Welp. It had to happen sooner or later. WebDom has flown the coop today. And by flown the coop, I mean gone back home to her real life. It was great fun having her here, in SPite of the fact that she and OMWC gang up on me for SPort.

We did a couple day trips over the past week to Sedona and Tucson. I hadn’t been to Sedona in about 20 years. It has certainly become even more crowded, but it’s still just as beautiful.

Anyway. You come here for links to ignore, so links you shall have.

Sad news from North Texas. Hope all local Glibs are safe.

“In Socialist America, better to waste vaccine than use it without ‘equity.’ “ H/T and quote Brett L

OFFS. More evidence that politicians are assholes everywhere. But we knew that.

This is why people hate cops and prosecutors.


OK, I am out before my blood pressure spikes anymore. have a great afternoon, kids!