Text appears on screen: January 31st, 2021.

An entourage of Hum-Vees bust through the gates in spectacular fashion. TED, ICE T and a newly buff HARVEY hop out of the lead Hum-Vee armed to the teeth.


Surprise motherfuckers! I bet ya thought we forgot!


It’s time to end this shit once and for all. I ain’t your fall guy no more. The Proud Boys taught me all about not wankin no more!

        ICE T

Damn, we really need to work on your problem with over sharin. But lets ice these fools. Fuckin’ Kamala Harris!? Fuck the police!

Secret service agents come pouring out into the portico, guns drawn. They slowly advance towards the caravan of Hum-Vees. Then, suddenly they holster their weapons and take kung-foo poses and begin running at the protagonists one at a time.

Harvey punches the first to approach him in the sternum and bashes the second into the side of the Hum-Vee.

A secret service agent rushes at TED and attempts a ‘flying dragon’ kick.


Enough of this horseshit!

Ted pulls his side-arm and shoots the guy in the dick. A very Verhoven explosion of vicera occurs.

      ICE T

Lets waste these motherfuckers!

Automatic, semi-automatic and even non automatic gunplay ensues. Ultimately our band of marauders prevails, covered in blood and guts.


They thought what happened at the capitol was insurrection, but they ain’t seen nothin yet!