Remember how I mentioned that MERCURY RETROGRADE in Pisces was particularly bad?  Yeah, I’ve been feeling that.  Bosses have been particularly petty, coworkers suddenly forget how to do statistics, and I had this event involving an ordinarily competent technician:

OCT:   AAAaiiigh!  The tool is DOWN!  IT wont hold pressure!!

Boss:  Why is this still down?  It’s been down all night!

NA:  But… it didn’t get logged down until 45 seconds before this meeting.  See the timestamp?

Boss:  Exactly!  It says time down was 01:14!

NA:  And it says time reported at 07:29… never mind.

NA:  Yo, OCT, check it.


NA:  See how this fitting right the fuck in front of where you stand to operate this is disconnected?

OCT:  Yes?

NA:  And see how it’s spraying eluent 8.5 meters across the lab?

OCT:  Oh yeah, I put a wet floor warning cone in the puddle.

NA:  I’ll bet that’s the system pressure leak.  *Reconnects fitting, watches the pressure rise from zero to operating range*

NA:  *looks at uptime stats hit, considers reviewing resume*

So… it’s been that kind of week.  Next week’s not looking too much better.  I’m going to take a day of vacation and sleep in.  Because not only is MERCURY RETROGADE in Pisces, this week it’s going to be aligned with the moon (inconsistency) and Saturn (all sorts of bad stuff).  Seriously, I’m not even going to try and read that construction because it can’t possibly be anything good.  At least there’s not a comet involved.  More hopefully, we have Venus and Jupiter aligned with the Sun, which is extremely auspicious, particularly where domestic life is involved.  Which makes taking a day off seem like and even better idea.  Now the Saturn from the first construction and Jupiter from the second are involved with a third in which those two planets align with Mars.  Saturn-Jupiter-Mars is one of the more maximally ambivalent constructions.  However, since it spans two much clearer ones, it too has a clear meaning:  “Stay Home.  Venturing into a war zone will get you killed. ”

Capricorn keeps tempting you to enact your master plan what with holding Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.  Aries keeps Venus, which makes women more sexually receptive, however the moon is in Taurus, which is a known cause of ED, so things might not work out well for straight glibbroads.  Pisces has the aforementioned MERCURY RETROGRADE.  Thanks, fishies.

Counteracting all the generally bad stuff in the sky, the cards suggest that there is some fairy serious coin to be made.  This undoubtedly ties into al the admonitions from earlier about paying attention to your home/your business.

Pisces:  9 of Coins – Prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certitude, discernment

Aries:  Knight of Wands reversed – Rupture, division, interruption, discord

Taurus:  Temperance – Economy, moderation, frugality, management, accommodation

Gemini:  Knight of Coins reversed –  inertia, idleness, couch potatohood, stagnation, \ placidity, discouragement, carelessness

Cancer:  10 of Swords reversed – Advantage, profit, success, favor… but none of these are permanent; also power and authority

Leo:  10 of Coins –  Gain, riches, family matters, archives, extraction

Virgo:  The Chariot – Succour, providence, war, triumph, presumption, vengeance, trouble

Libra:  The Moon reversed – Instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error

Scorpio:  3 of Swords reversed – Mental alienation, error, loss, distraction, disorder, confusion

Sagittarius:  5 of Coins reversed – Disorder, chaos, ruin, discord, profligacy

Capricorn:  Queen of Wands – A dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste, loving, honorable, love of money, success in business

Aquarius:  5 of Cups – loss, but something remains, inheritance, patrimony, transmission but not corresponding to expectations