He walks amongst us.


So OMWC and the woman/child SP are roaming across the country. I’ve done my PSA. Hopefully, for the children, she can keep his proclivities under control. (To the NSA, THIS IS A JOKE!!! A FRIGGIN’ JOKE!!! QUIT KNOCKING ON MY FRONT DOOR!!!)

Ahem, let’s move on to some links.


Any comparison to the running of the bulls is RACIST!!!


This is really damned heavy for a Sunday morning. Please feel free just to skip it, but I felt it worth noting.




If only we had a picture of a Satyr banging a goat.


I’m sorry, I know this will result in drugs falling out of my ass, but it’s just to delicious. It didn’t even take a week.


Old guy music. From one of the three albums that shaped my initial musical tastes. It was 1972 and I was nine years old.