Sloopy and Banjos are currently detained in a foreign country, so I took a snap of this childhood photo of Banjos. It’s hanging on the wall at Glibs HQ, situated under a shopping mall, and only accessible through an unmarked door around back by the dumpsters.


Is there anything going on at the moment? Let’s see what the Links can provide!


Eyes rolled, commence hog cranking motion.


Yet another reason to avoid living in Louisiana?


“Ohh, Tokyo. They got some sake and sashimi and a cool breeze…”


See? Digital currency isn’t so bad.


I’m sure he was perfectly sober. Also, Florida Man already won this award.


Why, yes. Yes we do. And you can screw yourself right in the pucker.


Okay, I’m done phoning it in. Have a great day all. This is a pretty decent cover.