

30 February, 405 UE

Duchess Elizabeth D’Arc-Cumberland,
Heir-Mother of Empire


My Dearest Lizzie,

With spring nearly upon us, my thoughts go back to your wedding day.  I hope you remember the words I said that morning, “I had two jobs in my life, to raise a son to be Emperor and to raise a daughter capable of doing the same two jobs.  I have done both.”  I am beginning to think that I was wrong. My grand-daughter is now 23 years of age and still has not produced an heir nor gotten married.  Yes! I would prefer the latter happen first, but time is running short.  Both of us only have one daughter, and I do not think either of us want to see the throne go to my sister’s family.

In order to expedite the situation, and because I miss my daughter and would love to see my granddaughter again, I have arranged for you two to come to the capital in spring.  There are always plenty of worthy young men here in the summer, as you are well aware.  I know you wish to leave the choice of husband up to her, just as I did for you.  But I made sure you made a choice, and from proper suitors.  Here, we can make that happen.

I know you think otherwise, but I do agree that you made a good choice for the Father of our next Emperor.  I hear good things about Thomas, he is growing into a man worthy of the title.  That you chose to be a Duchess over being a Queen was a surprise to me, but both were decent men and I cannot fault your choice.

While I know that he has other pressing duties, Thomas will also be summoned to the capitol before the end of summer.  Now that he is of age, your brother would like to formally declare him as his heir.  If all goes well, the whole family could be here for a Fall wedding.

As for your youngest, the rumors of your husband’s plan to bestow the title of Lord Crocus on Ian has caused consternation here.  While it is your Duke’s prerogative, and his King will surely approve, and the Emperor will rubberstamp the decision, that title is that of a cricklord (pardon my language)!  Yes, it was my husband’s title, but that was a sacrifice I was willing to make, but won’t have for my grandson!  Our marriage may have saved the empire.  I didn’t marry for title, but for money.  For the first time in 400 years, the Emperor is financially independent.  Your Father’s business acumen is the reason for the peace and prosperity in the Empire.

This brings us back around to our initial topic.  Money is not enough to guarantee peace forever, and rumblings are beginning.  A wedding may be required to end some of the rumblings, at least for a generation or two.  We can give Thomas the chance to start his reign in a strong position.  But, one wedding may not be enough, and Crocus is not a title to attract an appropriate bride for Ian, when that time comes.

Please give my fondest wishes to your Duke and to Ian.  I understand my youngest grandson has adventures of his own and will not be able to travel with you.  Please tell him he is making his grandmother proud.

Best regards,


Lady Annelise d’Arc-Crocus,
Mother of Empire