I know I promised to discuss clueing this time but something else came up. Someone, rhywun maybe, made the statement that they didn’t recognize and would have never gotten the quote in the last puzzle. As far as solving the puzzles go, knowing or recognizing the quote isn’t necessary, I can’t remember a single time I solved a acrostic because I was familiar with the quote. That said, I can see how recognizing the quote or being familiar with the source material may make the solving that much more of a fun experience. Most of my puzzles have come form books I’m reading or a liberty themed quote I stumble across, but I realize they don’t have to be. So this time I took a quote from a movie that, if my guesstimate of the average Glib’s age and tastes is correct, most of you should be familiar with or at least have heard of. The attribution in this case is the character who spoke the quote and the title of the movie. Have fun.

Music to work Glibcrostics to

Online Version

