No thanks, one glass is plenty.


Back in the day, OMWC and I were known in the fine wine world. Not in a positive way, but still. I used to attend formal, sit down tastings a couple of times a month. After many years of this, I got bored and realized that I was drinking wine I would happily enjoy all evening, as opposed to ten wines I get to experience for a few minutes each.

Fast forward a couple of decades, and I’ve been requested to put on a formal tasting for the neighbors and their friends tonight. Explaining that “no, the party starts AFTER the tasting, we don’t need food on the table until later” has been a difficult concept to get across. Either way, I will be drinking wine.




Worst D-Day re-enactment ever.


My guess is this ends with auto erotic asphyxiation.


Is there anything Musk can’t do? My guess is there’s a lot of malicious compliance going on at Twitter right now.


Unlike the WNBA, this is a sport.


People are dumb.


There are layers here that make me smdh.


Okay, time for some sophisticated sipping. Enjoy your favorite tipple.