Saturday evening linkaroos

by | Dec 17, 2022 | Daily Links | 218 comments

Look at this stud muffin.

The weather here in Manly Time is opposite of where the above beef cake is. But I’m not in northern Montana, where a friend reported the high next week is -11. Northern open prairie gets cold as fuck in the winter, who knew?

Links, anyone?


“Loved and respected by the world.”


They forgot the “intelligent” part.


I can think of better places I’d rather be stranded.


Hey, but the greenies were successful in preventing the development of new, environment destroying reservoirs, amirite?


It’s friggin’ cold there too. They can have it.


Something I can easily give up in my life.


Dino Danelli, the drummer for The Rascals, passed away at 78 yesterday.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. MikeS

    a friend reported the high next week is -11.

    Same here. Brrrrrr

    • Spudalicious

      I could never live on the prairie. The wind is never not blowing.

      • MikeS

        Yeah. Plenty of otherwise beautiful days ruined by a constant 15+ mph wind. That can get to you. I’ve read that some early settlers were literally driven insane by the wind blowing for many days straight.

      • Sean

        Another bad hair day!!!!!

      • robodruid

        I can believe it, we have no trees surrounding our property (yet). the wind can be constant. Much worse near Enid OK.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        “…and then the wind stopped and all of the buildings in town fell over!”

      • Francisco d'Anconia

        15 is nothing here. When the Chinooks start blowing it’s 20-30. There are years where 45 steady state happens fairly often. Seen mid 50s already this year.

        But the summers rock

      • MikeS

        I was merely giving a number where it starts to get annoying. We have 20-30 sustained winds on the regular. In fact, it’s been 20-30 for 3 days now. And no trees to stop it.

      • Francisco d'Anconia

        Here they are a mixed blessing. The Chinooks are warm and peel off the snow.

        Seems to be one or the other. 30 mph winds and 45 degrees, or -15 and dead calm.

      • MikeS

        Yeah, the one good part is that usually when it gets below -10, it’s calm, or at least no more than 10mph winds (which is still bad at that temp). But boy, the times the wind is howling and the air temp is -10 or less…that’ll hurt a person right quick.

      • Homple

        Somebody who moved to Medicine Hat, Alberta claimed he lived there 10 months before he realized that the flags weren’t made out of sheet metal.

    • Name's BEAM. James BEAM.


      Wednesday’s forecasted low for Edmonchukskianovich is -27° Celsius (-17° Fahrenheit). A fine fall evening, if’n you ask me.

      • Chafed

        Jeebus. I’m sure your heating bill is way down thanks to Trudeau’s forced march to renewables.

      • Animal

        We were at -19 (‘Merican degrees, not commie Celcius) this morning. But no wind, which makes it pretty tolerable if you’re dressed for it.

      • Spudalicious

        That’s the thing. Wind completely changes the equation.

      • Lackadaisical


        It’s amazing how much nicer the world is without the wind blowing all the time.

      • Francisco d'Anconia

        Wednesday is -23 F for the low in Belt MT.

        -20 is where even Montanans start to say it’s cold.

  2. Ownbestenemy

    “Loved and respected by the world.”

    Doesn’t matter. News media has completely bought into being propagandists. /blackpilled

    • robodruid

      Over time, they are going to have to keep defending this stuff.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Defend to whom?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Oh, the GOPe hated him more.

    • Raven Nation

      “if it is content with continuing to play the role of the “Party of No.”

      Umm, have the Rs really voted a lot of No? There were a couple of the big bills, but has there been that much opposition? I haven’t really paid attention.

      Further thought, if there has been opposition, I wonder if it will continue once they GOP has the house. They talk tough when they’re out of power.

    • Brochettaward

      They get out there where ballot harvesting and early voting are legal, which is in most states now. They get out there and they hustle those ballots.”

      This. Lost in all of the nonsense over stolen elections is the most obvious and blatant form of cheating that is legalized in many, many places. It doesn’t even taken a grand conspiracy, though there’s more going on in my opinion than ballot harvesting alone.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, there’s ballot harvesting, and then there’s 75 voters registered at a parking lot or whatnot.

