock pot. It is finally done after 21 years of faithful service. Its carry handles were broken (and not replaceable since they appear to be riveted on underneath the metal liner) and it lost one of its three feet in the move. It wasn’t even a CrockPot brand name; Hamilton Beach or Sunbeam or something. It’s the longest relationship with a kitchen appliance I’ve ever had; been through many a chili cook off, many church basement potlucks, many holiday meals.

    It felt weird simply to drop it into the trash bin this morning. Seemed like “Amazing Grace” bagpipes should have been playing.

    Or maybe I should get out more…

    • Tulip

      I have 2 sets of old mixing bowls that I got at yard sales about 30(!) Years ago. I paid 75¢ for each set. Still going strong.

      • l0b0t

        I still have my mom’s 1970s Salton Yogurt Maker; it works well but I haven’t used it in more than a decade.

    • slumbrew

      The bad news is all new crock points are way too hot on “low” because “safety”.

      • Mojeaux

        Exactly. Mustn’t let a piece of beef be anything other than shoe leather you must eat with ketchup.

  43. Grumbletarian

    So what’s everyone up to today?

    Well, I’m up to 48 years old today. Meh.

    • Trigger Hippie

      Happy Birthday you rapidly deteriorating old fart!

    • The coolest vaccine-free BEAM in the world™

      Infant. Child. Babe-in-arms.

      (Happy Birthday!)

    • Sean

      Happy birthday ??

    • Ghostpatzer

      Mazel Tov, young man!

    • Tundra

      Happy birthday!

    • l0b0t

      Happy Birthday!!!!

    • Penguin

      How about some Altered Images?