Openly embracing racial quotas

This seems silly to me. But I’m white, so I should just keep my mouth shut. The other big news is the World Cup, which we should have all but a few teams set for in the next two days. I don’t know what else is going on really. But I do know somebody needs to beat Duke in the Final Four. Please. And that’s sports.

We’re all gonna die!!!!!!! Oh wait, nevermind. Nobody knows what this means.

This seems incredibly inappropriate. Alleging criminal fraud in the ruling of a civil case should like it might be stepping beyond one’s responsibilities as a judge.

Keep it cranking, boys!

Printer go BRRRRRRRRRR! Fuck it, it’s not real money anyway. It’s all just a game.

I’ve got a better way: just stay away from the shithole altogether.

Unhinged? No, just Irish.

This is as bad as the Cuomo “Italian” excuse. Which means 100% of team blue will accept it.

Dammit, I was hoping this was real. Although it very well might be in a few places. Just not Nebraska.

Get out while you still can. It’s completely going to shit.

There’s no winners here. Oh wait…I guess the guys who won’t be held responsible kinda win. And the taxpayers take it in the shorts.

Here’s a masterpiece. I could play so many songs of theirs. It’s never easy to pick one. So I’ll pick two. Hope you enjoy them both.

And I hope you enjoy this Tuesday, dear friends.