      • Chafed

        +1 cemeteries

  3. Ted S.

    I can think of better places I’d rather be stranded.


    • Name's BEAM. James BEAM.

      I’d take it.

  4. Tres Cool

    “Awnallah said, adding he doesn’t want to burden shoppers with significantly higher costs for a produce staple.”

    I love his altruism, but I dont think that business model is sustainable.

    I’m going to bed- some of us work all night.

    • rhywun

      “You kind of have to wonder, is global warming playing a role in this?” Smith said.

      Because of course you do.

  5. Lackadaisical

    “Something I can easily give up in my life.”

    Leaf lettuce is so easy to grow, if that ever became common is just grow my own.

    • Spudalicious

      I let my lettuce go to seed, so I have volunteer lettuce in the garden every year.

  6. Brochettaward

    *Insert First here at later date to prevent seconding doomsday scenario 1379*

  7. Fourscore

    “Lettuce vines”

    I learned something. Lettuce in my garden is just a single plant (head) growing on a stem.

    I’d love NoDak if it had some trees ( a lot) and lots of lakes.

    • Chafed

      In other words, if it was Minnesota.

    • MikeS

      Are you tree and lake shaming us?

  8. R.J.

    Just finished hour two of Avatar 2. Had to pee so bad I could taste it. Another hour to ho.

    • UnCivilServant

      How few sentences does it take to sum up the plot? just the number, not the summary.

      • Brochettaward

        It is, from the reports I read before release, a ridiculously dumb movie with a cardboard thin plot and horrible dialogue. Much like the original.

        So, one short sentence I’m guessing would suffice.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Heard a few references to Moby Dick in space….ie. instead of unobtanium, the evil humans are now after literal alien whale oil.

      • Brochettaward

        You know, some people think I’m arrogant as a Firster.

        James Cameron is a guy who just made a sequel to a movie that nobody cares about anymore that needs to make over $2 billion just to break even and start turning a profit. That mans ego could fuel stars, if it could ever be harvested. Maybe that should be the plot of Avatar 6.

      • Q Continuum

        “Anybody can be a father or a husband. There are only five people in the world who can do what I do, and I’m going for that.”

        – What he told Linda Hamilton when he asked for a divorce

        Never mind the fact that the last decent movie he made was T2 back in 1991. Avatar One was unwatchable; I walked out because I couldn’t stand how insultingly on-the-nose it was with its retarded greenie message as well as those G-d forsaken blue things which are smack dab in the middle of the uncanny valley.

      • rhywun

        His job isn’t making a good movie, it’s raking in gobs and gobs of dollars.

      • Chafed

        And he is very, very good at it.

      • Chafed

        True Lies and and a horny for Jamie Lee Curtis younger me would like a word.

      • DrOtto

        Dude, Trading Places…just saying.

      • R.J.

        It’s… not terrible. So far. Silly? Yes. Great graphics? Yes. Overlong? Yes. I’d say an awful lot of money was spent to make an average film. Another point, I am in a big theater and only ten people are in here.

      • Brochettaward

        It is so far doing pretty well financially and expected to pass $400 million by Sunday.

        But this was so expensive to make that it will need to do have really long legs to even break even.

        I’ve heard one reviewer basically agree with you. It’s really really dumb. You can’t think about it much. But the competition from Hollywood at this point is so weak that it’s going to make money because people are starved for escapist entertainment that is family friendly. I mean, there probably aren’t any lesbian Nabi or whatever the fuck the blue people are called.

      • Ted S.


      • rhywun


      • Chafed


      • R.J.

        Yes, it’s like going on a three-hour virtual ride at Universal Studios. I just cannot see how it is going to ever break even. My final judgment is that I enjoyed it – like a ride. I would never buy a copy of this or go see it again. And that is the doom of this film. It can never make the money back.

      • R.J.

        And I am very tired of lame ass villains who are just stupid and evil for no reason other than that they are humans. Also the movie brought back from the dead the evil jarhead leader from the last movie. Yes. That stupid of an idea. And he was magically saved at the end of this sequel so he could be in another sequel.

      • Chafed

        You and Critical Drinker have similar thoughts.

