My apologies for being, well, scarce for the past little while. Massive project at the university, pressing stuff from my consulting and paid writing, and attempted forays into the dating world have been more than a bit overwhelming. All sad excuses and I’ll try to do better. Maybe even drop in a Jewsday or two. On the bright side, it’s gotten 10b0T to start contributing. So don’t hate on me too much.

Birthdays are numerous today, so much so that I’ll have to skip over far too many. But the curated list includes a hero of the Left; what journalism used to be; one of my two favorite historians; a great scientist who was a veritable quote machine; a woman who married a millionaire; the quintessential Hollywood Cowboy who was quick on the Trigger; a guy who squeezed the Comet instead of the Charmin; a famous nymphomaniac whom I sadly didn’t meet; the guy who inspired Eugene Levy; a guy who told her twice already; a nobody who parlayed disgrace into a fortune; a woman known for her tits who was actually quite a good actress; a mediocre mathematician, indifferent songwriter, and terrific singer; a guy who truly could do it all; the guy who convinced me that I could never be a Libertarian; a guy who was the subject of one of the most memorable lines in movie history; the stereotypical empty-headed self-important actress; and the stereotypical empty-headed self-important NFL player.

On to actual Links.


Welcome President Harris.


Team Blue gonna blame the black guy.


We’re trying to keep up with the Chinese.


Proxy wars.




Maybe if you paid the $8 per month…?


Want to know what a dimbulb asshole looks like? Here’s what a dimbulb asshole looks like.


How often does a hit song speak about the libertarian ethos? Not often, and therefore Old Man makes an exception to his “no country pop” rule.