A quick little puzzle this week, so short in fact that I could only use the author’s name as the attribution. I made up for it by being unnecessarily verbose in the clues.  Now this week’s subject – we’ve all heard the phrase “everyone has a book inside them,”  and Hitchens’s addendum “which is exactly where it should, I think, in most cases remain.” Everyone who reads a lot probably thinks about writing a book, I have but I’ve never gotten farther than thinking about it. I have a few characters and a few scenes thought out but I’ve never put down a word in ink or pixels. I know we have a handful of writing Glibs – Mojeaux, Animal, UCS, and, I believe, a few more but I can’t remember their handles. How about the rest of you people, do you think you have a book inside, or ever tried to write one? Enjoy this glibcrostic and let us know in the comments…or don’t, you know the drill.

Music to solve Glibcrostics to

Online Version


Reminder: The last Sunday of each month is “What Are We Reading” Day so if you want to participate get your reports in to HeyBuddyStopDoingThat@protonmail.com by the second to last Sunday.