      • DrOtto

        I think they’re call jar jar binks.

      • Q Continuum

        “an awful lot of money was spent to make an average film”

        Cameron has that tattooed on his scrotum.

    • Ted S.

      Another hour to ho.

      With Winston’s Mom?

  9. Timeloose

    11$ for a head of lettuce…same as downtown????

  10. Brochettaward

    The Red State article on the RNC misses the glaringly obvious reason the RNC chair is going to keep his position. He’s bringing in money. It doesn’t matter if it’s spent intelligently or if he’s winning elections. He’s lining the right pockets. I’m sure that point isn’t lost on the writer, but it needs to be stated explicitly.

    Money in politics is grossly overrated in the first place. I’m not sure if politicians actually believe having the cash is important or if they just like having it because they can spread it around to friends and cronies. I’m guessing it’s probably like 10-90 split on what matters to them.

    • Q Continuum

      Money’s gonna matter a lot more going forward since our elections have become a joke such that whichever party can pay the most smurfs to “harvest” the most ballots will win. All those unemployable lowlife “harvesters” have gotta pay for their pot somehow.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    There are worse places to be stuck than Machu Picchu. I liked it there.

    • Brochettaward

      This is Brooks’s way of saying that Peruvian girls do anal.

      • Q Continuum

        Don’t know about Peruvian girls, but I can say Argentine girls weren’t particularly enthusiastic. They made up for it with creativity and bi-flexibility though.

      • Chafed

        Go on…

      • Q Continuum

        I’d like to thank the women of Mendoza province for a memorable 3 months in 2008.

      • Chafed


  12. The Other Kevin

    So 9 “journalists” were suspended from Twitter for posting the real time location of Musks plane. Now they’re calling it a massacre, and it’s got its own Wikipedia page. 🙄

    • Brochettaward

      If only the media had responded so quickly to one of the nation’s oldest newspapers having a critical election story banned weeks before an election (you know, when they were doing actual journalism unlike posting useless location data on Musk and his family) maybe none of this would be happening.

      • rhywun

        The hypocrisy is even more breathtaking than usual.

      • Chafed

        It’s really broken out in the open. Anyone not living in an echo chamber sees it.

    • Name's BEAM. James BEAM.

      And people wonder why I don’t use Wikipedia for any serious research.

      • MikeS

        Only stupid people.

  13. westernsloper

    23-year megadrought supercharged by global warming.

    Cough cough bull cough shit.

    Snow pack has been 90+ percent of average for the past decade. They are stealing the water and blaming it on drought. Fuck CA and AZ. They are draining our lakes because they are stealing all the water.

      • kinnath

        How do you mend a broken link?

      • UnCivilServant

        You apply sucrose, dextrose, and glucose.

      • Penguin

        How can you stop the bytes from falling down?

      • Shirley Knott


    • Michael Malaise

      Forget it Western, it’s Chinatown.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Flipping through the channels a while ago, I came across a news segment about the Heavy Metals in Dark Chocolate Panic.

    Oddly enough, they actually got around to mentioning that the tests done by the noble public interest advocacy group were done using California’s (infinitesimal) exposure numbers, because there isn’t even a federal number.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    You’d probably have to eat a forty pound dark chocolate Easter bunny every day for ten years to get detectable cadmium or lead poisoning.

    • Chafed

      Is that a dare?

      • Zwak, who has his own double cross to bear.

        I can eat 40 bunnies.

        No man can eat forty bunnies!

        Luke can. If he says he can, he can!

    • Spudalicious

      I love Cadmium Eggs at Easter.

      • Sean


      • DrOtto

        I wait till the day after, they practically give them away then.

  16. rhywun

    Geez, the Browns are trying awfully hard to lose this game.

  17. westernsloper

    I have suffered through a Browns Crows game in hopes of seeing OMWC get his ass beat in the stands and nothing but mediocre football.

    • Chafed

      Lol. Good times.

    • Timeloose

      He should shoot himself for ordering shitty pizza.

    • Michael Malaise


  18. The Late P Brooks

    ,em>The hypocrisy is even more breathtaking than usual.

