It’s classier if I use a non-English movie poster.

Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death

At one time, Bill Maher was a comedian. He was on Merv Griffin and Johnny Carson.  We all know where he is now, but where did he come from? Did he have funny stand up? Does he need a hug now that all his leftist allies went disrespect him?  Would he accept a hug from a fat, cigar smoking Southerner? I may never know. Bill was a cable-grade star in a few more movies, including House II of all things before he became the man he is today.

Enough about Bill! This movie has enough jabs at feminist and macho stereotypes to send a liberal arts major running to the dorm counselor. And that’s why I like it. It also has Adrienne Barbeau in it, who has now been in over 155 movies and TV shows, including the iconic Cannonball Run.

This has also been featured on Elvira.  For giggles, her show featuring this very same movie is on TUBI, so that link is to the alternate version where you can see her which may make this a… fuller experience.

Tonight’s movie which was a perpetual USA Up All Night favorite. And with everything going on lately, I have been in the mood for some something like a movie with some cable-grade sexploitation and a hero who later became a talk show host. Watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary!

Next week, by popular request of two peeps, I shall continue the late night 80s movie fest with Hell Comes to Frogtown starring Rowdy Roddy Piper and Sandahl Bergman.

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(h/t: The Hyperbole)