I swear this is relevant

“Oh noooooo… It’s horrrrrrrible!”

I don’t know if you guys knew this, but LEGO is open to user submitted LEGO sets. This set was officially approved earlier this week and it’s just amazing. (h/t: Mr. Riven) I think they could almost do a whole line of famous works of art that have three dimensions instead of two.

Man, another high-stakes debate already in 2021. What do you think? I never touch the stuff, so no opinion.

Yet another article that makes me glad I don’t have kids, but there’s some hope at the end. More parents are willing to entertain alternatives to public/government-run schools if it means getting their kids out of the house during the day.

Oh, look. Another debate that’s certainly worthy of argument. /s

Boo! Boo, I say!


We always, we always, we always have a story. The latest story that I know is the one that I’m supposed to go out with…