    Those people are Serious Journalists. Elon Musk owes them a soapbox and a bullhorn so they can bray at the unwashed masses.

    • Q Continuum

      “Private company brah. Don’t like it, go start your own.”

      – Every proggie journolist 6 months ago

  19. Tonio

    Neph is on detached duty tonight, so I will kick off the Saturday Night GlibZoom (etc, etc) at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.

    Be there.


    • Animal

      Be there.

      Ich werde da sein.

    • Brochettaward

      I was part of the exploratory committee of Firsters who looked at Zoom at the start of the pandemic. I normally try to avoid such bureaucratic tasks given my notoriety as a Firster. I feel as though my opinion weighs too heavily on such decision making processes, and I am really all about the Firsting. Irregardless, I was highly skeptical of it as a vessel for Firsting, but one of my long-time co-Firsters talked me into chairing the panel. We confirmed what I suspected. Zoom is not a platform suitable for Firsting and our Asian counterparts were likely using it to spy on Western Firsting techniques in the attempt to test it. It was a bad idea from the start.

      • Brochettaward

        Dear lord. I don’t know how many Firsts I’m going to have to insert into the Firstline to undo that.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    He joked, “I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid. I married Dominic Giacoppa’s daughter so, you know, I got a little Italian in me now.”

    Doktor Puppeteer Grandma does have her hand up his ass.

    • Chafed


      • Lackadaisical

        The worst thing is they’re not even good looking girls.

      • Chafed

        They’re German. We’re lucky that calendar doesn’t involve sex with the carp.

      • MikeS

        Are we, though?

      • DrOtto

        I assumed they misspelled ‘crap’ when I saw they were German.

    • westernsloper

      I read “Lake Fishball”

  21. westernsloper

    The best thing about christmas time is the sales on Prime Rib. Holy moly I am swimming in rib roasts at the moment. I will be eating ribeyes for a month. God bless america and little baby putting beef on sale jesus.

    • Sean

      Gf is doing one tomorrow. Yay.

    • Brochettaward

      Let’s just be honest, when the ratio of men to women is 8-1, a lot of those dudes are just fucking each other or themselves at best.

      • Q Continuum

        Not a fan of sloppy sevenths?

    • Chafed


    • DrOtto

      Devil’s ninesome?

  22. rhywun

    “OMG it’s snowing like crazy in Buffalo!1! That snow game is gonna be lit!!1!”

    /all day on NFL Network

    8pm rolls around – not a flake in sight.

    • Zwak, who has his own double cross to bear.

      Only good football today was watching the Beavers smack Florida down, hard. Almost a shutout.

    • Tundra

      Aaaand, it’s on NFL Network.


      • Ted S.

        Because fuck you, that’s why.

      • Lackadaisical

        It’s also on nflbites…

    • Ted S.

      Yeah, we didn’t get anything from yesterday’s storm but rain.

      Not that I’m complaining, mind you.

  23. Brochettaward

    The story on Russians in the arctic is mostly bitching about how the US doesn’t take climate change seriously enough.

    • Spudalicious

      The biggest thing for me in the whole thing is how we could have thought for decades that a robust icebreaker fleet wasn’t necessary.

      • Brochettaward

        Well, if you listen to that article, it won’t be necessary going forward either because all the ice will be gone by 2035 (ignore asking questions as they just told us it is supposedly losing 13% of its ice each year).

        I highly doubt anything the Russians are doing is fueled by genuine concern or belief in climate change/global warming, though.

      • Q Continuum

        We were too busy pointlessly chasing illiterate goat herders in the sandbox to worry about actual near-peer adversaries.

      • rhywun

        LOL hot, cold… whatever. TREMBLE IN FEAR!

      • Lackadaisical

        It was all supposed to melt.

        See also glacier national park signs saying a glacier that is still there was supposed to have been gone a year ago. (I think that was in 2012)

      • DrOtto

        We went this year, the road was still closed due to a late June snow storm.

    • MikeS

      That was good.

    • UnCivilServant

      I don’t get it. Though I do relate to the unreacting customer.

      • MikeS

        It’s my understanding that TikTok is overflowing with dance videos.

      • UnCivilServant

        I see.

