You did your job.

Half the round of sixteen is set. And Mexico ain’t part of it.  Adios, my southern friends. Amazon has my respect. I wonder if people will go batshit like they’re doing with Elon? A bunch of college basketball is happening as we wait for the football CCGs. And the ACC/Big Ten Challenge is a set of mismatches and exhausted teams that have traveled too much over the last couple weeks. Not great stuff.  And that’s it for sports.

STEEEEEEEEE-RIKE TWO!!!! Let’s see if they whiff again at the Supreme Court.

This needs to be stayed immediately. And then needs to be used as an example for why democracy is an ass.

At least they’re doing something to slow spending. Unfortunately, it’ll only be temporary. And the money will end up being spent. But I hope they win on this point.

Don’t trust media.

Yeah…no shit. But they accomplished their goal, so they really don’t give a shit.

It was aliens. You know how I know it was aliens? Because it was aliens.

I know how this is gonna end: the city will pay a bunch of money out. The police will not have to admit wrongdoing. And things will continue as they always have.

Suicide Booth by 2026

Talk about flushing money down the toilet. Literally.

This teacher is doing it all wrong. He needs to say he’s now a woman. Or if already a woman, start wearing a fake beard to school. Then s/he will be beyond reproach.

Get up! See, that’s a synonym. I don’t have one for this though. Just the link. But it’s a good one. They both are, actually. So enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely, chilly Thursday my friends.