No sports sucks. Hurry up, Spring Training. Moving on…

Delicious…and racist?

School does something good for students. School is forced to apologize. That was probably the best meal those kids were served all year. What a ridiculous reaction.

But this is the transportation of the future, right? Jeez, what a mess.

And now (finally), some good news. This is wonderful. I hope the kids are able to fully recover.

Petty tyrant

What a shitshow. If I had to guess, I’d say everybody involved is an asshole. But that’s just me.

Based on the law, these charges are interesting to say the least. And the bail being set is insanely high, especially since they have no idea what the details of the situation were.

Sorry, buddy. This isn’t nearly enough. Just cut taxes across the board and tell the pubsec unions they’re gonna have to fund their ridiculous pension programs and budgets some other way.

Chicago’s budget plan.

I have two solutions here: 1. They can sell the public land. (That’s the one I prefer.) And 2. They can negotiate a price with the landowners for easement rights. That’s it.

::shrugs:: Oh well. Maybe you should manage your city and cut down trees that could bring down lines. It’s not as if you haven’t had 5 years to figure shit out.

`Here you go. Such a classic. As is this. So much energy. God, I love that band. Enjoy their magic.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.