“If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.”

Gonna be an extravagantly lazy weekend.

“James Bond Casting Director Explains Why a 007 in His 20s Wouldn’t Work”

“As anyone who played vaguely educational video games in the ’90s will tell you, the Oregon Trail was a very dangerous place.”

“Mario’s Theme Song Is Being Preserved Alongside Led Zeppelin, Madonna Albums”

“It is like an upside-down pyramid, with the tippy top of it located at the bottom and the widespread base of it placed at the top.”

‘“Everyone who eats will benefit from this law,” Repair.org Executive Director Gay Gordon-Byrne said in a statement.’

I’ve certainly posted this one before, but it’s a nice head space to get into before my plans tomorrow.