        Seems like a poor trade – all of your personal information to China for vapid dancing.

      • MikeS

        But you could go viral!!11

      • R.J.

        Yes. The Chinese are going to master our dance moves and crush us in combat.

    • Mojeaux

      Man, that’d be better if they’d asked me, “What color do you want us to paint your bedroom?”

      • MikeS

        And probably cheaper.

      • Penguin

        I generally think pranks suck, but at least that one was non-destructive. And funny.

      • Brochettaward

        Firsters are natural pranksters, but this isn’t a prank. A prank is something that subverts the expectation of the prankee. It’s not just about surprising someone with something or doing something stupid to annoy someone else.

      • Chafed

        All that. And I admire their commitment to the gag. They went all the way.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, that’s an absurd amount of effort.

  24. Brochettaward

    NFL stopping the game because fans are throwing snowballs on the field.

    I remember the good old days when fans threw things like batteries at players as they exited the field. The country was made of tougher stuff back then.

      • Brochettaward

        That story highlights everything I hate about journalism, particularly sports journalism. There is a strong tendency of lefty sports journalists to speak in harsh moral tones about violent sports, most obviously football. It permeates every article written at that shithole Deadspin. It’s why you saw so many journalists pile on when – shockingly – it was shown that suffering repeated head trauma over years could impact you later in life. How dare the NFL hide this critical ijnfo from their players who would probably have been flipping burgers or stocking shelves for a living with the sport…

        The progs and lefties still watch football, to some extent. But they hate watch. They’re the ones who cheer on the complete ruining of the game supposedly in the name of player safety and tell you in hushed tones how they super seriously considered stopping their support of the sport…but haven’t.

      • Mojeaux

        shockingly – it was shown that suffering repeated head trauma over years could impact you later in life. How dare the NFL hide this critical info from their players

        There’s a reason we pay you the big bucks. It’s not to buy mansions now. It’s to pay for your healthcare later.

      • Brochettaward

        I just found everything about the concussion scandal to be ridiculous. Like, anyone who had ever watched an old boxer try to talk knew that there were consequences to concussions and repetitive head trauma.

        And hearing most people talk about CTE makes me cringe. People will attribute any dumb shit an athlete does to CTE. It became a very convenient scapegoat to explain why some famous athletes imploded later in life. You can’t explain what actually caused someone like Junior Seau to do what he did. I’m pretty sure plenty of players having lost their fame and their means of earning a living experience depression. They’ve found brain scarring in 20 year old female soccer players. There are always stories about how they find the scarring, little discussion of whether those people actually experienced any symptoms while alive.

        And when you look at the numbers with regards to things CTE supposedly increases the risk of, like depression and suicide, there is no real elevated risk to NFL players or athletes in general.

      • Brochettaward

        It’s junk science that fits the preferred media narrative, allows them to go after people they already want to go after and lecture people about shit they already wanted to lecture them about.

        And it allowed the NFL to create a shit ton of rules in the name of player safety that allowed them to boost scoring while not addressing anything. My favorite was when the league touted how concussions were down…after they had trended up for years immediately following the implementation of their new rules. And it couldn’t possibly have been the result of NFL players simply learning how to game the system and get cleared to play.

      • Mojeaux

        I just found everything about the concussion scandal to be ridiculous.


      • Lackadaisical

        ‘shithole Deadspin’

        For whatever reason dead spin makes me think of meat spin.

      • Brochettaward

        Darkest day in Vikings history is one of those 70’s Super Bowls or when Gary Anderson choked.

        The ref didn’t even die.

      • Tundra

        Good question.

        Vikes have accumulated quit a few dark days.

        Not today, though!

      • MikeS

        Gary Anderson wrongly gets the blame for that game. It all lays at the feet (RIP) of Denny Green. The most prolific offense in history, and Denny Fucking Green has them take a knee to end the half and at the end to go to OT. He should have bought Gary a new car every Christmas for the rest of his life for taking the heat off him for losing that game.

    • Chafed

      It was idiotic, mean spirited, and dangerous then. It’s the same now.

    • rhywun

      I didn’t catch any stoppage but FFS they’re lobbing softballs in celebration towards the Bills.

