On a recent Glibzoom the question of how best to achieve libertopia was proposed, and I gave my scenario I’ve used over the last 20 years. It was quite well received, as honestly all my ideas are because I’m amazing. So I thought I would share this simple process with the whole class. Now keep in mind, I am not a standard libertarian. I am, of course, a Constitutional Property Rights Minarchist. But, This process would get us as close to the libertopia all you miscreants yearn for.

To achieve maximum freedom while still keeping a functional society I think it the transition makes itself very clear. You start out where we are today. Each day you remove one law or regulation. Hell, the number of laws and regulations we have you could probably repeal one every minute and this process would still probably take decades. (OHHH new idea! We repeal one law or regulation for each dollar the government wants to spend! The velocity of money yo!)

We would start off with the most farcical of laws. Ones 99% percent of people agree should go (Sheboygan WI Sec. 70-153. – Sprinkling of property. No persons shall, with purpose or intent, sprinkle their property in any manner to the distress or annoyance of others.).

From there we work down the list. No matter the metric for speed of repeal, it will be slow, because there are so many damned laws. But, we’ve learned from the frog boiling Progressives that slow change makes for amenable zombies…er…I mean citizens.

So after years or decades or however long it takes, the big government folks tell us that one day this will lead to chaos. So that is how we proceed. We keep repealing laws, regulations and ordinances until we find that final straw that breaks the camel’s back. We go from peaceful suburbia to the Mad Max Wastelands without This One Neat Trick. So, when that one regulation about about the mattress tag is repealed and all of a sudden there are roving gangs of cannibals and our own Lord Humongous rules the wastes and commands the last of the guzzoline, we just put that one back. That apparently is the glue that holds the world together. And that would be end of the expansion of government. If society doesn’t reform? At least we get to live in one of the most badass end of days scenarios.