Sunday Morning Trying Again Links

Sunday Morning Trying Again Links

Yes, another one. This time, I'm being smarter about it- we're meeting up at a brewery, so if/when we hate each other, at least I can have some beer. Birthdays today include a guy who might have been your uncle; a guy who made major contributions toward destroying...

Sunday Morning Medically Cleared Links

Sunday Morning Medically Cleared Links

Spent the day in the ER with l0b0t playing the dutiful son by my side. Although I thought things were getting better, my fever appeared to bounce back, I was coughing incessantly (note that Spud ignored this because of his scat fixation), my intestines were...

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.

Saturday Morning Sick as a Dog Links

My health has taken a bad turn. Nasty ass flu which has me fatigued, coughing, diarrhea (I do not recommend that combination), fever... but bless the amazing Kaiser who has stayed by my side and tried comforting and guarding. A pediatrician friend made some...

Sunday Morning Tales From Oberlin East Links

As much as I hated the Bush dynasty, I hate them more now. Among all the other stupid shit Bush The Elder did, the one with the longest consequences was probably the ADA. And as many problems and inconveniences as this has caused for me in the past, the latest...

Sunday Morning Hung Over Again Links

It was a beautiful day in the Finger Lakes after a week of shit weather. One of the NPR Ladies of my acquaintance wanted to do some drinking, so I sez, "Why not?" I picked up a couple bottles from my favorite winery, then went to a new one which was having a grand...