      • Chafed

        Idiots gonna idiot.

    • R.J.

      And not those little panty waist lithium batteries. Real, manly batteries that leaked white corrosive dust if you left them in electronics more than 6 weeks.

      • one true athena

        I just looked in my battery-powered little decor xmas lights because the string was out and saw the entire interior awash in battery acid powder. And both light string and battery were new a week ago.

      • R.J.

        No bueno.

      • Sean

        Test it for Covid.

  25. Festus

    One of the big news stories up here is how at least 50% of the cigarette trade has been captured by the “black market”. Dude, you gave up control when you let the “Nations” oversee production. The news story said nothing about how the Rez is skirting the law. I’ll continue to buy cheap cartons of ciggies and the Government can go fuck itself!

    • rhywun

      50% of the cigarette trade has been captured by the “black market”.

      It is a mystery.

      Totally unrelated… a pack is about $15 here now.

      • Festus


      • MikeS

        Holly shit. That is nuts. They are around $7 here…which is too enough. Glad I quit. Wish the wife would.

    • Festus

      That’s even planning for the expected “white tax”. It costs a native on reserve $50 for a carton. I pay $80 and feel good about it. In some places it’s $175. Of course, like all shady deals it will eventually dry up. Remember the days when there was was no weed to be had?

  26. Lackadaisical

    What the fuck is that coverage. 4 guys in the back and no one near the receiver.

    Not a great way to start the half.

    • Lackadaisical


    • Michael Malaise

      I have Josh Allen on my fantasy squad so I am cool with a total boatrace of a game with no snow.

      • Lackadaisical

        I’m dying here.

      • rhywun

        The Bills seem to have left their brains in the locker room at halftime.

      • Lackadaisical

        Nice to see the giant flakes coming down.

      • Lackadaisical

        You’re not kidding.

      • dbleagle

        That was an entertaining game.

      • Lackadaisical

        Taking a dive right before the end zone….. You really hate to see it as a fan. Even if it makes a kind of sense.

  27. DEG

    Manly Time is opposite of where the above beef cake is.

    I was in Manly once. I went on a nice hike and had lunch at a fantastic brewpub while I was there.

    He joked, “I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid. I married Dominic Giacoppa’s daughter so, you know, I got a little Italian in me now.”

    I don’t want to know about Dr. Jill Biden, Ph.D, pegging Joe Biden.

    That dire scenario — which would cut off water supplies to California, Arizona and Mexico — has taken center stage at the annual Colorado River conference in Las Vegas this week, where officials from seven states, water agencies, tribes and the federal government are negotiating over how to decrease usage on a scale never seen before.

    Why am I reminded of the Aral Sea?

    • hayeksplosives

      “Why am I reminded of the Aral Sea?”

      Because communism and central planning by “experts.”

    • kinnath

      Manly Australia for me.

      • kinnath

        If I pay attention, I might not make obvious errors.

      • Sean


  28. KSuellington

    Chimichurri is one of my favorite condiments. I make a large batch a couple times a month and vary the recipe for some differing versions. Some are all parsley and some mix in up to 50% cilantro. Also like to play with adding red onion or shallot, and how much red pepper flakes and cumin to add, or how much lemon/red wine vinegar to olive oil. I just found out it is great added to meatballs, mucho flavor increase.

    • Sean

      “up to 50% cilantro”


      That’s bait.

      • Tres Cool

        “Its a hand soap!”
        “Its a food additive!”

        Why not both ?

  29. Ted S.

    Good morning, reprobates!

    • Timeloose

      Good morning.

    • Sean


    • Lackadaisical

      Lol. Morning

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      He was buying properties on Craigslist and didn’t go through title search?

      Bright one he is.

    • Timeloose


      I’m heading to the bulk meat store to pick up a standing rib roast for $5.45/lb. I’ll be cutting it up for steaks later today for Christmas dinner. Also getting gulf shrimp.

      • Sean

        Damn, that’s a good price.

    • Tres Cool


  30. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody yo

    • R C Dean

      Nice, but already too many dollars.

      • Sean

        Yeah. Sorta.

        I got my shorty 40 for less than $800.